i m trying to make a taskmanager and whenever i login i reach to the
login page instead of redirecting to task page

here is my user model
class User extends Appmodel {
        var $validate = array(
        'firstname'=> array('rule'=> array('minlength',1),
        'message'=> 'firstname required'),
        'username'=> array('rule'=> array('minlength',1),
        'message'=> 'username required'),
        'password'=> array('rule'=> array('minlength',5),
        'message'=> 'password required'),
        'repeat_password' => array(
                        'rule' => array('CheckPasswordMatch'),
                        'message' => 'Passwords did not match'),
        'email'=> array('rule'=>'email',
                                        'message'=> 'email required'));
var $name = 'User';

        var $hasMany= array(
        'Task'=> array(
        'order'=>'Task.start date',
        'dependent'=> 'true'
         function CheckPasswordMatch($data) {
                return $this->data['User']['password'] ==
null, true);

here is my users_controller

class UsersController extends AppController {
 var $helpers = array('html', 'form');
 var $components=array('Auth');

 function beforeFilter() {
        $this->Auth->fields = array(
            'username' => 'username',
            'password' => 'password'

        function add() {
         if(!empty($this->data)) {
        if($this->User->save($this->data)) {
           $this->Session->setFlash("User Saved!");
function login()
        if(!empty($this->data)) {
                if($this->Auth->login()) {
                        $this->Session->setFlash("Hello User");
                else {
function call() {

and i have tasks_controller and task model and proper views for each..

can u depict the error???

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