Hii , programmers,
This is my controller function.

function index() {

$result=$this->IssueLibraryItem->query("select id,title from
library_items where library_items.id in (select
issue_library_items.library_item_id from issue_library_items where
return_date is null);");
$options = array();
foreach($result as $value)
 $index = $value['library_items']['id'];
 $options[$index] = $value['library_items']['title'];
                $this->IssueLibraryItem->recursive = 0;
                $this->set('issueLibraryItems', $this->paginate());


And  my index.ctp

<th class="actions"><?php __('Actions');?></th>
<?php echo debug($options); ?>
$i = 0;
foreach ($issueLibraryItems as $issueLibraryItem):
        $class = $options;
        if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
                $class = ' class="altrow"';

        <tr<?php echo $class;?>>
                        <?php echo $issueLibraryItem['IssueLibraryItem']['id']  


                        <?php echo $html->link($issueLibraryItem['LibraryItem']
['title'],array('controller' => 'library_items', 'action' => 'view',
                        <?php echo 
('controller' => 'members', 'action' => 'view', $issueLibraryItem
['Member']['id'])); ?>
                        <?php echo 
$issueLibraryItem['IssueLibraryItem']['issue_date']; ?>
                        <?php echo 
$issueLibraryItem['IssueLibraryItem']['due_date']; ?>
                        <?php echo 
$issueLibraryItem['IssueLibraryItem']['return_date']; ?>

But my index shows the whole issueed items in the list. But i like to
display only the items that should come according to the query
How can I solve this problem. Please help me

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