
2012-01-09 Thread Bopha Angkor
I think there are vn cronies who hacked my account. I recieved nothing from 
camdics and republicofcambodia since a week or so, unless there no more people 
post on these two forums.

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Re: Average Intelligence

2011-12-26 Thread Bopha Angkor
@a do pkv kanpouch smart ass, it is not matter who do that but it is matter 
who created and controlled that human butcher enterprise and killing 
machines for the glory of yuon race as these numerous documents 
testified no matter these genociders always try to clean themselves from the 
endless genocide committed against Khmer people and other people in the 
region including Champ people, Laos people, Khmer krom people and Khmer 

It's so PATHETIC that each time people stand these vn genociders face their 
responsibility and atrocity committed against other, these criminals and 
allies had nothing better to do than crying victims of racism and hated 
while these criminals committed endless atrocious gratuitous genocide over 
centuries against millions innocent people who the yuons considered as 
inferior to yuon race or sometime yuons qualified as dark skin, ugly,dumb, 
stupid, barbaric ect. The only RACIST and HATRED people I see here is those 
vn genociders who had committed too much atrocity and crime against innocent 
people different from yuons for the glory of yuon race and continue 
endlessly to vomit their venin and hatred against those people as it is 
clearly demonstrated in the message of this racist hateful lowest scum below 
as the rest of this specimen.

It needs intelligence to built and invent a better world, a world of value 
and respect as Khmer people always proved over centuries before Cambodia is 
sacked, butchered and destroyed by yuons and/or through yuon domination and 
influence. But it doesn't need intelligence to kill. All need for the 
murderers/genociders is evilness, a cruel heart that human conscience or 
feeling is inaccessible to.

How people can tolerate this kind of racist attitude and smears as it is 
continually flow in this forum over years against Khmer people or other 
people. If you are capable to tolerate this kind of hatful racial swears, 
you are capable the worse.

Negation of yuon genocide against Khmer and other people is a CRIME. It's in 
the nature of average murderers or psychopath to deny their crime or 
atrocity but it's the duty of responsible people who adhered to universal 
values such as democracy, human rights ect to stand these ever genociders 
face their responsibility and crime.

P/S this is my message for these low scum genociders to begin the new year

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 8:55 PM
Subject: Average Intelligence


Your racial hatred blinds you from having an average intellignece. How
did the Vietnamese spy agents carry out the mass murder?? Did your
comrades the unspeakably barbaric unspeakably atrocious unspeakably
mass-murderous Khmer Rouge leaders obey the order of the Vietnamese
spy agents and implement it so enthusiatically?? If so, what does that
tell about the intelligence of your Khmer race??

The truth is told by the victims of the genocide themselves, including
Vann Nath in the story. The whole world knows about the unspeakable
barbarism the unspeakable atrocity the unspeakable mass-murder of the
Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian people. Presently York University,
in Toronto, Canada, is exhibiting in its main campus the atrocity of
the Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian people in photos, including
letters written in Khmer written by some Khmer Rouge members and sent
to other Khmer Rouge members during their reign of terror and death.

The fact that you're a converted Christian proves that you're
illogical and irrational.

Or perhaps you were an unspeakably barbaric unspeakably atrocious
unspeakably mass-murderous Khmer Rouge. If so, were you the one who
cut off Sinn Si Samouth's tongue and let him die a slow and un-
imaginably painful death?? You'd better watch out. Today there are
millions of Samouth's fans, young and old, spreading out all over the
world. There's a very good chance that you'll run into one.

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Re: painting for your life

2011-12-26 Thread Bopha Angkor
@a do pkv kanpouch smart ass, it is not matter who do that but it is matter 
who created and controlled that human butcher enterprise and killing 
machines for the glory of yuon race as these numerous documents 
testified no matter these genociders always try to clean themselves from the 
endless genocide committed against Khmer people and other people in the 
region including Champ people, Laos people, Khmer krom people and Khmer 

It's so PATHETIC that each time people stand these vn genociders face their 
responsibility and atrocity committed against other, these criminals and 
allies had nothing better to do than crying victims of racism and hated 
while these criminals committed endless atrocious gratuitous genocide over 
centuries against millions innocent people who the yuons considered as 
inferior to yuon race or sometime yuons qualified as dark skin, ugly,dumb, 
stupid, barbaric ect. The only RACIST and HATRED people I see here is those 
vn genociders who had committed too much atrocity and crime against innocent 
people different from yuons for the glory of yuon race and continue 
endlessly to vomit their venin and hatred against those people as it is 
clearly demonstrated in the message of this racist hateful lowest scum below 
as the rest of this specimen.

It needs intelligence to built and invent a better world, a world of value 
and respect as Khmer people always proved over centuries before Cambodia is 
sacked, butchered and destroyed by yuons and/or through yuon domination and 
influence. But it doesn't need intelligence to kill. All need for the 
murderers/genociders is evilness, a cruel heart that human conscience or 
feeling is inaccessible to.

How people can tolerate this kind of racist attitude and smears as it is 
continually flow in this forum over years against Khmer people or other 
people. If you are capable to tolerate this kind of hatful racial swears, 
you are capable the worse.

Negation of yuon genocide against Khmer and other people is a CRIME. It's in 
the nature of average murderers or psychopath to deny their crime or 
atrocity but it's the duty of responsible people who adhered to universal 
values such as democracy, human rights ect to stand these ever genociders 
face their responsibility and crime.

P/S this is my message for these low scum genociders to begin the new year

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, December 26, 2011 8:34 PM
Subject: Re: painting for your life

Your racial hatred blinds you from having an average intellignece. How
did the Vietnamese spy agents carry out the mass murder?? Did your
comrades the unspeakably barbaric unspeakably atrocious unspeakably
mass-murderous Khmer Rouge leaders obey the order of the Vietnamese
spy agents and implement it so enthusiatically?? If so, what does that
tell about the intelligence of your Khmer race??

The truth is told by the victims of the genocide themselves, including
Vann Nath in the story. The whole world knows about the unspeakable
barbarism the unspeakable atrocity the unspeakable mass-murder of the
Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian people. Presently York University,
in Toronto, Canada, is exhibiting in its main campus the atrocity of
the Khmer Rouge against the Cambodian people in photos, including
letters written in Khmer written by some Khmer Rouge members and sent
to other Khmer Rouge members during their reign of terror and death.

The fact that you're a converted Christian proves that you're
illogical and irrational.

(On Dec 26, 2:58 am, KULEN MONOROM kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au wrote:
On the 21st of November 2011, Mr. Nuon Chea read out his 2 hours statement 
to the YUON-Hun Sen controled ECCC that the killing of 1.7 million Khmer 
in 1975 to 1979 was prepared by YUON spy agents.


Kulen Monorom
(the rice farmer's son)

From: Perom Uch perom@cambodia-gateway.com
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, 26 December 2011 2:20 AM
Subject: painting for your life

-- Forwarded message --
From: Tom Kramer tskra...@usa.net
Date: Sun, Dec 25, 2011 at 8:52 AM
Subject: painting for your life


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Re: Khmer Conscience

2011-12-26 Thread Bopha Angkor

Great message, thank Pou. Happy 2012 for you and your loved ones

- Original Message - 
From: sacrava sacravato...@optusnet.com.au

To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Sent: Friday, December 23, 2011 10:00 PM
Subject: Re: Khmer Conscience

Khmer is Khmer.
Xmer is not a Khmer.
Xmer love to live under Yuon.
Xmer are slave Yuon forever !

I'm 4 generation of Chen background, but I was born in Cambodia 60 yrs ago.
Cambodia is Country of Khmer, ruling by Khmers not under Yuon ,Siem or
others nation..

In Australia there are more than 100 nationalities who live
harmony,prosperety under Australian
Government  its People .No one comes to Australia to conquer the country.
it's unlike Cambodia
Hanoi colonizes  suppress Khmer People and robbe its weath everyday though
Hun Xen  his government.

Khmer has to think  act as a Khmer, not a slave for life of Hanoi or
Bangkok and others nations.

Ung Bun Heang

Dear fellow Khmer.

I am also one Khmer, but I see different fates from the past.
Khmer is racist and racism is a thrinking ideolody. Look! khmer empire
had been fragmented and creating Thailand, Laos, South Vietman, in
each one of which has million khmer in there.

Why? One sole race in one nation could not be be big, but it would be
small and weak like cambodia. If we want its to be strong, we need to
allow other nations to come and invest on every things. So that Khmer
would have jobs and educations and we could have good faces toward
globalizatoin. This is the only way we could do, if it's not, all
Khmer would stay barbarians for ever and will disappear from the map.

With my best regards from Kampuchun.

On Dec 23, 12:32 am, Davan Long davan.l...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Compatriots,

As most of us living in the West, I left Cambodia in the 80’s and could
hardly remember the last time I wrote something in Khmer. All my 

and professional training over the past twenty five years were in either
English or French. However, during my early childhood in Cambodia and
refugee camps, I had great passion for reading and I read every Khmer 

I could put my hands on – after all, there was nothing else to do in
refugee camps.

A few months ago, at the height of the Boeung Kak protests against forced
eviction, I exchanged my view with others on Facebook. Most people posted
their comments in Khmer while I wrote mine in English. Interestingly, one
poster labelled me as a foreigner because of my English writing, and said
that a true Khmer person should write in Khmer when exchanging view with
other fellow Khmers, especially with those in Cambodia. He was right, and
I was embarrassed, if not ashamed, for not being at ease with my mother
tongue language. Since then, I’ve spent some precious times to relearn
Khmer. As part of the learning process, I decide to write a poem which I’d
like to share with you all.

Attached are fragments of my poem entitled: “Uwat Reas”. It is not
complete yet, and I plan to keep writing it to reflect new realities as
they happen in Cambodia. I hope you find it worth reading, and would
welcome any comments you may have.

Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all 

safe and happy holiday season.

Best wishes,

Davan Long
Chers Compatriotes,

Comme la plupart d'entre nous qui demeurent en Occident, j'ai quitté le
Cambodge dans les années 80 et pouvait à peine me rappeler la dernière 

que j'ai écrit quelque chose en khmer. Toutes mes études et formation
professionnelle au cours des vingt cinq dernières années ont été en 
ou en français. Cependant, durant mon enfance au Cambodge et dans les 
de réfugiés, j'avais une grande passion pour la lecture et j'avais lu 

les livres Khmer je pourrais mettre mes mains sur - après tout, il n'y
avait rien d'autre à faire dans les camps de réfugiés.

Cet été, durant le sommet des protestations contre des expulsions forcées 
Boeung Kak, j'ai exprimé mon point de vue avec les autres dans Facebook. 
plupart des gens ont affiché leurs commentaires en khmer alors que moi 

écrit la mienne en anglais. Fait intéressant, un interlocuteur me prenait
pour un étranger à cause de ma rédaction en anglais, et il disait qu’ un
vraie Khmer devrait écrire en khmer lors de l'échange avec les autres
Khmers, surtout avec ceux qui résidaient au Cambodge. Il avait raison, et
j'ai été embarrassé, sinon honteux, pour ne pas être à l'aise avec ma
propre langue maternelle. Depuis lors, j'ai passé des moments précieux 

réapprendre khmer. Lors de cet apprentissage, je décide d'écrire un poème
que je voudrais partager avec vous tous.

Ci-joints sont des fragments de mon poème intitulé: Uwat Reas. Il n'est
pas encore complété, et je prévois de continuer à écrire encore pour
quelques temps pour qu’il contienne les nouvelles réalités comme ils se
produisent au Cambodge. J'espère que vous trouverez qu'il vaut la 

et j’accepte avec plaisir tous les commentaires que 

Re: Sarus Exchange Program: Invitation for Information Session

2011-11-03 Thread Bopha Angkor
I’m not interested in mess yuon Indochina operation. Did youns (Hanoi) teach 
their slaves and offspring how yuons planed and organized the killing field and 
other yuon expansionist and genocidal operation in Cambodia and SEA? Or yuons 
count to lie over these facts forever?  The big question is, can yuons continue 
to do that?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Soksan Ngoun 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 31, 2011 7:41 AM
  Subject: Sarus Exchange Program: Invitation for Information Session

  Dear all,

  Are you interested in seeking personal development? 
  Would you like to sharpen your leadership, communication, and research 
writing skills? 
  Would you like to contribute to society through volunteerism? 
  And what's about building international social networks across your country?
  If you answer YES to those questions, you are the ones we are looking for.

  Sarus Exchange Program 2012 is now open for all university students! 
  Sarus Exchange Program is the first volunteer exchange program for Cambodian 
and Vietnamese university students. Sarus aims to promote greater understanding 
and friendship between young people of Vietnam and Cambodia through traveling, 
group living, and service-learning. Sarus 2012 is now accepting applications 
from both countries. The deadline for application is December 01, 2011. 
Application materials and information are available at 

  We encourage you to attend our Information Session for free entrance to know 
more about program and application procedure.
  Where: Conference Hall, University of Puthisastra 
(សាកលវិទ្យាល័យពុទ្ធិសាស្រ្ត), Buidling B, 3rd Floor
  When: Sunday 06, November 2011 
  Time: 8:00am - 10:30am
  Click HERE to make registration for the event. Registration deadline: 
November 5th, 2011

  Share it to your friends or colleagues!

  Ngoun Soksan
  Cambodia Program Assistant
  Sarus Exchange Program 
  H/P: +85511707504
  Email: sarusprogram.cambodia.i...@gmail.com

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  Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.
  To post to this group, send email to camdisc@googlegroups.com
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2011-10-14 Thread Bopha Angkor
Funny the fascist kampouch ass version of Khmer history.  


Yuons did invent many versions of Khmer history, more or less worse than this 
one, consequence to  yuon expansionist and genocidal policy and yuonisation of 
Cambodia. Yuons also brainwashed koun Khmer that yuons are Khmer brothers and 
sisters and love Khmer so much. Yuons built Angkor and had secured Khmer on 
various times while in reality yuons led endless atrocity and genocide against 
Khmer to rob Khmer land and resources.  By killing (targeted) all Khmer 
intellectuals during the killing field and top the stupid khmer rouge to 
repress and kill more Khmer and Khmer intellectuals  yuons believe to overcome 
yuon expansionist and genocidal policy along with yuon enterprise of political 
and historical falsification against Khmer.   … 

On Oct 13, 2011, at 9:25 PM, Kampuchun kampuchun2...@yahoo.com wrote:

Khmer Empire had been fragmented and changed.

First Sanskrit/Khmer builders had been Hindu believers of Shiva God,
from which its power had been coming down to the living God King as
all his orders had then religiously been embedded in God’s orders.
This was the true first Sanskrit/Khmer king power for exploring new
unknown world, killing several thousand local indigenous resistant
groups for capturing their lands, establishing Khmer Empire with
thousand stone building Temples.

Providentially first Sanskrit/Khmer conquerors had always kept alive
individuals who had surrendered to them, mostly women, children and
young innocent minority persons or groups with any different dialects
they had been speaking with.
There has then had social transformation proceeding to Sanskrit/Khmer
Hindu culture through hundred years of peace time, during which
Sanskrit/Khmer speaking and Hinduism belief education had been done to
all local indigenous.
This Sanskrit/Khmer culture foundation heritage, which had been self-
evaluated as highly superior, was intended to get a religious
motivation for building a successful of one large Khmer Empire.

Thousand Hindu stone temples had been built all over Khmer territories
as evidences are shown. First Sanskrit/Khmer king establisher had
appointed his sons or brothers or cousins on every conquered territory
as provincial king-Governors with sufficient number of Sanskrit/Khmer
warriors for controlling their local regional.
He had then become the king of kings (king of provincial kings); who
must execute all orders from him as from Shiva God. There was no clear
political strategy; all power had depended on people belief of Shiva
God. Everything could be done; likewise, Khmer-Sanskrit-speaking
people had taken hundred years for building Angkor and Bayon Temple,
from one generation to another. There was no political cleverness
tactic for controlling the empire from the top to the bottom for a
long time to come as how to communicate faster enough as needed in
time of troubles; as history had revealed that it had taken months for
being able to communicate orders, back and forth, from and to Angkor
capital city.

Sanskrit/Khmer Social and religious evolution.

This change had been developing in Khmer empire itself, through 500
years of peace time, in which, Buddhism has had silently been on the
rise in North Eastern among Siamese indigenous group, through Mekong
river bancs then went down stream for hundred years until the end of
delta shore, and had slowly spread outward all over the entire empire
amid all indigenous locals.

During those 500 years internal stability, thousand and thousand
powerful Hindu Sanskrit/Khmer warriors and Hindu Sanskrit/Khmer local
ruler leaders alike had abused their power for getting free sex with
Buddhist native women or girls any time they wanted. Then they had
been creating Buddhist Khmer/Siamese/hybrid, Khmer/Viet/hybrid, and
Khmer/Lao Hybrid children. Those new hybrid kids had been feeding and
raising by their own Buddhist mothers, which had spoken local dialects
and Khmer. There had then been later on, million and million Buddhist
multi-ethnic double/hybrid children all the way through hundred years
of tranquility, so on and on.

All original Hindu Sanskrit/Khmer had been old and sick, died and had
continued to die everyday, then all had vanished away, leaving those
million young descendent Khmer/multi-indigenous hybrid taken power
transferred all over the country.

This had caused belief disruption of Shiva God that had been
entrenched with the king of king. They had spoken two or three
languages, Siamese/Khmer, Yuon/Khmer, and Lao/Khmer. Those Buddhist
hybrid provincial Kings and their warriors had not respected any order
from central Sanskrit/Khmer king authorities. They had their own
strategy against old Khmer-Motto left from their 

Re: Kampuchun is better

2011-10-14 Thread Bopha Angkor
Freedom meant for the fascist kampouch ass; free killing, lying and 
falsification of history. This is all the fascist kampouch ass perception of 

- Original Message - 
From: Kampuchun kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 11:40 PM
Subject: Kampuchun is better


To all Cambodian who are living in Cambodia and in over sea as well.
Please be understood that, what I have written in my texts is not for
Hun Sen to listen to, but just for everyone who have read them to be
well realized what they are doing and what our Cambodian society is
being changed or in other words grown according to multi-ethnic Khmer
speaking Cambodia’s inhabitants, which have been practicing right or
wrongly according to their own beliefs.

I see that anywhere in Cambodia superstition have been taken over
under the Big Buddhist monk label. Because Buddha had never preached
the way they are doing today, in which they are only playing politics
and making easy money without ashamed under educated human eyes.

From my prospective view point of my own perception, when next million

more educated Cambodian majorities will be appeared in the near
future, Cambodian superstitious Buddhism label will slowly change to
another real religion that is more spiritual organized with more
humanitarian activity.

Remember, now every Cambodian village has 2 or 3 primary schools,
every commune or Khom has 2 or 3 complementary schools, every srock or
district has 2 or 3 colleges and every province we have 2 or 3
universities with 60 additional more in Phnom Penh.
In the next few years we will get million and million college
graduates and continue to come every year more and more. And we need
to realize that education in any field they get, they still have
logical analysis in their head on what they see around, they hear and
at that point any hypocrisy, cheating and lying can not be hidden and
then a general big “People power” push will slowly be appeared for a
real momentum for a change.

Cambodian leaders need to understand that your current dynasty
amalgamation with such Cambodian kingship encircle could never be able
to challenge “People power” and save this very old and beloved regime
as we have seen experiences from recent Arab world revolutions.

However in Cambodia, they still have at least 10 more years to survive
with no problem, but they need also, from now, to have courage for
consultation with senior prominent domestic and foreign politician
advisory as well, best from UK and Norway to get to Know-how with a
win-win political strategy for making on time a constitutional reform
with an institutional network structure mandated for sustained
maintaining  law and order under the frame work of free expression,
freedom of civil liberty, people equal right with the same human
dignity under the same law.


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RE: It is time to stop Khmer Ignorance

2011-10-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
ត្រឹមត្រូវណាស់អ៊ំប្រុស, ក្នុងសង្គមខ្មែរជាយូរយាណាស់មកហើយ សម្បូរបំផុតគឺ 
ពូជអាមោកនិង អាពាលឬឃាតករបាទដៃប្រលាក់ឈាម ក្រៅពីនេះគឺពូជអាឡេមឡឺមនិងអាចោលម្សៀត ។ 
យួនមិន មែនទើបតែប្រលយ័ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរក្នុងរបបបីឆ្នាំប្រាំបីខែ និងបច្ចុប្បន្ននេះទេ 
តែយួនបានព្យាយាម ប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ 
រាប់សតវត្សមកហើយៗម្តង់ៗយួនសំដៅសម្លាប់បំបាត់ពូជខ្មែរពូជអ្នក ចេះ អ្នកជា 
ពូជអ្នកតស៊ូ យួនទុក តែពូជអាមោក, អាពាល, អាឡេមឡឺមខ្លះៗបង្កាត់ពូជជាមួយវាតែ ប៉ុណ្ណោះ 
ព្រោះពូជពួកអាមោក អាពាល អាឡេមឡឺមនេះ វាងាយយួនបង្វិលក្បាលប្រើប្រាស់តាមចិត្តវា 
គ្មានតវ៉ារកខុសត្រូវស្អីទេ យួនសម្លាប់ងាប់ឥតនយ័ដូចសត្វធាតុអញ្ចឹង 
គ្មានចង់វែកញែករកខុសត្រូវការ ពិតសខ្មៅអ្វីទាំងអស់ ។ 
ពូជពួកវាទាំងនេះកុំថាឡើយទៅដោះស្រាយរឿងធំដំ រឿងសង្គមឬនយោបាយ ខ្មោចយស្អី 
សូម្បីគ្រាន់តែឲ្យចេះពិចារណាបែងចែងសនិងខ្មៅក៏ខួរពួកវានេះទៅមិនរួចដែរ ទាំងនេះ 
ហើយដែលធ្វើឲ្យសង្គមខ្មែរស្គាល់តែភាពខ្មៅងងឹតយ៉ាងនេះ ។  
នេះខ្ញុំមិននិយាយចំពោះសង្គមអវិជ្ជា ផង ។ 
ក្នុងរបបបីឆ្នាំប្រាំបីខែទៀតសោតយួនខំបង្ហើយពូជខ្មែរអ្នកជា អ្នកតស៊ូ ស្ទើរតែរលត់អស់ 
ទៅហើយ ។ ទោះជាយ៉ាងណាខ្ញុំមិនអស់សង្ឃឹម 


De : Kheng, Khemarak kkh...@vorys.com
Date : Tue, 11 Oct 2011 11:19:35 -0400
Objet : RE: It is time to stop Khmer Ignorance

Dear  Lok Savun, 
Your amendment is a Mother True. 
Thanks again for your revelation. 
With Regards, 


From: camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camdisc@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 11:14 AM 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Subject: Re: It is time to stop Khmer Ignorance 


Thank you for good constructed statement.  I love it! 

I want to add a point to your last paragraph, which start with  to solve the 
youn's problems.. 

Even though, Khmer   moral and  knowledge are developed, without economically 
strong and  prosperity,  it will lead them to no where.  As you can see how 
they are poisoning Khmer in side Cambodia right now.  When Khmer getting in old 
age, they  send them to temple to spend all their resources to build temple for 
the next life. When Khmer are young, send them to Bar, club, Karaoke, drink 
until they can not work. 

When a country strong, depend on every Khmers are prospers with morally, and 



De : James Sok entry_me...@yahoo.com
Date : Tue, 11 Oct 2011 07:04:43 -0700 (PDT)
Objet : It is time to stop Khmer Ignorance

Please read attachment. 

  75K Télécharger  

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Re: Here's something that CPP was teaching Khmer Kids.

2011-10-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
That your great kampouch ass maneuver like during the killing field and more 
other dark periods under your fascist kampouch ass mess leading and 
influence. This kind of things or even worse, happened in Cambodia during 
yuons official occupation of Cambodia. The same thing continues in today 
Cambodia but in different way but not less devastated

Stop your your fascist kampouch ass stupidity and damn accusation against 
innocent people for your own crimes and evilness

- Original Message - 
From: Kampuchun kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 9:38 PM
Subject: Re: Here's something that CPP was teaching Khmer Kids.

This vedio is from Vietnam school children for making ignorant Khmer
angry. For Kampuchun, we beblieve this video is khmer extemist
political manipulation.

From Kampuchun

On Oct 11, 2:20 pm, Savun incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:
I am just want to bring the issue across. Many people told me that 
Cambodia is developing and it is better than before. It is NOT true.

Here's what they taught Khmer kids in the past...see yourself in the video 


That’s video is in the past and include one of Khmer’s star.

And today society, They are doing exact the same thing to majority of 
Khmers...and a few in camdisc declared just that...

To me, Cambodia is NOT developing, compare to billions of dollars 
borrowing form other countries and aids from those countries as well. 
Cambodia is in debt and Khmer’s great grand children are going to pay for 


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Re: Khmer separatists are 99% Khmer Krom. This group has been pushing SRP to the wrong dirrection.

2011-10-09 Thread Bopha Angkor
Time to get out of your fascist kampouch ass stupidity! You are the fascist 
kampouch ass reparative race yourself who tried to separate Khmer from 
Cambodia. Khmer know who they are and don’t need your kampouch ass to say 
who they are, what to say or what to do ! Lately your kampouch ass fooled 
the world that call yuon is a crime now your kampouch ass spread to fool 
that being Khmer or called Khmer is also a crime. Leave Khmer people alone 
ah fascist kampouch ass. Your fascist kampouch ass had committed too much 
hated,  racial crime, atrocity and bloodshed against too much innocent life, 
your fascist kampouch ass will pay your fascist kampouch ass crimes so 
dearly one day.

You are the worse fascist kampouch ass that the world ever know, your 
fascist kampouch ass is even worse evil than Hitler Nazis

- Original Message - 
From: Kampuchun kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2011 7:01 PM
Subject: Khmer separatists are 99% Khmer Krom. This group has been pushing 
SRP to the wrong dirrection.

New faces of Cambodia are main stream Cambodian

If Khmer are insisting to separate themselves from CAMBODIAN for
adopting old Khmer mentality, they will now become “KHMER SEPARATIST”

I would say SRP and HRP are Khmer separatists because they called en
Cambodian people Khmer, unlike CPP did in Khmer ‘”Chun-Kampuchea”.

Old Khmer culture has been creating something that Khmer blood
impurity is unacceptable. If anyone wants to understand this
prehistoric culture please just carefully listen to the Khmer talk
about their Cambodia's politics.

Even in English, they call each other Khmer, because they want to
separate themselves from the word Cambodian,” whom they think Khmer
blood is impure, regardless to the English specific name called
designation Cambodian according to the formal country’s name Cambodia
in relevance to its sole inhabitants without discriminating of origin
of birth or in other words race.

This Khmer separatism has been a mistaken thought that the majority
Cambodian population is 95% Khmer ethnic. But the census is fully
wrong, because they just go from house to house asking what ethnicity
are you?

QUESTIONS: What is your ethnicity?

ANSWERS: All 95% of Cambodia's persons are answering in Khmer
language: Yes we are Khmer! This is called a Khmer-self-proclaimed

QUESTION: Why it's wrong?

ANSWER: Because, 95% persons in Cambodia are self-proclaimed KHMER for
personal and job security reason. But those 95% Cambodian inhabitants
are instead of multi-ethnic hybrids, having blood relation between
different ethnics or races as Khmer, Vietnamese, Chinese, Lao, Champ,
Thai, hill tribe’s persons and others.

These people have been living together for hundred years, making
continual inter-racial marriages, and then they have been producing
successive young generations of million and million double or triple
hybrid Cambodian with fluent Khmer speaking. They are just Cambodian
of multi-ethnic social integration.

They are Cambodian of new faces.

This last category of people is the Cambodian main stream middle
class. They are mostly educated, having new thinking, like to live in
towns as businessmen or government officials. They are smart, having
clear outlook that “Khmer racism logo” will lead to a new ethnic
cleansing and a new killing field for purifying Khmer blood from
Cambodian again.

They always said YES to Khmer separatist politicians, but they VOTE
only for CPP’s as they see that they are always pronouncing Chum-
Kampuchea, but not Khmer racism. Most Cambodian therefore think that
they are more safe than others parties whom are racial separatist
through their every day language.

Believe or not, just go to visit Phnom Penh yourselves, you will see
on any street, 95% persons are new-face Cambodian, of whom Khmer
separatist blame them as Vietnamese camouflage, as they are not
matched Khmer primitive and origin fundamental profile.

QUESTION: How about Khmer?

ANSWER: Yes, Khmer are now integrated into the whole Cambodian (Chun-
Kampuchea) as a component of it, similarly what are Khmer Surin as
Thai in Thailand, Khmer Krom are Vietnamese in Vietnam, and else
where, such as Khmer are French in France, and Khmer are American in
America etc.

Cambodian democracy needs to have courage for changing the old way of
thinking for adjusting to the continued changing Cambodian social
fabric. We must defuse racism time bomb and have a strong political
support from a novel policy of non discrimination of origin of birth
to start with, as a win-win strategy by using a new speaking term, for
winning hearts and souls of every diverse Cambodia’s inhabitants.

People need to understand now that persons who speak English could not
be English/men or Briton, they could be American, Canadian or Chinese
or Korean,
Likewise, who speak Khmer are not bearing Khmer blood, they could be

Re: This is a must read article by Dr. Peang-Meth, a Khmer political scientist

2011-10-05 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear All,

Of course, there are some truths in what Pr Gaffar Peang wrote but also a bunch 
of false affirmations or falsification of events or history. As responsible 
academic person, hence he considered as Khmer person yet, Professor Gaffar 
Peang  should do more search on each events he wrote or affirming  than picked 
some arbitral information invented or kindly offered by the winners or 
perpetuators of crimes and co. If not, he will not only spite on the graves of 
the victims and destroy Khmer but will also gratuity serve the causes of the 
perpetuators of crimes whether it is deliberated act or not.  And it’s 
extremely inadmissible irresponsible act specially from a person like him. 

Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: S. Sophan 
  To: Cambodian Community of Canada 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 9:52 PM
  Subject: This is a must read article by Dr. Peang-Meth, a Khmer political 

  Wednesday, October 5, 2011
  Brief History of Vietnamese Expansionism vis-à-vis Cambodia
  Brief History of Vietnamese Expansionism vis-à-vis Cambodia

In 1941, Ho created the Viet Minh, an abbreviation of Vietnam Doc Lap Dong 
Minh Hoi, or League for the Independence of Vietnam, and spread its 
anti-French activities to Laos and Cambodia, where the Viet Minh later 
fragmentized the anti-French local Khmer Issarak front into a Khmer Viet Minh 
front. In 1949, the Viet Minh instituted the Ban Van Dong Thanh Lap Dang Nhan 
Cach Mang Cao Mien (Canvassing Committee for the Creation of the 
Revolutionary Kampuchean People's Party) and created the Kampuchean People's 
Liberation Army in 1950.
  By Gaffar Peang-Meth
  Professor of Political Science (retired)
  University of Guam

  Originally posted at: 
  On Christmas Eve 1978, more than 100,000 Vietnamese troops, backed by tanks 
and aircraft, crossed the border into Cambodia. In 14 days of fighting, Hanoi's 
army sent Pol Pot and his Khmer Rouge fleeing. The Vietnamese captured Phnom 
Penh Jan. 7, 1979, installed a puppet regime and stayed for the next 10 years.

  For victims of Pol Pot's genocidal rule, which began April 17, 1975 and 
resulted in the deaths of upwards of two million people, Jan.7, 1979 was the 
day of deliverance by Vietnam. Surely, Vietnam was their savior and their 
liberator at a time when the world watched and did nothing about the horrors 
of the Killing Fields. However, for many Cambodians, Jan. 7th is also a day of 
infamy. Pol Pot was replaced by those referred to as Cambodians with Khmer 
bodies but Vietnamese heads, the Khmer Viet Minh. This cohort was created by 
the Vietnamese Communist Lao Dong, trained at the Son Tay Military Academy and 
the Nguyen Ai Quoc political school, and led by a disgruntled regional field 
commander, Hun Sen, who became indebted to Hanoi for his return to power. Many 
Cambodians felt that substituting the Khmer Viet Minh for the Khmer Rouge was 
like replacing cholera with the plague.

  A host of foreign governments also worried. The world was still governed by 
the well-specified rule of law founded on the principle of absolute, 
comprehensive, permanent and inviolable sovereignty and independence. As 
Singapore argued before the international community at the United Nations, the 
world is no longer safe, and peace and security are no longer assured, if a 
more powerful state is allowed to invade a weaker one like Vietnam had done. 
The Association of South East Asian Nations spearheaded calls for Vietnam to 
withdraw its troops from Cambodia.

  As a result, the United Nations and other international organizations became 
a political-diplomatic battleground for many years between proponents and 
opponents of Vietnam's invasion. And so it was that the anti-Vietnamese Khmer 
Resistance was born, first as separate armed bands with similar goals, and 
later as a loose coalition of Cambodians of the fallen Khmer Republic, 
Cambodians of the monarchy, and the leftovers of the Khmer Rouge. Despite their 
differences, they worked together toward pressuring Vietnam into withdrawal and 
to seek Cambodian self-determination.

  Cambodian nationalists assert that Vietnam attacked Pol Pot in 1979 because 
he became too independent of Hanoi. The invasion was initiated to bring the 
insolent back into line. Since 1979, they have asked: If Vietnam's goal was to 
save and liberate the Cambodian people from Pol Pot, what prevented Vietnam 
from surrendering a freed Cambodia and her people to work with the world 
community to build a new government and social order? Would not Vietnam have 
received profound gratitude by ceding to the United Nations the role of 
assisting Cambodians' self-determination rather than imposing 10 years of 
foreign occupation?


  Hanoi, like the rest of the world, knew that Pol Pot's agents had perpetrated 
brutalities against the Khmer people since April 17

Re: Cambodian should speak with civlized Khmer words

2011-09-26 Thread Bopha Angkor

Yuons social integration and evolution conception is to lead yuon Nazis
extermination policy against other nation or people to expand yuon race and 

- Original Message - 
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 1:47 AM
Subject: Cambodian should speak with civlized Khmer words

Please don't be so idiotic as you separate Cambodian people, at the
same time, by calling Khmer for “Lotus revolution”, but you don’t even
know that Khmer speaking Cambodian social fabric is diverse or in
other words multi-ethnic social integration for hundred years, then
you call for unity by lifting one sole Khmer ethnic name because you
mistakenly think that they are all of Khmer race because they are
Khmer speaking. This is clear evidence showing that you are all so

American, Australian, and Canadian are speaking English but they are
not of English race or Briton. When you call Cambodian for Khmer
unity, you will divide Cambodian society in stead; this is the reason
why I name you “Khmer separatists” because you think that all
Cambodian with lighter skin color are illegal Vietnamese immigrants
brought by Hanoi for helping Hun Sen to win the poll over opposition

Those opposition members’ activists have been tricking by whispering
to farmer constituents in isolated area that, you look at those new
registered people are unmatched Khmer fundamental profile. They are
immigrant Vietnamese with fluency Khmer speaking as camouflage. But
when we look at our hundred thousand young students, our modern
concert singers, our merchants in any markets in the country we see
they are now 90% with different faces and clear skins, due to the
continual multi-ethnic integration (Multi-ethnic blood relation).

Look! There are hundred foreign embassies plus thousand NGO’s workers,
World Bank, IMF, UN and other hundred thousand western organization
employees working anywhere all over for helping poor Kampuchea
(Cambodian). They have full freedom of expression, but they didn’t say
anything about that at all. They know that there is no wonder for
seeing Cambodia changing, which is due to natural social multi-ethnic
integration, like wise their own countries are done every today.

The most inflammatory Khmer separatist propagandas are doing right now
is to spread that all actual light skin graduate Cambodian students
are Vietnamese children as they are having different faces and skin
from Khmer fundamental profile.

Khmer separatists are ignorantly misunderstood how social evolution is
processing among them, because due to their malnutrition of eating
dead meat and spoiled salted fish for generations.

This is an opposition parties’ mistake, which is using for increasing
more seats from Khmer separatist movement, mostly from Khmer Krom
immigrants and some several other uneducated and unaware individuals
with dark brown skin, self-proclaimed that they are genuine Khmer
race. But the fact of sun burnt dark skins from sun light exposure is
due to farm works,  not from races for generations, but they are also
hybrid-multi-ethnic Cambodian like others. This radical movement that
has been driven by those ignorant opposition activists will instead
probably encourage more million clear skin hybrid Cambodians-Chinese-
Vietnamese to go to vote for CPP for protecting themselves due to
racial political cleansing tactic using by those idiot opposition
activists. This is an offence again humanity jump start movement,
Cambodian government needs to be concerned with.  We think that,
Cambodian elected government should not allow such perilous Campaign
to go uncheck, even though we Cambodian must have free expression
under the frame work of free and fair elections. But not to have
racial hatred with its.

Our prospective perception view point is to alert the government for
paying heavy attention to that racial and malicious political hatred
tactics for playing a dangerous game just for winning polling ballot,
as intentionally creating momentum that could easily return back to
killing fields for the second time in a future ahead.
How could those idiot Khmer separatists do, if fairness consideration
among Cambodia’s inhabitants is in CPP’s hands? You have nothing to do
with Khmer blood purity from prehistorically Khmer empire glory and
insist to foolishly call diverse Khmer speaking Cambodian people
Khmer persons. Look! Diverse American speaks English but they are
American instead. Like wise, we speak Khmer but we all are diverse
Kampuchea  (Cambodian).
Please remember once more time, that the Khmer heritage culture
foundation had been built, but it had already been fragmented then
disappeared thousand years before Mr. Hun Sen has born in this
country. Be patient he needs more experts, more times, and bigger
power in order to be able to pass-over this current Cambodian social
culture with its malicious constitution 

Re: សេរីភាពនិងភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរមិនអាចបានមកដោយការអង្វរករទេ

2011-09-26 Thread Bopha Angkor


ក្បាលលោកសួង សោភណ័្ឌ និងក្រុមបក្សលោកប្រហែលអាចធុននឹងតំបងប្រនងរបស់ពួកអ៉ាយ៉ងបាន 
តែមិនដឹងក្បាលអស់លោកអស់ហ្នឹងអាចធុននឹងពាក្យចាក់ដោត ត្បកស្អំ 
ញុះញង់បំបែកបំបាក់របស់យួននិងអាយ៉ងបានឬទេ? ល្បិចមួយរៀលៗនេះត្រូវបានពួកអាយ៉ងនិង 
បក្សពួកប្រើសម្រាប់ញុះញង់បំបែកបំបាក់និងទិញក្បាលពួកប្រឆាំងបានយ៉ាងងាយបំផុត ។  
នេះជាបញ្ហាមួយពិបាកក្នុងសង្គមមនុស្សខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្ន ។  ក្បាលដែលគ្មានការចងចាំ 
ឡប់ឡែ ឆាប់ភ្លេច មើលស្រាល 
ហើយដើរមិនទាន់ល្បិចកលបោកប្រាស់ដើម្បីសម្លាប់និងបំបែកបំបាក់របស់សត្រូវឬឃាតករ ។  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Khmer Young 
  To: James Sok 
  Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 12:21 AM
  Subject: Re: សេរីភាពនិងភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរមិនអាចបានមកដោយការអង្វរករទេ

  បក្សសម រង្សី មិនបានយកជីវិតមនុស្សទៅប្តូរនឹងអំពើហឹង្សារបស់ជនផ្តាច់ការទេ។ 

  លោកជែម សុខមានយោបល់ល្អ 
តែបើសិទ្ធបុគ្គលគេហ៑ានធ្វើដូច្នោះដើម្បីការពារផលប្រយោជន៏ជនរងគ្រោះ លោជែម 
សុខថាជាការខុស ចុះលោកជែម សុខវិញបានធ្វើអ្វីខ្លះហើយ? 



  2011/9/23 James Sok entry_me...@yahoo.com

Please read attachment in Khmer.



From: Khmer Young khmeryo...@gmail.com
To: khmeryo...@gmail.com

Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 3:35 PM
Subject: សេរីភាពនិងភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរមិនអាចបានមកដោយការអង្វរករទេ

Thursday, September 22, 2011
  ខ្មែរនឹងមិនស្លាប់ ហើយក៏មិនត្រូវបានគេបញ្ចើចបញ្ចើមើលងាយដែរ 
បើយើងមានយុវជនដូចជាសួង សោភ័ណ្ឌ ហើយយើងជួយគ្នាការពារយុវជនក្លាហាននេះ។

ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាត្រូវគេបង្រ្កាបមិនអោយងើបឡើងតវ៉ាអ្នកមានអំណាចឡើយ។ មិនតែប៉ុណោ្ណះ 

តើប្រជាជនខ្មែរបានទទួលសុខទេ? តើសិទ្ធិសេរីភាពរមែងបានមកដោយការអង្វរករ 

លោកប្រធានាធិបតេយ្យហ្រ្វែងគ្លិន បិន ប្រាប់យើងថា 
អ្នកដែលបោះបង់សេរីភាពគ្រឹះដោយដូរយកសេរីភាព ដែលគេអោយបន្តិចបន្តួច 
They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety. Ben Franklin

ករណីសួង សោភ័ណ្ឌទទួលបានការគោរពពីប្រជាពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ 

តែជនរងគ្រោះដូចសួង សោភ័ណ្ឌរមែងទទួលការបញ្ចើចបញ្ចើពីសំណាក់ជនទមិឡការពារ្ 

មានភ្នែកឥតប្រស្រី មានក្បាលឥតខួរ និងមានជីវិតអន់ជាងសត្វឆ្កែរទៅទៀត។ 

ចំណុចខ្សោយជាក់ ស្តែងគឺនៅពេលមានទុក្ខគេហៅសោភ័ណ្ឌអោយមកជួយ 
តែពេលប៉ូលីសអន្តិរតីយ៍សំរុកវាយដំសោភ័ណ្ឌ អ្នកទាំងនោះឈរមើលធ្វើព្រងើយ។


សុន ស៑ឿ អ្នកនិពន្ធចិននៃសិល្បៈនៃសង្គ្រាមនិយាយថា កំចាត់មួយរញ្ជួញមួយពាន់ or 
kill one terrify a thousand តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ ការពារមួយញ៉ាំងមួយលានអោយចូលរួម protect 
one empower a million.

ខ្មែរនឹងមិនស្លាប់ ហើយក៏មិនត្រូវបានគេបញ្ចើចបញ្ចើមើលងាយដែរ 
បើយើងមានយុវជនដូចជាសួង សោភ័ណ្ឌ ហើយយើងជួយគ្នាការពារយុវជនក្លាហាននេះ។



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Re: The spy who loved us

2011-09-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Pou, how about Hang Ngor and Dith Pran? VC spies or Chinese spies ? Why non 
care about their case yet very similar to that of Phan Xuan An. It's sad 
that a lot of people in the world had contributed and continue to contribute 
to vietcong genocide empire by supporting or be passive face such repugnant 
crime and lie. No wonder that the truth about the killing field never get to 
know nor it interest no one, not even the victims themselves because these 
vn spies are everywhere at every level to lie and manipulate the world and 
things around. I'm wondering why Ngor and Dith Pran were very actives to 
spread lie, division and hate among and against Khmer  through lie, 
falsification and manipulating of some events in yuon favor to legitimate 
viet invasion of Cambodia through killing field propagandas. Ngor was really 
allergy to those who convoke viets's connection to the killing field and 
that for some evident reasons. How Ngor and Dith Pran were really sure that 
the killing field is an act of polpot and his few comrades and not a 
horrific human butcher well planned by yuon vc long before polpot offered 
his service  to that yuon vc butcher? And not only in Cambodia alone.

- Original Message - 
From: sacrava sacravato...@optusnet.com.au

To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2011 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: The spy who loved us

Thanks Lauk Senachetra for your inf.
US foreign policy is loving Vietnam, no doubt.
Does Yuon Hanoi is stupid to fight China for the sake of American ?

Ung Bun Heang

Pham Xuan An was a spy master of Communist Vietnam .During the
Vietnam's war he was liked and loved by American's media and News
agency such as Reuter, Time and Newsweek .Most American reporters were
shocked when they learnt that their most beloved and trusted reporter
was a spy for Communist side. So many American lives were lost during
the war and so many non-communist forces were too.After the victory of
the war, Mr. An received the highest honor medal from the People Army
of Vietnam one of which he saved thousand of Vietcong's lives from
American bombarding during the invasion's of Cambodia 1970's without
An's information the Vietcong would hit by huge casualties.The book
was written by Thomas Bass with the title The Spy Who loved us
The Vietnam War and Pham Xuan An's dangerous game.

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Re: Message from Khmer Lotus Revolution

2011-09-07 Thread Bopha Angkor

មានការជជែកទាក់ទងនឹងការរៀបចំធ្វើបដិវត្តនៅប្រទេសខ្មែរច្រើនខែមកហើយ ។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា 
 កញ្ជះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់យួនឈ្លានពានរាប់ ទសវត្សមកហើយ ។  ប្រទេសខ្មែរ, 
កំរាមកំហែងនិងមហាគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដែលខ្មែរត្រូវតែហ៊ានចេញមុខទទួលខុស ចំពោះវាសនាខ្លួន 
និងជាតិខ្លួន ។ ខ្មែរត្រូវតែហ៊ានតស៊ូប្រឆាំងនឹង ពួកអាយ៉ងនិងម្ចាស់ពួកវា 
បើខ្មែរចង់ឃើងពន្លឺនៅ សេរីភាព ភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរនិងសិទ្ធិអាច 
យួនជាអ្នកកសំរេចវាសនាខ្មែរជំនួសខ្មែរទេ ។ តែសំណួរសួរ ថាតើយើងត្រូវធ្វើបែបណា? 
ខ្ញុំសូមទទូចអោយមានការរៀចចំរចនាសម្ភន័និងស្ថាបន័គ្រប់គ្រងអោយបានត្រឹមត្រូវ ។ 
មានការចាត់ចែងនយោបាយជាតិនិង អន្តរជាតិអោយបាន រឹងមាំច្បាស់លាស់ ព្រោះវាមិនមែនជា 
ទ្រោយធំម្តង ទៀតមិនខាន ។ ជាពិសេសកិច្ចការបែបនេះមិនអាចចេញពីមនុស្សឬ 
ក្រុមមនុស្សថោកទាបដែលមិនគោរពឬមិនស្គាល់គោលការណ៍ នៃលិទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ 
ភាពហឹង្សាសាមានខ្មៅងងឹត បើចិត្តខ្មៅ ថ្លើមខ្មៅ ខ្មៅសាមានដល់ឆ្អឹង 
លិទ្ធិផលគឺខ្មៅងងឹតមិនខាន ។ មិនខុសពីក្រុមអាវខ្មៅទេ  ។ 
ទាំងនេះដែលខ្មែរត្រូវតែពិនិត្យនិងពិចារណា ។  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Tina Veng 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 7:42 AM
  Subject: Re: Message from Khmer Lotus Revolution

  សេចក្ដីអំពាវនាវ មួយនេះ ​  ! គឺដូចជាត្រូវដែរ  តែទៅរួចឬមិនរួច   ណ៎ ! 
  យើងដែលរស់នៅបរទេស ស៊ីឆ្ងាញ់ ដេកស្រួល ម្នាក់ៗធូរធារ 
មានប្រាក់បៀវត្សរ៍គ្រប់គ្រាន់ ​តែបើក្រឡេកក ទៅមើលស្ថានភាព
  នៅកម្ពុជាវិញ គឺពលរដ្ឋមួយភាគធំ មានជីវិភាពក្រីក្រនៅឡើយ  ។  ដូច្នេះ 
ការធ្វើបដិវត្ត ឬុំមិនធ្វើនោះ គឺវាអាស្រ័យតែ ទៅលើ សុច្ឆន្ទះ និង ការប្ដេជ្ញាចិត្ត  
របស់ពលរដ្ឋទាំងនោះឯណោះទេ  !  មានរឿងខ្លះទៀត ក្រែងល៎ នៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា  
បែរជាពលរដ្ឋទាំងអស់នោះ មានទស្សនះផ្ទុយ ពីអ្វីដែល យើងជាអ្នករស់នៅ បរទេស បានឃើញ 
បានដឹង បានឮ  ទាក់ទងនិងការដឹកនាំក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា បច្ចុប្បន្ន  ផងក៏មិនដឹង  ។ 
ប្រហែលជា ពួកគេ បានទទួលជាទំលាប់ទៅហើយ នូវការរស់នៅ ក្រោមលទ្ធិដឹកនាំរបៀបផ្ដាច់ការ 
  ប៉ុន្តែខ្ញុំសូមប្រាប់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរទាំងអស់ ថា!  
ស្ថានភាពនយោបាយនៅកម្ពុជាសព្វថ្ងៃនេះ   គឺមិនខុសពីនៅប្រទេសភូមា   ប្រទេសលីប៊ី 
ក្រោ​មអំណាច លោកកាដាហ្វ៊ី ​ប្រទេសទុយនេស៊ីពីមុន  និង ប្រទេសកូរ៉េខាងជើងប៉ុន្មានឡើយ 
 ។  តែអ្វី  ដែលជាគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដ៏ធំធេង លើសជាងប្រទេសខាងលើនេះ នោះ គឺ 
ការការពារអត្ថសញ្ញាណជាតិ ខ្មែរ​ និងអធិបតេយ្យភាព ខ្មែរ  បានដែរឬទេ  នៅពេលអនាគត ? 
ព្រោះថាសព្វថ្ងៃ កម្ពុជា ក៏ជាប្រទេសដែលមានទីផ្សារ សេរី  និង​ សាកលពហុនីយកម្ម  
ដែលក្នុងនោះ ក៏មានជនបរទេសមករស់នៅ រកស៊ី បានតាមតែចិត្ត   ។ សូមកុំរំពឹងថា  
ខ្មែរនៅបរទេស  អាចមានលទ្ធភាពគ្រប់គ្រាន់ ទៅជួយទ្រទ្រង់  ការការពារ បូរណភាពទឹកដី ឬ 
ទាមទាររកសិទ្ធសេរីភាព ពី របបដឹកនាំសព្វថ្ងៃបានឲ្យសោះ ឡើយ  ។ អ្វីដែលខ្មែរនៅបរទេស 
មានលទ្ធភាពធ្វើនោះ  គឺ  បានត្រឹមតែចង្អុលនិង បង្ហាញប្រាប់ថា  ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរ  
អាចមាននឹងសិទ្ធសេរីភាព និងគ្មានការរំលោភ រឹបអូសយកដីធ្លី  ហើយនិងប្រាកដជាមានជីវភាព 
ល្អប្រសើរជាយថាហេតុ ជាងបច្ចុប្បន្នកាល​ទៅទៀត   បើសិនជាកម្ពុជា 
មានរដ្ឋាភិបាលមួយ​ដែល ដឹកនាំដោយស្របទៅតាមនិតិលិទ្ធីប្រជាធិបតេយ្យដោយត្រឹមត្រូវ  ។ 
ដូច្នេះ  សព្វថ្ងៃ បងប្អូនខ្មែរ មានតែ ៣ ជំរើសតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ  ទី១ បើសិនណា 
ជាបងប្អូនយល់ថា បានសុខសប្បាយ និងមានសរីភាភគ្រាប់គ្រាន់ ក្រោមរបបនេះ  គឺ  
ទ្រំារស់ក្រោមការដឹកនាំរបស់លោកហ៊ុនសែនជាបន្តទៅទៀត  ។  ទី២  គឺត្រូវតែ 
ទាមទារឲ្យមានការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរមេដឹកនាំ  ។ តែនេះ មិនមែនថា ជាងាយស្រួលឡើយ ព្រោះថា
  បើតាមកាលះទេសះបច្ចុប្បន្ន លោកហ៊ុនសែន មុខនឹងជា នឹងចាត់វិធានការ 
យ៉ាងតឹងរឹងជាទីបំផុត ដោយប្រើកម្លាំងប្រដាប់អាវុធមកបង្ក្រាបមួយរំពេច   
ដែលអាចនឹងឈានទៅដល់ការបង្ហូរឈាមជាមិនខាន   ។ ​ទី៣  គឺត្រូវរងចាំដល់ការបោះឆ្នោត
  អណត្តិក្រោយសិន គឺ   បងប្អូនខ្មែរ ត្រូវតែធ្វើការសម្រេចចិត្តអោយត្រឹមត្រូវ  
ជាពិសេស ត្រូវជ្រើសរើសមេដឹកនាំណាម្នាក់​ដែលឆ្លាតវៃ​​មានសមត្ថភាព   
មិនប្រើអំណចបង្ក្រាបគេឯង   ហើយជាមនុស្សដែលដែលហ៊ានពលីជីវិត ដើម្បីជាតិ  ។ 
តែក្នុងចំណុចនេះ យើងសូមដាក់ជាសំនួរសួរថា តើ រៀងរាល់នូវ ការបោះឆ្នោត 
រា់លើកនៅកម្ពុជា មានតម្លាភាពដែរឬទេ  ?   


  On Mon, Sep 5, 2011 at 10:22 PM, sacrava sacravato...@optusnet.com.au wrote:

It's Good announcement !

Ung Bun Heang

  Please listen this link : 


  Phka Chhouk

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Re: Avertissement

2011-09-06 Thread Bopha Angkor
Bang Bros and Tina,

I ask someone who is more good in English than me. That person told me that the 
word Propon or Propaon come from the same source.

ប្រពន្ធ័ : ចំណង, ចងរិតរួម, ឆ្វាក់ជំពាក់, ចងឆ្វាក់
ប្រពន្ធ : ចំណងចងឆ្វាក់រួមរិត, ជាប់ជំពាក់, ជំពាក់ឆ្វាក់ in Anglish, French, 
marry and wife is a Cercle or Alliance : ចំណង, សម្ភន្ធ័

  - Original Message - 
  From: Samuel Ung Koeun 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 8:18 AM
  Subject: Re: Avertissement


  អ្នកមានយោបល់ពិតជាត្រឹមត្រូវចំពោះពាក្យ «ប្រពន្ធ» (ភរិយា) ។ ប៉ុន្តែសូមមេត្តាកែៈ 

  ភាសាខ្មែរ ​(ភាសា​គ្មាន​ «រ»)

  ពន្ធដារ (ដា​​ មាន​ «រ»)

  ពន្ធនាគារ (មិនមែន «ព័ន្ធនាគារ»)។



- Original Message - 
From: Tina Veng 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 4:33 AM
Subject: Re: Avertissement

បើខ្ញុំមិនច្រឡំទេ ប្ដី ប្រពន្ធ  គឺត្រូវសរសេររបៀបនេះ   គឺមិនមានសំយោគ​សញ្ញា​  
   (   ័) ដូច្នោះ ឡើយ ។ ​សូមកុំច្រឡំនិងពាក្យ ប្រព័ន្ធ ដែលមានន័យថា​ network 
,  ឬភាសារខ្មែរ ដោយសរសេរ ​ដូចនិងពាក្យ ឆ្វាក់​ប្រទាក់​ជាប់​គ្នា​ ឧ៖  ពាក់ព័ន្ធ 
ព័ន្ធដា  ​ ​ព័ន្ធនាគារ ។ល។
គួរពុំគួរ សូមអភ័យទោស 

2011/9/4 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr

  អ្ហើយ លោក អ‍៊ូចល់, មេបក្សបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូក និងប្រពន្ធ មិនទាន់ស្អីផង 
ទាំងប្តីទាំងប្រពន្ធ ទូរសព្ទមកជេរប្រមាថគំរាមគេឯងគ្រប់គ្នា ទាំងភ្លឹងងុលទទឹងទិស ។ 
ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថា អ៊ំប្រុស ចៅសេងអួ ដែលជាចាស់ទុំក្នុងក្រុម 
និងជាមនុស្សស្និតស្នាលជាប្តីប្រពន្ធទាំងពីរនាក់នេះ អាចជួយប្រមានប្រដៅ 
ប្តីប្រពន្ធទាំងពីរនាក់បានខ្លះៗមិនខាន ។ 
ខ្ញុំបានបន្ធូរដៃអោយច្រើនណាស់ដោយមានការយោគយល់ ..។ កុំបង្ខំខ្ញុំអោយសោះ ។ 
បើដឹងខ្លួនមុន គួរតែសុំទោសខ្ញុំហើយទៅ ។ ខ្ញុំអាចយកទៅពិចារណាមើល ។ សូមអរគុណ ។  

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Re: The Lotus Revolution project

2011-09-05 Thread Bopha Angkor
Thank Lok Vincent. Great analyze with the whole picture from Dr Tith. Dr Tith 
has put some great ideas that merit to be taken in consideration. It's the 
first time I read something extremely interesting from Dr Tith. Dr Tith has 
changed and I'm the first one to appreciate his great wisdom and experience. I 
lately offered my opinions and my concerns regard to the organization of the 
movement and its consequences, not much different from Dr Tith though. From my 
acknowledgment I don't think that lotus people have capacity nor intelligence 
to do or understand what Dr Tith suggested them to. Hope it will not late for 
Dr Tith to do something great to change the destiny of Cambodia and leave the 
great heroism/name for Cambodian next generation to follow .. All Dr Tith 
should know is, struggle is not lonely river and people who struggle for noble 
causes must be braved going against the wind and have necessary arrogance and 
dignity to defend their causes.  Those are what the great people did along 
human history. 

  - Original Message - 

  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, September 05, 2011 9:38 PM
  Subject: The Lotus Revolution project

  On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 9:39 AM, naranhkirit...@aol.com wrote:

September 2, 2011

Dear Kal, and friends:

Please, a link pasted below to a new page in my web site on the Lotus 
Revolution project, as organized by Ou Chal (France) and his overseas friends. 
I do hope these people would find it useful. Warm regards. N Tith



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2011-09-04 Thread Bopha Angkor
អ្ហើយ លោក អូចល់, មេបក្សបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូក និងប្រពន័្ធ មិនទាន់ស្អីផង 
ទាំងប្តីទាំងប្រពន្ធ័ ទូរសព៌មកជេរប្រមាថគំរាមគេឯងគ្រប់គ្នា ទាំងភ្លឹងងុលទទឹងទិស ។ 
ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថា អ៊ំប្រុស ចៅសេងអួ ដែលជាចាស់ទុំក្នុងក្រុម 
និងជាមនុស្សស្និតស្នាលជាប្តីប្រពន្ធ័ទាំងពីរនាក់នេះ អាចជួយប្រមានប្រដៅ 
ប្តីប្រពន្ធ័ទាំងពីរនាក់បានខ្លះៗមិនខាន ។ 
ខ្ញុំបានបន្ធូរដៃអោយច្រើនណាស់ដោយមានការយោគយល់ ..។ កុំបង្ខំខ្ញុំអោយសោះ ។ 
បើដឹងខ្លួនមុន គួរតែសុំទោសខ្ញុំហើយទៅ ។ ខ្ញុំអាចយកទៅពិចារណាមើល ។ សូមអរគុណ ។  

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Re: How Idiotic Silly You Are!!

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor
Nope, the yuons kp can only handled and trained poor ignorant vulnerable 
people to use them. These yuons had kidnap poor kids whose parents were 
savagely massacred by these yuons to  brainwash and inject yuon evilness and 
hatred in the brain to kill Khmer. How much kids who were kidnapped by yuons 
were killed because those kids preferred to be killed by yuons than to be 
used by yuons. Sure there much than those who yuons can inject yuon vc 
evilness and savagely in the brain. The yuons sorry ass cant handle 
intellectual people or people with a brain to think that why yuons vc 
ordered to execute  (targeted) intellectual Khmer 
since then. The yuons vc/Ronakse/Angkar  trained their killing tools to mass 
grave Khmer people because Khmer refused yuon evilness and to be dominated 
by yuons and other because yuons vc want to rob Khmer land and richness. 
This explain all about the yuon vc’s nature and culture and how yuons 
operated their genocide empire in Cambodia to rob land and resources of 
Khmer. នេះហើយជាអ្វីដែលយួនវាហៅថា ការឆ្លាតរបស់ពួកវា. 
ពួកអាយួនអស់នេះវាហ៊ានបានតែជាមួយអ្នកទន់ខ្សោយ និងពួកល្ងង់ខ្លៅទេ 
វាមិនហ៊ាអនអើតក្បាលឬមិនអាចធ្វើអ្វីកើតជាមួយមនុស្សមានគតិ មានពញ្ញ: 
និងភាពសាហាវយ៉ង់ឃ្នងសម្លាប់បំបាត់ជីវិតគេតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

Khmer rouge, Angkar/Ronakse = Yuons

Vietcong sanctuaries and aggression against Cambodia 





Yuons vc infiltration : 

Cambodia press on vietcong : 

Protest against Vietcong : 



P/S  Wow Wow, if this is true, then ask yourself why the USA loves Vietnam

and hates Cambodia.

គ្រាន់បើណាស់អាយើ គេបោកក្បាលប្រើហើយនៅក្អេងក្អាងទៀត ។ ក្រែងយួនវាឆ្លាតណាស់ 

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 1:41 PM
Subject: How Idiotic  Silly You Are!!


Hanoi aggressors had trained Khmer Rouge
to become the Evily Butcher...the result was
2 million Khmers died and Cambodia is under
Yuon Hanoi controlling through the CPP

What, the North Vietnamese were able to train you to chop the heads of
each other, and you joyfully apply this training, to the tune of 2
milllon heads?? D'ohh!! How superior they are!! How idiotic  silly
you are!! D'ohh!!

You must be a barbaric mass-murderous Khmer Rouge, because you're
trying to get the barbaric mass-murderous Khmer Rouge off the hook,
which is in contrast to the knowledge of the Cambodian people and the
entire world. Watch out!!

Uncle Sam has given a greenlight to Hanoi's
Vietnamization in Cambodia.

On my part, I don't believe that it's true. Even if the USA loves
Vietnam and hates Cambodia, it can't support the Vietnamization of
Cambodia, because doing so isn't in its interest.

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Re: Freedom isn't Free

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor
Sir hongchikong, this proves that people didn’t fight against anyone gene or 
race but against evilness or criminals to stand those criminals for 
responsibility face to their evilness and atrocity whether it happens of yuons 
or someone else…. It has nothing to deal with the race. But of course, yuons vc 
ect, like to play victims and carte race to get away from their crimes.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hong Chi Kong 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 4:26 PM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  I don't know about that. Even you can pass what you just said, you still have 
to pass
  the rest of the criteria. Even you look like the barbarian(like Ms Gold 
Treasure said),
  eat only the barbarian foods(Prahok and never touch Nuc Mam,roast duck), you 

  still contaminated by using just that last name.
  Like most of people from Cambodia, they can trace only 3 or 4 nodes towards 
their root.
  So, you might pass lie detector test easily. But the toughest criteria to 
pass is numero quatro.
  There was a white man who belongs to  White Supremacy group.  Turn out that 
after a sample of
  his blood for this DNA test, the results showed that he was more related to 
black people than some black people.
  The reverse can be true for some Khmer racist pigs as well. According to the 
Khmer racist pigs,
  you have to pass all the 4 criteria.

  From: Samuel Ung Koeun koeun.sam@gmail.com
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:34 AM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  អ៊ុង ណាមិនដឹងទេ តែកុំស្រឡំជាមួយ អ៊ុង នេះឲ្យសោះ, អ៊ុង នេះគឺ គឿន-សំអ៊ុង 
ស្មោះ... ធ្លាប់សំឡាប់តែ ហ៊ុយ-សាន់, ឱ-ឌុំ,​ប៉ិច-សាលឿន​, 

  2011/8/29 Hong Chi Kong dagger_yeek...@yahoo.com

 Why bother asking her? You just look at the list of your member you should 
know right away. Let me
give you some clues :

1.  If any member of your group has last name Ung(like the con 
cartoonist), that person is the culprit.

2. Sometime last name alone is not the sure thing, you need to look at 
their face as well. Even any member has Khmer last name, he/she has to look 
like (allow me to borrow a word from Ms Gold Treasure) the barbarian. You have 
to give him/her a pink slip right away if he/she fail the above two criteria.

3. Also, you need to have everyone in your organization passed the lie 
detector test.

4. Enemies are everywhere to inflict misery for Cambodia. DNA test is a 

From: Dyvathann Sok kret...@gmail.com
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Cc: republicofcambo...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:34 AM

Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

តើក្មួយអាចចង្អុលប្រាប់ពូផងបានឬទេ ?

2011/8/29 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr


  ទាក់ទងនឹងការរៀបចំសម្ពន័្ឋចលនាឬការតស៊ូ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា 
បើពូឬក្រុមពូផ្ជាប់ខ្លួនជាមួយនឹងពួកមនុស្សឬក្រុម មនុស្សថោកទាប គ្មានការស្មោះត្រង់ 
គ្មានតម្លាភាព គ្មានការទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងសកម្មភាពសង្គមឬជីវភាពរស់នៅ 
ហើយដែលមិនយល់អ្វីជាគោលការណ៍លិទ្ឋិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ  គ្មានសីលធម៌ គ្មានភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ 
ចូលចិត្តតែប្រើល្បិចថោកទាប ភាពកំរោលទទឹងទិស ងងឹតងងុល 
ប្រើហឹង្សាឬការកំរាមកំហែងរបៀបថោកទាប  ភូតកុហកបោកប្រាស់ ៘ 
នោះចលនាពួកពូនឹងងប់តៃហោងទៅវិញមុនបានចាប់កំណើតផង ។ គ្មាននរណាគររវល់ទៅក្បែរទេ 
នាំថោកទាប ខាតពេលវេលាគេអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ព្រោះគេយល់ថា 
វាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីសម្រាប់សង្គមជាតិ តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ 

តើពួកនេះចង់បង្រៀនឬចង់ទៅ ផ្លាស់ប្តូរជនផ្តាច់ការដែលកំពុងមានអំណាចឬ?  
ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ជម្រាបទៅពូថា បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកជាបដិវត្តិន៍មួយរបស់ចិន 
ឈ្មោះបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកស ដែលមានកេរ្តណ៍ឈ្មោះមិនល្អនៅលោកខាងលិច មុននឹងបដិវត្តន៍នេះ 
យកទៅអនុវត្តដោយពួកយួនបុរេកុំម្មុនីស្តវៀតកុង ។ 
  - Original Message - 
  From: krethya1 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:10 PM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  This depends on my determination, your determination and the khmer's 
people determination ,especially on how we are organized to make this happen.
  count on your active participation.
- Original Message - 
From: Samuel Ung Koeun 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 9:00 PM
Subject: Freedom isn't Free

A dick-ta-tor Moammar Gadhafi is out now, what about my Xidat Hoon 
Xen, is he will be next?

You received this message

Re: Multi-ethnic social integration is a natural force, which has been disolving genuine Khmer ethnic. We are now Cambodian

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor
វាមកនៅកន្លែងឥត មនុស្សនៅ ដីទំនេរចោល វាខំរកស៊ីបាទដៃទទេខ្លួនវា 
ព្រោះតែពូជវាឆ្លាតណាស់ ។ គ្រាន់តែសំដីវាក៏ដឹងថា សំដីអាចោរព្រៃរួចទៅហើយ ។

តើប៉ុន្មានសតវត្សមកហើយដែលពួកអាចោរអស់ហ្នឹងមកលួចប្លន់ និងបំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញស្រុក 

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:38 AM
Subject: Re: Multi-ethnic social integration is a natural force, which has 
been disolving genuine Khmer ethnic. We are now Cambodian

Let me tell you about those Chinese, Vietnamese who came to live in
Cambodia many decades ago.
You are going to see how it transpired. Then I will use that to
enlighten  the reason why Cambodians killed so many of their own
people in their cruelest way possible.

Those Chinese and Vietnamese came to Cambodia with nothing. They
inserted themselves in Cambodian very rural area where many Cambodians
did not want to live. They started their lives from scratch through
sacrifices.Many of them saved money to acquire farmers land where they
plant rice and others, Some others became owners of small convenient
store etc... They raised their families from nothing all the way
be pretty healthy families in their new communities in a few decades.
Actually, many poor Cambodian peasants ended up working for those
people. Some rented farming land from those Chinese etc

You see many of those people with their second or third generation.
Those are the people you call foreigner. Actually, they know nothing
about China. The only place they know is Cambodia.

During Khmer Rouge regime, many peasants were angry at those people
because their Angkar told them that they were the ones who sucked the
blood from their Cambodian poor peasants. That was why they almost
wiped out those Chinese and Vietnamese people.

Now, look at those poor peasants. They have awaken up from their ugly
past. They now follow those Chinese foot steps. Many of those poor
peasants have become owners of small shops as they used to be  parts
of Chinese or Vietnamese endeavor.

Now, please tell us who are real Cambodians.

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.

This is an unmoderated forum. Please refrain from using foul language.
Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.

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Learn more - http://www.cambodia.org

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cambodia 
Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.
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Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.

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Re: Freedom isn't Free

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hong Chi Kong 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 5:11 PM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  Is this all you can do? Most the Khmer racist pigs are ignorant just like the 
pigs. How do you
  expect to free Cambodia? -
  with hongchicon skin :-) 

  From: Vonglokruta Khema kvonglokr...@yahoo.com
  To: camdisc ppenh camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 10:00 AM
  Subject: Fw: Freedom isn't Free


  - Forwarded Message -
  From: Hong Chi Kong dagger_yeek...@yahoo.com
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, 31 August 2011 11:56 PM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  I don't know about that. Even you can pass what you just said, you still have 
to pass
  the rest of the criteria. Even you look like the barbarian(like Ms Gold 
Treasure said),
  eat only the barbarian foods(Prahok and never touch Nuc Mam,roast duck), you 

  still contaminated by using just that last name.
  Like most of people from Cambodia, they can trace only 3 or 4 nodes towards 
their root.
  So, you might pass lie detector test easily. But the toughest criteria to 
pass is numero quatro.
  There was a white man who belongs to  White Supremacy group.  Turn out that 
after a sample of
  his blood for this DNA test, the results showed that he was more related to 
black people than some black people.
  The reverse can be true for some Khmer racist pigs as well. According to the 
Khmer racist pigs,
  you have to pass all the 4 criteria.

  From: Samuel Ung Koeun koeun.sam@gmail.com
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 2:34 AM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  អ៊ុង ណាមិនដឹងទេ តែកុំស្រឡំជាមួយ អ៊ុង នេះឲ្យសោះ, អ៊ុង នេះគឺ គឿន-សំអ៊ុង 
ស្មោះ... ធ្លាប់សំឡាប់តែ ហ៊ុយ-សាន់, ឱ-ឌុំ,​ប៉ិច-សាលឿន​, 

  2011/8/29 Hong Chi Kong dagger_yeek...@yahoo.com

 Why bother asking her? You just look at the list of your member you should 
know right away. Let me
give you some clues :

1.  If any member of your group has last name Ung(like the con 
cartoonist), that person is the culprit.

2. Sometime last name alone is not the sure thing, you need to look at 
their face as well. Even any member has Khmer last name, he/she has to look 
like (allow me to borrow a word from Ms Gold Treasure) the barbarian. You have 
to give him/her a pink slip right away if he/she fail the above two criteria.

3. Also, you need to have everyone in your organization passed the lie 
detector test.

4. Enemies are everywhere to inflict misery for Cambodia. DNA test is a 

From: Dyvathann Sok kret...@gmail.com
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Cc: republicofcambo...@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:34 AM

Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

តើក្មួយអាចចង្អុលប្រាប់ពូផងបានឬទេ ?

2011/8/29 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr


  ទាក់ទងនឹងការរៀបចំសម្ពន័្ឋចលនាឬការតស៊ូ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា 
បើពូឬក្រុមពូផ្ជាប់ខ្លួនជាមួយនឹងពួកមនុស្សឬក្រុម មនុស្សថោកទាប គ្មានការស្មោះត្រង់ 
គ្មានតម្លាភាព គ្មានការទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងសកម្មភាពសង្គមឬជីវភាពរស់នៅ 
ហើយដែលមិនយល់អ្វីជាគោលការណ៍លិទ្ឋិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ  គ្មានសីលធម៌ គ្មានភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ 
ចូលចិត្តតែប្រើល្បិចថោកទាប ភាពកំរោលទទឹងទិស ងងឹតងងុល 
ប្រើហឹង្សាឬការកំរាមកំហែងរបៀបថោកទាប  ភូតកុហកបោកប្រាស់ ៘ 
នោះចលនាពួកពូនឹងងប់តៃហោងទៅវិញមុនបានចាប់កំណើតផង ។ គ្មាននរណាគររវល់ទៅក្បែរទេ 
នាំថោកទាប ខាតពេលវេលាគេអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ព្រោះគេយល់ថា 
វាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីសម្រាប់សង្គមជាតិ តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ 

តើពួកនេះចង់បង្រៀនឬចង់ទៅ ផ្លាស់ប្តូរជនផ្តាច់ការដែលកំពុងមានអំណាចឬ?  
ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ជម្រាបទៅពូថា បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកជាបដិវត្តិន៍មួយរបស់ចិន 
ឈ្មោះបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកស ដែលមានកេរ្តណ៍ឈ្មោះមិនល្អនៅលោកខាងលិច មុននឹងបដិវត្តន៍នេះ 
យកទៅអនុវត្តដោយពួកយួនបុរេកុំម្មុនីស្តវៀតកុង ។ 
  - Original Message - 
  From: krethya1 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:10 PM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  This depends on my determination, your determination and the khmer's 
people determination ,especially on how we are organized to make this happen.
  count on your active participation.
- Original Message - 
From: Samuel Ung Koeun

Re: តើពួកអាចិនយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor
 So, who are they pouch ah khheatakor?


pouch sir honchicon, 








I think if Khmer had enough courage to chop the heads of all these cons 
murderers and invaders, these cons will had no time nor occasion to plan the 
killing against Khmer nor to cry here. But Khmer are too humain toward these 
evils cons that why they are massacred by these cons. That’s the Khmer only 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hong Chi Kong 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 5:47 PM
  Subject: Re: តើពួកអាចិនយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ

  The world know who kill 1.7 million innocent. And the pictures of the 
murderers appear all over the
  world. So, who are they pouch ah khheatakor?

  From: Vonglokruta Khema kvonglokr...@yahoo.com
  To: camdisc ppenh camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 10:33 AM
  Subject: Fw: តើពួកអាចិនយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ

  Khmers tha kom cheur sombot pouch ah kbot,
  pouch ah chor, pouch ah khheatakor – 

  Don't believe the cheaters, the robbers or criminal soul’s swear …. 
  - Original Message - 
  From: sacrava

  This one is for Kank-Kak-Roo.
  Ung Bun Heang

  @.គ្មាននរណាទៅបំបិទសិទ្ធសេរីភាពក្នុងការនិយាយឬសរសេររបស់ អាម៉ាសៀរ Neak 
Kampuchea, Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug Dooo,Kangarooo ស្អីគេនេះទេ 
តែអ្វីដែលយើងស្អប់ខ្ពើមបំផុតនោះ គឺអាម៉ាសៀរ នេះ វាខំព្យាយាម បំផ្លាញKhmer 
Identity. R U understand អាគំរក់Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug Dooo,Kangarooo  អ្នក 

  - Forwarded Message -
  From: sacrava sacravato...@optusnet.com.au

អានឹង វា សាកូត សាកួត ទេ !!!

  - Forwarded Message -
  From: Hong Chi Kong dagger_yeek...@yahoo.com

  Subject: Re:សាសន៍ខ្មែរ តើពួកចិនអាយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជ

  Again, the title and your response show it all. Hun Sen(barbarian) wins one 
or more elections,
  your Khmer will become minority for sure. You have to do better than this. 
Show me some
  intelligent, not this stupidity if you don't want the Khmer to become 

  From: Vonglokruta Khema kvonglokr...@yahoo.com
  To: camdisc ppenh camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, August 31, 2011 10:06 AM
  Subject: Fw: តើពួកចិនអាយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ

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Re: What caused so many deaths in Khmer Rouge regime?

2011-08-31 Thread Bopha Angkor
លោក វ៉ាំងសង់ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា 
 ។ ឯកសារមានគ្រប់គ្រាន់ 
ឬទាមទារនិងការពារផលប្រយោជន៍ខ្មែរជាមួយពួកឧក្រិដ្ឋឈ្លានពានទាំងនោះ ។  នរណាក៏ដឹងថា 
ទ្រង់ទ្រាយធំដើម្បីប្លន់យកទឹកដីនិងទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិខ្មែរ ។ 
មានចិនជាអ្នកគាំទ្រនឹងផ្គត់ផ្គន់ ។ វាជាការងាយបំផុតសំរាបយួននិងបក្សពួកក្នុងការ 
 ។ ចំពោះខ្មែរដែលជាជនរងគ្រោះរបស់អំពើឧក្រិដ្ឋរបស់យួន វាជារឿងមួយផ្សេង ។ 


  De : Vincent Thach vinceth...@gmail.com
  Date : Mon, 29 Aug 2011 21:00:09 -0700
  Date/heure locale : Mar 30 août 2011 06:00
  Objet : Re: What caused so many deaths in Khmer Rouge regime? (2)
  Thanks Lok James. 

  I think: 

  The biggest problem of the Pol Pot regime was being the failure to groom 
  cadres.  Pol Pot had believed that it would be possible to make the poorest 
  peasants into good cadres.   It didn’t work out that way.‘The biggest 
  problem was the lack of cadres.  He can have the most wonderful ideas in the 
  world, but if he doesn’t have cadres to carry them out, it doesn’t go 

  Regionalism may also have been a weakness in the DK regime.  During the 1975 
  to 79 period, communications were very poor. So the Zone leaders were 
  largely autonomous.  This led to a tendency to warlords.  Ta Mok, for 
  instance, was a warlord. 

  Pol Pot had given communism such a bad name that no one could ever believe 
  in it again anywhere in the world.‘Il a fait deborder la vase’. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: James Sok 
  To: Camdisc 
  Cc: Diep Ly ; Chheat Srey 
  Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 4:56 PM
  Subject: What caused so many deaths in Khmer Rouge regime?

  Plz read attachment in Khmer.



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Re: Freedom isn't Free

2011-08-29 Thread Bopha Angkor


ទាក់ទងនឹងការរៀបចំសម្ពន័្ឋចលនាឬការតស៊ូ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា 
បើពូឬក្រុមពូផ្ជាប់ខ្លួនជាមួយនឹងពួកមនុស្សឬក្រុម មនុស្សថោកទាប គ្មានការស្មោះត្រង់ 
គ្មានតម្លាភាព គ្មានការទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងសកម្មភាពសង្គមឬជីវភាពរស់នៅ 
ហើយដែលមិនយល់អ្វីជាគោលការណ៍លិទ្ឋិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ  គ្មានសីលធម៌ គ្មានភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ 
ចូលចិត្តតែប្រើល្បិចថោកទាប ភាពកំរោលទទឹងទិស ងងឹតងងុល 
ប្រើហឹង្សាឬការកំរាមកំហែងរបៀបថោកទាប  ភូតកុហកបោកប្រាស់ ៘ 
នោះចលនាពួកពូនឹងងប់តៃហោងទៅវិញមុនបានចាប់កំណើតផង ។ គ្មាននរណាគររវល់ទៅក្បែរទេ 
នាំថោកទាប ខាតពេលវេលាគេអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ព្រោះគេយល់ថា 
វាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីសម្រាប់សង្គមជាតិ តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ 


តើពួកនេះចង់បង្រៀនឬចង់ទៅ ផ្លាស់ប្តូរជនផ្តាច់ការដែលកំពុងមានអំណាចឬ?  
ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ជម្រាបទៅពូថា បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកជាបដិវត្តិន៍មួយរបស់ចិន 
ឈ្មោះបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកស ដែលមានកេរ្តណ៍ឈ្មោះមិនល្អនៅលោកខាងលិច មុននឹងបដិវត្តន៍នេះ 
យកទៅអនុវត្តដោយពួកយួនបុរេកុំម្មុនីស្តវៀតកុង ។ 

- Original Message - 
From: krethya1 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

This depends on my determination, your determination and the khmer's people 
determination ,especially on how we are organized to make this happen.
count on your active participation.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Samuel Ung Koeun 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 9:00 PM
  Subject: Freedom isn't Free

  A dick-ta-tor Moammar Gadhafi is out now, what about my Xidat Hoon Xen, 
is he will be next?


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Re: Freedom isn't Free

2011-08-29 Thread Bopha Angkor
ពូស្គាល់ខ្ញុំខ្លះដែរឬថា មិនស្គាល់សោះក៏បាន ។ 
ខ្ញុំមិនដែលនិយាយអ្វីប្រាសចាកការពិតគ្មានបានការ នោះទេ ។ វាមិនមែនជាធម្មជាតិឬ 
វប្បធម៌ខ្ញុំទេ ។ ខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែរំលឹកពូប៉ុណ្ណោះ ត្រង់ពូចង់ធ្វើមិនដឹងឬ 
ចង់មួលបង្កាច់ទៅរឿងអ្វីផ្សេង ស្រេចតែពូចុះ ។ មិនមែនជាបញ្ហាខ្ញុំទៀតទេ ។ 
ពួកមនុស្សអស់នោះ កុំថាឡើយទៅរាប់អានឬធ្ចើកិច្ចការធំដុំជាមួយ ជាពិសេសកិច្ចការជាតិ 
ទោះកញ្ចប់មុខពួកវាឬគ្រួសារវា ខ្ញុំមិនយកភ្នែកមើលផង 
នេះមិនមែនខ្ញុំប្រកាន់ឬកឬវណ្ណ:អ្វីទេ ខ្ញុំគ្មានវណ្ណ:ដែលត្រូវប្រកាន់ទេ 
តែមកពីមនុស្សធុននោះជាជំពូកនុស្សដែលខ្ញុំយល់ថា មិនគួរយកខ្លួនបៀត ។ 

  From: Dyvathann Sok kret...@gmail.com
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Cc: republicofcambo...@yahoogroups.com
  Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 8:34 AM
  Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

  តើក្មួយអាចចង្អុលប្រាប់ពូផងបានឬទេ ?

  2011/8/29 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr


ទាក់ទងនឹងការរៀបចំសម្ពន័្ឋចលនាឬការតស៊ូ ខ្ញុំយល់ថា 
បើពូឬក្រុមពូផ្ជាប់ខ្លួនជាមួយនឹងពួកមនុស្សឬក្រុម មនុស្សថោកទាប គ្មានការស្មោះត្រង់ 
គ្មានតម្លាភាព គ្មានការទទួលខុសត្រូវក្នុងសកម្មភាពសង្គមឬជីវភាពរស់នៅ 
ហើយដែលមិនយល់អ្វីជាគោលការណ៍លិទ្ឋិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ  គ្មានសីលធម៌ គ្មានភាពថ្លៃថ្នូរ 
ចូលចិត្តតែប្រើល្បិចថោកទាប ភាពកំរោលទទឹងទិស ងងឹតងងុល 
ប្រើហឹង្សាឬការកំរាមកំហែងរបៀបថោកទាប  ភូតកុហកបោកប្រាស់ ៘ 
នោះចលនាពួកពូនឹងងប់តៃហោងទៅវិញមុនបានចាប់កំណើតផង ។ គ្មាននរណាគររវល់ទៅក្បែរទេ 
នាំថោកទាប ខាតពេលវេលាគេអត់ប្រយោជន៍ ព្រោះគេយល់ថា 
វាគ្មានប្រយោជន៍អ្វីសម្រាប់សង្គមជាតិ តែផ្ទុយទៅវិញ 

តើពួកនេះចង់បង្រៀនឬចង់ទៅ ផ្លាស់ប្តូរជនផ្តាច់ការដែលកំពុងមានអំណាចឬ?  
ខ្ញុំក៏ចង់ជម្រាបទៅពូថា បដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកជាបដិវត្តិន៍មួយរបស់ចិន 
ឈ្មោះបដិវត្តន៍ផ្កាឈូកស ដែលមានកេរ្តណ៍ឈ្មោះមិនល្អនៅលោកខាងលិច មុននឹងបដិវត្តន៍នេះ 
យកទៅអនុវត្តដោយពួកយួនបុរេកុំម្មុនីស្តវៀតកុង ។ 
- Original Message - 
From: krethya1 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: Freedom isn't Free

This depends on my determination, your determination and the khmer's 
people determination ,especially on how we are organized to make this happen.
count on your active participation.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Samuel Ung Koeun 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 9:00 PM
  Subject: Freedom isn't Free

  A dick-ta-tor Moammar Gadhafi is out now, what about my Xidat Hoon 
Xen, is he will be next?

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Re: It is time to wake up....

2011-08-28 Thread Bopha Angkor

ខ្ញុំយល់ថា អ៊ំប្រុសស្គាល់ច្បាស់ណាស់ពីប្រភពរបស់ លោក រង្សី ។ 
ខ្ញុំមិនចង់និយាយវែងឆ្ងាយទេ ។ ដូចខ្ញុំបានសរសេរអញ្ចឹង ខ្ញុំអត់បញ្ហាទេ ឆ្កែក៏ដោយ 
ឆ្មាក៏ដោយអោយតែខ្មែរ អោយតែបំរើផលប្រយោជន៍ខ្មែរ តែបើផ្ទុយពីនេះ 
ខ្ញុំសុំប្រើសិទ្ឋិខ្ញុំជាខ្មែរ ។  
បញ្ហាពួកចិនយួនដែលមករស់នៅស្រុកខ្មែរគឺពួកនេះចូលមករស់ នៅរបៀបអាណាធិបតេយ្យ 
ជាពួកនិគមជន ជាពួកឈ្លានពាន, ជាឃាតករ ៘ ពួកនេះមិនបានចូលមកតាមច្បាប់ខ្មែរ 
ទទួលគោររពយកច្បាប់ខ្មែរ ហើយសម្របសម្រួលតាមខ្មែរ តាមរបៀបខ្មែរ តាមវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរទេ 
តែពួកវាចូលមកត្រួតត្រានិងកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរដើម្បីប្លន់យកទឹកដី ទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិខ្មែរ 
។៘ ឯខ្មែរវិញមិនបានចាត់ទុកពួកវា តាមធម្មជាតិវាទេ ហើយត្រូវពួកពួកនិគមជន 
ពួកឈ្លានពាន, ពួកឃាតករទាំងនោះជិះជាន់ ត្រួតត្រា មាក់ងាយ ធ្វើបាប 
កាប់សម្លាប់ឥតត្រាប្រណី ។ ពួកជនទាំងនោះ មិនចាត់ទុកការការពារជាតិខ្មែរ 
ការការពារផលប្រយោជន៍ខ្មែរជាសរ:សំខាន់ ឬជាការការពារផលប្រយោជន៍និង ជីវិតពួកវាផងដែរទេ 
ព្រោះពួកវាយល់ថា ខ្មែរមិនមែនជាជាតិសាសន៍ពួកវា 
សម្បត្តិខ្មែរមិនមែនជាសម្បត្តិដូនតាវាឬបុព្វបុរសវា ពួកវាបែរជាទៅដឹកនាំឬសម្រួល 
ពរ៌សម្បុរឡើងទៅរហូតដល់ចំណីអាហារខ្មែរ ។ ពួកអស់នេះវាយល់ថា ទោះប្រទេសខ្មែរកាន់កាប់ 
ដោយយួនក្តី ដោយចិនក្តី វាគ្មានបញ្ហាចំពោះវាទេ ព្រោះពួកវាជាចិនឬយួនស្រាប់ 
មានតែខ្មែរទេ ដែលត្រូវរងទុកវេទនា ព្រោះពួកវាយល់ថា ពួកវាបញ្ញា ពួកវាវៃឆ្លាត 
ដៃពួកវាដាំស្អីក៏ដុះ ធ្វើស្អីក៏បាន ឯខ្មែរវិញស្បែកខ្មៅអាក្រក់ហើយខ្ចិលច្រអូស ។ 
ឯលទ្ឋផលយើងឃើញស្រាប់រាប់សតវត្យមកហើយ ។ បញ្ហាទាំងនេះមកពីពួកនិគមជន ពួកឈ្លានពាន, 
ពួកឃាតករទាំងនោះមិនយល់ពីខ្មែរ ពីវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ ហើយក៏មិនខ្វល់គិតពីឬសគល 
ពួកនេះអាចគិតឬអាចយល់តែពីអ្វីសើៗរាក់ៗតាមគំនិតចោលម្សៀតនិងឆ្កួតរវើរវាយរបស់ពួកវា ។ 
ពួកវាមិនយល់ថា បើយួនកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរ ពួកយួនទាំងនោះក៏មិនទុកជីវិតពួកវាដែរ 
ព្រោះយួនវាលែងចាត់ទុកពួកនោះជាយួន ជាចិនទៀតហើយ លើកលែងតែពួកធ្វើការអោយ ចិនយួនទាំងនោះ 
។ នៅពេលថ្មីៗនេះ លោកស្រី ធារីសេង ដែលចេះភាសាខ្មែរមិនត្រូវជ្រុងផង 
បានដៀលត្មះភាសារខ្មែរថា ជាភាសារព្រៃឬគ្រួតគ្រៀត ជាភាសារងាប់តៃហោង ។ 
ឯការស្វែងរកការពិតពីអំពើឧក្រិដ្ឋលើខ្មែរ លើឳពុកម្តាយរបស់លោកស្រី លោកស្រីរូបនេះ 
បានត្រឹមតែ ធ្វើតាមឬថាតាមអ្វីដែលពួកឃាតករចង់បានតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ 
វាជាសោដនាកម្មមួយគួរអោយសង្វេកខ្លាំងណាស់ ។ 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Nokoreach Nokoreach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 9:37 PM
  Subject: Re: It is time to wake up

   J' attends avec impatience la nouvelle de M.Sok, au sujet de l' origine de 
M. Sam Rainsy. Si vous aviez assez de temps disponible,auriez vous pu nous 
indiquer l' origine exact de M. Sam Rainsy  : M. Sam Rainsy est-il Khmer d' 
origine ? M. Sam Rainsy est-il metis entre Khmer et Yuon  ? M. Sam Rainsy 
est-il metis entre Khmer et Chen ? M. Sam Rainsy est-il metis entre 
  Chen et Yuon ? 

  Sincerement votre,

  2011/8/27 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr

អ៊ំប្រុសមិនចាំបាច់ឆ្ងល់ទេ ចិនក៏ដូចយួនខំព្យាយាមផ្សព្វផ្សាយអកុសលបោកប្រាស់ 
បំភ្លៃបំភាន់ប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តមិនឈប់ឈរ ថាពួកវាជាអ្នកសាងអង្គរ 
សាងនេះសាងនោះរបស់ខ្មែរតាមរយ:រឿងផ្រេង, តាមរយ:ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយអកុសលបោកប្រាស់ផ្សេងៗ ៘ 
ចិនយួនអស់នោះគិតថា ខ្មែរភ្លើព្រោះខ្មែរចេះតែខំរក ខំកសាង ឯពួកវាចាំតែលួចប្លន់ 
បំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញ និងកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរឬ មរតកនិងសមិតិផលដែលខ្មែរខំរកខំកសាង ។   
មានយួនខ្លះនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ វាឃើញខ្មែរខំសងផ្ទះ រៀបចំលំនៅដ្ឋានអោយបានសុខសាន្តសមរម្យ 
វាចំអកអោយថា ពួកឯងខំធ្វើទៅ ទុកអោយពួកអញនិងកូនចៅអញនៅ ។ នេះហើយជាវប្បធម៌យួន 
ឬការឆ្លាតរបស់ចិនយួន ។ 

កោតសរសើរទុកសម្រាប់អោយចិននិងយួនបំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញឥតឈប់ឈររាប់សតវត្សនៅមិនអស់មិនរលាយ ។ 
ស្នាដៃរបស់ចិនយួន ខ្មែរយើងជាសាក្សី បានឃើញបានយល់ រស់នៅឆ្លងកាត់ផ្ទាល់ 
ខ្មែរយើងស្គាល់ជាអ្វីច្បាស់ ណាស់ក្នុងសមយ័ជៃជេដ្ឋា២ សមយ័អង្គមីញ អង្គឌួង 
មិនអាចអោយពួកអាចោរនេះមកបំភ្លៃបោកប្រាស់បានទេ ។ 

តើពួកអាចិនយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ 
 ពួកអាចោរព្រៃអស់ហ្នឹង មិនចាំបាច់តែខ្មែរទេ សូម្បីចិនឬយួនដែលជាប់ឈាមឈរជាខ្មែរ 
ឬគ្រាន់តែប្រកាន់ខ្លួនជាខ្មែរ ស្រលាញ់ការពារខ្មែរ ស្រលាញ់ការពារវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ 
វាទុកតែពួកអាមោក ពួកអាអគតិល្ងិតល្ងង់ភ្លីភ្លើ 
ពួកអាដៃដល់ស្រួលវាប្រើនិងចេញខោកចូលខោកតាមចិត្តវា ។ តែពួកអាចិនយួនអស់នោះ 
វាមិនហ៊ានជាមួយខ្មែរទេ ។ បើវាខ្លាំងវាហ៊ានតតាំងជាមួយខ្មែរដោយ សមពលឬបញ្ញ:ឬទេ? 

 ចំពោះខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់ ឆ្កែក៏ដោយឆ្មាក៏ដោយអោយតែខ្មែរ ខុសពីនោះជាបញ្ហាហើយ... ។ 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nokoreach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Cc: srpcabi...@gmail.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: It is time to wake up

Re: What A Misery For Cambodia!!

2011-08-27 Thread Bopha Angkor
RE: What A Misery For Cambodia!!ជំរាបសួរលោកពូ,

អរគុណលោកពូ ខ្ញុំបានដឹងពីអាយួនម្នាក់ហ្នឹងតាមរយ:មិត្រភក្តីខ្លះៗដែរ 
មានមិត្រភក្តីធ្លាប់ទៅសរសេរលើ Guestbook វាដែរ 
តែវាមិនដែលទុកសំនេរណាដែលប្រឆាំងឬបរិហារគំនិនិងអំពើអាក្រក់ណាមួយរបស់វា ឬរបស់យួនទេ 
វាលប់ចោលភ្លាមៗ វាក្រឡាញឹក ស្អិតដូចសត្ចឈ្លើងស្វិតស្វាញខ្លាំងណាស់ 
គ្មានអោយអ្វីចេញរួចពីសំណាញវាទេ តែវាវិញមកជេរខ្មែរ មកសំអុយនៅទីនេះមាសេរី ខុសពីវា 
ខ្មែរយើងនៅតែបណ្តោយវាអោយធ្វើអ្វីតាមចិត្ត ។ 
នេះក៏បញ្ជាក់ពីការខុសគ្នារវាងធម្មជាតិយួននិងធម្មជាតិខ្មែរ ។ 


សូមផ្ញើរក្តីរលឹកទៅអ្នកមីងផង J 

  - Original Message - 

  From: Krakmo Kaing 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 10:47 AM
  Subject: RE: What A Misery For Cambodia!!

  ជំរាបសួរ នាង,

  អានឹង វាបានប្រាប់ខ្ញុំម្តងមកហើយ ថាវានឹងជាកូនកាត់ចិន​និងយួន ។ 
​ដូច្នេះវាគ្មានអ្វីជាប់និស្ស័យ(ខ្ញុំមិនថាជាប់សាច់ឈាមអ្វីទេ​)​និងខ្មែរអ្វីឡើយ ។ 
វានិយាយហាក់បីដូចជាដឹងសម្បើមណាស់ ក្នុងរឿងខ្មែរ ។


  -Message d'origine-
  De : camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camdisc@googlegroups.com] De la part de 
Bopha Angkor
  Envoyé : vendredi 26 août 2011 21:11
  À : camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Objet : Re: What A Misery For Cambodia!!

  Who care what the crony ass has to say...? Take your specimen ass and 

  stupidity out of here.

  - Original Message - 

  From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com

  To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 


  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:57 PM

  Subject: Re: What A Misery For Cambodia!!


  1) communust

  in the 1st sentence should have been:


  2) high-school teacher

  should have been:

  elementary-school teacher.


  On Aug 26, 12:44 pm, Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com wrote:



   Sihanouk thought the comminust bloc would win the Vietnam war. So he

   thought in order to secure the continuation of his monarchy, he must

   abandon the capitalist bloc and befriend the communist bloc. And

   that's what he did. Not only just being a friend, but he also took

   side in the Vietnam war, in favor of the communists. And worse still,

   he practically participated in the war on the side of the communists

   by allowing the North Vietnamse and Vietcongs (NVVCs) to use

   Cambodian territory in their war efforts. I know this fact first-hand,

   ok ok not exactly first-hand, but almost: both of my older brothers-in-

   laws, husbands of my older sisters, one being an army officer and the

   other a high-school teacher, lived and worked in Rattanakiri from 1967

   to 1970; my sisters lived there each with their husbands; when back in

   Phnom Penh, all 4 of them said they had seen the Vietcongs

   transporting their war ammunitions and supplies in Cambodian

   territory, and my army-officer brother-in-law said there had been an

   order from above to not interfere with the movements of the Vietcongs

   or any of their activities whatsoever.


   That was the 1st of the 2 worst and most silly mistakes of Sihanouk's.

   The Americans had to invade Cambodia in order to try to destroy the

   NVVCs sheltered there. If Sihanouk was really neutral, then the war

   would never have spread to Cambodia, because then the Americans

   wouldn't invade Cambodia in order to try to destroy the NVVCs who

   would have sought refuge there. Now let him take side politically with

   the communist bloc; even so, if he hadn't allowed the NVVCs to

   utilize Cambodian territory in their war strategies, then the war

   would never have escalated to Cambodia.


   After all, Sihanouk was no friend of communism, the doctrine. Why??

   Well Well because communism of course means no monarchy. He was able

   to keep the Cambodian communists known as the Khmer Rouge (Red Khmers)

   almost at the non-existence level. The Khmer Rouge, few as they were,

   existed only in border areas and in the remote jungles, and sparsely

   so. My brothers-in-laws also said the Khmer Rouge in Rattanakiri told

   the Phnoorngs there that the Sihanouk regime stole their (the

   Phnoorngs') land and tried to incite them to fight against the

   invaders. Sihanouk had that ability because he was exteremely

   popular. The Cambodian people, well well at least 99.99% of them,

   liked him and loved him and followed him in every circumstance, and

   were always willing and ready to sacrifice their lives for him. He

   even eliminated all who were just suspected of being communists, most

   of whom were high-school teachers.


   He believed he was smart by eliminating the communists inside and

   making friend with the communists outside. Ok Ok that can be

   considered as smartness. However the problem was, again, his allowing

   the NVVCs to employ Cambodian territory in their war plans, which was

   the cause of the escalation of the Vietnam war to Cambodia. He didn't


Re: It is time to wake up....

2011-08-27 Thread Bopha Angkor
អ៊ំប្រុសមិនចាំបាច់ឆ្ងល់ទេ ចិនក៏ដូចយួនខំព្យាយាមផ្សព្វផ្សាយអកុសលបោកប្រាស់ 
បំភ្លៃបំភាន់ប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តមិនឈប់ឈរ ថាពួកវាជាអ្នកសាងអង្គរ 
សាងនេះសាងនោះរបស់ខ្មែរតាមរយ:រឿងផ្រេង, តាមរយ:ការផ្សព្វផ្សាយអកុសលបោកប្រាស់ផ្សេងៗ ៘ 
ចិនយួនអស់នោះគិតថា ខ្មែរភ្លើព្រោះខ្មែរចេះតែខំរក ខំកសាង ឯពួកវាចាំតែលួចប្លន់ 
បំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញ និងកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរឬ មរតកនិងសមិតិផលដែលខ្មែរខំរកខំកសាង ។   
មានយួនខ្លះនៅស្រុកខ្មែរ វាឃើញខ្មែរខំសងផ្ទះ រៀបចំលំនៅដ្ឋានអោយបានសុខសាន្តសមរម្យ 
វាចំអកអោយថា ពួកឯងខំធ្វើទៅ ទុកអោយពួកអញនិងកូនចៅអញនៅ ។ នេះហើយជាវប្បធម៌យួន 
ឬការឆ្លាតរបស់ចិនយួន ។ 


កោតសរសើរទុកសម្រាប់អោយចិននិងយួនបំផ្លេចបំផ្លាញឥតឈប់ឈររាប់សតវត្សនៅមិនអស់មិនរលាយ ។ 
ស្នាដៃរបស់ចិនយួន ខ្មែរយើងជាសាក្សី បានឃើញបានយល់ រស់នៅឆ្លងកាត់ផ្ទាល់ 
ខ្មែរយើងស្គាល់ជាអ្វីច្បាស់ ណាស់ក្នុងសមយ័ជៃជេដ្ឋា២ សមយ័អង្គមីញ អង្គឌួង 
មិនអាចអោយពួកអាចោរនេះមកបំភ្លៃបោកប្រាស់បានទេ ។ 


តើពួកអាចិនយួនយល់ថា ខ្មែរភ្លើបានជាពួកវាខំប្រលយ័បំបាត់ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរ 
 ពួកអាចោរព្រៃអស់ហ្នឹង មិនចាំបាច់តែខ្មែរទេ សូម្បីចិនឬយួនដែលជាប់ឈាមឈរជាខ្មែរ 
ឬគ្រាន់តែប្រកាន់ខ្លួនជាខ្មែរ ស្រលាញ់ការពារខ្មែរ ស្រលាញ់ការពារវប្បធម៌ខ្មែរ 
វាទុកតែពួកអាមោក ពួកអាអគតិល្ងិតល្ងង់ភ្លីភ្លើ 
ពួកអាដៃដល់ស្រួលវាប្រើនិងចេញខោកចូលខោកតាមចិត្តវា ។ តែពួកអាចិនយួនអស់នោះ 
វាមិនហ៊ានជាមួយខ្មែរទេ ។ បើវាខ្លាំងវាហ៊ានតតាំងជាមួយខ្មែរដោយ សមពលឬបញ្ញ:ឬទេ? 


 ចំពោះខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់ ឆ្កែក៏ដោយឆ្មាក៏ដោយអោយតែខ្មែរ ខុសពីនោះជាបញ្ហាហើយ... ។ 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Nokoreach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Cc: srpcabi...@gmail.com 
  Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 4:40 PM
  Subject: Re: It is time to wake up

Cher M. SOK !
   En plus de ma question concernant votre  It is  time to wake up  
  je vous demande une autre question : quelle est l'origine natale
  de M. SAM RAINSY ? Est-il Khmoth-Sè ? Est-il métis entre Khmer et Yuon ?
  Est-il métis entre Khmer et Chen ?
   Sincèrement votre,
- Original Message - 
From: Nokoreach 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, August 27, 2011 9:35 AM
Subject: Re: It is time to wake up

 Please see pdf file in Khmer attached

  - Original Message - 
  From: James Sok 
  To: Camdisc 
  Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 5:33 PM
  Subject: It is time to wake up

  Plz read attachment in Khmer.



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Re: What A Misery For Cambodia!!

2011-08-26 Thread Bopha Angkor
Who care what the crony ass has to say...? Take your specimen ass and 
stupidity out of here.

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Friday, August 26, 2011 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: What A Misery For Cambodia!!


1) communust

in the 1st sentence should have been:


2) high-school teacher

should have been:

elementary-school teacher.


On Aug 26, 12:44 pm, Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com wrote:


Sihanouk thought the comminust bloc would win the Vietnam war. So he
thought in order to secure the continuation of his monarchy, he must
abandon the capitalist bloc and befriend the communist bloc. And
that's what he did. Not only just being a friend, but he also took
side in the Vietnam war, in favor of the communists. And worse still,
he practically participated in the war on the side of the communists
by allowing the North Vietnamse and Vietcongs (NVVCs) to use
Cambodian territory in their war efforts. I know this fact first-hand,
ok ok not exactly first-hand, but almost: both of my older brothers-in-
laws, husbands of my older sisters, one being an army officer and the
other a high-school teacher, lived and worked in Rattanakiri from 1967
to 1970; my sisters lived there each with their husbands; when back in
Phnom Penh, all 4 of them said they had seen the Vietcongs
transporting their war ammunitions and supplies in Cambodian
territory, and my army-officer brother-in-law said there had been an
order from above to not interfere with the movements of the Vietcongs
or any of their activities whatsoever.

That was the 1st of the 2 worst and most silly mistakes of Sihanouk's.
The Americans had to invade Cambodia in order to try to destroy the
NVVCs sheltered there. If Sihanouk was really neutral, then the war
would never have spread to Cambodia, because then the Americans
wouldn't invade Cambodia in order to try to destroy the NVVCs who
would have sought refuge there. Now let him take side politically with
the communist bloc; even so, if he hadn't allowed the NVVCs to
utilize Cambodian territory in their war strategies, then the war
would never have escalated to Cambodia.

After all, Sihanouk was no friend of communism, the doctrine. Why??
Well Well because communism of course means no monarchy. He was able
to keep the Cambodian communists known as the Khmer Rouge (Red Khmers)
almost at the non-existence level. The Khmer Rouge, few as they were,
existed only in border areas and in the remote jungles, and sparsely
so. My brothers-in-laws also said the Khmer Rouge in Rattanakiri told
the Phnoorngs there that the Sihanouk regime stole their (the
Phnoorngs') land and tried to incite them to fight against the
invaders. Sihanouk had that ability because he was exteremely
popular. The Cambodian people, well well at least 99.99% of them,
liked him and loved him and followed him in every circumstance, and
were always willing and ready to sacrifice their lives for him. He
even eliminated all who were just suspected of being communists, most
of whom were high-school teachers.

He believed he was smart by eliminating the communists inside and
making friend with the communists outside. Ok Ok that can be
considered as smartness. However the problem was, again, his allowing
the NVVCs to employ Cambodian territory in their war plans, which was
the cause of the escalation of the Vietnam war to Cambodia. He didn't
have to allow such a thing, since his high popularity already kept the
Khmer Rouge at bay and thus he didn't have to court the communist
bloc. To flatter the communists further, he even created the sangkum
reas niyum, obtained by just adding the word reas to sangkum
niyum, which means socialist.

Now the 2nd of the 2 worst and most silly mistakes of Sihanouk's. It
was his alliance with the Khmer Rouge to fight against the Lon Nol
regime. Virtually 95% of the Cambodian people believed that it was the
war between Lon Nol and him, not between Lon Nol and the Khmer Rouge.
Of course virtually 95% of the Cambodian people wanted him back. He
and his surviving popularity were the main reason why the Khmer Rouge
won the un-civilized civil war. Thus he was responsible for making it
possible for the genocide to occur.

All Right. Now speaking about why he was so popular. There were 2
reasons. Reason #1 was that he was a king (people still considered him
as king during his tenure as chief of state and his mother being the
legally actual monarch). The Cambodian people back then, most of them
anyway, worshipped kings as gods, and declared they couldn't live in a
country without a king. Reason #2, which was more important, was that
he was eloquent, ma-nhek ma-nhok, and knew how to flatter people by
lying to them that Cambodia was a developed country, d'ohh!!

OK. Now let's gather here the recent leaders 

Re: Fw: What Cambodian have been suppressed is due to Cambodian Kingship

2011-08-18 Thread Bopha Angkor
After Khmer word, Khmer culture, Khmer this and that now you have problem 
with Khmer food @ kampouch ass ? After your @ kampouch ass  Khmer are dump 
and stupid because they have dark skin eat dead meat.  Sound like your @ 
kampouch ass's trying to teach Khmer  to be savage like your kampouch ass by 
eating dogs and eat human meat like your kampouch ass taught to Khmer 
Vietminh/ Khmer rouge. ..

You need more dog meat or human liver ass to be more or less animalistic @ 

Honestly, your pretending dump smart ass is beyond human logic

- Original Message - 
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: Fw: What Cambodian have been suppressed is due to Cambodian 

Vonglokruta Khema.
Idiot man!

You eat dead meat and spoiled salted fish every day, that is why you
get so angry too fast before you understand what you have seen.
I see all your people out there are the same as you do.

You need to change your daily food for being able to be a normal
person and smart. If they are not, they will turn to youn 100%. Don't
blame no one other than your own ancesters and your monks who have
trained you to do so.

On Aug 18, 8:59 am, Vonglokruta Khema kvonglokr...@yahoo.com wrote:

@.គ្មាននរណាទៅបំបិទសិទ្ធសេរីភាពក្នុងការនិយាយឬសរសេររបស់អស់អាម៉ាសៀរ ...

read more »

អាNeak Kampuchea, Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug Dooo,Kangarooo... ស្អីគេនោះទេ 
@.តែអ្វីដែលយើងស្អប់ខ្ពើមបំផុតនោះ គឺអាម៉ាសៀរ អស់នោះ អស់វាខំព្យាយាម

បំផ្លាញKhmer Identity. R U understand គឺ
@. អាគំរក់ Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug
Dooo,Kangarooo  អ្នក កម្ពុជន...សម័យវប្បធម៌យួន.

- Forwarded Message -
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion 
(CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.orgcamdisc@googlegroups.com

Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2011 10:59 PM
Subject: Re: Fw: What Cambodian have been suppressed is due to Cambodian 

You are babarian Khmer Krom.

On Aug 18, 12:19 am, Vonglokruta Khema kvonglokr...@yahoo.com wrote:
 @.គ្មាននរណាទៅបំបិទសិទ្ធសេរីភាពក្នុងការនិយាយឬសរសេររបស់អស់អាម៉ាសៀរ ...

 read more »

 អាNeak Kampuchea, Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug Dooo,Kangarooo... ស្អីគេនោះទេ 
 @.តែអ្វីដែលយើងស្អប់ខ្ពើមបំផុតនោះ គឺអាម៉ាសៀរ អស់នោះ អស់វាខំព្យាយាម

 បំផ្លាញKhmer Identity. R U understand គឺ
 @. អាគំរក់ Xiclo Xoriya, Ong Thug
 Dooo,Kangarooo  អ្នក កម្ពុជន...សម័យវប្បធម៌យួន.

 - Forwarded Message -
 From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
 To: Cambodia Discussion 
 (CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.orgcamdisc@googlegroups.com

 Sent: Thursday, 18 August 2011 9:11 AM
 Subject: What Cambodian have been suppressed is due to Cambodian 

 Free expression permits us to write and say what we have seen in
 Cambodia today, as corruption has been due to multiple royal decrees
 for life time immunity title, which could not be touched by any
 Cambodian law enforcement officers. “If you touch them, you get in
 trouble, or simple get fired”.

 Royal decrees for life time immunity have been stipulating impunity
 and all kid of corruptions with multiple abuses on Phnom Penh streets,
 work places, sexual harassments, and sexual violence as well, in
 Cambodia today.

 We did hear cars collision on Phnom Penh’s streets, and certain
 drunken drivers didn’t care right or wrong, but pulled gun with
 assault words to other sites in presence of police officers. But those
 police agents let them quickly go free without trying to find any
 evidence of road accidents, because they couldn’t touch them as they
 know they have “life time royal immunity”. If you touch them, you get
 in trouble with your job downgrade or simply get fired, if those
 assailants are Super-sub-king or Minor-sub king’s sons or daughters.

 We also hear young and beautiful girl singer actors have been gun down
 because they refused to obey order for meeting someone. Some were
 died, some are completely disable and we didn’t hear police could
 catch one of them for putting in jail until today.

 Why? The answer is that police and investigators couldn’t handle over
 “royal life time immunity decree”.

 There are also a great number of hidden “royal life times immunity”
 abuses on seizing building construction lands, plantation farms or
 farm lands, on Judicial, police, military, and administrative system
 all over Cambodia as this “king of king system” is still existed and
 hanging overhead of Cambodia’s government and its people.

 Because they believe they could do anything in accordance of 80%
 Cambodian are still superstitious under a perplexity Buddhism, or in
 other words, under a confused Buddhar-hinduism/hybrid.

 How Cambodian Democracy could freely go through, as it’s should be, if
 this plague could not be healed?

 This is what we have found.

 We can uncover that some unpleasant information are longtime hidden
 behind our thought. It ‘s the strategy of King Father Norodom
 Sihanouk, after his several political maneuvering 

Re: Preah Vihear is Hindou Temple,

2011-08-18 Thread Bopha Angkor
Nope, even with animals, I use a quite better language but not with certain. 
Understand it or not, I’m careless

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, August 18, 2011 6:04 PM
Subject: Re: Preah Vihear is Hindou Temple,

On Aug 15, 2:13 pm, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

Didn’t @ kampouch over claimed Khmer are ugly and dump because they have
dark skin so and @ kampouch ass (new face race) race is so beautiful and
smart ass because they have white ass then why this dump stupid question
that a kid at primary school can yet answer @ kampouch ass?

Have you ever considered rereading your own writing and ask yourself
whether your writing is a goog example of a good thing?
You and your writing may try to persuade ones to understand something.
Yet, the negativity of it shows the sadness of what you are
presenting. I hope you understand.

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Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.

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Re: Preah Vihear is Hindou Temple,

2011-08-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Didn’t @ kampouch over claimed Khmer are ugly and dump because they have 
dark skin so and @ kampouch ass (new face race) race is so beautiful and 
smart ass because they have white ass then  why this dump stupid question 
that a kid at primary school can yet answer @ kampouch ass?

- Original Message - 
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Saturday, August 13, 2011 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Preah Vihear is Hindou Temple,

If they are so good, why they had been changing like this, in the
course of century?
Tell me why? If gold is so good nobody is going to change it to iron?

They could build thousand stone temples with their scriptures why they
had changed to nothing like this? And all of self-promclaimed Khmer
can not read them.
I think you all are not real Khmer as you are sel-proclaimed, aren't
you? I am telling you that this is the so called social evolution. And
all people of Cambodia are Cambodian.

On Aug 13, 2:19 pm, Kenneth So kenneth.aryasa...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Lok Neak Kampuchea,

Khmer scripts had gone through nine changes over the course of our 

The original scripts are based on the Indian Pallava scripts. By the time
Preah Vihear was built, our Khmer scripts had gone through the fourth
changes. As you can see below, the scripts from 970 to 1066 would be
inscribed in the temple of Preah Vihear (from Yasovarman to Suryavarman 

The scripts called Type VI (classification Nor Korr) in 1066 are not too
much different from the Khmer scripts we are using today. If you want to
understand more about the ancient Khmer scripts I suggest that you read 
book by the late Professor Long Seam called Dictionnaire du Khmer 

(វចនានុក្រមខ្មែរបុរាណ) and another book by Professor Sotheara Vong

Take Care,


On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Neak Kampuchea 

 OK! if Preah Vehear temple were built by Khmer as you have say, tell
 me does any Khner man can read the sripture on its wall? If no one
 Khmer can do it, why?

 On Aug 13, 12:11 am, Samuel Ung Koeun koeun.sam@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm pretty sure that you love Cambodia. Your intention is to make
  Cambodia better. We don't have any doubt of that. However, what you
  are doing is just the opposite because you allow hate to dictate your
  core belief.


  On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 8:56 AM, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com

   To be honest with you, I really don't know who you are and what you
   believe in when it comes to Cambodia.
   I am going to point out something that you cannot dispute.
   Please reread your writing to see what you see.

   Here is what I am seeing.

   You are trying to disgrace Cambodian treasure because you dislike
   You are disgracing your own people because you don't like them.
   Please tell me if these two factors are not true.

   What you are doing is nothing more than dividing Cambodia. As many
   more people are doing that, Cambodia would be weaker and weaker as 
   have seen. Cambodian factions have been fighting each other for 
   own individual rightiousness for many decades. They have been 
   their own people along the way. What are they doing to their 

   Each factions claim that thhey are patriots to their country,
   Cambodia. Unfrotunately, their acts show very different. That is
   exactly what you are doing here.

   Please don't be offended. Just explain it to me if I am wrong.

   Those treasures are THINGS belong to Cambodia. Those things cannot 

   any harm to anyone.
   Then Hun Sen and CPP are Cambodians, not Vietnamese. If you disagree
   with them, don't accuse them of this and that. If you know 
   just say it. I am pretty sure many others would come to support you 

   they are factual.

   I'm pretty sure that you love Cambodia. Your intention is to make
   Cambodia better. We don't have any doubt of that. However, what you
   are doing is just the opposite because you allow hate to dictate 

   core belief.

   On Aug 10, 11:18 pm, Koeun koeun.sam@gmail.com wrote:
More than that, Hun Xen worships Ong Ho's dead corpse in Hanoi

On Aug 2, 11:48 am, Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com 

 You even spell the name of the Hindu god Shiva incorrectly. That
 a lot about you. It's
 beyond belief thay you don't even know that Hinduism has a 

 an elephant as
 gods. Talking about mouse, yeah yeah I forgot to mention in that
 of mine, that the
 Hindus also worship mouse, or more accurately, mice, d'ohh!!

 Don't try to discuss about a topic of which you have little or 


 Now just answer my 

Re: Khmer culture heritage Foundation itself has been creating Khmer extremism, corruption with impunity, thousand years before Mr. Hen Sen’s birth date.

2011-07-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok, Lok Srei Keo,


Yuon vc  and their partners brainwashed Khmer rouge not to call yuons « yuons 
», it’s a bad word, it is racist word; call yuons, comrades Vietnamese.  And 
all the Khmer rouge including  sihanouk, hun sen ect …and those who believed in 
yuon teaching and propagandas executed yuon wills while go after those who dare 
to use this word as if they are criminals, specially among bunch of low skin 
westerners proyuons. Now yuons begin to propaganda that Khmer is also a bad 
word, an extremist or racist word - The yuons crimes, yuon atrocity and yuon 
human rights violation against  other ethnic that are not yuons will never end 
if those people will not put an end to those yuon bloody crimes, yuon animosity 
and yuon violation of human rights.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Chamnap Keo 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, July 09, 2011 8:15 AM
  Subject: Re: Khmer culture heritage Foundation itself has been creating Khmer 
extremism, corruption with impunity, thousand years before Mr. Hen Sen’s birth 

  Neak Kampuchea works really hard to push for this new word.  If as you say, 
Cambodia has thousands of years of history, don't you think it's culture and 
people know who they are?

  What Neak Kampuchea does not tell us is that his campaign to put this new 
word to forefront is not a result of Cambodians mis-classifying themselves and 
confusion about their Khmer identity, but only that Khmer and the demographic 
of today's Cambodia is changing to accompanied for the masses of millions of 
legal and illegal Youns who come to live in Cambodia. We know that, Youn have 
live en mass with in Cambodia and spread like wildfire, however, we are not 
confused about this self-proclaim Khmer identity. It has been this way for 
over a thousand years, and the fact that it needs to be change now does not 
reflect a mistake, but as I say, rather an unfortunate change and trend in the 
reality of Vietnamese and Sino dominated Khmer land, or as we always say in 
Khmer, Srok Khmer.

  What is wrong with using Khmer as an all encompassing group identity? What is 
wrong with using this word as we have always use for over a millennium now? 
This word Khmer on contrary, does not exclude people out of Cambodia, it 
includes and builds solidarity in Srok Khmer, even the Sino Khmers had come 
to refer to themselves as we Khmers. This is a term, under an umbrella, of a 
over 2 thousand years of history of unity, and it strengthens the continuation 
of the cultures of our forefathers who have bestowed it onto us, in this land. 
Those who come to this land, and accept the ancestors contributions and show 
gratitude to allegiance to this nation are part of the Khmer identity.

  Those who wish to exclude themselves, and self-identify otherwise for other 
political purpose, no matter under what guise, what propanda, what message, or 
persuasion, is neither Cambodian nor Khmer - but betrayals who have infiltrated 
the nation and wishes to destroy it from the inside out.

  Thailand is neither a country of the Tais nor is the TAI a homogenous ethnic 
identity, yet Thai comes to be the core identifying feature of that country 
and unity for many people who are not even Tai. And Thai identity is brief 
compared to the Khmer identity, so it should be that the Khmer identity should 
wrap an even stronger solidarity and unity among all people of Cambodia - 
because this is the word that connects this land to its ancient heritage and 
the word that will continuate to prerseve and perpetuation the survival of that 
heritage. Those who enter wishing to destroy this heritage can be can neither 
Cambodia, Chun Kampuchea or Khmer and should forever be outcast as foreigners 
bent on the destruction and domination of Khmer nation. Period.

  On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com 

Khmer culture heritage Foundation itself has been creating Khmer
extremism, corruption with impunity, thousand years before Mr. Hen
Sen’s birth date.

Please be understood that Cambodian is not a race’s name as certain
individual of Khmer self-proclaimed have believed. One should thinks
that this English word Cambodian meaning is not the same as Khmer
language meaning, which has not been adjusted for decades along social
evolution or in others words along with multi-ethnic integration.
Cambodian should be called in Khmer word “Chun-Kampuchea” but not

Every English word we speak has been updated. So please be careful to
catch-up this English word “Cambodian”, which is designated for
calling all inhabitants within Cambodia’s territories without
discriminating of origins of birth, belief, and political tendency.
Please keep in mind that Cambodian does not exceed to be illegally
added Khmer ethnic of Vietnam or Khmer ethnic of Thailand. Cambodian
word is solely nominated for people within 

Re: Killing Fields Filmmaker Wins Top World Journalism Prize

2011-06-27 Thread Bopha Angkor
Judge Khmer rouge must also judge and condemn Yuon vc who created, formed and 
trained Khmer rouge to kill Khmer in order to rob land, resources and colonize 
Cambodia with millions and millions of yuon colons. 




Yuon colons in Cambodia in 2003, a huge savage colonisation following the 
killing field operation



After estimation of some searchers,  the recent yuon colons in Cambodia is more 
than 8 millions. Yuons did led ethnic cleaning against Khmer robe resources, 
land and colonize Cambodia as yuons did in Laos, Kampuchea krom and Champa. 



ពូជសាសន៍ខ្មែរដើម្បីយួនហាណូយប្លន់ទឹកដីទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិរបស់ខ្មែរ ។ 
ពួកជនដែលឃុបឃិតឬចូលរួមជាមួយយួន, ជាមួយឧក្រិដ្ឋកម្មយួនដោយប្រការណាមួយ 
សុទ្ឋតែជាពួកបាតដៃប្រលាក់ឈាមខ្មែរ ។ 

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 
Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2011 9:53 PM
Subject: Re: Killing Fields Filmmaker Wins Top World Journalism Prize

Congratulations to Mr Thet Sambath!! (The title of the article first
made me mistakenly think it was the film The Killing Fields, and
caused me to wonder why now, so late, 26 years after the release of
the film in 1985). This award by an international organization clearly
demonstrates that the world still rightly believes, as it always has,
that the Khmer Rouge regime barbarically and atrociously massacred the
Cambodian people. It serves, among other things, as a warning against
those Khmers who're trying to get the Khmer Rouge off the hook.

My condolences to Thet Sambath for having lost both his parents and an
older brother to the unspeakably barbaric unspeakably atrocious
unspeakably mass-murderous Khmer Rouge regime. I too lost lots of
relatives, including my older brother and an older sister and their
entire families, but none of my parents, to that regime. The Khmer
Rouge must be punished.

Thank you Perom Uch for such a great news.

On Jun 23, 5:44 pm, Perom Uch perom@cambodia-gateway.com wrote:


 *From:* Rob Lemkin [mailto:sa...@oldstreetfilms.com]
 *Sent:* jeudi 23 juin 2011 20:11

 *Subject:* Killing Fields Filmmaker Wins Top World Journalism Prize


 *Cambodian journalist and genocide survivor, Thet Sambath, has won the 2011
 Knight International Journalism Award for uncovering the secrets of the
 brutal Pol Pot Regime. His film ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE will be used as
 evidence at the trial of the Khmer Rouge leaders which starts in Phnom Penh
 on Monday June 27, 2011.*

 A Cambodian journalist who spent a decade tracking down and eliciting
 unprecedented confessions from former Khmer Rouge officials has won the 2011
 Knight International
 Thet Sambath, 44, a senior reporter with the English-language daily
 *Phnom Penh Post*, spent a decade gaining the trust of, among others, Pol
 Pot’s deputy Nuon
 Brother Number 2). His remarkable results were documented in the
 award-winning documentary film *Enemies of the
 People*http://enemiesofthepeoplemovie.com/which took Special Jury
 Prize for World Cinema at the Sundance Film Festival
 of 2010 and is to air on PBS television in July.


 The Knight Award is given annually by the Washington DC-based International
 Center for 
 recognition of media professionals who have taken bold steps to keep
 citizens informed despite great obstacles. ICFJ said: “[Sambath’s film] is
 arguably the most important documentary about the Khmer Rouge. Within
 Cambodia its impact was close to home and personal. It will be used as
 evidence in the trial of Nuon Chea this year, and it brought Cambodians some
 understanding of that tragic time in their history.”

 * *

 *“Enemies of the People is arguably the most important documentary about the
 Khmer Rouge.” **International** Center** for Journalists*

 * *

 Thet Sambath speaking from his home in Phnom Penh said: “I am truly honored
 to receive this award for my work over the last decade. I believe its
 recognition will assist greatly in the process of finding out the truth of
 my country’s sad history and enabling us all, victims and perpetrators
 alike, to move forward together towards a more peaceful and just future.”

 Sambath lost both his parents and an older brother to the Khmer Rouge. They
 were among an estimated 1.7 million Cambodians (around 1 in 5 of the
 population) who died during the regime of the radical communist 

Re: Khmer culture via yuon culture

2011-05-09 Thread Bopha Angkor

គ្មាននរណាថា អាយួនឬអា kangaro ខុសទេ វាត្រូវចំកណ្កាលអំបែបក្បាលវាតែម្តង ។

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: Khmer culture via yuon culture

I am very suprised to see these faces coming up again and again.
As far as I can understand it, those people are famous in Cambodia.
They are leaders of Cambodia from different generation. Now, you are
saying that those Cambodians are selling their nation to Vietnam.
Am I hearing right that Cambodians are selling their nation to
Am I right by saying that Cambodians are destroying their own nation?
What does it mean?
Does it mean that Cambodians are very stupid people who sell their own
Am I right?

On May 9, 8:29 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

ការតស៊ូរបស់ខ្មែរគ្រប់សមយ័កាលប្រឆាំងនឹងវប្បធម៌ព្រៃ វប្បធម៌ប្រលយ័ពូជសាសន៍

ម៉្លេះ ។ ក្នុងរាជ្ជកាលព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ 
ចាមដែលនៅសេសសល់ពីសង្រ្គាមរាំងជល់ជាមួយខ្មែរនិងចិន បានរួមដៃគ្នាជាមួយចិន, 
ជាពិសេស ពួក ចោរព្រៃចិនឬយួន(ដូចចិនយួនធ្វើជាមួយស៊ីហនុ/ខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ) 
មកវាយប្រហារខ្មែរមិនឈប់ឈរ ។ ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ដែលយល់ពីគ្រោះថ្នាក់ នេះ 
។ នៅឆ្នាំ 1128,1129, 1138 ,1150 ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ 
បានដឹកនាំពលទព័របស់ព្រះអង្គទៅកំចាត់ ចោរព្រៃយួនតែការព្យាយាមរបស់ 
ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ ពុំបានទទូល លិទ្ធផលទេ 
មានការជួយជ្រួមជ្រែងពីចិនជានិច្ច មិនខុស ពីអ្វីដែលចិនដែលបានធ្វើជា 
មួយយួនយ៉ាកកុងឬខ្មែរក្រហមទេ ។ នៅរុជ្ជកាលព្រះបាទជយ័វរ័ន្មទី៨, 
មុងហ្គោលព្រមទាំងបានចាប់ទូតមុងហ្គោលកាត់កចោល មុងហ្គោលនិងចាម 
ហើយប្រហែលជាដោយការគាំទ្រពីចិនយួនបានវាយប្រហានិង ឈ្លានពានប្រទេសខ្មែរ 

ខ្មែរ រុជ្ជកាលជៃជេដ្ឋាទី២ 
។ ការ ប្រលយ័ពូជសសន៍ខ្មែរដ៏យ៉ងឃ្នងមួយរបស់យួន 
ក្នុងចំណោមការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួនមកលើឥតឈប់ឈមកលើខ្មែរ គឺនៅដើមសតវត្សទី១៩ ។ 
បានកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរដោយសាហាវ បំផុតមិនខុសពី សមយ័ខ្មែរក្រហមទេ 
ដូចជាចាប់ខ្មែរកាត់ក កាត់ដៃជើងខ្លួនជាចំណែក 
ជាពិសេសខ្មែរនៅតំបន់អង្គរ មិនខុសពីសមយ័ខ្មែរក្រហមទេ ។ 
ដោយខ្មែរជាជនជាតិមួយដែលអោយតម្លៃលើសេរីភាពរបស់ខ្លួន លើឧត្តម្តភាព 
លើសច្ច:លើយុត្តិធម៌និងសុខមាលភាព ស្អប់ខ្ពើមអំពើអយុត្តិធម៌ អំពើសាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ 
ស្អប់ខ្ពើមវប្បធម៌ចោរ វប្បធម៌ព្រៃផ្សៃអំពើសាហាវយ៉ងឃ្នងទើបនៅគ្រប់សមយ័កាល 
នៅពេលដែលខ្មែរប្រឈមមុខនឹងវប្បធម៌ចោរ, វប្បធម៌ព្រៃនិងការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួន 
ខ្មែរតែងងើបប្រឆាំងនឹងការឈ្លានពាន, ការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួន 
សច្ច:ត្រង់ស្លូតបូត ទើកមើកខ្វះតណ្ហានិងឆន្ទ:លោភលន់ព្យាបាទជីវិតអ្នកដ៏ទៃ 
សូម្បីសត្រូវខ្លួន ។ រាប់សតវត្សមកហើយដែលដូនតាខ្មែរបាន 
ហេតុអ្វីខ្មែរសមយ័នេះ មិនអាចធ្វើបាន? 
ឬមនុស្សខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្នលែងសល់អ្វីជាខ្មែរទៀត ហើយ? 
ពត៌មានការរៀបចំនិងអ្នកដឹកនាំល្អដែលមានឧត្តម្តគតិជាខ្មែរ ស្គាល់តម្លៃខ្មែរ 
មិនមែនជាយួនឬអាយ៉ង ។ បុប្ផាអង្គរ

- Original Message -
From: Bopha Angkor
To: khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com ; camdisc@googlegroups.com ; 

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:58 PM
Subject: Fw: Khmer culture via yuon culture

Yuons ever scheme of killing and destroying of Cambodia, people and 

យួនតែងប្រើកលល្បិចចាស់កំរិលតែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពគឺ សិល្ប:សង្រ្គាមចិន”សាមកុក” ។ 
ក្នុងសិល្ប៍ សង្រ្គាម”សាមកុក”នេះមានកលល្បិចច្រើនណាស់ តែជាមួយមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរ 
យួនប្រើតែល្បិចពីរបីប៉ុណ្ណោះគឺ ល្បិចក្តៅនិងល្បិចត្រជាក់ (ជាចំបង) ។ 
ឬកញ្ចះរបស់វា អស់នោះមាន 
កម្លាំងបន្តការប្លន់ជិះជាន់កាប់សម្លាប់ប្រជាជនស្លូតត្រង់តទៅទៀត ។ 
ចំពោះល្បិចក្តៅ យួនប្រើល្បិច បំបាត់ខ្លួនបំបិទមាត់ដោយប្រការផ្សេង 
អោយវេទនារហេមរហាមដូចអណ្តើកក្នុងភ្លើង ។ ក្នុងអំឡុងឆ្នាំ៧០, ពេលដែល 
ដឹងខ្លួនថាចាញ់បោកយួន និងកុំម្មុនីស្ត ប៉ុល-ពត 
ព្យាយាមចង់ចេញពីការគ្រប់គ្រងរបស់យួន, របស់កុំម្មុនីស្ត 
ពេលនោះសហភាពសូវៀតចង់នាំក្រុមសម្ភន័មិត្ត របស់គេមកកំទេចប៉ុល-ពត ចោលតែត្រូវយួន 
ផាំវាន់ដុង ហាមខាត់ ។ យួនផាំវាន់ដុងគ្រាន់តែនិយាយប្រាប់មិត្តវាថា 
យួនដឹងច្បាស់ថា ពេលណាត្រូវប្រើ

Fw: Khmer culture via yuon culture

2011-05-09 Thread Bopha Angkor

គ្មាននរណាថា អាយួនឬអា kangaro ខុសទេ វាត្រូវចំកណ្កាលអំបែងក្បាលតែម្តង ។

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: Khmer culture via yuon culture

I am very suprised to see these faces coming up again and again.
As far as I can understand it, those people are famous in Cambodia.
They are leaders of Cambodia from different generation. Now, you are
saying that those Cambodians are selling their nation to Vietnam.
Am I hearing right that Cambodians are selling their nation to
Am I right by saying that Cambodians are destroying their own nation?
What does it mean?
Does it mean that Cambodians are very stupid people who sell their own
Am I right?

On May 9, 8:29 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

ការតស៊ូរបស់ខ្មែរគ្រប់សមយ័កាលប្រឆាំងនឹងវប្បធម៌ព្រៃ វប្បធម៌ប្រលយ័ពូជសាសន៍

ម៉្លេះ ។ ក្នុងរាជ្ជកាលព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ 
ចាមដែលនៅសេសសល់ពីសង្រ្គាមរាំងជល់ជាមួយខ្មែរនិងចិន បានរួមដៃគ្នាជាមួយចិន, 
ជាពិសេស ពួក ចោរព្រៃចិនឬយួន(ដូចចិនយួនធ្វើជាមួយស៊ីហនុ/ខ្មែរក្រហមដែរ) 
មកវាយប្រហារខ្មែរមិនឈប់ឈរ ។ ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ដែលយល់ពីគ្រោះថ្នាក់ នេះ 
។ នៅឆ្នាំ 1128,1129, 1138 ,1150 ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ 
បានដឹកនាំពលទព័របស់ព្រះអង្គទៅកំចាត់ ចោរព្រៃយួនតែការព្យាយាមរបស់ 
ព្រះបាទសូរិយវរ័ន្មទី២ ពុំបានទទូល លិទ្ធផលទេ 
មានការជួយជ្រួមជ្រែងពីចិនជានិច្ច មិនខុស ពីអ្វីដែលចិនដែលបានធ្វើជា 
មួយយួនយ៉ាកកុងឬខ្មែរក្រហមទេ ។ នៅរុជ្ជកាលព្រះបាទជយ័វរ័ន្មទី៨, 
មុងហ្គោលព្រមទាំងបានចាប់ទូតមុងហ្គោលកាត់កចោល មុងហ្គោលនិងចាម 
ហើយប្រហែលជាដោយការគាំទ្រពីចិនយួនបានវាយប្រហានិង ឈ្លានពានប្រទេសខ្មែរ 

ខ្មែរ រុជ្ជកាលជៃជេដ្ឋាទី២ 
។ ការ ប្រលយ័ពូជសសន៍ខ្មែរដ៏យ៉ងឃ្នងមួយរបស់យួន 
ក្នុងចំណោមការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួនមកលើឥតឈប់ឈមកលើខ្មែរ គឺនៅដើមសតវត្សទី១៩ ។ 
បានកាប់សម្លាប់ខ្មែរដោយសាហាវ បំផុតមិនខុសពី សមយ័ខ្មែរក្រហមទេ 
ដូចជាចាប់ខ្មែរកាត់ក កាត់ដៃជើងខ្លួនជាចំណែក 
ជាពិសេសខ្មែរនៅតំបន់អង្គរ មិនខុសពីសមយ័ខ្មែរក្រហមទេ ។ 
ដោយខ្មែរជាជនជាតិមួយដែលអោយតម្លៃលើសេរីភាពរបស់ខ្លួន លើឧត្តម្តភាព 
លើសច្ច:លើយុត្តិធម៌និងសុខមាលភាព ស្អប់ខ្ពើមអំពើអយុត្តិធម៌ 
អំពើសាហាវព្រៃផ្សៃ ស្អប់ខ្ពើមវប្បធម៌ចោរ 
នៅពេលដែលខ្មែរប្រឈមមុខនឹងវប្បធម៌ចោរ, វប្បធម៌ព្រៃនិងការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួន 
ខ្មែរតែងងើបប្រឆាំងនឹងការឈ្លានពាន, ការកាប់សម្លាប់របស់យួន 
សច្ច:ត្រង់ស្លូតបូត ទើកមើកខ្វះតណ្ហានិងឆន្ទ:លោភលន់ព្យាបាទជីវិតអ្នកដ៏ទៃ 
សូម្បីសត្រូវខ្លួន ។ រាប់សតវត្សមកហើយដែលដូនតាខ្មែរបាន 
ហេតុអ្វីខ្មែរសមយ័នេះ មិនអាចធ្វើបាន? 
ឬមនុស្សខ្មែរបច្ចុប្បន្នលែងសល់អ្វីជាខ្មែរទៀត ហើយ? 
ពត៌មានការរៀបចំនិងអ្នកដឹកនាំល្អដែលមានឧត្តម្តគតិជាខ្មែរ ស្គាល់តម្លៃខ្មែរ 
មិនមែនជាយួនឬអាយ៉ង ។ បុប្ផាអង្គរ

- Original Message -
From: Bopha Angkor
To: khmer-ave...@googlegroups.com ; camdisc@googlegroups.com ; 

Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 7:58 PM
Subject: Fw: Khmer culture via yuon culture

Yuons ever scheme of killing and destroying of Cambodia, people and 

យួនតែងប្រើកលល្បិចចាស់កំរិលតែមានប្រសិទ្ធភាពគឺ សិល្ប:សង្រ្គាមចិន”សាមកុក” ។ 
ក្នុងសិល្ប៍ សង្រ្គាម”សាមកុក”នេះមានកលល្បិចច្រើនណាស់ តែជាមួយមេដឹកនាំខ្មែរ 
យួនប្រើតែល្បិចពីរបីប៉ុណ្ណោះគឺ ល្បិចក្តៅនិងល្បិចត្រជាក់ (ជាចំបង) ។ 
ឬកញ្ចះរបស់វា អស់នោះមាន 
កម្លាំងបន្តការប្លន់ជិះជាន់កាប់សម្លាប់ប្រជាជនស្លូតត្រង់តទៅទៀត ។ 
ចំពោះល្បិចក្តៅ យួនប្រើល្បិច បំបាត់ខ្លួនបំបិទមាត់ដោយប្រការផ្សេង 
អោយវេទនារហេមរហាមដូចអណ្តើកក្នុងភ្លើង ។ ក្នុងអំឡុងឆ្នាំ៧០, ពេលដែល 
ដឹងខ្លួនថាចាញ់បោកយួន និងកុំម្មុនីស្ត ប៉ុល-ពត 
ព្យាយាមចង់ចេញពីការគ្រប់គ្រងរបស់យួន, របស់កុំម្មុនីស្ត 
ពេលនោះសហភាពសូវៀតចង់នាំក្រុមសម្ភន័មិត្ត របស់គេមកកំទេចប៉ុល-ពត 
ចោលតែត្រូវយួន ផាំវាន់ដុង ហាមខាត់ ។ 
យួនផាំវាន់ដុងគ្រាន់តែនិយាយប្រាប់មិត្តវាថា យួនដឹងច្បាស់ថា ពេលណាត្រូវប្រើ

Re: Yuon Kampong Romleay Srok Yoeung (by Hin Sithan)

2011-04-24 Thread Bopha Angkor
What is great in democracy for criminals is, while criminals can clean their 
bloody hands, animal can express its opinion or version of things.

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2011 10:28 PM
Subject: Re: Yuon Kampong Romleay Srok Yoeung (by Hin Sithan)

Now we are talking.
You just mentioned those names yourself.
Do you know what nationality Pol Pot, Sihanouk, and their comrades
Whether it is true or not that they did it for Vietnamese or not, do
you know that those people killed their own people in their own
This has been written in the Cambodian history because it is true that
they killed and destroyed their own country with their own hands.
How worse can it be?
It CAN'T be any worse than that.
That's why I am suggesting that Cambodians should join Thailand as one
country called the Kingdom of Thailand so people can live in peace and

On Apr 24, 12:50 pm, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:
No need to ask, Polpot, sihanouk and all their comrades khmer rouge did 

yuon to bring youn great culture and yuon genocide to Cambodia since the
time of polpot or even over, till today.

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Re: Help Hurt

2011-04-07 Thread Bopha Angkor

@ Yuon-Hanoi bag yr sorry ass and go home

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home !

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders of 
Khmer people !

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:59 PM
Subject: Re: Help  Hurt

Isn't what Khmer Rouge was saying all along?
Do you know what they did?
That's right. They destroyed everything in their path except clothing
on their bodies, a sack with a spoon and a plate, and a krama around
their neck.
Is that what you want it here too? Ofcourse, you would say No.
However, your view and wanting to be show clearly that that is what
you want to do.

On Apr 5, 10:08 am, Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com wrote:

The ruling party of CPP is celebrating a win and win policy at the
expenses of Cambodian people. The current government is helping the
rich and the well off group of people to become richer and richer, on
the other hand they are hurting the poor khmers to become homeless,
jobless and destitute . The ruling party is pro rich against poor,
they forgot where they were coming from . Million of Cambodian people
are angry of the ruling party policy, because of their pro-rich
business which has no benefit to the public only profit to their
families and friends. The win win policy of CPP is deriving from the
four basic of evil platform : Corruption, Violence, Lawlessness and
Poverty. It is time for all khmers to wake up and unite together and
set a side the differences.There is a way khmer can communicate each
other and work together by adopting the spirit of compassion,
tolerance and love, because we are the descendant of Khmer Angkor.

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Re: Document movie: VC kill Khmer

2011-04-07 Thread Bopha Angkor

@ Yuon-Hanoi bag yr sorry ass and go home

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home !

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders !

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, April 07, 2011 7:54 PM
Subject: Re: Document movie: VC kill Khmer

I think Cambodians kill their own Cambodians more than any countries
have done combined.

On Apr 5, 4:06 pm, Savun incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:

Interesting movie: Enjoy!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZZbVSDbRYcfeature=related- Hide quoted 
text -

- Show quoted text -

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Re: La France, le racisme, la traite des humains, crime contre humanité et crime contre la paix

2011-04-07 Thread Bopha Angkor

J’étais ravie de la résolution 1973 quand elle était adoptée par ONU permettant 
ONU d’intervenir militairement au Liban à fin de protéger les vies civiles ou 
les oppressions sanglants perpétuées par le dictateur. Je crois que cette 
résolution peut être adopté à bien d’autres cas pour protéger les peuples ou 
les civiles qui luttent pour les droits, la liberté et la démocratie dans le 
monde entier y compris au  Cambodge, la Birmanie, le Laos…, ect  mais 
malheureusement je me suis réjouie trop vite. Comme toujours, l’ONU a sans 
cesse abusé, violé son rôle, ses principales en se comportant comme le 
régulateur colonial féroce pour défendre les intérêts de ses membres que des 
droits de l’homme ou des droits des peuples come il le prétend. Il permet sans 
cesse à ses membres d’intervenir  ou commettre des atrocités, provoquer les 
guerres civiles, des génocides atroces en tout impunité contres les peuples 
dans le monde entier pour leurs propres intérêts, politiques ou économiques.  
Je ne sais pas tout cela nous mène mais on doit tout lever notre voix et mener 
des actions concrètes contre cette injustice et pour que ONU respecte ses 
principes, son rôle qui est le model ou le gardian des droits de l’homme et des 
droits des peuples et non le contraire.  


L’action militaire française récente en Côte d’Ivoire est une dénie de droits 
et une violation militaire évidente contre le Côte d’Ivoire et le peuple 
ivoirien. La France a profité sa position et ses privilèges au sien de l’ONU 
pour régler ses propres comptes et commettre des crimes  contre  Côte d’Ivoire 
en éliminant les peuples ou les personnes indésirables à la colonisation 
française en Côte d’Ivoire. Cette action militaire injustifiée contre le Côte 
d’Ivoire  EST par conséquent UN CRIME contre la paix, Crime contre 
l’institution et peuple ivoirien comme cela est expliqué dans mon précédent 
message.  Pour le cas de Khmer Krom, oui c’est UN des Pires Crimes commis par 
la France contre Khmer Krom en livrant Kampuchea Krom et Khmer Krom à leurs 
pires assassins de tous les temps qui sont les yuons en dette de sa guerre 
perdue contre ceux-ci. Et que fait la France pour aider  ou racheter leur 
crimes . Oui en aidant les yuons par tous les moyens possibles à renvoyer les 
Khmer krom au paradis au plus vite possible.  Comme toujours un crime ordinaire 
et gratuit de la France sans remord ni coupable et histoire repasse sous ses 
hôtes sur une page blanche et une belle chanson avec le vin rouge en guise …


Bopha Angkor


  - Original Message - 

  From: komar koun 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 7:33 PM
  Subject: Re: La France, le racisme, la traite des humains, crime contre 
humanité et crime contre la paix

  S.A.R kozy pratique la politique strategique de grandeur coloniale : la 
France a fait gouter  
  la mëme sauce de namur aux khmers krom en nommant un viet a' la tete de la 
  de Cochinchine (Kampuchea krom) en 1946.La loi du plus grand canon n'a jamais 
été pue renverser.

  2011/4/6 Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr

Bonjour à tous,

La situation politique au Côte d’Ivoire est très proche de celle du 
Cambodge. Comme le Cambodge, Côte d’Ivoire essaye de lutter contre les 
immigrations massives venant des pays voisins et ils sont les islamistes 
intégristes ou autre comme le Cambodge essaye de lutter (ou pas) contre les 
installations massives des communistes vietcong au Cambodge via  Khmer rouge 
cpp/yuon vc.  Ces dernières années les immigrations au Côte d’ Ivoire se sont 
multiplié par trois.  Le camp de Ouattara est le parti politique des 
immigrations (ou on peut le dire franchement les envahisseurs islamistes) de 
Côte d’Ivoire comme les 21 communautés yuon dans les provinces cambodgiens. Ces 
gens sont très barbares. Depuis des années, les massacres contre les civils 
ivoiriens par ces barbares, soutenu militairement et diplomatique par le France 
et les Onuci, sont très fréquents. C’est comme les vietcong et cpp essayent de 
massacrer, voir même exterminer les Cambodgiens pour les voler la terre et les 
ressources et coloniser complètement le Cambodge, et si on les dénoncer, ces 
cpp/yuons et ces autres, nous accuseront d’être racistes ou autre. Une de mes 
proches connait les ivoiriens et leur problème personnellement. Elle a déjà 
rencontré et parlait avec Madame Gbagbo. Ces gens sont chrétiens et sont très 
respectables. Le seul crime de M. Gbagbo est de vouloir l’indépendance pour son 
peuple et son pays et de vouloir sortir son pays de l’occupation française 
(neocolonisation) à fin de restaurer son pays à un état de droits et 


Les sondages et l’enquête indépendante prouvent que M. Gbagbo est le 
vainqueur légitime de cette dernière élection nationale en Côte d’ Ivoire s’il 
n’y a pas des complots, des tricheries et des fraudes.  

La France, le racisme, la traite des humains, crime contre humanité et crime contre la paix

2011-04-06 Thread Bopha Angkor
 déclaration de droits de l'homme donc la protection des civile et ceux qui 
luttent pour les droits et la démocratie mais je condamne les practices peu 
démocratiques voir même criminels de ses membres, surtout la France. Que ONU 
mène des actions efficaces pour les principes de droits de l'homme là où on en 
a besoin et non pour commettre des crimes contre les fiables, les innocents à 
fine de défendre les intérêts des personnes ou des pays puissants !



Bopha Angkor  


Quelques rappels des atrocités et crimes coloniales 











French occupation war's crimes 

Other French war crimes and genocides in Africa - 






  - Original Message - 
  From: Nokoreach 

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2011-03-24 Thread Bopha Angkor
USA bombed Cambodia because Sihanouk allowed vietcong to use Cambodia as yuon 
sanctuary to kill Khmer and attack USA bas..


Unfortunately this bombing had killed thousands of innocent Khmer and caused 
other thousands victims of it till today. And USA must face this 
responsibility. Beside, USA should bombe all those murderers vietcong so these 
criminals would never have occasion to lead/planed numerous worse mass graves 
against millions of innocent to rob and resources of those people. 

Henry Kissinger is a war criminal, YES, and he should stand trial as any 
criminal did if USA people work out for it. But NO need  for yuon propagandas

  - Original Message - 
  From: Bury Chau 
  To: chaub...@hotmail.com 
  Cc: goolge goolge 
  Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 9:35 PM
  Subject: RE: PART 4. : UN Resolution 1973 IT'S HENRY KISSINGER'S DEAL WITH 

  HENRY KISSINGER's oil deals with the Middle East countries made in secret 
behind the back of the US Congress during the 1970's  are coming to open.


  February 22-March 15, 1969 
  March 18, 1969
  Secret Bombing Of Cambodia

  US begins secret bombing of Cambodia.

  Nixon's War:
  The American Bombing Begins

There are no American combat troops in Cambodia. There are no American 
combat advisers in Cambodia. There will be no American combat troops or 
advisers in Cambodia. We will aid Cambodia. Cambodia is the Nixon doctrine in 
its purest form - President Richard M. Nixon, November 1971
  B-52s airstrikes were one of the most lethal non-nuclear forms of attack in 
the Air Force's arsenal, as they could be used to carpet bomb large swaths of 
land, targeted in boxes of approximately two miles by one half mile square. 

  In a memo to General Earle Wheeler, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 
Creighton argued 

Total bomber exposure over Cambodian territory would be less than one 
minute per sortie. (Shawcross, p20)

  The idea was pitched to Nixon, who quickly approved the bombing with the 
assistance of his national security advisor Henry Kissinger. The first 
airstrikes were set for March, barely one month after the initial intelligence 
reports. In honor of the breakfast meeting at the Pentagon that led to Nixon's 
approval of the strike, the assault was codenamed Operation Breakfast. 
  As suggested by Kissenger, Nixon ordered that the attacks occur in secret, 
and all attempts to expose the bombing should be stopped. General Wheeler 
informed his staff: 

In the event press inquiries are received following the execution of the 
Breakfast Plan as to whether or not US B-52s have struck in Cambodia, US 
spokesman will confirm that B-52s did strike on routine missions adjacent to 
the Cambodian border but state that he has no details and will look into the 
question. (Shawcross, p22)
  On the 9th of March, 48 boxes - approximately 48 square miles of Cambodian 
territory - were carpet bombed for Breakfast. 
  Over the course of the next 14 months, the US conducted 3630 B-52 bombing 
raids in Cambodian territory. Each major operation followed on a tradition set 
out by Breakfast; subsequent plans included Operations Lunch, Snack, Dinner, 
Dessert, Supper. It had taken a change of presidential administrations to start 
these attacks, but once the bombing began, a new routine of escalation fell 
into place.

  Henry Kissinger was livid because of the minor breech. He concluded the story 
had been leaked by Mort Halperin, an aide on the National Security Council 
staff. In retribution, Kissinger removed Halperin from the loop and 
successfully arranged FBI chief J. Edgar Hoover to wiretap Halperin's home. The 
Halperin tap was the first of many administration-sanctioned, illegal wiretaps 
that helped bring down the Nixon presidency.

  iT'S RELATED TO THE recent FREEZING by the US treasury dept , of the Libya 
ASSETS ,including various investment from $ 39 TO $ 40 BILLIONS DOLLARS 
  So Henry Kissinger is working for the FED and not for the American National 
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK, through Mme Clinton the US Sec of State .


Re: Vietnamization of Khmer names

2011-03-20 Thread Bopha Angkor
Khmer had no problem with yuons as neighbors capable of some civilizes, 
respects and humanism, and not just that utter barbarism and animalistic. It's 
the minimum that a mankind capable to other mankind accepts the contrary. 
MURDERERS that come to kill Khmer, led mass graves against Khmer to rob 
Khmer richness, land and resources. And it is not only Khmer's problem with 
those barbaric murdered yuons but  it become problem with all mankind who 
respect and believe human universal values which are freedom and human 
rights. All human must condemn and dare to stand up to end this kind of 
utter inhuman and criminal acts.

This is what the wreckful and  murdered yuons must understand

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 12:03 AM
Subject: Re: Vietnamization of Khmer names

If you read all of discussions around the globe about Cambodia written
by Cambodians, you would see one thing in common. Cambodians hate
Vietnamese, and they want nothing to do with it.
Now think about it. How can Cambodians live with their next door
neighbor by thinking or believing that way?
Now, let us not make anyone bad for the moment. No matter how you look
at it, Cambodians cannot proscrastinating about something that they
don't like.
My friend,
China used to be number one enemy to America. Do you know that China
is the number one partner in their economy?
Look at Vietnam. Do you know that they are now friends to America?
Things are changing. Cambodians cannot get stucked in a position that
would bring them no where.

On Mar 19, 3:59 am, Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com wrote:

H.E. Madame Men Sam An is a nice lady and friendly to everybody.
Because of her close connection to Hanoi and leading association of
Cambodian-Vietnam Friendship that made her to be a Deputy Prime
Minister in Cambodia, this is a highest position for the female
fonctionnaire in the kingdom. I believe she speak Vietnamese fluently
with no accent.

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Re: 18 Mina, Virakpheap Knong Duonchett K'nhom (by Heng Thal Savuth)

2011-03-19 Thread Bopha Angkor
Casual views from a chronic royalist, slave of the yuon slaves - These 
cronies are not only ignorant but also

denial cribs and criminals with Zero guilt

- Original Message - 
From: Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: 18 Mina, Virakpheap Knong Duonchett K'nhom (by Heng Thal

The event of 18 Mina should not happen because the key players had no
preparation nor having any concrete plan to deal with the
consequences. The vibration of nationalism among khmer in urban area
was at peak, but the people of other places were not . We know
Vietcong are everywhere. We accused former king a traitor selling land
to Vietcong. The national assembly at that time was just rubber stamp
of the coup plotters, some of them still respected former king and
other hesitated to make a change.The situation was completely chaotic
and confused . Khmer rouge and Vietcong were so happy to assist khmer
Republic leaders to attack former king and making no compromise.The
coup made Nixon a surprise which he did not realize how could it
happen.France attempted to ask for Geneva conference in order to
restore King Sihanouk back to power, but both South and North Vietnam
including American refused. France could not intervene nor having any
influence to the coup plotters in Cambodia not to abolish monarchy
institution as England did to Thailand during the coup of 1932.
England warned coup plotters in Thailand to use force if monarchy
institution demolished. Some argued that if no coup at that time the
whole kingdom of Cambodia was fallen in Vietnamese hand. The
Vietnamese was not stupid enough to take Cambodia before liberating
South if they did their struggle of liberating South was dead. We had
liitle information about Vietnam, the only thing we know about them is
hatre. Fanatic nationalism is very dangerous that why we lost the war,
we lost so many lives and then we lost the country as today .The
ignorance of history condemned us to the dead.

On Mar 18, 9:34 am, Vichea Sam vsam...@gmail.com wrote:

Please see attachment.



18 Mina.pdf

18 Mina.jpg

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Re: Remember 18 Mars

2011-03-19 Thread Bopha Angkor
That's what yuons, cronies and deny cribs can say about that ... Nothing 

During cool war yuons vc the murderers and aggressors were all over 
Cambodia, these yuons vc sew violence, chaotic, atrocity,  and massacre 
innocent Khmer people in their own homes in order to colonize Cambodia. Till 
today the same yuons vc and their killing machine, the communist khmer rouge 
continue to commit crimes endlessly against Khmer people to serve yuon vc 
expansionist and genocidal ambition against Khmer people. No one can against 
a principle that, Khmer people have all rights and legitimacy to defend 
their life and those of theirs against the criminals youn vc who come to 
kill Khmer in their home, robe their land, home, family, wife, child and 
spread the massacre in their house.

International community must get rid of these murderer yuon vc and their 
cronies communists Khmer rouge from this silent extermination commit by the 
yuons vc and cronies against Khmer people. The regime that yuon vc imposed 
to Khmer people is not better than the one Kaddafi but worse. If 
International considered acts or regime of Kaddafi is a crime against 
humanity, the one of yuons vc and their cronies Khmer rouge is the worse 
one. The world must get rid of the communism, of this kind of system because 
it is so inhuman. It has no regard to life concerned by it.

Democracy and freedom for all.

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: Remember 18 Mars

Let me think about it.
First of all, we know the fact that Republic of Cambodia started with
the killings of Vietnamese Cambodians.
I don't know what you call that. To me, it is acts of killing.
Second, we also know that Republic of Cambodia also distort its own
people. They used their own marshal laws to suppress their own people.
They took  everything for themselves on their path for their own gain.
Beside they distort their own people everywhere. I don't know what you
call that society. To me, it was a rotten society.

On Mar 18, 5:37 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:


Friends and Compatriots,

Yuon vc and its bunch always accused Khmer people (republicans) who fought 
against yuons aggression and killing during seventy as hated or racist 
people but today my sincere thoughts and prayer are for those people 
specially all mine who fell under the fires of yuon Vietcong until the 
arrival of Khmer rouge at 17 April 1975 which open the door of the 
genocide against Khmer people. No one can against a principle that, Khmer 
people have all rights and legitimacy to defend their life and those of 
theirs against the criminals youn vc who come to kill Khmer in their home, 
robe their land, home, family, wife, child and spread the massacre in 
their house. Remember the courage of the little solder of Khmer Republic 
who consecrated his life and childhood for his country. He should instead 
go to school and live happy with his family and friends if those yuons vc 
whose heart filled of atrocious hatred would not come to destroy him, his 
family to rob his land and country. See how Khmer people feel while their 
country and cities drown in fired and blood, surround by those merciless 
murderers vietcong and cronies. Yes I can feel their frustration and 
suffering as my own.









During the cool war, yuons Vietcongs used Khmer territory as sanctuary to 
attack USA base as well against Cambodia and Cambodian people. How many 
innocent had been atrocious and killed by those yuons Vietcong? Those 
Khmer innocent did nothing against those yuons vc, all they asked is to 
live in peace in their home with theirs loves ones. I believe it is 
absolutely extremely irresponsible and foolish as Khmer citizen, or at 
least a human to do nothing against those barbaric yuon vc aggressors and 
murderers . Will you do nothing if there are murderers come into your 
home, sack your wealth, rape your wife and daughters and killed the rest 
of your family to rob your home, land and resources? At the second though, 
I think there are worse than that. Sihanouk and his band did not only help 
Khmer people to fight against those barbaric yuon vc aggressors and 
murderers but did joined those yuons vc

Re: Vietnamese MIA: Did they die for Cambodia or for Vietnam?

2011-03-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Yuons vc died for its own crimes, its own atrocity and criminal ambition 
against other people and nations in the region. While there no more Khmer 
people to kill, yuons vc will kill its own kind. Or perhaps it already did 
since long ego since yuons can also eat its own friends, after pou sacrava. 
That's the problem with the criminals.


And nope, yuons vc didn't come to clean up polpot mess but its own mess 
included polpot and all the crimes committed to set up another yuon crimes/mess 
against Khmer till today. What would Cambodia look like now if there is no 
Khmer struggle and helps from exterior? Seeing the yuons vc  horrors and 
culture domination in Cambodia now even with helps, just can imagine without

  - Original Message - 
  From: Watkeo Kuma 
  To: camdisc fan 
  Sent: Monday, March 14, 2011 2:25 PM
  Subject: RE: Vietnamese MIA: Did they die for Cambodia or for Vietnam?

   Vietnam die for INDOCHINA FEDERATION 
  and the invasion 1979 an act of clean up after POL POT messy.
  then 1989 the withdrawal Vietnam troops, but did not withdraw government 
  Alot of those missing Vietnam troop, found in refugee camp along Khmer-Thai 
boader in 1979, and some of those are 
  now living in the third county. (X-Khmer fighter at the boader namely called 
KBAL KLA, a special force, used to capture them)
   Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 22:53:44 -0700
   Subject: Vietnamese MIA: Did they die for Cambodia or for Vietnam?
   From: timothych...@aol.com
   To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
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Re: Khmer Empire division into three Countries due to Khmer separatism

2011-03-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Khmer had no problem with any race, that always be but they have problem 
with the yuon vc invaders and murderers and all illegal yuons brought to 
Cambodia through yuon hanoi butchery chain after Angkar cap tren killing 
millions of Khmer to free land and resources for those illegal yuons

@ Yuon-Hanoi bag yr sorry ass and go home

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home !

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders !

- Original Message - 
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 2:42 PM
Subject: Khmer Empire division into three Countries due to Khmer separatism

Cambodian of all nationality are equal before Cambodian law. We
Cambodian need to have a perception that separatism divides or
fragmentes our
Cambodian Nation into Khmer, Yuon, Chen, Champ and several other
minonorities. We think that we need fairness among diverse Cambodia's
inhabitants that is why we need to accept the official name of our
country Kampuchea and its entire people nominated as Chun-Kampuchea
the whole nationalities into one for Samakicheat Kampuchea.

If Khmer separatist resists that, it woud be disintegrating
yourselves. Look this! Coul you be able to stop your sons and
daughters to get marriage with other nationalities, if yes you lie, if
no, how about your hybrid grandsons and grand gaughters? Are you going
to separating them from your origin Khmer family? If so you fall into
Khmer empire that have becoming minority in their own territories.
This is the so called against social evolution, or against social
integratin. This is why Khmer Surin are now minority of Thai. Khmer
krom are minorities of Vietnam.

Now if Khmer separatist in Cambodia are continuing to divide
yourselves from Cambodian you must be minority Cambodian. I think it
sounds confusing to you right? But the reality extists. You will see
Cambodian government is going to do some thing that make anyone
understand that Chun-Kampuchea is Cambodian in English, and then
Khmer, Chen, Yuon, Camp and others in Cambodia are Cambodian of all
nationalities. It is wrong to say that all people of Cambodia are
Khmer citizens and also it's none sense and none relevance to the name
of Kampuchea (Cambodia). Look around in this world, no one did that
ridiculous politics, which is in deed a social division.

Every country in this world has done the same thing, that is why every
governemt has named their citizen in relevance to each country
official name. Example: Japan: Japanese, Canada:Canadian,
Vietnam:Vietnamese. Camboddia: Cambodian ( Kampuchea: Chun-Kampuchea.
Khmer in one nationality of Chun-Kampuchea.


With my best regard

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2011-03-13 Thread Bopha Angkor
Om bros,


Thank for info. Below is an article written by Lok Chau Xeng Ua regards to the 
truth behind 18 mars event.  Lok Chau Xeng Ua, ex Khmer republic minister, is a 
very respectable intellectual and still alive if anyone or any reporter want to 
know the truth and fulfill their profession correctly, specially as decent an 
conscious Khmers, they should check the truth behind each eventrather than 
report or repeat clean papers or propagandas of Khmer enemies/murderers.  If 
these people are yuons or yuon slaves, yes I can understand their moves but if 
they claimed as Khmer and want to help Khmer people or Cambodia, I cant 
understand this kind of suicidal attitude at all. And what this kind of people 
are different from the rest of who always destroyed and murdered Khmer for 
yuons. Thank you

Bopha Angkor

La Vérité sur le Prétendu « Coup d'Etat » du 18  Mars 1970 à Phnom Penh by Chau 
Xeng Ua (Sources 


Des journalistes occidentaux et aussi khmers, ainsi que (les auteurs de livres 

du Cambodge des Khmers rouges ont continué de qualifier la destitution légale 
duPrince Sihanouk du poste de Chef de l'État de «Coup-d'Etat» (Livre de Ritby 
Panh  avec Christine CHAMEAUX intitulé - « La machine khmère rouge: Monti 
Santesok S-21 » édité par Flammarion en mars 2003, à la page 19 on lit 1970 : 


« Coup d'Etat de Lon Nol qui renversa le Pnince Norodom Sihanouk et guerre 


Or il n'y a jamais eu le «coup l'état » du Maréchal Lon Nol  contre le Prince 
Norodom Sihanouk, mais celui-ci a été destitué de ses  fonctions de Chef de 
l'Etat par un vote unanime ( 92 vois pour, 0 contre et 0  abstention ) du 
Parlement cambodgien (l'assemblée Nationale et Conseil du Royaume ) comme le 
dénouement une crise politique que Sihanouk avait lui-même rendu insoluble. 


Au début de l'année 1970, personne à Phnom Peuh ne songeait à écarter le Prince 
Sihanouk du pouvoir. C'est plutôt lui qui s'en est écarté en quittant son pays 
le 6 Janvier 1970 pour une durée indéterminée soi-disant pour aller se faire 
soigner en France, alors qu'en réalité, il n'était pas du tout malade. Ce 
jour-là, vers 19 heures, presque personne n'était au courant dut départ du Chef 
de l'Etat pour l'étranger. Le Prince Sirik Matak m'avait demandé de le 
rejoindre à l'aéroport de Pochentong. J'avais vu, debout à côté de Sîrik Matak 
deux autres membres du Gouvernement, M. Op Kim,  Ang et Trinh Hoanh. Le prince 
arrive accompagné de son épouse et d'un petit nombre 

de membres de son entourage. Il monta dans l'avion faisant un signe d'au revoir 


loin aux personnes présentes. Son départ inattendu avait alors ressemblé à une 
fuite devant des responsabilités qu'il ne voulait pas assumer, le pays étant 
dans une conjoncture très difficile: situation économique franchement mauvaise 
et graves inquiétudes causées par l'accroissement important des infiltrations 
des Vietcong/NVN en territoire khmer. 


L'absence du Prince Sihanouk se prolongeant, sans aucune indication quant à son 
retour, le « gouvernement de sauvetage » mis-en place par Sihanouk le 14 Août 
1969, devait faire face à de nombreux problèmes. Le plus difficile à résoudre 
étant celui posé par l'attitude des forces communistes vietnamiennes, bien 
décidées à conserver et étendre leurs «sanctuaires», dans le pays. Cette 
attitude étant de plus en plus mal tolérée par l'opinion publique cambodgienne 
et en particulier par la jeunesse, 


Au début du mois de Mars (le 8 Mars 1970). des incidents sérieux se 
produisirent dans la province de Svay Rieng entre la population et les forces 
communistes vietnamiennes. Trois jours plus tard (11 Mars) des manifestation 
Anti-vietcong et anti-Hanoi eurent lieu à Phnom Penh aboutissant à la mise à 
sac des deux Ambassades des communistes vietnamiens. 


Le jour suivant (12 Mars) le «Gouvernement de Sauvetage », soumis à une forte 
pression de son opinion publique, demanda à Hanoi et au VC de retirer pour la 
date du 15 Mars toutes leurs forces infiltré en territoire cambodgien. Le même 
jour, Sihanouk commentait t une lourde faute, politique et psychologique, en. 
blâmant très durement les manifestations anti- VC/NVN dans un télégramme 
adressé à la reine-mère 


Persuadé que le Prince qui séjournait alors à Paris ne pouvait pas évaluer 
correctement la situation le Gouvernement décida le 13 Mars de lui envoyer deux 
émissaires (le prince Norodom Kantol et M.Yem Sambaur, Ministre des Affaires 
Etrangères) pour l'éclairer sur les évènements qui venaient d'avoir lieu le 8 
Mars 1970. J'étais présent à la séance du Conseil des Ministres qui décida 
d'envoyer ces deux personnalités à Paris, 


Par là même, le Gouvernement montrait clairement qu'il n'envisageait nullement 
de déposer le Chef de l'Etat, et qu'il souhaitait au contraire son retour 
rapide à Phnom Penh. Mais Sihanouk fit savoir qu'il ne recevrait pas

Re: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association in Cambodia

2011-03-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear all,

What the use for these communists Khmers rouge to get rid of yuon Hanoi or work 
against yuon Hanoi interest. These communists khmer rouge were created, topped 
and maintained to power  to works for yuon Hanoi Indochina federation and work 
for yuon Hanoi is to kill Khmer and destroy Cambodia for yuon Hanoi. This is 
what happened since polpot time. Trying to converse these communists Khmer 
rouge to work for Khmer or against yuon Hanoi will be a pure hazard and a waste 
of time because it will never happen. These neo communists khmer rouge scared 
to share same destiny like their comrades polpot, tamok ect. If Khmer people 
want to live free one day, they should not wait to for these communists khmer 
rouge yuon slaves to change or work for Khmer interest because it will never 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Watkeo Kuma 
  To: camdisc fan 
  Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 5:03 PM
  Subject: RE: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association in 

  នេះមិនមែនជារឿងថ្មីថ្មោងទេ ខ្មែរក្នុងខ្មែរក្រៅសុទ្ធតែបានដឹងដែរ 
គ្រាន់តែអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរ​ កំពុងពុលនិងអំឧត្តមគតិរំលាយស្រុកខ្លួនឬយ៉ាងណា
  វាអាស្រ័យលើខ្មែរគ្រប់រូប​ មានអំណាចពិតឬអត់តែប៉ុណ្តោះ។

  Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2011 17:31:10 -0800
  From: kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au
  Subject: Fw: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association in 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com; timothych...@aol.com; amekh...@free.fr; 
chaub...@hotmail.com; baph...@aol.com; bophaang...@free.fr; 
nokore...@hotmail.com; angkorboreine...@yahoo.com; seanghun.s...@parker.com; 
kamakani...@yahoo.com; angkorboreine...@yahoo.com; bengem...@aol.com; 
bora.to...@gmail.com; cabi...@norodomsihamoni.org; 
cabi...@norodomsihanouk.info; cambodiat...@yahoo.com; camnews...@gmail.com; 
davan.l...@gmail.com; dalyn_...@yahoo.com; theary.s...@gmail.com; 
vannak.du...@free.fr; entry_me...@yahoo.com; he...@soas.ac.uk; 
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vichea...@yahoo.com; vsam...@gmail.com; chau.xen...@free.fr; yin...@yahoo.fr; 
  CC: kulen_mono...@yahoo.com.au

Dear all Khmer compatriots,

I am in Cambodia right now, and very painfull to see YUON colonizing 
our beloved Cambodia.  The Royal Cambodian Government screams about Thai in 
Preah Vihear alone while they let YUON planting concrete border posts with 
their full cooperation. Beside this painfull experience YUON are continue to 
walk in freely to settle in Cambodia.

May the Lord bless our Cambodia soon. Or may all Khmer inside and 
outside Cambodia rescue Cambodia from YUON swallowing.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

--- On Wed, 9/3/11, TSC timothych...@aol.com wrote:

  From: TSC timothych...@aol.com
  Subject: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association 
in Cambodia
  To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 
  Received: Wednesday, 9 March, 2011, 7:55 AM


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Re: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association in Cambodia

2011-03-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
This is the result of peace and stability policy and democratic process wanted 
by yuons and international community fully played by cpp and srp. How many time 
we tried to call srp about this mortal danger for Khmer to participate in this 
process with yuon Hanoi/cpp instead of doing something else. The last Khmer 
resource rest had been mess up by srp on wrong battle fight. Or perhaps it is 
also wanted by srp.  Now these invaders/yuon illegal migrants can thank to 
communist khmer rouge cpp and srp as well. 

  - Original Message - 
  To: CAMDISC GOOGLEGROUPS ; timothych...@aol.com ; amekh...@free.fr ; : ; 
baph...@aol.com ; bophaang...@free.fr ; nokore...@hotmail.com ; 
angkorboreine...@yahoo.com ; SEANG HUN ; seang soun ; 
angkorboreine...@yahoo.com ; bengem...@aol.com ; bora.to...@gmail.com ; 
cabi...@norodomsihamoni.org ; cabi...@norodomsihanouk.info ; 
cambodiat...@yahoo.com ; camnews...@gmail.com ; davan.l...@gmail.com ; 
dalyn_...@yahoo.com ; theary.s...@gmail.com ; VANNAK DUONG ; 
entry_me...@yahoo.com ; he...@soas.ac.uk ; incamd...@yahoo.com ; 
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karunah...@yahoo.fr ; kenneth.aryasa...@gmail.com ; khamtr...@mailcity.com ; 
lonr...@gmail.com ; Chhoeung Khoeung ; m...@globe.com ; meas.samb...@gmail.com 
; mpr...@sbcglobal.net ; michael.pp...@online.com.kh ; monib...@gmail.com ; 
peangm...@yahoo.com ; pengse.s...@chello.fr ; piseth_k...@hotmail.com ; 
pvi...@aol.com ; suykry path ; richt...@rfa.org ; rithyk...@gamail.com ; RATHA 
SOURN ; sakhonn chak ; sambo...@yahoo.com ; samnga...@yahoo.com ; 
samrainsypa...@googlegroups.com ; santh...@yahoo.com ; samady...@gmail.com ; 
sournsereyra...@gmail.com ; sounsereyra...@yahoo.com ; BUN ANG UNG ; 
usemba...@camnet.com.au ; user344...@aol.com ; uysarin2...@yahoo.com ; 
vichea...@yahoo.com ; vsam...@gmail.com ; XENGUA CHAU ; yin...@yahoo.fr ; 
  Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2011 2:31 AM
  Subject: Fw: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association in 

Dear all Khmer compatriots,

I am in Cambodia right now, and very painfull to see YUON colonizing 
our beloved Cambodia.  The Royal Cambodian Government screams about Thai in 
Preah Vihear alone while they let YUON planting concrete border posts with 
their full cooperation. Beside this painfull experience YUON are continue to 
walk in freely to settle in Cambodia.

May the Lord bless our Cambodia soon. Or may all Khmer inside and 
outside Cambodia rescue Cambodia from YUON swallowing.


Kulen Monorom
(The rice farmer's son)

--- On Wed, 9/3/11, TSC timothych...@aol.com wrote:

  From: TSC timothych...@aol.com
  Subject: Learn About Our Neighbors: Vietnamese Residents Association 
in Cambodia
  To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 
  Received: Wednesday, 9 March, 2011, 7:55 AM


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Re: Learn to use words, thoughts well

2011-03-08 Thread Bopha Angkor
Great and interesting one! Pheak Khmer tha, putt krou kom trab chrab krou oay 
youk. What do you think about it? Or in the contrary, should Krou or Achar 
seeds example before allow to teach other? I often wonder if Krou or Achar can 
understand what they were preaching or just repeating something they cant even 
understand their own since most of their time, not to say all, their acts never 
follow their teaching at all. 

Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: PuppyXpress 
  To: camdisc 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2011 8:25 PM
  Subject: Learn to use words, thoughts well

  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
  Date: Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 9:39 AM
  Subject: Learn to use words, thoughts well

  March 9, 2011

  Learn to use words, thoughts well

  Written by
  A. Gaffar Peang-Meth

  I write often that a thesis and antithesis come as a pair,
  they  interact. Given time, a synthesis would result; this gives rise to a new
  thesis and new antitheses, similar to the two interdependent energies,  the
  yin and the yang, energies that cannot exist without one another  as their
  interactions cause everything to happen.

  Buddhists believe when there's life, there's death; when there's happiness,
  there's suffering. Thus night follows day and day follows night;  happiness
  follows suffering; after death, there is rebirth. The Samsara wheel of life
  turns and turns. What goes around comes around.

  Thesis-antithesis, yin-yang interactions can bring tension and conflict. 
  have different opinions, perceptions, beliefs. Disagreement is natural.

  Disputes can be avoided by giving some space to humility --  consideration of
  others' views and feelings which is the foundation of  many virtues -- and
  avoiding hotheaded, disagreeable reactions.

  In my teaching career, I used the concept of individual actions influenced  by
  experiences-values-beliefs-information; I taught students to reach  for high
  principles and apply them.

  Choosing words

  It's been my own experience that bloggers who hide behind anonymous  postings,
  spewing venomous comments on the Internet, operate from  misconceptions and
  misunderstandings. In my article last week, I quoted  workshop facilitator
  Leslie Aguilar's call to pay attention to our words  and behavior, because, 
  than being politically correct, it's about  being professionally competent and
  politically conscious, it's about  being human: It's about respect.

  Today, I found The Leadership and Learning Center's professional development
  associate Stephen Ventura's Basic Training in RESPECT worthy to learn: R 
  to recognize every human being's inherent worth; E, to eliminate derogatory
  words and phrases from our vocabulary; S is to speak with, and not at, or
  about, people; P is to practice empathy through walking in others' shoes for a
  while; E is to earn respect through respect-worthy behaviors; C is to consider
  others' feelings before speaking and  behaving; and T is to treat every person
  with dignity and courtesy.

  Some 2,500 years ago, Lord Gautama Buddha preached: Whatever words we utter
  should be chosen with care, for people will hear them and be influenced  by 
  for good or ill.

  And the great Chinese thinker, Confucius, taught, Without feelings of 
  what is there to distinguish men from beasts?

  Critical thinking

  Some readers thought that it is mere cliché that I referenced so often the
  terms critical thinking in my writings. No, it is not cliché.

  Critical thinking does not only determine our future, but it is essential for
  humanity's survival. Yes, every person thinks and has opinion but, no, not
  every thinking is of the same quality. An opinion that is fleeting is not the
  same as a careful thought.

  Buddha's  precepts -- We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think
  and What we think, we become -- taught us that if we engage endlessly in
  negative thoughts of others, gossiping and throwing venomous words, we are not
  only creating a hostile angry world, but we become the image of what we think.

  And since we are creatures of habit and of self-piloted, fossilized responses,
  perhaps we need to better understand  and follow the great critical thinker's

  Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe 
  anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe  in
  anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not
  believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and  elders. Do 
  believe in traditions because they have been handed down  for many 
  But after observation and analysis, when you find  that anything agrees with
  reason and is conducive to the good and  benefit of one and all, then accept 
  and live up to it.

  Buddha, a critical thinker more

Re: Mean Tae Padevatt Nis Te! (by Sék Serei)

2011-03-06 Thread Bopha Angkor
 ។ តាមលោក អង់ដ្រេមីហ្គូ ខ្មែរអង្គរស្ទើរតែទាំងអស់ 
ជាពិសេសក្សត្រាក្សត្រីនិយមបួងសក់ទៅក្រោយលំអរដោយកម្រងផ្កាម្លិះរយីងរយោង ។ 
នៅតាមភូមិឋានខ្មែរ បូរាណគេនិយមដាំដើមម្លិះនៅមាត់អណ្តូងឮមាត់ជណ្តើរក្បែរពាងទឹក 
មានផ្តិលឬត្រឡោកក្បែរពាងទឹកសម្រាប់ម្ចាស់ផ្ទះ និងភ្ញៀវជិតឆ្ងាយ ។ 
ទាំងនេះបញ្ជាក់អោយឃើញថា ខ្មែរបុពេមានសន្តានចិត្តប្រពៃគូរ កោតសសើរពន់ពេកណាស់ 
បើមាននរណាសុំអ្វីមួយមិនត្រឹមតែអ‌ោយរបស់ដែលគេសុំនោះទេ តែតែងផ្តល់អ្វីផ្សេងបន្ថែមទៀត 
- តែក៏មិនអនុញ្ញាតិអោយអំពើអបាយមុខ ឬជនជាតិអាក្រក់ជួរជាតិណាមួយមកជិះជាន់បានដែរ ។ 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Vichea Sam 
  To: Camdisc 
  Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2011 10:49 PM
  Subject: Mean Tae Padevatt Nis Te! (by Sék Serei)

  Please see attachment.



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Re: Foreigner in Cambodia

2011-02-22 Thread Bopha Angkor
Just to remind that Yuons in Cambodia are not legal migrants. They had not 
been accepted legally by Khmer people or Khmer legal institutions elected 
legally by Khmer people but by a regime imposed by yuon Hanoi to serve its 
expansionist and genocidal policy against Cambodia and Cambodian people.  So 
those millions yuons in Cambodia are all illegal scripts. They are aggressor 
and invaders and not legal migrants. They had been imported successively to 
Cambodia by Hanoi and its puppet government cpp after the Vietcong/khmer 
rouge had massacred more than three millions Khmer people to free land and 
resources for those yuons. Those yuons had been imported to Cambodia to 
replace Khmer people killed by secret Angkar leu (cap tren) during the kill 
filed, K5 and more..

- Original Message - 
From: Savun incamd...@yahoo.com

To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:34 PM
Subject: Re: Foreigner in Cambodia

In the past 15 years they had been breed with multiple races.  Other than 
Youn. period!


On Feb 22, 2011, at 5:39 AM, Domthmor tim.inf...@gmail.com wrote:

Any things about foreigner in Cambodia

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Re: Kampuchea Damnoeur Tov LICH (by Sam Vichea)

2011-02-16 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Kith Mean,


I cant read your Khmer writing on the bloc that was not been wrote in Khmer 
Unicode.  I have to warn you that, there are pictures/icons in your bloc that 
are EXTREMILY VULGAR which should not show up in public.  You should rather 
shut up that bloc.


Regarding to your books that have to publish I know that there are a bunch of 
books that have been published without authorization of Phnom penh regime and 
the publication is much cheaper than while it is done abroad.  The other way to 
do is, you can share them with public on the net in PDF. If you need people to 
pay for your works or propriety rights then we can talk on it but the books 
have to be merited. You can send them to me in PDF to be verified and we can 
talk then. 


Kind regard

Bopha Angkor 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Kith Mean 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, February 16, 2011 2:46 AM
  Subject: Re: Kampuchea Damnoeur Tov LICH (by Sam Vichea)

  Dear Ms/Sir,
  Those books are about the history of Cambodia, and They are written by a 
person who had been involoved in the event. But now he is dead. And there are a 
lot of the proof shown in the books. 

  This can not be published in Cambodia because they will affect the east 
country and some leaders in Cambodia. This is not a critism but the even 


  On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 4:30 AM, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

Dear Lok Kith Mean,
What are those books about? Can you please share more about those books. 
For what reasons they cant publish in Cambodia?

Bopha Angkor
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kith Mean 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 6:04 AM
  Subject: Re: Kampuchea Damnoeur Tov LICH (by Sam Vichea)

  Dear Sir,  
  I am living in Cambodia now. I would like to discuss with you about 
publishing history books in Khmer that I and a man has written for many years 
but can not publish in Cambodia. 


  On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 2:27 AM, Vichea Sam vsam...@gmail.com wrote:

Please see attachment.



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Re: Kampuchea Damnoeur Tov LICH (by Sam Vichea)

2011-02-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear Lok Kith Mean,
What are those books about? Can you please share more about those books. For 
what reasons they cant publish in Cambodia?

Bopha Angkor
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kith Mean 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, February 14, 2011 6:04 AM
  Subject: Re: Kampuchea Damnoeur Tov LICH (by Sam Vichea)

  Dear Sir, 
  I am living in Cambodia now. I would like to discuss with you about 
publishing history books in Khmer that I and a man has written for many years 
but can not publish in Cambodia. 


  On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 2:27 AM, Vichea Sam vsam...@gmail.com wrote:

Please see attachment.



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Re: Preah Vihear: Rally in Washington State, Saturday 12th, 2011

2011-02-11 Thread Bopha Angkor

@ Yuon-Hanoi bag yr sorry ass and go home

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home !

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders !

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 5:08 PM
Subject: Re: Preah Vihear: Rally in Washington State, Saturday 12th, 2011

You have forgotten something.
Khmer Rouge used Thailand soil to advance their fight against their
own people in their own country, Cambodia.
Freedom fighters did the same thing.
Sihanouk did the same thing.
Thailand was a good friend then.
Now Thailand is an enemy.
What has been happening?

On Feb 10, 4:35 pm, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

Dont you forgot someting Pou ?

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home !

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders !

- Original Message -
From: sacrava
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com

Cc: CPP ; Human Rights Party ; Keat Chhon ; Norodom Rannariddh ; Norodom
Sihanouk ; PPPost ; S ; Sa ; Sok An ; SRP
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 1:09 AM
Subject: Re: Preah Vihear: Rally in Washington State, Saturday 12th, 2011

My suggestion to the rally commitee in Seattle,a few words adding :

Yuon-Hanoi Go Home !

Ung Bun Heang
One of the Banners’ slogans for rally Saturday 12th, 2011







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Re: Congratulations to the people of Egypt

2011-02-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
Good that you recognize yourself as ah sot trot. Ah sot trot never change, 
always ah sot trot even though to come after.

Frenchis tha, Crime avoué, crime à moitie pardonné

Khmer should not only get rid of yuons Hanoi or Khmer rouge but also bunch 
of ah sot trot chaol mseat who had nothing to do better in their life than 
sucking, bashing and destroy

- Original Message - 
From: Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 11:06 PM
Subject: Re: Congratulations to the people of Egypt

There is unity among khmers without Samdech Decho Hun Sen the kingdom
is going to be destabilized, disarray, anarchy and more divided. You
must understand Sankum Khmer today is different from before . The
whole social fabric of Sangkum Khmer is broken from the lowest to the
highest . Who is fit to lead this new Sangkum ? Not royalist nor
opposition group, only newly created aristocratic family of Hun
dynasty and his associates can lead this country. We know Siam Min
Chol Khbuon and Yuon Mil Chol Put but as Khmer we are Sot Trot we
only know how to divide among ourself.

On Feb 11, 1:32 pm, Khoar Chev kourk_chh...@yahoo.com wrote:

Congratulations to the Egypt people!
Mubarak finally have resigned,

Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

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Re: Preah Vihear: Rally in Washington State, Saturday 12th, 2011

2011-02-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dont you forgot someting Pou ?

Yuon-Hanoi take back Khmer rouge and Go Home ! 

End Khmero-yuon-hanoi fascism in Cambodia !

Free Cambodian people from the Nazis Yuon Hahoi, the ever Genociders !

  - Original Message - 
  From: sacrava 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Cc: CPP ; Human Rights Party ; Keat Chhon ; Norodom Rannariddh ; Norodom 
Sihanouk ; PPPost ; S ; Sa ; Sok An ; SRP 
  Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 1:09 AM
  Subject: Re: Preah Vihear: Rally in Washington State, Saturday 12th, 2011

My suggestion to the rally commitee in Seattle,a few words adding :

  Yuon-Hanoi Go Home !

Ung Bun Heang
One of the Banners’ slogans for rally Saturday 12th, 2011












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Re: Many Thai-Cambodian soldiers killed during clashes

2011-02-06 Thread Bopha Angkor
Cpp regime can use legal rights to resolve Prah vihear and border conflicts 
with Siamese and yuon vc but I dont think that cpp/yuons want to resolve the 
conflicts legally. These ever cool blood murderers prefer to massacre more 
Khmer people to free more land and resources for yuon vc needs. I'm wondering 
when while these people stop to die for yuons and try to get rid of yuons/khmer 
rouge domination to live free as other people of this planet. 

  - Original Message - 
  From: khmerization junior 
  To: HANG Vibol 
  Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2011 12:36 AM
  Subject: Many Thai-Cambodian soldiers killed during clashes

  Latest: 16 Thais killed, 26 wounded and 4 captured [unconfirmed] 

  Preah Vihear temple suffered significant damages by Thai shells 

  Latest: One Cambodian soldier killed and 5 wounded, 7 Thai soldiers killed 
and many wounded in clashes near Preah Vihear temple 

  Please visit www.khmerization.blogspot.com to watch videos, see pictures and 
read the many articles about the fighting.
  Khmerization is a blog about Khmer news. If you are seeking for any Khmer 
news or news about Cambodia, Khmerization's got it all. visit 
http://www.khmerization.blogspot.com. You won't be disappointed. Thanks.

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Re: តើ​ព័ត៌មាន​ស្រុក​ខ្មែរ​អាច​យក​ជា​ការ​បាន​?

2011-01-21 Thread Bopha Angkor

Lok Samedy and all,

I'm wondering if we can call current Cambodian media as a media to inform or 
educate Khmer public. It sounds much like average communist machine of 
propagandas of those who own the power. All are arbitrated for glory of the 
regime, not much different from the polpot time beside some liaise of 
culture. Even while a IV regime try to arrange a debate in the name of the 
so called democracy, the rules of tyrants are omit present which make the 
participants look like a bunch of monkeys. All these oddness and idiocy 
reflect well what going on in Cambodia. As long as international community 
still keeps these tyrants and killers, Khmer rouge/Vietcong in power, 
Cambodia will go no where but deep down in the yuon vc hell.

For now the cpp/vc will do everything in their power to make run a 
truth-false democracy in Cambodia for the benefice of yuon vc while continue 
to repress and kill Khmer people in anyway they can, poverty, poor health 
cares, poor nutrition, food and health poisoning… etc While Khmer people 
will become minority in their own home land, the yuon  vc will eliminated 
even those they had used to kill Khmer people then these yuons vc  can 
restore a real democracy. It is what’s happened in Ivory Coast.

- Original Message - 
From: Samady KS samady...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2011 6:51 AM
Subject: តើ​ព័ត៌មាន​ស្រុក​ខ្មែរ​អាច​យក​ជា​ការ​បាន​?

នយោបាយ​ស្រុក​ខ្មែរ​ប៉ុន្មាន​ទេ អ្វី​ដែល​ខ្ញុំ​ចូល​ចិត្ត​នោះ​គឺ ព័ត៌មាន 
ដែល​ពាក់​ព័ន្ធ​ទៅ​នឹង​ការ​អភិវឌ្ឍន៍​ ពិសេស​ទៅ​ទៀត​គឺ វិស័យ​​អប់រំ​តែ 
ម្ដង​។ តាម​ធម្មតា​ខ្ញុំ​​បាន​សង្កេត​ឃើញ​ថា​ព័ត៌មាន​ស្រុក​ខ្មែរ​​យើង

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Re: Fw: No One Has The Monopoly On Cambodian Patriotism

2011-01-16 Thread Bopha Angkor
Cher Pou,

Je crois que ces yuon vc ne pensent pas que le Cambodge sera sous leurs 
crottins de pieds un jour mais c'était déjà le cas depuis un bout de temps 
comme vous pouvez constater ici et ailleurs. Raisons les quelles ces yuon vc se 
croient tout permettre, des spam, des vc propagandes, des insultes de tout 
genre qui flouent sans cesse…cela prouve la nature psychopathique et tyrannique 
pieux de ces yuon vc, des terribles sociopathes de souffre par nature et 
renforcés par une vision (culture) assez effrayante .. 


A bientôt

Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: Krakmo Kaing 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, January 13, 2011 12:35 PM
  Subject: RE: Fw: No One Has The Monopoly On Cambodian Patriotism

  C’est vraiment étrange ce monsieur Chen Kat Yuon et en plus je me demande si 
ce monsieur lise khmer writing.

  Je me demande également pourquoi il s’intéresse aux affaires politiques au 
Cambodge ?. C’est parce qu’il pense 

  un jour ce pays, le Cambodge, sera sous ses pieds ?.

  Merde à Chamkuot !


  De : camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camdisc@googlegroups.com] De la part de 
Material veda07
  Envoyé : jeudi 13 janvier 2011 09:06
  À : camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Objet : Re: Fw: No One Has The Monopoly On Cambodian Patriotism


aa  khmer rouge vcon race euy aaa khmer rouge vcon race  vcon, pouch aa 
saat ruy aeng iy kor chhlat mless , chhlat nass … Yes, sound like ya forget to 
write the whole title of ya wonderful vcon race. the right title shd be  
low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE VCON race


Yep Khmer rouge = VCOM RACE et vcon trashes that killed, ate, shit and 
trashed on cambodia and people around over decades and continue to eat, shit 
its kind, trashes and culture, mess up over Cambo and so on


Up with ya low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE VCON race culture and 
killin over cambod and pp around, that is 

--- On Thu, 1/13/11, Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com wrote:

From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: Fw: No One Has The Monopoly On Cambodian Patriotism
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011, 2:03 AM

sound like the low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE race smell its da
own hate out fom the hell inside it own.

yep the  low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE race like to eat, shit,
mess up, spite on other p ppl head, in other houses or it is racism or
hater or else. That's da song and culture of da low-life-barbaric-
hater KHMER ROUGE race.  more da low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE
race can kill and mess up other more ya low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER
ROUGE race can get more land to eat, shit, spite and mess up people
around.  how long da low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE race have
been doing that, 50 OR 60 years back or it is always that while da
low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE race get out from ya mama womb?

Yep, truth hurts and that truth is eating ya low-life-barbaric-hater
KHMER ROUGE race from inside if ya low-life-barbaric-hater KHMER ROUGE
race still has some humain feelings inside ya poor barbaric-hater
KHMER ROUGE race soul

On Jan 12, 12:17 pm, Material veda07 mved...@yahoo.com wrote:
 sound like the low-life-barbaric-hater race smell its da own hate out 
fom the hell inside it own.
 yep the  low-life-barbaric-hater race like to eat, shit, mess up, 
spite on other p ppl head, in other houses or it is racism or hater or else. 
That's da song and culture of da low-life-barbaric-hater race.  more da 
low-life-barbaric-hater race can kill and mess up other more ya 
low-life-barbaric-hater race can get more land to eat, shit, spite and mess up 
people around.  how long da low-life-barbaric-hater vcon race have been doing 
that, one or two thousands years back or it is always that while da  
low-life-barbaric-hater race get out from ya mama womb?
 Yep, truth hurts and that truth is eating ya low-life-barbaric-hater 
race from inside if ya low-life-barbaric-hater race still has some humain 
feelings inside ya poor barbaric-hater race soul  


 - Original Message - From: Pheng Kim Ving 
 To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.org 
 Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 1:31 PM
 Subject: Re: No One Has The Monopoly On Cambodian Patriotism

 pouch aa saat ruy

 meant only low-life-barbaric-hater race had monopole to do anything
 over cambodia, eat, sh*t and killing

 On Jan 11, 7:39 am, Material veda07 mved...@yahoo.com wrote:
  pouch aa saat ruy

Re: [RepublicofCambodia] Apprentis historiens [1 Attachment]

2011-01-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
Voilà une opinion intéressante, respectant et respectable. Même vous ne mettez 
pas votre petit nom à la fin du texte, je crois ne pas me tromper sur votre 
identité Om Bros. Mais je trouve dommage parfois que les gens biens doivent se 
cacher pour se revendiquer avec peu de résultat quand l'autres s'affrichent 
avec haine et sans honte leur gros titre pour en convaincre. 


J'ai la ferme conviction que l'apparition des surnommés « khmer rouge » à la 
place « des vietminh » voulu par les yuon vc après l'accord de Paris en 1973 
n'était une stratégie, une mascarade de la part des yunos vc pour se conformer 
à cette accord avec USA et la France (en particulier) sur la scène 
internationale. Ils voulaient faire croire qu'ils sont partis comme cela prévu 
par l'accord alors qu'ils n'étaient jamais vraiment partis mais juste camouflés 
dans la peaux de soit disant  « khmer rouge » Parfois ces yuons vc jouaient 
même la scène de ménage avec polpot et ses camardes pour convaincre de leur 
bonne volonté. Les yuon vc n'ont rien à perdre de cette stratégie mais tirer 
bien des intérêts immenses. Polpot comme sihanouk n'ont rien à dire si non se 
plier à la volonté de ces yuons vc. De tout façon, ils n'ont ni les moyens ni 
la volonté d'opposer à leur maitres vc. Polot, sihanouk comme Mr Pen Sovann et 
leurs autre camards ont été mis sur le trône par les yuons vc pour les servir.  
USA, la France et les autres qui ont aidé les khmers rouges, yuons vc à leur 
victoire ultime d'une façon ou une autre n'ont rien à gagner à se revendiquer 
des crottés des yuons vc au Cambodge et au Laos.  


Pour répondre au dernier paragraphe de votre message, je crois qu'il n'y pas 
seulement l'ignorance, la mangue d'information ou la manque d'éducation qui 
nous empêchent de voir ces criminels, ces assassins de tous les temps dans leur 
forme réelle. Mais il y surtout les conflits intérêts indéniables entre les 
différents partis qui sont au pouvoir ou sont influençables dans la société 
khmère et qui n'ont rien à gagner de défendre le peuple khmer ou  la mémoire de 
leur victimes.  Histoire qui écrient ou inventent par les vainqueurs et leur 
complices est rouge de sang de leur victimes. Elle n'est pas là pour préserver 
histoire elle-même ni la mémoire des victimes mais bien à la gloire des 
vainqueurs, assassins et brigands des bas-fonds. 


Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: Anthony Ly 
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cambodia-digital-cen...@googlegroups.com ; kilett...@gmail.com 
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  Sent: Monday, January 10, 2011 7:53 PM
  Subject: [RepublicofCambodia] Apprentis historiens [1 Attachment]

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Re: Failed State Mirrored by the Applied Dhamma

2011-01-09 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Sophan and other,


I respect you and other people rights of belief but did you ever hear about 
laicity, atheism or free thinking line. Here few sites I wish to share.  
http://www.laicite.org/ http://atheisme.free.fr/  


My point is not to interdict you or anyone to believe your religion or whatever 
you want to but just to remind that monothinking is reducible and so dangerous. 
It can turn against you than helps.  For long time yuons and others did use 
religion against Khmer and to kill Khmer specially by the vietcong/khmer rouge. 
Handle religion in our advantage is a lost causes because Khmers are far behind 
yuons tricks and strategies in this field. 


To say that Buddhism is a tradition of Khmer or a Khmer culture or identity is 
not totally right (not to say WRONG). First because foundation of Khmer 
civilisation, identity and power is based on Hinduism and not Buddhism, even 
Buddhism and other beliefs were largely tolerated and lived with one another in 
harmony during those periods.  Second, during the religious revolution (with 
Buddhism imported from siam) which went from 14th century to 18 century, 
Buddhists (with helps of foreigners/invaders) did massacred a lots of Khmer 
Indus to auto proclaimed and imposed as their religion as the only legitimated 
state religion till today while continue to massacre Khmer Indus at least till 
18th century. I see Khmer Buddhism rather as the reducible culture of trosaok 
phaem dynasty and its people and nothing else. Buddhism during Khmer saint war 
(religious revolution) and Buddhism of Khmer rouge/vietcong, both are bloody 
and not less criminals than one another. Now the neo khmer rouge with their 
Vietcong masters still use Buddhism and other religions to reduce Khmer people 
to nothing. And if you don't search other doors to get out you will condemned 
to be that nothing by your enemies. 


Some of you may find this kind of thinking is somewhat weird, newbie or 
frightening for Khmer society. I'm theist, I assure you. But I'm not alone to 
dream that human can live or invent a society where laws and individual rights 
can cohabite in a harmonic osmosis, Platoon did dream before me - a society 
where everyone is equal in front of laws all by respecting individual rights 
(including rights of belief of each individual) - where non cant impose one 
thinking, theory or religion in a tyrannical meant but in some democratic ways 
- proved that you or your theory is best than others so merit to be considered 
from the rest.  


Can Khmers stand united for the common causes or national causes without that 
that artifice which is religion or Buddhism? That's the big question. 



Bopha Angkor

Khmer rouge as yuon revolutions  and policy to overcome its expansionist and 
genocidal policy over Laos and Cambodia 

  - Original Message - 
  From: S. Sophan 
  To: Cambodian Community of Canada 
  Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2011 7:56 AM
  Subject: Failed State Mirrored by the Applied Dhamma

  Failed State Mirrored by the Buddha's Applied Teachings 
  Dear Koun Khmer et al;

  I am grateful for your knowledge sharing in this blog forum. Lord Buddha 
said knowledge contribution (dana) will surpass all other contributions or 
Sabba Danam Dhamma Danam Jinati in Pali. I have read all your articles for 
public discussion in here with attention and prestige.

  Failed state theory has been broadly defined by scholars in the 
enlightenment era and this post cold-war transition. The attributions rest upon 
the affect of two rival ideologies: democracy and communism. This approach 
might be best described on the external observation of the failed states 
researchers. However, I totally agree with the definition of failed state that 
falls upon its failed leadership and people liberation.

  I am fully affected by the teaching of liberation particularly 
individual liberation to reach Enlightenment by the Buddha, and this 
teaching has been well applied to the modern enlightening world. This is not 
different from failed state index 2010 posted by The Foreign Policy. In 
general, Cambodia is better than Burma and Lao in its 42 range, but Cambodia 
has been categorized by high scores in its documentation of demographic 
pressures, delegitimization of the state, and public service.

  Demographically speaking, Cambodia is facing with youth bulk in recent 
statistic revelation by NGOs. More than half of Cambodian population is under 
age of 20 years old (pactcambodia). They are struggling to seek a better life 
by hunting for career opportunities; they are very different from their elders 
in both critical thinking and belief. They can be boon for government to 
heighten their strength as well as they can be the powerful agent

Remember yuon genocides

2011-01-07 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear all, 

Remember 7 January as yuon colonization day preceding the 17 April 75,


It is important to remember in this saddest day of Khmer people to which yuons 
had officially colonized Cambodia after having setting a bloody mass killing 
regime against Khmer people to free land and resources for yuons.  7 January is 
logic coming date programmed by yuons following the yuons victory date over 
Cambodia the 17 april 1975.  


Remember well, killing Khmer people to colonize Cambodia is not just happen 17 
April or 7 January but yuons did led numerous horrors and genocide against 
Khmer people to rob their land and resources in the past 4 century (from 17th 
century). One of the worse genocide (before 17 April) committed against Khmer 
by yuons was the one at the middle and end of 19 century. 


My thoughtful thinking today is for all the victims of yuons hate, yuon terrors 
and atrocities of all period including the Chams and Khmer Krom people.


Bopha Angkor 


  - Original Message - 
  From: Nokoreach 
  To: samleng_khmernational...@yahoo.com ; samlengkaunkh...@yahoo.com ; 
sam...@lesjeuneskhmers.com ; khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com ; 
khmerepub...@yahoo.com ; khmereli...@free.fr ; khmeryo...@gmail.com ; 
khmerizat...@gmail.com ; Ratana Yoeng ; khmer.citiz...@gmail.com ; 
khmeryouthn...@yahoo.com ; infos.kh...@gmail.com ; i...@ksemksan.org ; 
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director@online.com.kh ; ckimh...@yahoo.com ; c...@online.com.kh ; 
cycen...@gmail.com ; kya_off...@yahoo.com ; ycc_secretar...@yahoo.com ; 
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ad...@forum.org.kh ; licadhom...@gmail.com ; comf...@online.com.kh ; 
hrpcambo...@yahoo.com ; c...@camnet.com.kh ; angkorboreine...@yahoo.com ; 
sa...@online.com.kh ; Hang Puthea ; sokleangc...@yahoo.com ; 
nychak...@yahoo.com ; Meach Sovannara The Khmer Post ; sounsereyra...@yahoo.com 
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s.thom...@gmail.com ; Sorn Chey ; moeu...@hotmail.com ; mo...@everyday.com.kh ; 
Moeun Tola ; kim-ya@wanadoo.fr ; Rithy Komar ; Hach KimSoeun ; 
kimsour.to...@free.fr ; hangcha...@yahoo.com ; chea_kim...@yahoo.com ; 
puy...@online.com.kh ; sothanar...@yahoo.com ; vandy_...@yahoo.com ; 
chal...@wanadoo.fr ; c...@wanadoo.fr ; v...@free.fr ; i...@interior.gov.kh 
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roy_cab_beij...@yahoo.com ; cabine...@camnet.com.kh ; camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, January 07, 2011 6:34 PM
  Subject: Re: Qui est le fondateur du front de libération du 2 Décembre ..pdf

Please see pdf file in Khmer attached
  (Samleng Khmers natuionalistes)
- Original Message - 
From: Nokoreach 
To: samleng_khmernational...@yahoo.com ; samlengkaunkh...@yahoo.com ; 
sam...@lesjeuneskhmers.com ; khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com ; 
killett...@gmail.com ; khmerepub...@yahoo.com ; khmereli...@free.fr ; 
khmeryo...@gmail.com ; khmerizat...@gmail.com ; Ratana Yoeng ; 
khmer.citiz...@gmail.com ; khmeryouthn...@yahoo.com ; infos.kh...@gmail.com ; 
i...@ksemksan.org ; i...@ccc-cambodia.org ; i...@csdcambodia.org ; 
i...@fpmonline.net ; i...@cjr-cambodia.org ; press...@gmail.com ; 
ch...@forum.org.kh ; informat...@cambodia.gov.kh ; 
informat...@information.gov.kh ; director@online.com.kh ; 
ckimh...@yahoo.com ; c...@online.com.kh ; cycen...@gmail.com ; 
kya_off...@yahoo.com ; ycc_secretar...@yahoo.com ; lindakkk...@yahoo.com ; 
kkkyoe...@yahoo.com ; kkcpressoff...@yahoo.com ; t...@camnet.com.kh ; 
tcn...@online.com.kh ; redact...@ledevoir.com ; dapn...@gmail.com ; 
funcinpecme...@yahoo.com ; s.k.k.cabi...@camnet.com.kh ; ad...@forum.org.kh ; 
licadhom...@gmail.com ; comf...@online.com.kh ; hrpcambo...@yahoo.com ; 
c...@camnet.com.kh ; angkorboreine...@yahoo.com ; sa...@online.com.kh ; Hang 
Puthea ; sokleangc...@yahoo.com ; nychak...@yahoo.com ; Meach Sovannara The 
Khmer Post ; sounsereyra

Re: Cambodia under Hun Sen is peace and lovely

2011-01-06 Thread Bopha Angkor
It is merely yuon khmer rouge scrap propaganda. In polpot time, the 
propaganda was; polpot regime is supper revolution, moha luot plos moha osja 
while these yuon pets/killing machines starved and killed millions of Khmer 
people to free land and resources for yuons. Now the neo yuon/khmer rouge 
still did the same, nothing change only form and methods. Am up with these 
nazi yuons horrors

- Original Message - 
From: Phally better...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, January 06, 2011 2:05 AM
Subject: Cambodia under Hun Sen is peace and lovely

Hun Sen has worked extremely hard to make sure Cambodian people are in
living in peace and hamony. According to the current economic trend
and the world economic crisis, under government Hun Sen, he has
generate the opportunity for the new growth of the Cambodia future,
especially heavy invested from China and many other Asia countries.
Cambodia is currently trying to improve its infrastructure, and the
development of new technology for the agricultural economic.
Additionally, new factories are being established, with the hope of
employ million workers. Flooding from many countries to the world
heritage, Angkor Wat, and the invitation of opportunity for the
tourism economy.

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Re: Khmer nation is so good

2010-12-23 Thread Bopha Angkor
Om bros,


Parfois il est bien de prendre les choses à la légère. Mais dans certain cas,  
c’est du suicide. Tous les tueurs, tous les fanatiques ne sont pas que des 
fous, des malades mentaux ou des ivrognes mais dans la majorité des cas ce sont 
des assassins pieux, coupables et responsables de leurs actes et du crime 


Si vous consultez les fichiers laissés par les khmers rouges, vous ne trouvez 
nulle parte le mot khmer (pour désigner les khmers). Ces khmers rouges comme 
leurs maitres yuon vietcongs sont très allergiques au mot « Khmer »  et à tout 
ce qu’il touche à la culture et à l’intelligence khmère et ces assassins ont 
essayaient  (dan le passé comme le temps présent) de les supprimer par tous les 
moyens.  Ces yuons, ces khmers rouges,  n’utilisaient pas le mot Khmer pour 
designer les « Khmers » ; ils les appellent « kampuchea » ou « chun kamuchea » 
ou encore, «  chun kampuchea tmei » (« new face cambodian» comme répète sans 
cesse ce kampouch)  - La méthode du lavage de cerveau des yuons  ou des 
kampuch,  c’est de bestialité et d’imbécilité pour beaucoup entre nous mais 
cette méthode a fait ses œuvres à travers les patins yuons et certainement à 
d’autres qui sont mentalement modelable par cette méthode yuon – Mais 
qu’importe, je vous souhaite une meilleure fête de fin d’année à vous tous !

Bopha Angkor


P/S Et merci à Lok ou Lok Srei Chamnap Keo d’avoir  partagé votre point de vue 
très pertinent sur ce sujet. Je suis de l’avis de votre avis 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Khoar Chev 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, December 23, 2010 5:28 PM
  Subject: Re: Khmer nation is so good

Dear all,
Don't be so surprised, it's Holidays Season again! this Kampouch 
Ch-Yuon just have a heavy drink, shouldn't  care much about what a drunk man 
Have a Wonderful Holidays to all!

Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

--- On Wed, 12/22/10, Chamnap Keo keo.c...@gmail.com wrote:

  From: Chamnap Keo keo.c...@gmail.com
  Subject: Re: Khmer nation is so good
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Date: Wednesday, December 22, 2010, 9:09 PM

  the term Chun Kampuchea is a new legal term, never used in the past, 
and should never be used after Hun Sen, period.
  It is a term marred with neocolonism ambitions, a word that is meant 
to whitewash the Vietnamization of Cambodia and allow the free flow of 
  undocumented aliens from both Vietnam, China, and other countries. 

  The term Chun Kampuchea is coined precisely for this purpose and its 
arguments of inclusion is cloaked behind an ulterior motive of racist tendency 
to dominate the Khmer culture by foreign neighbors. To subjugate her and her 
people and reduced them into minority groups in their own ancestral land.  This 
group of alien extremist will go far and paint Khmer as racist for not 
accepting a term that has been shoved down their throat in the name of 
friendship, inclusiveness, and unity when in fact the real design is far 
less lofty then they will admit, to themselves, and to the world and especially 
not to the Khmer people of Srok Khmer.

  So you are born in Cambodia, congratulation, I welcome you into our 
Khmer ancestral homeland.  However, don't presume now that since you're 
Cambodian, you have the right to strip all other Khmers of their cultural 
identity and heritage and ancestral claim to their homeland. We accept you as 
Cambodians, but you don't need to call yourselves Khmer if you don't follow the 
custom, but you should realize that Cambodia is first and foremost the land of 
Khmer people. As such, we will not deny any connections made by Khmer around 
the world whether in Thailand or Kampuchea Krom to our shared history and 

  To severed this tie is the wish of these neighbors, [Thailand and 
Vietnam], for centuries.  The sooner Cambodia can relinquish that connection, 
the sooner their programs of total assimilation of the people of Khmer descent 
in their annexed lands can take place. The problem is as long as Cambodia still 
accepts these populations as having shared connection, any attempt to forced 
the assimilation policy can be argued as cultural and social genocide, a human 
rights violations that the world community frowns upon.

  Chun Kampuchea, should be relegated to the bygones of era of Mit 
and Comrade and Hun Sen's Mitaphum days. The decade for foreign imposed 
ideological systems in Cambodia should now be set aside, it is time that 
Cambodia should now progress by the will of its native people and let them take 
the helm at their own country's destiny. 

  In conclusion, Srok Khmer welcomes Cambodians, and all regardless of 
race can be Cambodian. Having Cambodian citizenship however, don't presume 
yourself to hold also the key to spiritual and ancestral connection that are 
rightly belongs to the natives

Re: All Khmers FAKE CAMBODIAN Please Take Caution: Lee Des

2010-11-18 Thread Bopha Angkor
I think you are laying to yourself and to other and that will bring you and 
thai nation deep down to yuon hell soon.  Like polpot; even working for 
yuons and under yuon supervision, had strong believe to bring all yuons back 
to srok yuons in 1973 then after 1975 but there were yuons every level of 
his range and this brought polpot to lead political purge among his which 
led to his sudden down.  Even people before polpot believed to do so but 
still there are yuons everywhere in Cambodia. The problem in Cambodia is, if 
you want to lead political purge against yuon elements, you bring to 
eliminate a lot of people even yours  because in Cambodia there are yuons in 
every social level in particularly in politic and economic matter and now in 
people mass. Although I argue Khmer people to stand against yuon crimes, 
yuon persecution, yuon domination  and yuon colonization.  Khmer as nation 
and as mankind have duty and rights to free themselves from those who kill 
them,  those who private them from basic rights and freedom. Khmer people 
have rights to be master of their own destiny and not dominate by any morbid 
power or race.

Not long ago I seen these reports about yuon Vietcong in Thailand, these 
yuons even living as averages thais but still so faithful to ho. Like in 
Cambodia, even bore thai skin these yuons know exactly what to do while it 
is needed...  Just remark some yuons who bore smer skin in this forum. I don't 
wish that even to my worse enemy but continue to think and act like you thai 
will soon live this yuon hell as Khmer did. Believe me or not, naīve and ill 
pretentious like you thai people, yuons will have easy great maneuvers to 
handle the heads of your thais to lead you to kill one against other till 
you rest so few like cham people.

- Original Message - 
From: Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 3:11 AM
Subject: Re: All Khmers  FAKE CAMBODIAN  Please Take Caution: Lee Des

FYI, every Thai citizen who married Viet Congs with children all
deported back to Vietnam.
We don't play dangerous games like your country. Nixon asked us to
help Viet Congs, we did
as one of the US allies, but we never allowed Viet Congs stayed in our
land. Apisit just deported
Viet Congs lived among Hmong, did you remember?
Now Viet Congs are in Cambodia and two provinces Battambang and Siem
Reap that belonged
to Thailand, we need to jump in.

On Nov 11, 2:39 pm, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

no need to wait too long to see siam yuon shit shows. it's in air 

don t these siamese should a bit smart than that if they dont want the 

to chop their thai heads so quick? I saw some documents talking about how
yuon communism infiltrated its element (sleeping agent, young yuons 
in preference) in thai to marry with the siamese to melt in siam mass 

ho planed his extermination policy against Khmer and Laos in Indochina.
These yuons and yuons Siamese will chop thai head soon if you continue to
act alike. And dream if your ass people can claim anything from yuons

Don t you think that you should call a yuon a yuon, a siam a siam and a
Khmer a Khmer etc ?

- Original Message -
From: Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.org

Sent: Thursday, November 11, 2010 6:11 AM
Subject: Re: All Khmers  FAKE CAMBODIAN  Please Take Caution: Lee Des

You are a dumb Kmer made from Cambodia. Your country destroyed by the
dumb an dignorant like you. I don't care to know about Khmer Rouge in
your country. You should kill all each others, who cares?

On Nov 10, 11:35 am, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com wrote:
 Nothing is wrong with that.
 However, if you look back at the Khmer Rouge regime, Cambodians killed
 their own people in millions. They forced people to work day and night
 without adequate foods and necessities. They died from malnutrition,
 I don't know what is wrong with that if I am an ignorant.
 That was how they started from ground zero.

 On Nov 9, 7:19 pm, Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com wrote:

  What is wrong with starting from Zero? The separatist VietCongs
  started from zero, and look what they got? They gain for ONE CHINA,
  back to the big brothers.
  Everyone one is born naked. Believe in Faith, my little pigeon. Every
  nation created from zero.

  On Nov 9, 10:12 am, Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com wrote:

   But the fighting type of Rainsy is alway too extreme that can not be
   allowed because why do you know?

   First- Cambodia has been started from year ZERO that has no
   state instritutional infrastructure network.
   Not enough human sesource to operate them if set them up quickly as
   needed as some people have claimed.

   Goverment need more time, such as more universities and a lot more
   schools more routes more micro-economic growth more

Re: All Khmers Please Take Caution: Lee Des

2010-11-07 Thread Bopha Angkor
Sound like the Siamese just awake up and aware that they will nibble out by 
yuons later or sooner. It is not this moment that the Siamese would affront 
with and protect from yuons but long ago. Perhaps it is a bit too late now.

Siamese can always dream to share some of  these Khmer provinces with yuons 
but I dont think that yuons wont make things easy for the Siamese. Rather 
think that, the yuons would have already nibbled the Siamese heads before 
the Siamese can reach this goal.

Siamese and yuons known as Chinese robbers/barbaric. Along its root, these 
two groups used animosity and barbaric to destroyed and killed civilization, 
material and people.  Just cant imaging how thing can be while these two 
spirit meet or affront?

- Original Message - 
From: Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2010 4:37 AM
Subject: Re: All Khmers Please Take Caution: Lee Des

I'm not interested with your story as long as your Kmers give back
Battambang and Siem Reap and Prah Vihea to Thailand, we'll leave you
alone. Your King didn't have to invite VietCongs in, the VietCongs
were in your country with the colonizers Farang and never left, and
why didn't you know? VietCongs and Kmers have no real border, and now
still have no real border.

On Nov 1, 12:31 pm, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com wrote:

On Nov 1, 7:48 am, Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com wrote:

 But your country is full of Yuon, and you're called by Kmer like Pheng
 Kim Ving to kill your own people.
 Pheng Kim Ving is Kmer with a heart of Yuon Vietcong. How many million
 of your people that killed each others
 by Kmer Vietcong? Slab your self harder my little pigeon, if you want
 to really wake up.
 Look through this string pearls and tell me if you can 

I don't know how much you know about Cambodia. As far as we know, they
fight each other in their own country. They have been asking other
nations around the world to help them destroying their enemies of
their own in their own country. This is the truth.

Look back just a few years.
Sihanouk allied himself with North Vietnamese and China. As the prime
minister of Cambodia, he allowed China to use Cambodian soil to
transport weapons to NVA and Vietcongs fighting the war in South
Vietnam. He also allowed North Vietnamese to use Cambodian soil to
transport troops, weapons, supplies to fight the war in South
After he allied himself with Khmer Rouge coalition, Sihanouk did one
important facto to help Khmer Rouge on its feet. He asked NVA to help
train the Khmer Rouge cadres to fight the war against Lon Nol regime,
Cambodians, in his own country. Do you know what was the result of

The list can go on and on. Today, Sam Rainsy is roaming around the
world blasting back on his government, which he was a part for a very
long time. I don't know about you. If Sam Rainsy wants to fight, he
should not be friend or co worker at the same time. If he does, he is
not a good person. The reality is that Sam Rainsy has no will to unite
his own country after the destruction of Khmer Rouge. He just wants
his own way. He would do anything like many others before him have

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Re: Intel opens billion-dollar factory in Vietnam

2010-11-01 Thread Bopha Angkor
I think I already heard that from a bunch of yuons or yuon experts.  

I'm not specialist of yuons but I think yuon, Korean, Japanese people have 
different culture and mentality even shared some kind of aspects. 


Or perhaps you just have so high esteem of yuons. 

That's a dream of yuons.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:43 PM
  Subject: Re: Intel opens billion-dollar factory in Vietnam

  I think, Vietnam is smart like the Japanese did to American after WWII and 
look at Japan now after 65yrs: 
  Second super power in the world (maybe #3 now after China). 

  So imagine what VN will look like 20 yrs from now. Could be a next S Korean?

  On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 2:13 PM, InCamdisc incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:

Why not Cambodia?
This clearly tells Cambodian workforce is not ready. Workforce development 
training along with open business friendly   Behavior is required in order for 
major corporation to invest in Cambodia.

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Fw: Intel opens billion-dollar factory in Vietnam

2010-11-01 Thread Bopha Angkor
And I may add, tha's also a yuon well planed political objective and dream to 
which yuon (Hanoi) try to sell to its people. Yuons believe, by killing other 
people (non yuons) to rob those people land and resources to supply yuon's 
needs of development ;  it will help yuons to reach that objective and dream . 
But those are not my affaire. What interest me is to stop yuon enterprise of 
genocide, yuon atrocities and yuon crimes against humanity.  

- Original Message - 
From: Bopha Angkor 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 11:48 PM
Subject: Re: Intel opens billion-dollar factory in Vietnam

I think I already heard that from a bunch of yuons or yuon experts.  

I'm not specialist of yuons but I think yuon, Korean, Japanese people have 
different culture and mentality even shared some kind of aspects. 


Or perhaps you just have so high esteem of yuons. 

That's a dream of yuons.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 10:43 PM
  Subject: Re: Intel opens billion-dollar factory in Vietnam

  I think, Vietnam is smart like the Japanese did to American after WWII and 
look at Japan now after 65yrs: 
  Second super power in the world (maybe #3 now after China). 

  So imagine what VN will look like 20 yrs from now. Could be a next S Korean?

  On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 2:13 PM, InCamdisc incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:

Why not Cambodia?
This clearly tells Cambodian workforce is not ready. Workforce development 
training along with open business friendly   Behavior is required in order for 
major corporation to invest in Cambodia.

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Re: FW: Abhisit Vejjajiva, Thai prime minister, accused of war crimes

2010-10-27 Thread Bopha Angkor
I can assure you that around Prah vihear late dispute many Khmer nationals 
don't know what feet to dance. Should they leave Siamese to take Prah Vihear 
or should they help yuons to fight Prah vihear from Siamese? I hate to say 
that but to be honest I think Khmer in Cambodia had little to earn whether 
Prah Vihear will be part of Cambodia or not. Most everything in Cambodia is 
control and exploit by yuons, natural and national resources. Even Angkor 
Wat (Visnou Loka)  is exploiting by yuon company. Nothing left for Khmer but 
misery. That the prix to pay for living as yuon slaves and under yuon 

As a Khmer, I neither to leave Prah Vihear for yuons nor Siamese but if 
there is no other possibility at hand, I rather leave it for Siamese than 
the yuons. Why? Because for many reasons, historic, cultural or ethnic, I 
think the Siamese have much legitimates, respects and loves for Prah Vihear 
than the yuons.

Bopha Angkor

- Original Message - 
From: Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:01 PM
Subject: Re: FW: Abhisit Vejjajiva, Thai prime minister, accused of war 

Robot kangaroo.
Thais are the rightfull owner and Thais will fight to keep Prah Vihea.
Million Kamers in Thailand, while in your country Cambodia
has mostly Vietshiets, the separatist from China. Prah Vihea belongs
to Thais.

On Oct 27, 12:57 am, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com wrote:

On Oct 26, 8:10 pm, Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com wrote:

 Apisit must be put to stand trial. He loves power and he is doing
 dirty job for the monarchy. You know why King Pumipon is still in
 hospital? He is just a puppet King, his wife the queen and the
 military have a full control of Thailand. With 30 billion dollars they
 shoot us like animals. Whatever the queen wants she has it, like a
 biggest blue diamond stole from Saudi Arabia, how many innocence lives
 died for just that? Go red shirts!

 , 2:40 pm, Kheng, Khemarak kkh...@vorys.com wrote:

Why should Thai people put him in jail?
I am pretty sure that Thai people are praising him for raising the
border discussion.
They have been saying that those ancient ruins belong to them all

Now, if Thai people would not do it, can Cambodians do it?
Ofcourse not. He has not violated Cambodian territory of any kinds.
Remember! That is a dispute. It means that both parties claim a
certain territory as theirs.
Who is right will remain to be seen.
Will Cambodian be able to produce a concrete evidence to prove that it
is theirs?
Will Thai be able to do it as well?
Will war settle the dispute?

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Re: The Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese Communists: A history of their relations as told in the Soviet archives

2010-10-27 Thread Bopha Angkor
Most of Khmer nationals and intellectuals know the causes and reasons of 
genocide in Cambodia – how and for what reasons other countries get involve 
with it? How yuons seized occasion, organized the genocide against Khmer 
people and for what reasons ect  But they are minority comparing to the 
other kind to able to change the face of history and destiny of Cambodia. 
But that’s not the reasons to leave yuons free to lead that horrible human 

Dissimulating, irresponsibility, deny, these comportments belong to a kind 
of mankind inspiring of littleness, crime and anti social comportment 
(assassins, psychopath, crooks, felons, ect)  Not a man with dignity and 
responsibility. How long the yuons (Hanoi) can hide, nourish and growing in 
that horrible bloody human butcher and for what prix…. ?

Bopha Angkor

- Original Message - 
From: Lee Des lee.desti...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 2010 7:25 PM
Subject: The Khmer Rouge and the Vietnamese Communists: A history of their
relations as told in the Soviet archives

Dmitry Mosyakov

To this day, the real history of relations between the Khmer
communists and their Vietnamese colleagues is enclosed in a veil of
secrecy. Despite extensive research on this theme in Russia and
abroad, there are still no reliable answers to many key questions. The
history of relations between Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge is construed
in Vietnam in a way which sometimes has nothing to do with the story
told in the West. Statements of some Khmer Rouge leaders like Khieu
Samphan or Ieng Sari, who have recently defected to the governmental
camp in Phnom Penh and say what people want to hear, are not to be
trusted either. All this supports the assumption that analysis of
relations between Hanoi and the Khmer Rouge is not only a historical
problem. There is still a political component, which encumbers its
objective study.
The author endeavours to tackle this problem and to present to the
reader an objective and impartial picture of what was happening.· The
research is based on a study of the former USSR’s archival materials
(diaries of Soviet ambassadors in Vietnam, records of conversations
with ranking members of the Vietnamese government, analytical notes,
political letters of the Soviet embassy in the SRV, and other
documents) deposited in the Russian State Archive of Modern History
(RSAMH). Along with other sources, such as the French colonial
archives and interviews with Vietnamese and Cambodian participants
(see Ben Kiernan, How Pol Pot Came to Power: A History of Communism in
Kampuchea, 1930-1975, London, Verso, 1985), this work allows us to
give objective and reasonably complete answers to the question at
Relations between Khmer and Vietnamese communists have passed through
some major periods of development. In the first period, which can be
determined to span from 1930 to 1954, a small Khmer section of the
Indochina Communist Party (ICP), was under full ideological and
organizational control of the Vietnamese communists. During the years
of struggle for liberation from the governance of France (1946-1954),
the strength of this section grew continuously due to ICP recruitment
of the most radical participants in the anti-colonial struggle. The
Khmer People’s Revolutionary Party  (KPRP) was founded in June 1951 on
this basis. The leaders of this party, Son Ngoc Minh, Sieu Heng, and
Tou Samut, acted hand in hand in the anti-colonial war with the
Vietnamese and were truly valid allies and strict executors of all the
plans drafted by the ICP.
The 1954 Geneva Agreements on Indochina drastically changed relations
between Khmer and Vietnamese communists. The Vietnamese withdrew their
forces from Cambodia in accordance with the Agreements, but as
distinct from Laos (where the so-called free zone in the region of Sam
Neua was controlled by the communists), Hanoi could not ensure the
same conditions for their Khmer allies. The Vietnamese, under pressure
from the Sihanouk regime and its Western allies, did not even let the
Khmer communists participate in the Geneva negotiations, and by the
end of 1954 had withdrawn their combat forces from the regions of
Cambodia which were under their control. Hereupon Khmer Royal Forces
entered all zones that had been under KPRP authority, which forced the
party underground. The consolation offered by Hanoi - granting two
thousand of their allies the possibility of taking cover in the
territory of North Vietnam (Nayan Chanda, Brother Enemy, N.Y., 1986,
p. 59)  - was obviously disproportionate to their contribution to a
joint struggle. Therefore among the Khmer communists remaining in
Cambodia the story gained currency that Hanoi had simply betrayed
them, used them as hostages for the sake of reaching the agreement
with the then leader of Cambodia, Norodom Sihanouk. The evaluation of
the Vietnamese operations of those days as an “unrighteous

Re: K'nhom Chang Suor (by Anonymous Poet)

2010-10-24 Thread Bopha Angkor
អស់លោក, សង្គមខ្មែរមានការងងឹតងងុលវិលវល់យល់ច្រឡំច្រើនណាស់ 
មិនយល់គ្នាឬប្រេះស្រាំទ្វេ ។  អ្វីដែលខ្ញុំចង់និយាយពេលនេះគឺ 
គួរចាត់ទុកអ្វីដែលជារបស់ស្តេចជារបស់ស្តេច, របស់ជាតិជារបស់ជាតិ របស់យួនជារបស់យួន ។ 
ខ្ញុំចង់និយាយថា អស់លោកមិនគួរហៅពួកអាកញ្ចះយួនអស់នេះជាខ្មែរឬអ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរសោះ 
វាហាក់ដូចជាពួកអស់លោកខំលើកតម្កើងពួកកញ្ចះយួន អស់នេះខ្លាំងជ្រុលពេក 
ហើយកំពុងតែជេរបន្ថោកខ្លួនឯង បន្ថោកជាតិខ្មែរទាំងមូល 
មហន្តរាយក្រោមការកាន់កាប់អំណាចរបស់ពួកឧបករណ៍នយោបាយយួនមួយក្រុមនេះ ។ ខ្ញុំផ្ទាល់ 
ដែលជាខ្មែរម្នាក់និងអ្វីទៀតដែលជាខ្មែរ ព្រោះក្នុងក្រសែភ្នែកខ្ញុំ 
ពួកនេះជាអ្វីមួយផ្សេងទៀតគួរអោយខ្ពើមរអើម ដែលមិនមែនជាខ្មែរ ដែលមិនមែនជារបស់ខ្មែរ 
ហើយខ្ញុំក៏មិនដែលចាត់កញ្ចះយួនមួយណាមួយថាជាខ្មែរ ជាអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិខ្មែរ 
ឬជាអ្វីទៀតដែលជានិមិតរូបខ្មែរ ។ 


គ្រាន់តែជាយោបល់ និងការរំលឹក ។




  - Original Message - 
  From: Vichea Sam 
  To: Camdisc 
  Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:37 PM
  Subject: K'nhom Chang Suor (by Anonymous Poet)

  Please see attachment.



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Re: Peace with neighbor

2010-10-12 Thread Bopha Angkor

Sat kangkaeb yul thaa roung robos vir chea sakal tang muol.

The question is not if Khmer people or yuon puppet government wants peace or 
not but if yuons and other powerful countries (like French, China, URSS, 
USA ect ) that play a major role in the tragedy of Cambodia want it or not. 
On this matter, I think Khmer people have so little to say and have nor 
capacity nor material to fight against.

In early seventy sihanouk band like the rest of Khmer rouge didn't yet have 
a name, they were few with no arm nor military training nor goal yet they 
become the worse killing machine against Khmer nation and people under 
brightening yuon vietcon guideline. T'ai should not neglect that matter.

- Original Message - 
From: Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 11:21 PM
Subject: Peace with neighbor

The new of alleged terrorist training is exploded in Thai media.11 men
(Thai) were arrested in Chiang mai are the red shirt militants trained
by Cambodian soldier . The purpose of training is to kill high ranking
government officials.Khmer trained Thai to hate their institution
monarchy whose job was behind the coup to topple Taksin couple years
ago. The well known Buriram leader Newin was among the target also. If
this allegation is true what would be the consequence  to the
government of Cambodia, just flatly deny ? I think Cambodian should
make peace with their neighbors for the benefit of the people, focus
their own problem do not getting involve westward march policy on
behalf of  somebody else. Friendly with the neighbor is the best

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Re: Bury Chau is a real old Khmer ethnic monkey

2010-10-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
ah kampouch ass, if you have problem with someone then address to him 
directly. As if your kampouch ass atrocities and crimes against Khmer is not 
enough, your kampouch ass need to run fool online  vomit your kampouch ass 
racial slurs and ill hatred on them again and again.

Whether your kampouch ass understand it or not, no one interdict your 
kampouch ass to express your kampouch ass opinoon here but I just CANT 
tolerate that your kampouch ass vomit your ill kampouch ass racial slurs and 
hatred against Khmer people all the time.

I don't know if your kampouch ass can conceive but your kampouch ass must 
know that to be born Khmer is not but your kampouch ass racial crime, slurs 
and hatred is a real CRIME.

Just tired of your kampouch ass racial slurs, hatred and crimes against 
Khmer !!!

- Original Message - 
From: Neak Kampuchea kampuchun2...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 2:42 PM
Subject: Bury Chau is a real old Khmer ethnic monkey

No, Bury Chau?

A Western Culture is now in Cambodia right now! Are you a blind Khmer
ethnic mitnority ? I am telling you that all nationals including you
or other Khmer are becoming Western country citizens as long as they
live in there for a long periode of time. Even in South Vietnam, all
KIhmer living in there are Vietnamese.

PLease dont be shit for too long, look around, you will see the world
is changing, if you dont you are a real blind man or simply an old
khmer ethnic monkey.


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Re: People must know they have power

2010-10-05 Thread Bopha Angkor

While a savant can only pick a piece or few pieces of things but cant see or 
draw the whole picture it is like a Khmer proverb said  a kvak steab domrei 
The most difficult for a man is not his capacity to digest a mount of savoir 
(told/knowledge) but his discernment and mental capacity to make right 
distinction  between things and his capacity make his own idea of those things 
in a right direction.


Behind each action, there's hides ambitions or goals. It is difficult not to 
fall in ambiguity but ambiguity is generally belongs to someone who missed one 
own idea, or oneself in a space or at least has something to hide. Man 
influenced and influenable. I believe in a fact that a book, a culture can make 
a man who he is. Theory destroys, kills as it save. Hyena or chicken cant give 
birth to lion and inversely. But people can believe what they want to or think 
they should. That's their freedom. 


By joining Vietcong rank for whatever ambition, polpot did a lot of harm 
against Khmer for yuon interest but polpot is not the creator of the practice 
or theory led against Khmer. 


A lot hate polpot or those they hate but don't they think they are polpot or 
those they hated themselves in some degree. Human is not a machine that can 
only repeat, report or contain things or apply/obey a command or an order. 


You can hate me because I'm being honest.

  - Original Message - 
  From: PuppyXpress 
  To: camdisc 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 11:27 PM
  Subject: People must know they have power

  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Gaffar Peang-Meth peangm...@gmail.com
  Date: Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:30 AM
  Subject: People must know they have power

  October 6, 2010 
  People must know they have power
  By A. Gaffar Peang-Meth 

  The Khmer blog KI-Media recently has been publishing in sections Gene Sharp's 
  From Dictatorship to Democracy: A Conceptual Framework for Liberation, by 
  Albert Einstein Institution, that provides significant guidelines to assist 
  thought and planning in the fight against dictatorship.

  Sharp hopes his study on how a dictatorship can be disintegrated would be 
  useful wherever people live under domination and desire to be free.
  Sharp presupposes people who live under a dictatorship can distinguish 
between a 
  dictatorship and a democracy, and there are those with a desire to be free.
  Enormous work and effort are required from fractious democrats and rights 
  activists who fight powerful ruling tyrants. In Cambodia, deeply rooted old 
  habits and thoughts stand opposite imaginative, creative and innovative 
  Some 70 percent of the people polled said Cambodia under autocracy is headed 
  the right direction. Khmer and foreign partisans of political stability 
  ignore civil rights violations, while opponents of autocracy speak of people 
  Yet power doesn't exist until the people understand it is actually in their 
  hands; until democrats and rights activists help them to believe the truth 
  no power, force or barrier can withstand their determined efforts for rights 
  More than ever, Cambodians need democrats and rights activists to lead them. 
  Through enlightened and efficient leadership, the citizens become aware of 
  parameters of oppression and develop the confidence that will bring down any 

  'Pigs don't fly'

  Some readers complain that I write a lot about better thinking but don't tell 
  them what and how it will help defeat Cambodia's autocracy and keep Khmers 
  Khmer. In some ways, the complaint itself is evidence of a lack of analytical 
  I don't normally read comments posted by anonymous bloggers, whose 
  racial slurs or demonization of opponents affirm the bloggers' true values, 
  every now and then I peruse them.

  Some people blog to relieve their frustration and unhappiness -- which is 
  to detect the symptoms of a disease, if not the disease itself.

  A blogger took offense at my remarks that all minds can be taught, and 
  with pigs don't fly -- i.e., some minds simply cannot improve, just like a 
  horse refuses to drink even if led to the water. There can't be change 
without a 
  belief that it is possible. Are some unredeemable intellectually?
  Pigs don't fly. We know that. But human minds do develop and grow. We know 
  Pol Pot decided that a people so stupid as to refuse his ways and thoughts 
  must be destroyed and re-educated through forced labor and tbaung chawb 
  blade) to strike the necks of those with incorrect thinking. There is no 
  to keep them, no loss to eliminate them, the Khmer Rouge said. Thus, Pol Pot 
  killed the nation.
  When I was a child, my father often reminded me that if I didn't use my brain 
  read and reflect, the brain's lack of 

Re: Will Cambodians in North America let Tith Sothea insult their demonstration against Hun Xen in New York as being unreasonable?

2010-09-26 Thread Bopha Angkor
Om bros,

Although non of us can stop those yuon tools to act the cons but you did the 
right thing by clarifying on this issue so there is no more misunderstanding 
among people. As you may know, non cant ask the criminals to have a 
consciousness, to have some human feeling to admire their atrocity or more to 
stop committing crimes, these criminals will continue no matter how as long as 
there is way for these criminals to do so. But we can oppose to these criminals 
by laws or struggles. Other people did, why not Khmer people 


Bopha Angkor 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Khoar Chev 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2010 7:35 PM
  Subject: Re: Will Cambodians in North America let Tith Sothea insult their 
demonstration against Hun Xen in New York as being unreasonable?

Bopha, like you, I'm not belonged to any political party nor have 
anything against lok Sam Raingsy's parrty, I just want to make sure people 
understand that this is not about anyone or any party, it just about all Khmer. 
Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

--- On Sat, 9/25/10, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

  From: Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr
  Subject: Re: Will Cambodians in North America let Tith Sothea insult 
their demonstration against Hun Xen in New York as being unreasonable?
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Date: Saturday, September 25, 2010, 2:41 AM

  Om bros, 

  It is the big mess of SRP even in Europe. Some people from SRP are 
just being so indecent, antidemocratic and antikhmer interest, any opportunity 
is good for these people to jump advancing their party with no tiny respect to 
other people who dont want to have something to do with this party at all. 
These people think first to save their pants and their party than national 
interest and Cambodian people. I have nothing against mr rainsy or his party 
but certainly I don’t approve or caution his weirdness and play policy, cpp vi 
srp, toward Cambodia which I consider as a very dangerous play in detriment of 

  I think organisator of such demonstration should make the clear rules 
for every participant. Anyone can participate but not in the name of any one, 
any party, or talking in the name of anyone, any party on behalf of other 

  This tith sothea sounds like a mess up opportunist if not, a cpp 
clone among cotton skin.  This is a real act of sabotage from this tith sothear 
against this protest and other protestors. Just wonder if this individual 
discourse in below article resorted of his own opinion or policy of his party.  

  Just cant stand such behave, such people ….

  Best regards

  Bopha Angkor

- Original Message - 
From: Khoar Chev 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:49 PM
Subject: Re: Will Cambodians in North America let Tith Sothea 
insult their demonstration against Hun Xen in New York as being unreasonable?

  Just want to clarify that this protest just like other 
previous protests, this protest is all Khmer protest, NOT FOR Sam Raingsy party 
or Any Other political parties. 
  All Khmer have their rights express their anger and 
discontent with this Yuon Puppet, it's a shame for anyone ( include Sam Raingsy 
party ) who try to mislead or use the protesters for their benefit.
  Khmer Ruom Khmer Ruos Khmer Bek Bak Khmer Slabb!  

  Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

  --- On Fri, 9/24/10, InCamdisc incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:

From: InCamdisc incamd...@yahoo.com
Subject: Re: Will Cambodians in North America let Tith 
Sothea insult their demonstration against Hun Xen in New York as being 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com camdisc@googlegroups.com
Date: Friday, September 24, 2010, 10:50 AM

It Sothea gave Sam Rainsy and his political Party too much 
credit. There are millions of Khmers are disagree with CPP and Hun Sen's 
policy, they did many protests and don't need Sam Rainsy and his party and 
including this one. Members of Sam Rainsy party want to join? They can, it is 
their rights and Cambodia is their country too. 


On Sep 24, 2010, at 4:09 AM, Pheng Kim Ving 
phengkimvi...@gmail.com wrote:

 Any Cambodian who considers joining this demonstration 
should remind
 himself or herself that this demonstration would be 
mainly for the
 interest of a political party called the Sam Rainsy 
Party, not for the
 interest of Cambodia.
 Pheng Kim Ving

Re: SRP Press Conference with Sam Rainsy Video-conference on 24 September 2010

2010-09-26 Thread Bopha Angkor
I dont know what is mr Rainsy playing with cpp and yuon hanoi again? Didn't mr 
Rainsy one has sued hun sen for grenade attack then take off the complain while 
hun sen accepted to handle him a candy? What's the difference from the last 
complain and now? I believe mr Rainsy just send a message to hun sen, if you 
dont stop to sue me and let me go back, I will sue you too


I'm sick and sad for people who believed and died for mr Rainsy as those who 
died and believe in sihanouk, hun sen or polpot to free them and Cambodia from 
yuon hell.  Cambodian people merit better if they effort themselves to chose 
something or someone better..


Bopha Angkor 

  - Original Message - 
  From: khmer sralanh khmer 
  To: khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com 
  Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 8:22 AM
  Subject: Fwd: SRP Press Conference with Sam Rainsy Video-conference on 24 
September 2010

  Saturday, September 25, 2010
  SRP Press Conference with Sam Rainsy Video-conference on 24 September 2010 
  Sep 24, 2010: Opposition Leader Sam Rainsy addressed the participants and 
answered questions from Paris through a teleconference on  New judicial 
proceedings in New York against Mr. Hun Sen and his subordinates in relation to 
a deadly 1997 grenade attack in Phnom Penh and an investigation by the US 
Federal Bureau of Investigation at SRP Phnom Penh Headquarters.

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Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.
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Re: Norodom Sihanouk and his golden era?

2010-09-17 Thread Bopha Angkor
It is like tell yuons to stop to hate Khmer, to stop tricking and planning 
the killing against Khmer and stop rapping Khmer land and resources. Leave 
other people alone will. I have no common goal with yuons, with your kind 
nor do I have common things or goal with the yuon tools here or there.  The 
problem with kind of people is to you mixed everything together, place 
everything at the same level, in the same pack  that your kind cant even 
distingue one thing from other nor a thing and from a human, or a friend 
from enemy.

Love, Tolerance, Compassion, courage those previous valor are shared 
transmitted from my family and they are dared to me.  And as previous valor 
I wont share or soil with those who stink of crime and horrors from the 
brain. And not only. This my message to that kind of horry skins.   Remember 
it well

- Original Message - 
From: Jayakhmer jayakh...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Norodom Sihanouk and his golden era?


I'd like to join Watkeo Kuma to encourage you to let go of your
Most, if not all, of us have suffered enough.
Personally, I lost my dad to the Khmer Rouge.
I once was mad too.  I used to blame politicians for my suffering.  I
am free from that now.

You said,I was very angry at Cambodia one time. You can't imagine how
much I
hated Cambodia.  Without knowing the detail, I respect that.
By all mean, you have every rights under the sun to be mad and to hate
the country.

But deep down, I know you still love this country.
That is why you spend your energy here saying things to annoy us so
that we change our way.

Most of us who are here share that common bond.  The bond that
Cambodia is the land of our birth.
Our political views may be all over the spectrum, but we love our
country. Although we are here, our hearts are at home.  To some of us
there is no different whether we live here or there.  The pains are
the same.  When we see our fellow Khmers suffer, we suffer.
Some of us have more patience than others.
Some want thing to change overnight other say,' let the process takes
its course. Some get involve because he/she that it is his or her
birth right to be a leader.
Other say, wait a minute you and your kind almost destroyed our
country, I am going to do anything in my power to keep you out.

Although we are Khmer, but we are human.  And Human is not an exact
science.  In this sense we are quite normal.  We act pretty much the
same as any other races would act.  This is why I refuse to accept
that we are a bad race - just because the Khmer Rouge did what they

I do not much about human behavior, but I know this much.
Hate is not the answer to anything.

Some of us in this forum are very scary.
Listening to them I wonder if they are any different from the Khmer
Rouge or the person they are condemning.

I cannot imagine what these folks would do if they get a hold of

The bottom line is please let go of you pains.  And I also sincerely
ask for your forgiveness if I have acted inappropriately while
discussing this passionate issue in the heat of the moment.

Sincerely yours,


On Sep 16, 6:53 pm, Watkeo Kuma kum...@hotmail.com wrote:


you were one time get angry with Cambodia that your past, I believe, but
let go

that past will make a new you again. Who are living where not the case of

on human communicate past and present. sharing the common story old and

doesn't matter where you are living, but will recall bad to good as age
growing up.

Saying something better than not saying a word, just like you go to the
temple and

listen to monks preaching morality. I knew you hate Cambodia for your
reason, I can't blame

you for your judgement.

 Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 10:37:57 -0700
 Subject: Re: Norodom Sihanouk and his golden era?
 From: therabbitn...@yahoo.com
 To: camdisc@googlegroups.com

 I don't mean to insult you in anyway here. It's merely an opinion.
 There are great people all over the world. There are bad and good
 people everywhere.
 In Cambodian case, there are alot of bad people in the country.
 They corrupt and practice impunity over each other for centuries. Yet,
 they still think their nation is great.
 Now, many of them ARE LIVING overseas in other countries. They are
 barking at Cambodia yelling how bad it is in Cambodia. Yet, they are
 living in another country.
 Let us put two things together here. Cambodian history reflects what
 has happened in the last five decades. If Cambodians did not do it,
 who has done to Cambodia?

 After saying all of these things, let me say this hopefully you would
 not get angry.
 You are living in America now, not in Cambodia.
 You are doing good things in America doesn't mean that you are doing
 good things in Cambodia.
 My friend,
 I was very angry at Cambodia one time. You can't imagine how much I
 hated Cambodia.
 What I saw one day 

Re: La crise de Preah Vihear

2010-09-16 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Pou Krakmo,


Votre opinion est intéressante mais très discutable. Vous optez sur l’effet 
aléatoire et hasardeux des faits quand à moi j’insiste sur la préparation et 
l’organisation minutieux du crime et j’espère vous comprenez et pouvez peser 
ces mots. Génocide, extermination d’une population pour coloniser, ce n’est pas 
du hasard. Il faut pour les yuons des sièges de travails acharnés et minutieux, 
de détermination, de préparation, des sacrifices et d’organisation pour arriver 
ce qu’ils ont réussi aujourd’hui. Cependant je n’ignore rien sur les conflits 
personnels ou interpersonnels  ect dans la société cambodgienne comme dans 
toute la société d’ailleurs. Cela ne veut pas dire non plus que j’excuse tous 
ceux qui ont commis les crimes avec ces yuons et peu importe. Chacun de ces 
criminels ont leur part de responsabilité du crime commis contre le peuple 
khmer. Mais de cela à donner des excuses à ces yuons pour échapper de leurs 
crimes et atrocités, je crois que c’est une bien triste grossière erreur. 


Il faut des années de recherches, des plaints, des travails acharnés de la part 
des victimes de Shoa pour que les quelques criminels nazis soient conduits et 
jugés devant un tribunal. Si les victimes ne reconnaitre même pas leur gourous 
et leur assassins, comment pourrait-t-on condamner ces assassins un jour ? Cela 
est à mon sens le plus abominable de tragédies cambodgiennes. On laisse 
toujours les criminels libres de leur crimes parce qu’ils ont trop grand, trop 
gros, trop difficile à atteindre. On préfère courir après des petits 
délinquants, c’est plus facile. Sans aucun péjoratif mais aller au essentiel, 
le problème yuons au Cambodge est un problème majeur, le plus essentiel dans un 
programme politique d’un politicien cambodgien, si non ce n’est qu’un imposteur 
ou un rien. Le problème yuons au Cambodge n’est pas un détail de l’histoire ou 
un symptôme d’une maladie cambodgienne mais la source même. Pour être direct et 
sans complexe, pour que cette source ne produise plus des criminels et des 
assassins pour anéantir le Cambodge ou servir dans une entrepris expansionniste 
et génocidaire, cette source doit être maitrisé ou anéanti. Les autres 
problèmes en ont rien comparé à l’autre. 


Un médecin ne tue pas les malades ou les victimes de la maladie mais la maladie 
si non ce n’est qu’un assassin. Dans la chambre bataille, on ne se trompe pas 
les ennemies. Cependant je respecte votre opinion et votre approche du 


Par ailleurs est ce qu’il y a une différence entre, une discussion utile et 
nécessaire, et une polémique ? 


Mes respects

Bopha Angkor 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Krakmo Kaing 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, September 16, 2010 11:50 AM
  Subject: RE: La crise de Preah Vihear

  ជូនចំពោះ នាង,

  តាមពឹត ខ្ញុំមិនសូវជាចូលចិត្ត ការពិភក្សាអ្វី ដែលជា polémique នោះឡើយ ។ 
តែថារឿងខ្មែរយើង បើតាមខ្ញុំយល់ គឺជារឿងដែលហៅថា “ដង្កូវវាដុះចេញមកពីសាច់យើង” មុន 

  នឹងយើងចោទទៅលើ “រុយដែលវាហើរមកទំរួចពងនៅលើរបួសនៅសាច់យើង” ។ ហើយរុយនោះ 
យើងមិនទាន់ចាប់វាបាននៅឡើយ ដើម្បីបង្ហាញអន្តរជាតិ អោយគេយល់ 

  ផង ។ សូម្បីតែសាច់យើង មានរបួសដំបៅ ក៍យើងពុំទាន់ ឬពុំមានពេលបានព្យាបាលនៅឡើយដែរ ។ 

  អ្នកដឹកនាំខ្មែរបន្តបន្ទាប់ មើលស្ថានការស្រុករបស់ខ្លួន ច្រើនយឺតពេលហើយខុសទៅទៀត ។ 
ខ្ញុំចូលចិត្ត អ្វីៗត្រូវរៀប​ ”ចំសំអាតខ្លួនយើងសិន” មុននឹងឈានទៅរកប្រយុទ្ធ (ដោយ

  ប្រការណាមួយ ដោយសមរម្ភ) ជាមួយនឹងសត្រូវរបស់យើង ។ រឿងសំអាតខ្លួននេះហើយ 
ដែលយើងធ្វើមិនទាន់បាន ។ នេះជាអកុសលរបស់ខ្មែរយើង ។ ពឹតហើយ សត្រូវរបស់ 

  យើង ត្រូវតែបើកមុខតាំងពីពេលនេះទៅដែរ មិនមែនយើងត្រូវដេកលក់ / សម្ងំ នោះឡើយ ។ 

  Bref ខ្ញុំមិនប្រាកដថា ចំឡើយរបស់ខ្ញុំ ឆ្លើយចំចំពោះ ពាក្សរបស់នាងថា choquant 
នោះឡើយ ។




  De : camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camd...@googlegroups.com] De la part de 
Bopha Angkor
  Envoyé : mercredi 15 septembre 2010 21:17
  À : camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Objet : Re: La crise de Preah Vihear


  Lok Pou Krakmo,


  Hitler n'a pas commis le massacre contre les 10 millions de juifs de ses 
propres mains mais cela ne veut pas dire qu’Hitler n'était pas coupable pour 
ces massacres et tous les crimes commis contre les juifs. De même certain juifs 
(prisonniers ou autre) qui ont été utilisé par le IIIème Reich comme de 
macabres manœuvres par force ou par contraint dans les camps de concentration 
et de massacres mais ça ne veut pas dire non plus ces juifs ont  commis des 
massacres contre leurs. C’est l’aspect organisation du crime et du génocide qui 
est tenir en compte. Pourquoi ce cas n’est pas appliqué avec le Cambodge et le 
peuple cambodgien ? Y’a-t-il au autre un génocide et un ignoble crime racial et 
discriminatoire contre le peuple khmer d’un par de l’autre? 


  Honnêtement il y a de quoi incriminer les yuon vietcong de crime organisé et 
le génocide contre le peuple khmer même ces derniers n’ont ou non pas 
ouvertement et directement commis ces crimes ignoble contre le peuple khmer de 
leur propres mains. 


  C'est choquant d’entendre ce

Re: La crise de Preah Vihear

2010-09-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Pou Krakmo,

Hitler n'a pas commis le massacre contre les 10 millions de juifs de ses 
propres mains mais cela ne veut pas dire qu’Hitler n'était pas coupable pour 
ces massacres et tous les crimes commis contre les juifs. De même certain juifs 
(prisonniers ou autre) qui ont été utilisé par le IIIème Reich comme de 
macabres manœuvres par force ou par contraint dans les camps de concentration 
et de massacres mais ça ne veut pas dire non plus ces juifs ont  commis des 
massacres contre leurs. C’est l’aspect organisation du crime et du génocide qui 
est tenir en compte. Pourquoi ce cas n’est pas appliqué avec le Cambodge et le 
peuple cambodgien ? Y’a-t-il au autre un génocide et un ignoble crime racial et 
discriminatoire contre le peuple khmer d’un par de l’autre? 


Honnêtement il y a de quoi incriminer les yuon vietcong de crime organisé et le 
génocide contre le peuple khmer même ces derniers n’ont ou non pas ouvertement 
et directement commis ces crimes ignoble contre le peuple khmer de leur propres 


C'est choquant d’entendre ce genre de chose de votre part.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Krakmo Kaing 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:43 PM
  Subject: RE: La crise de Preah Vihear

  Il semble que vous manquez de mentionner que à peu près plus de 70% de 
matière grise cambodgienne étaient éliminées par les KR. Cela pouvait être 
l’œuvre d’un pays voisin (Yuon) mais nous n’avons pas de preuves suffisantes.

  Voilà c’est pourquoi nous manquons les techniciens. Après 3 decennies de 
guerre et en plus le mal gouvernance au Cambodge  il n’est pas facile à relever 
la situation économique de ce pays. Nous pouvons peut être nous poser 

  la question : et le pays Yuon ? . La réponse partielle c’est que les Yuons, 
pendant la guerre ne détruisent pas ses infrastructures comme les font les KR. 
Voilà les idioties des leaders khmers.

  សូមបញ្ជាក់ថា សីហនុ ពេលចូលមកស្រុកខ្មែរវិញ ឃើញស្រុកខ្មែរដូចឋានព្រះចន្ទឥចឹង ។ 
មកវិញមានតែក្តិតទទេ ខ្លួនឯងបានបំផ្លាញខ្ទេចខ្ទីគ្មានសល់អ្វីឡើយ ។ 
បាននៅសល់ត្រឹមតែវ័ង្គ ហើយខាងក្នុងមានសួនដាំដើមចេក​ដើមដូង២ឬបីដើមប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។

  នេះជាមាយាទ ស្តេចខ្មែរ ។


  De : camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camd...@googlegroups.com] De la part de 
Vincent Thach
  Envoyé : mercredi 15 septembre 2010 18:30
  À : camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Objet : La crise de Preah Vihear


  Chers  Tous:  


 Durant la période coloniale les Français aidaient les Vietnamiens 
en tout, particulièrement en sciences et techniques avant en parallèle le 
développement de la langue vietnamienne romanisée. Au Kampuchea Krom tout est 
fait pour empêcher les Cambodgiens à s'instruire, en particulier en langue 
cambodgienne. Au Cambodge, la même chose. Au point de vue pêcherie, il faut 
acheter des lots. Seuls les Vietnamiens pouvaient emprunter à la banque pour 
les acheter. Au Cambodge, tous les services techniques sont entre les mains des 
Vietnamiens, sans exception, y compris la police et les interprètes pour 
s'adresse aux Cambodgiens. 

 Depuis 1991, personne ne nous apprend les métiers techniques. Dans 
ces conditions, comment pouvons nous nous battre contre les Vietnamiens ?  

 La puissance d'un pays réside dans la puissance de son industrie. 
Maintenant nous avons un réseau routier qui se développe. La crise de Preah 
Vihear nous a permis d'avoir une bonne route vers ce temple. Il va avoir une 
bonne route entre Stung Treng - Anlong Veng et Sisophon. Ainsi petit à petit 
nous avons un bon réseau routier le long de nos frontières de l'Ouest. Il nous 
reste l'équivalent le long de nos frontières à l'Est. Et aussi la rénovation de 
notre ligne de chemin de fer. L'année prochaine, il y a prévision pour exporter 
environ 200 000 tonnes de riz. 

 Il nous faut former rapidement des milliers, voire des dizaines de 
milliers d'ingénieurs et de techniciens de bon niveau pour développer notre 
industrie. Très peu ne nos compatriotes à l'étranger le comprennent. Ils se 
lancent principalement dans la politique. Or la puissance économique est la 
base de toute politique. Notre infériorité envers nos voisins réside dans 
l'ignorance de notre peuple. Instruire le peuple est la base de toute politique 
sérieuse. Peut-on instruire le peuple dans des langues étrangères ? 

   Bien amicalement

  You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org group.
  This is an unmoderated forum. Please refrain from using foul language. 
  Thank you for your understanding. Peace among us and in Cambodia.
  To post to this group, send email to camdisc@googlegroups.com
  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
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  Learn more - http://www.cambodia.org

  You received this message because you are subscribed 

Re: La crise de Preah Vihear

2010-09-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Vincent,

Je suis totalement d'accord avec votre approche pour la compréhension de 
l'histoire et de la tragédie cambodgienne. Que ces yuons et ces autres sachent, 
ce n'est en voulant les accuser de quoi ce soit qu'on convoque ces aspects des 
choses mais surtout pour la compréhension du drame, de l'histoire et la 
responsabilisation du crime commis ce soit par un yuon ou un autre. 


Revenons à la fameuse histoire infinité franço-yuon que beaucoup en parlent, je 
ne pense pas que les colonisateurs français ont choisi les yuons pour rouler et 
anéantir le peuple khmer à leur place par sympathie ou affinité pour les yuons 
mais surtout c'est un choix stratégique et politique de la part de ces 
incrédules colonisateurs français. La preuve ces viets qui ont été utilisés par 
la colonisation française qui ont été emmenés puise lâchés comme des bêtes à 
boucherie dans les macabres camps de réfugier ou camps de la honte (pour ne pas 
dire camps de concentration) en France. Beaucoup de ces viets y vivent encore 
et très minablement, habitué à des savanes, peu n'arrivent à trouver la sortie 
dans la grand ville. Pourtant ces viets ne sont pas des criminels ni 
prisonniers de guerre. C'est petit de la part de ces français.  


Quoi qu'il soit, à cause de cette politique, mise en avant les yuons, par la 
colonisation française, permettant ainsi des yuons de prendre un gros pas en 
avant sur les Cambodgiens, déjà très affaiblis et anéantis par des guerres, des 
massacres et des génocides incessant commis soit les siams, la plus part du 
temps par les yuon depuis le temps de post Angkor. Ainsi ces français donnaient 
à ces viets plus du pouvoir, des facilités et des possibilités de contrôler, de 
coloniser le Cambodge et organiser des crimes atroces contre le peuple à fin de 
achever leur but et leur rêve suprême celle d'exterminer le peuple khmer pour 
les voler la terre et des ressources nécessaires pour les yuon à survivre et 
épand leur race.


A bientôt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:29 PM
  Subject: La crise de Preah Vihear

  Chers  Tous:  

 Durant la période coloniale les Français aidaient les Vietnamiens 
en tout, particulièrement en sciences et techniques avant en parallèle le 
développement de la langue vietnamienne romanisée. Au Kampuchea Krom tout est 
fait pour empêcher les Cambodgiens à s'instruire, en particulier en langue 
cambodgienne. Au Cambodge, la même chose. Au point de vue pêcherie, il faut 
acheter des lots. Seuls les Vietnamiens pouvaient emprunter à la banque pour 
les acheter. Au Cambodge, tous les services techniques sont entre les mains des 
Vietnamiens, sans exception, y compris la police et les interprètes pour 
s'adresse aux Cambodgiens. 

 Depuis 1991, personne ne nous apprend les métiers techniques. Dans 
ces conditions, comment pouvons nous nous battre contre les Vietnamiens ?  

 La puissance d'un pays réside dans la puissance de son industrie. 
Maintenant nous avons un réseau routier qui se développe. La crise de Preah 
Vihear nous a permis d'avoir une bonne route vers ce temple. Il va avoir une 
bonne route entre Stung Treng - Anlong Veng et Sisophon. Ainsi petit à petit 
nous avons un bon réseau routier le long de nos frontières de l'Ouest. Il nous 
reste l'équivalent le long de nos frontières à l'Est. Et aussi la rénovation de 
notre ligne de chemin de fer. L'année prochaine, il y a prévision pour exporter 
environ 200 000 tonnes de riz. 

 Il nous faut former rapidement des milliers, voire des dizaines de 
milliers d'ingénieurs et de techniciens de bon niveau pour développer notre 
industrie. Très peu ne nos compatriotes à l'étranger le comprennent. Ils se 
lancent principalement dans la politique. Or la puissance économique est la 
base de toute politique. Notre infériorité envers nos voisins réside dans 
l'ignorance de notre peuple. Instruire le peuple est la base de toute politique 
sérieuse. Peut-on instruire le peuple dans des langues étrangères ? 

   Bien amicalement

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Re: Norodom Sihanouk and his golden era?

2010-09-15 Thread Bopha Angkor
How much humanity have to pay more and more in name of peace, of 
development, of reconciliation,  forgiveness or all kind of stupid excuses 
to allow this kind of criminals like sihanouk and his band  to escape from 
the crimes committed? And though continue to commit more and more crime in 
all impunity. How long the victims have to endure this kind of crimes, moral 
endurement by the profanation of crimes, of criminals and all kind of slurs 
and racist slurs from these criminals and their bands?  In more of countless 
crimes already committed, sihanouk joined the Vietcong to lead genocide 
against Khmer. Sihanouk is a criminal as any criminal.

- Original Message - 
From: Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 7:28 PM
Subject: Re: Norodom Sihanouk and his golden era?

In Camdisc:There are numerous books about Cambodia tragic past. First
I respect your argument, but give me one example of which regime was
better than SRN of His Majesty former king ? People whom you asked why
they like SRN of Norodom Sihanouk, and they did not why, I think you
asked a wrong person. Majority of Cambodian from the lowest to the
highest agreed the golden era of Khmer kingdom after colonial was
Sangkum Reast Niyum of fomer king Norodom Sihanouk, why ? The country
was peace, stable, prosperity and gave birth to a new renaissance of
the old shattered kingdom .Did you know how many years the country had
live under control of Siam and Viet prior to the arrival of France ?
Thank to France saving Cambodia, otherwise there would be no country
we called Cambodia today. France had worked hard to reconstruct and
defended the kingdom from annexation of the West and the East, that
why we see most of French Residence Superiors were Khmer Historians
like Moura, Etienne Aymonier ( I read his 4 volumes book, Le Cambodge
actuel ).As I said the cold war had ripple affect to the small
countries like Cambodia whose sovereign was undermined by others .The
Vietnam war was a major factor of Cambodia downfall, I agreed with
David Chandler, but the during the course of the war, Cambodia was
just a side Show of super power, according to William Shawcross. There
was a mistake had been made in part from the fomer king, but he
attempted to rectify also, but was late, the situation was boiling
down to the no return point. Fighting back against Khmer Republic was
a personal revenge, according to Steven Heder, but if  the Khmer
Republic leaders
followed the footstep of Phibul Songkram in the Thai coup 1932, it
would not be a major catastrophy. But Khmer Republic went the other
way around, personal attacks, condemned him to death, the Vietcong and
Khmer Rouges were happy to see the drama.All of these were considered
as irresponsible acts the leaders at that time, the country was at
full fledge of war and ultimately felt to the hand of murderous Khmer

On Sep 15, 11:13 am, In Camdisc incamd...@yahoo.com wrote:


Many western scholars or historians do not have a clue what is going on 
Cambodia. Let me give you two examples, one David Chandler and Naranhkiri 

Don’t get me wrong, I do respects of their research, but in some grey area 
don’t agree with them because they didn’t live through and then claims to 

more than people who are facing with the reality.

First, let me say about David Chandler, a well-known Khmer Historian. I 

David Chandler…I have to stop her.

Second, Naranhkiri Tith claims to know Khmer Rouge regime. However, he did 

live under that regime. I have to stop here, too.

Now for the Sangkum Reast Ang Kuy yum of Norodom Sihanouk. Agree, many 
did like him, I asked many of them, they like Norodom Sihanouk. No one can 

me an answer. I believed everyone just follow the other tails.

It is the same thing; I am asking the Democrats friends today. They claims 
F. Kennedy is a good president. I asked what Kennedy did for United States 

America to make him a good president? He was president from January 20,
1961 – November 22, 1963. None the Democrats friends answer me why?

My question is what good did Norodom Sihanouk done for Khmers and the 
Norodon Sihanouk were in higher position many times , three times as head 
State include head of state of Khmer Rouge regime. Ten times as Prime 
and three times as the King. If you are comparing Norodom Sihanouk with 
power to other country, then Norodom Sihanouk is a dictator. Then the 
coupe in

1970 is the right thing to do.

Head of State:
20 Jun 1960 - 18 Mar 1970 (1st time) The SangKum Reas Niyum
17 Apr 1975 - 11 Apr 1976 (2nd time) Khmer Rouge Regime
14 Jun 1993 - 24 Sep 1993 (3rd time)

Prime ministers
18 Mar 1945 - 13 Aug 1945 (1st time)
28 Apr 1950 - 30 May 1950 (2nd time)
16 Jun 1952 - 24 Jan 1953 (3rd time)
7 Apr 1954 - 18 Apr 1954 (4th time)
3 Oct 1955 - 5 Jan 1956 (5th time)
1 Mar 

Fw: La crise de Preah Vihear

2010-09-15 Thread Bopha Angkor

Par ailleurs j'aimerais vous préciser que, contrairement à vous, je ne crois 
pas que le Cambodge peut s'en sortir de la pauvreté, de l'esclavage, 
colonisation et génocide yuon en forment des petits manouvres ou techniciens 
pour faire avancer une société ou un gouvernement fantoche yuon. Comme je ne 
crois à ce gouvernement, ex khmer rouge clan,, placé par les yuons à fin de 
servir comme leur macabre manouvres politique expansionniste et génocidaire.  
Cela ne fait que faire les manouvres politiques yuons sur le Cambodge. Ce qui 
manque dans la société Cambodgienne se sont des têtes penseurs, des penseurs 
libres qui peuvent aider des Cambodgiens à pouvoir penser par eux même puise se 
libérer d'une minable d'esclavage, physique et mental des yuons dans tout le 
sens du thème.  

- Original Message - 
From: Bopha Angkor 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: La crise de Preah Vihear

Lok Vincent,

Je suis totalement d'accord avec votre approche pour la compréhension de 
l'histoire et de la tragédie cambodgienne. Que ces yuons et ces autres sachent, 
ce n'est en voulant les accuser de quoi ce soit qu'on convoque ces aspects des 
choses mais surtout pour la compréhension du drame, de l'histoire et la 
responsabilisation du crime commis ce soit par un yuon ou un autre. 


Revenons à la fameuse histoire d'infinité franço-yuon que beaucoup en parlent, 
je ne pense pas que les colonisateurs français ont choisi les yuons pour rouler 
et anéantir le peuple khmer à leur place par sympathie ou par affinité pour les 
yuons mais surtout c'est un choix stratégique et politique de la part de ces 
incrédules colonisateurs français. La preuve ces viets qui ont été utilisés par 
la colonisation française qui ont été emmenés puise lâchés comme des bêtes à 
boucherie dans les macabres camps de réfugier ou camps de la honte (pour ne pas 
dire camps de concentration) en France. Beaucoup de ces viets y vivent encore 
et très minablement, habitué à des savanes, peu n'arrivent à trouver la sortie 
dans la grand ville. Pourtant ces viets ne sont pas des criminels ni 
prisonniers de guerre. C'est petit de la part de ces français.  


Quoi qu'il soit, à cause de cette politique, mise en avant les yuons, par la 
colonisation française, permettant ainsi des yuons de prendre un gros pas en 
avant sur les Cambodgiens, déjà très affaiblis et anéantis par des guerres, des 
massacres et des génocides incessant commis soit les siams, la plus part du 
temps par les yuon depuis le temps de post Angkor. Ainsi ces français donnaient 
à ces viets plus du pouvoir, des facilités et des possibilités de contrôler, de 
coloniser le Cambodge et organiser des crimes atroces contre le peuple à fin de 
achever leur but et leur rêve suprême celle d'exterminer le peuple khmer pour 
les voler la terre et des ressources nécessaires pour les yuon à survivre et 
épand leur race.


A bientôt

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:29 PM
  Subject: La crise de Preah Vihear

  Chers  Tous:  

 Durant la période coloniale les Français aidaient les Vietnamiens 
en tout, particulièrement en sciences et techniques avant en parallèle le 
développement de la langue vietnamienne romanisée. Au Kampuchea Krom tout est 
fait pour empêcher les Cambodgiens à s'instruire, en particulier en langue 
cambodgienne. Au Cambodge, la même chose. Au point de vue pêcherie, il faut 
acheter des lots. Seuls les Vietnamiens pouvaient emprunter à la banque pour 
les acheter. Au Cambodge, tous les services techniques sont entre les mains des 
Vietnamiens, sans exception, y compris la police et les interprètes pour 
s'adresse aux Cambodgiens. 

 Depuis 1991, personne ne nous apprend les métiers techniques. Dans 
ces conditions, comment pouvons nous nous battre contre les Vietnamiens ?  

 La puissance d'un pays réside dans la puissance de son industrie. 
Maintenant nous avons un réseau routier qui se développe. La crise de Preah 
Vihear nous a permis d'avoir une bonne route vers ce temple. Il va avoir une 
bonne route entre Stung Treng - Anlong Veng et Sisophon. Ainsi petit à petit 
nous avons un bon réseau routier le long de nos frontières de l'Ouest. Il nous 
reste l'équivalent le long de nos frontières à l'Est. Et aussi la rénovation de 
notre ligne de chemin de fer. L'année prochaine, il y a prévision pour exporter 
environ 200 000 tonnes de riz. 

 Il nous faut former rapidement des milliers, voire des dizaines de 
milliers d'ingénieurs et de techniciens de bon niveau pour développer notre 
industrie. Très peu ne nos compatriotes à l'étranger le comprennent. Ils se 
lancent principalement dans la politique. Or la puissance économique est la 
base de toute politique. Notre infériorité envers nos voisins réside dans 
l'ignorance de notre peuple. Instruire le peuple est la

Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend

2010-09-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
សម្លកកូរនិងសម្លប្រហើមានបន្លែនិងគ្រឿងផ្សំមិនសូវខុសគ្នាប៉ុន្មានទេ ក្រាន់តែ 
សម្លកកូរគេប្រើប្រាស់បន្លែនិង គ្រឿងផ្សំច្រើនជាងហើយមានរបៀបចំអិនខុសគ្នាប៉ុណ្ណោះ 
គេមិនប្រើប្រាស់ស្ពៃក្នុងសម្លកកូរជាដាច់ខាត ព្រោះនាំអោយខូចឱជារសសម្លកកូរ ។ 
សម្លអ៊ំប្រុសខោចែវជាសម្លស្ងោរ (ស៊ុបបារាំងសេស)  ប្រហែលអ៊ំប្រុសខោចែវគ្រាន់ 
តែចង់ដឹងតើពួកអ្នកឯងមួយចំនួនស្គាល់ម្ហូបខ្មែរឬទេ? J  



  - Original Message - 
  From: Campatriot People Power CPP កម្លាំងអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 7:12 PM
  Subject: Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend

  សម្លកកូរមួយចាននេះ សម្លឹងមើល៎ទៅ រាងដូចជាសម្លប្រហើរអចឹង ។  
អ្នកដែលផ្ញើររូបភាពមកនេះ  ប្រហែលជាមានរោគវង្វេងហើយ  
ឬបានហូបផ្លែល្ហុងទុំច្រើនទាល់តែស្រពឹលអស់ភ្នែកហើយហ្នឹង   !!!

  2010/9/11 Khoar Chev kourk_chh...@yahoo.com


សូមខ្មែរក្មេងចាស់ទាំងមុនក្រោយ  កុំបីបណ្ដោយអោយបាត់បង់។

Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia ) 

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Re: Contraversy: Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet's picture in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

2010-09-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
It’s clear enough. It shows the total submission of cpp gang to yuons. The 
problem is, these yuons tools didn’t only sold and soil their brain and dignity 
to yuons but the whole Cambodia and they continue to eliminate those who refuse 
domination or struggle against yuon genocide and colonization.

  On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 12:14 PM, S. Sophan sopha...@gmail.com wrote:


-- Forwarded message --
From: Visal R ...@gmail.com
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 9:26 AM
Subject: Contraversy: Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet's picture in 
Phnom Penh, Cambodia

When the Viet prime over Cambodia
Contraversy: Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet's picture in Phnom 
Penh, Cambodia
Vietnamese President Nguyen Minh Triet's picture. 


R. Visal
Philadelphia, PA


Sophan S.
Khmer-Canadian Buddhist Cultural Centre

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-- Buddha

There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, 
and that's your own self. ~ Aldous Huxley

What they must have are: inner mastery; a central, compelling purpose 
rooted in moral values; a capacity to persuade; skills in working within the 
system; a fast start; a strong, effective team; and a passion that inspires 
others to keep the flame alive. - David Gergen,  Eyewitness to Power

I start with the promise that the function of leadership is to produce 
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Re: Federation Republic of Vietcamlao (CamLaoViet?): An Introduction

2010-09-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
វាជាការមួយគួរអោយអនិច្ចាណាស់ដែលពួកឱកាសនិយម តាមស៊ីពែ, 
នៅតែខំត្រដផ្សព្វផ្សាយបុណ្យស៊ីហនុដើម្បីបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរបែបនេះទៅកើត ។ 
មិនមែនតែឈាមជរ័ដែលរត់ក្នុងខ្លួន ស៊ីហនុដែលមានពណ៌ក្រហមជាំខ្មៅ 
តែចិត្តគំនិតនិងខ្លួនប្រាណរបស់ជននេះ និងពពួកតាមស៊ីពែរបស់ជននេះ 
សុទ្ធតែប្រលាក់ជោគជាំដោយឈាមខ្មែរស្លូតត្រង់ ។ បើប្រៀបធៀបជាមួយស្តេចសៀម 
ជនទាំងពីរពិតជាដើរលើអក្ស័ ផ្ទុយគ្នា ។ 
ឯស៊ីហនុគ្រាន់តែជាកញ្ចះដាច់ថ្លៃរបស់ យួនតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ។ 
និងលើគំនរឆ្អឹងខ្មែរ ។

មួយបរទេសជិតខាង ។ តើជននេះនិងបក្សពួកជននេះ មានដែលមានវិប្បដិសារីដែរឬទេ? 
មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ពួកនេះនៅតែបន្តការផ្សាយបោកប្រាស់ខ្មែរពីបុណ្យស៊ីហនុតទៅទៀត។ 
មែន, ស៊ីហនុពិតជាមានឥទ្ធិពលខ្លះលើ សង្គមខ្មែរមែន 
តែឥទ្ធិពលនេះស៊ីហនុមិនបានយកទៅបម្រើខ្មែរដែលជាម្ចាស់នៃអំណាចនេះទេ ស៊ីហនុបែរជាយក 
ទៅបម្រើបរទេសជិតខាងប្រឆាំងនឹងខ្មែរ នឹងផលប្រយោជន៏ខ្មែរទៅវិញ ។

ជនដែលជាកញ្ចះយួនដាច់ថ្លៃលើសពួកនេះទៅទៀត? ខ្ញុំសូមប្រកាស, 
ជនណាក៏ដោយដែលគាំទ្រឬលុតក្រាបជាមួយ ស៊ីហនុឬ 

- Original Message - 
From: Chetrasena sdokkokt...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: Federation Republic of Vietcamlao (CamLaoViet?): An 

KY : Today, the kingdom of Cambodia is moving to another
world .Majority of Cambodian people in the country seems to be happy
with the CPP under leadership of Somdech Maha Akka Sena Decho Hun
Sen . Whether you like or not he is the one whom everybody in the
world is doing business with especially American, he will meet the US
President this month . Do not forget American soldiers provided
training and assisting Hun Sen soldiers more than they did during the
Lon Nol .That is  the new era of US policy, stability and security are
the main concern of USA ..Ceding land to other country, abusing power
against it citizen are not American business, they are Cambodian
business, there are plenty of  dictators around the world .Hun Sen
rules Cambodia longer than his predecessors King Sinaouk, Lon Nol and
Pol Pot combined .There is no need to blame Hanoi, for the sake of
United Vietnam the countries of Lao and Cambodia must be
included .Along with rapid expansion policy of Vietnam, the
Ferderation will be financed by both Japanese and Korean with the help
of American, EU and Australia .The new generation of Cambodian is
happy with that move. For stability of the regime, there are two loose
institutions that Vietnam is care the most, monarchy and Buddhist
Sanghas. The collaboration of these two institutions with the ruling
party helped Vietnam to achieve their plan.because these institutions
are still served the backbone of the kingdom The people of the three
countries are freely moving from one place to another, no border no
visa no restriction .Yes, there are an obstacle for the unity of the
three countries too, especially among the stubborn Cambodian people
who opposed the plan and being hostile to the regime, but just a small
ban of subversive elements soon to be branded as terrorist group whom
has no sympathy from other people. The words of insurgencies or
rebellions are no longer used as this day for every ruling government.

On Sep 10, 2:04 pm, Khmer Young khmeryo...@gmail.com wrote:

Dear Chetrasena;

I am glade to know your idea regarding this issue. What you have said
is right. Of course, the discourse of Federation is in place. You, I
and all Cambodian people have clearly seen that Cambodian government
under Hun Sen and CPP have made a lot favor for Vietnam. and Vietnam
has stepped beyond the success of Federation in encouraging Cambodian
government to convict and try Khmer farmers such as Prom Chea and Meas
Srey. Recently, the Cambodian court convicted Sam Rainsy, the only
biggest president of opposition party, about his disinformation,
insulting Cambodia-Vietnam relationship and racism.

Cambodian government has always used the excuse of strengthening the
rule of law. However, this strengthening activities have happened only
with the dissents and opposition activists.

Actually, Cambodian government that has trialed and convicted the
farmers and opposition leader is the just the intimidation to all
Cambodian people countrywide not dare to protest or expressing opinion
about the fast strengthening relationship between Cambodia and

I absolutely agree with the author about petitioning the government of
Cambodia to disclose the plan of creating federation with Vietnam in
accordance to irregular treatment to Cambodian people regarding their
perspective about their relationship with 

Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend

2010-09-11 Thread Bopha Angkor
Good remark Om Bros. No I dont have troyoung chek for this time. First it is 
rare and expensive and I don’t know how to whiter it so I often replace by 
something else. We generally can use a bunch of vegetal to accompany Nom 
Banhchok somlor Khmer. I sometime use thieng spie chin or porpeay to replace 
troyoung chek, not bad at all, you can try. Recently a friend of mine asked me 
to try spey chrouk and I adopt it at one because it marries well with nom 
Banhchok.  If you like acid taste with Nom Banhchol, you should try it.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Khoar Chev 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 11:24 PM
  Subject: Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend

Kmuoy Srei,
I just had my NomBanh Chok last weekend, my wife also made  Teuk 
Pha-em  to go with somlar Khmer, but I don't really like Teuk Pha-em,  I used 
only Teuk Samlar Sott. Your Nom Banh Chok look delicious, but where is Onlourk 
Troyoang Chek? 
I'll leave the DA alone, don't want to waste my time with.

Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

--- On Sat, 9/11/10, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

  From: Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr
  Subject: Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Date: Saturday, September 11, 2010, 1:04 PM

សម្លកកូរនិងសម្លប្រហើមានបន្លែនិងគ្រឿងផ្សំមិនសូវខុសគ្នាប៉ុន្មានទេ ក្រាន់តែ 
សម្លកកូរគេប្រើប្រាស់បន្លែនិង គ្រឿងផ្សំច្រើនជាងហើយមានរបៀបចំអិនខុសគ្នាប៉ុណ្ណោះ 
គេមិនប្រើប្រាស់ស្ពៃក្នុងសម្លកកូរជាដាច់ខាត ព្រោះនាំអោយខូចឱជារសសម្លកកូរ ។ 
សម្លអ៊ំប្រុសខោចែវជាសម្លស្ងោរ (ស៊ុបបារាំងសេស)  ប្រហែលអ៊ំប្រុសខោចែវគ្រាន់ 
តែចង់ដឹងតើពួកអ្នកឯងមួយចំនួនស្គាល់ម្ហូបខ្មែរឬទេ? J   


- Original Message - 
From: Campatriot People Power CPP កម្លាំងអ្នកស្នេហាជាតិ 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Saturday, September 11, 2010 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: Somlar Karko for this weekend

សម្លកកូរមួយចាននេះ សម្លឹងមើល៎ទៅ រាងដូចជាសម្លប្រហើរអចឹង ។  
អ្នកដែលផ្ញើររូបភាពមកនេះ  ប្រហែលជាមានរោគវង្វេងហើយ  
ឬបានហូបផ្លែល្ហុងទុំច្រើនទាល់តែស្រពឹលអស់ភ្នែកហើយហ្នឹង   !!!

2010/9/11 Khoar Chev kourk_chh...@yahoo.com


  សូមខ្មែរក្មេងចាស់ទាំងមុនក្រោយ  កុំបីបណ្ដោយអោយបាត់បង់។

  Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia ) 

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Re: Vietnamese Democide

2010-09-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
Listen up a konkak, you can believe anything or say any stupid thing that 
pass by your brain if that can feed the ill pathetic brain of your kind  and 
to release your pain and your hatred of Khmer but don't never call me friend 
again. Don't never vomit this word friend from your ill pathetic crap. The 
way your kind use it, you didn't only soil and insult me but this word too.

- Original Message - 
From: kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 11:03 PM
Subject: Re: Vietnamese Democide

My friend,
You use the word create , and you are right.
Khmer Rogue and its coalition including Sihanouk used Vietnamese
support to make its force to be competitive.
After saying that, we still can't face the facts. Those people who
were in that Khmer Rouge regime were alll Cambodians.
Today, people are saying the same thing. They say that current
government is an entity of Vietnam. Even when we think like that as
the truth, the fact remains the same. The people in that government
are all Cambodians.
Further rhetoric is even worse. In their mind, they see it this way.
Then they turn to fight each other for power. We have seen it again
and again from one generation to another of Cambodia.
So even when we completely believe that Vietnamese are behind all of
the Cambodian illnesses, we cannot change the fact that Cambodians
fight each other for power so they can corrupt and practice the
culture of impunity over no one but their own people in their own
What kind of Cambodians are they?

On Sep 8, 12:10 pm, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:


Thank for your effort to share your point of views over this issue no
matter. There are tones of documents that have been posted here and
elsewhere to demonstrate how yuons created Khmer rouge, maneuver this
movement and through it, organized genocide against Khmer to overcome yuon
ancestral expansionist and genocidal culture and policy. If the yuons or
someone didn't read these documents it isn't mean that documents or proofs
doesn't exist. The reasons I don't reply to some yuons or yuon dogs here
even they perceive to come with same else things and stupidity it is 
I judge it is so sinister and a lot of time to do. The rare time I chose 
reply only while it come to necessary and in any case not to converse, 

or inform this kind of sinister individuals but just a general information
for public or to rend money to its piece.

My friend,
We care more or less of what you want to do. You are not the subject
for this discussion. If you do, I suggest that you stop it.

All the yuons can do is to cry to racial victims of those who are victims 

yuon hideous atrocities while it come of responsibility or while people
dress these yuons face to their horrible crime and atrocity. I found that 

ill and poor pathetic

Vietnamese don't have to cry for anything. Cambodia is not superior to
Vietnamese have alread had a political establishment. Their political
structure has been established for a very longtime. Cambodia on the
other hand, still seeking for their own identity politically. So don't
think that Veitnamese cry for being victimized by Cambodians.
The fact is clear that Cambodian khmer Rouge went into Vietnam and
destroyed villages along the border, and they killed Vietnamese
villagers . I don't know what you said about that. Even when you
believe that khmer rouge were very bad, you cannot change the fact
that those khmer rouge are Cambodians. Tha'ts right. i am saying that
Cambodians did invade vietnam during the khmer rouge era.

Here are couple others that would fuel you more. Khmer Rouge killed
their own people in millions and brought their own country to a stone
age in the name of rebuilding the country. On the other hands, Vietnam
jailed their own people and brain washed them to become a part of
their new society. Today they are all living in a country called
Vietnam as a country. They are calling for Cambodia this and that as
Cambodians do all the time.



- Original Message -
From: LeHai keo.c...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.org

Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Vietnamese Democide

The topic of Vietnamese[Hanoi] hands behind Khmer Rough can be found
in the documentary film Year Zero. The documentary briefly explains
the love hate and power struggle relationship between these two
forces. Let us remember that Khmer Rough is a brain child, an
extension of the Vietnamese Communist party that went rogue and quite
ballistic because there were also some Khmer intellect and nationalist
in the moment.

The Khmer Communist that Vietnam helped to create had both Khmer
intellect, nationalist, and Khmer ignorant and poor peasants who were
eager to rise

Re: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world had miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed

2010-09-10 Thread Bopha Angkor
Lok Savun, WK


A bunch of us know what’s really going on in our motherland, what’s her 
sickness but we are too minority comparing to other kind to reverse the 
situation or change the face of history and to stop this sad tragedy of 
Cambodia. It’s nothing terrible to feel impotent face to enemies who are eating 
your kind alive under your very eyes and you cant do much thing. Yet my message 
is, yuons won little or perhaps big battle fight by little and inhuman barbaric 
animosity way against so much life but youns did not yet win the war and the 
war is not only mean confrontation by arm or muscles or number.


Of course, you can believe a lot of thing but to deny or ignore yuon/ccp 
capacity in leading its dirty political scheme and control beyond Cambodian 
border is a big prejudice which leads to big error and tragedy as a lot of our 
elders did in the past.  


Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: Watkeo Kuma 
  To: camdisc fan 
  Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:35 AM
  Subject: RE: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world had 
miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed

  Dear all,
  Is that American grant?

  I believe that RFA is depending on American grant to run this program, and 
whatever issue or confliction among them. There is a solution let go before the 
grant run out or get smaller, otherwise the time those currently working won’t 
be warrantee for job security. I don’t believe that CPP or AhSrokeiy had 
ability to lay hand on this media before it. If they do, I will laugh from the 
distance to see this organization got weakness, by a fool trap worldwide of 
American's former enemy. 



  - Original Message - 
  From: In Camdisc 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 2010 9:49 PM
  Subject: Re: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world had 
miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed



  RFA was hitting from all fronts. As you may ready know, Cambodian Government 
never want to keep RFA to broadcast inside Cambodia. Because they do not have 
full control over RFA; any ways, gig government of Democrats’ ideology is 


  The listeners population of RFA is smaller than The Voice of America, where 
the voice of U.S government.  Moreover, the Voice of America, they are 
broadcasting from a relay out of Thailand through AM frequency, easy to reach 
than shortwave broadcast of RFA.



  From: bophaang...@free.fr
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Subject: Re: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world had 
miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed
  Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2010 20:59:02 +0200

  Dear all,

  I don’t know all sacred details of Khmer RFA staffs member to judge what’s 
really going on with RFA Khmer but the war must be a so burning. All I know is 
the yuons and cpp want to have a full hand on this media as yuons/cpp did in 
Cambodia and elsewhere. All concern Cambodia is a hot battle fight for yuons. 
Yuons wont vomit out a meal well chewed and already in its stomach.  Lok Pen 
Somkhon, ex patron of RFA Khmer and a Khmer tendency was fired out to be 
replaced by someone else. It was an ill and low maneuver against him though. 

   It’s amazing to hear Cambodia, specially among xkhmer politichiens like hun, 
khiev, nam gives lesson of democratic or laws to a strong American institution 
that done to spread equality and democracy like RFA, which I don’t interfere 
here particularly case and interpersonal problem but only the principle. 

  It was a good publicity for this yuon shadow government from your 
organization though


  Bopha Angkor   

- Original Message - 
From: Ath Bonny 
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 6:51 AM
Subject: RE: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world 
had miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed

Dear Bang,

You are right. Not only RFA company, all business companies in Cambodia 
they has right to fire or lay off any workers at any times, but under the law. 
All business companies here from the world, include from republic of China and 
US embassy in Phnom Penh, they had respects the Cambodia labor law. Why RFA 



From: camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camd...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf 
Of InCamdisc
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 2010 6:26 AM
To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: It is Funny that the richest media institution in the world 
had miss communication. RFA management team want to hide their dirty committed


All Cambodian government can do is expel. Because

In this case

Re: Vietnamese Democide

2010-09-08 Thread Bopha Angkor


Thank for your effort to share your point of views over this issue no 
matter. There are tones of documents that have been posted here and 
elsewhere to demonstrate how yuons created Khmer rouge, maneuver this 
movement and through it, organized genocide against Khmer to overcome yuon 
ancestral expansionist and genocidal culture and policy. If the yuons or 
someone didn't read these documents it isn't mean that documents or proofs 
doesn't exist. The reasons I don't reply to some yuons or yuon dogs here 
even they perceive to come with same else things and stupidity it is because 
I judge it is so sinister and a lot of time to do. The rare time I chose to 
reply only while it come to necessary and in any case not to converse, alert 
or inform this kind of sinister individuals but just a general information 
for public or to rend money to its piece.

All the yuons can do is to cry to racial victims of those who are victims of 
yuon hideous atrocities while it come of responsibility or while people 
dress these yuons face to their horrible crime and atrocity. I found that so 
ill and poor pathetic



- Original Message - 
From: LeHai keo.c...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: Vietnamese Democide

The topic of Vietnamese[Hanoi] hands behind Khmer Rough can be found
in the documentary film Year Zero. The documentary briefly explains
the love hate and power struggle relationship between these two
forces. Let us remember that Khmer Rough is a brain child, an
extension of the Vietnamese Communist party that went rogue and quite
ballistic because there were also some Khmer intellect and nationalist
in the moment.

The Khmer Communist that Vietnam helped to create had both Khmer
intellect, nationalist, and Khmer ignorant and poor peasants who were
eager to rise to power. Face it, after living your life as a miserable
and poor farmer boy, what ignorant person would not throw away the
chance of becoming the strongest man in the country. Certainly Hun Sen
didn't. He remained faithful with the original intention of the
Communist Indochina block, to merge the Indochinese federation.

Kangaroo keeps saying Khmer people hate Vietnamese, fine, let's say
they do. But give them a reason why they shouldn't hate or be vigilant
of our country? Here you are espousing and supporting the Nam Tien
manifesto, it is even on your profile We will swallow Cambodia that
you are one of those Vietnamese people and group that still holds this

If China that you're a renegade province and wants to swallow you back
into its country, wouldn't you do everything you can to protect that,
even if it means to keep a constant reminder of resentful emotion?

It is clearly a matter of national survival and people's need for
space and their own independence.

On Aug 20, 5:19 pm, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com wrote:

Can you answer some of these questions since you seem to know alot?
If Vietnamese is behind Khmer Rouge, why khmer rouge invaded vietnam
and killed vietnamese villagers?
If Vietnamees is behind khmer rouge, why did they have to invade
cambodia to tople khmer rouge, the regime that they orchestrated as
you suggested?\
Now, if CPP is behind Vietnamese, why are thousands and thousands of
cambodians working for CPP?

You tend to think thatat you are not one of those who joined the
Vietnamese. Can you tell us why are those Cambodians today so stupid
to working for Vietnam?

I am begging you to explain these matters so we all can understand as
Thank you

On Aug 20, 11:56 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

 Lok Koeun Sam Ung after the definition of R.J Rummel, polpot and few 
 comrades were sacrificed or politicide by yuons to be replace by another 
 yuon political tools more easy for yuons to handle for failing to obey 
 to yuons orders and yuon wills as the cpp clan did. Or it's just a step 
 of yuon political strategies. Polpot and few of his comrades has no 
 other choice than to face their old masters while these last ones didn't 
 need them anymore or just want to eliminate them from the yuon political 
 spinal column. Pham van dong said, yuons know what to do with their 
 creatures or political tools/pets, while to use bottom and while to 
 satisfy with a piece meat.

 - Original Message -
 From: Koeun Sam Ung
 To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
 Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 8:33 AM
 Subject: Vietnamese Democide


 Chapter 6

 Statistics Of
 Vietnamese Democide
 Estimates, Calculations, And Sources*

 By R.J. Rummel

 Genocide: among other things, the killing of people by a government 
 because of their indelible group membership (race, ethnicity, religion, 

 Politicide: the murder of any person or people by a government because 
 of their politics


2010-09-03 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear all,

Lok Prety Ma,


In spite of our different point of view over Cambodia and her political aspects 
or solutions, I always respect and consider you as a decent adversary, a person 
that still have some ultimate dignity and humanity in your conscience but now 
you just prove me the contrary. I believe to know who few extremist you 
refereeing to. You like some royalists believed that Ratha was influenced by 
the bad people. And I believe to known who bad people or extremist you people 
point to. Your people must know, Ratha is an integral person, he is master of 
his own. He’s alone who can decide what’s good or bad. 


Lok Ma, you views, your action is nothing but an act or a discourse of average 
yuon or cpp hard skin who try to protect their skin, clan or interest and 
nothing else.  Reading your writing I believed reading a cpp or a yuon writing. 
Yuons can lead genocide against Khmer in seventy till now because yuons can 
establishment an enterprise of killing call Khmer rouge, now cpp, with elements 
like sihanouk, polpot, like hun sen,  ect. Actually yuons can continue to lead 
this policy of silent extermination against Khmer people and nation because 
yuons can easily find another polpot, sihnouk, hun sen,ect to use against 
Khmer. In Khmer past history there were always this kind of Khmer rouge, cpp, 
sen, si etc that yuons can use against Khmer, not only during polpot time or 
now. Fortunately that in Khmer society there is another kind of Khmer who never 
subjugate and submit to yuons or by yuons. These people always stand against 
yuons, protect Khmer valor from culture of animosity and try to establish Khmer 
valor and order in the world where majority went through animal orders and 
totally subjected to it. I'm surprise that such the litttleness come from you. 
In spite of all, I was thinking you are better than that.

It really revolts me that millions of Khmer people were dying of hunger, live 
in extreme poverty and misery,  many thousands of kids and families living 
miserably of trash in Steng Meanchey ect left by yuons and some rich 
Phnompehniens while Cambodia has the so rich subsoil continually rapped by 
yuons while persecute Khmer or leave them with empty hands to better rape and 
rob their resources and land. Why? Public opinion may condemn a thieve who 
steal a piece of cloth or a piece of meal but never condemned such the terrible 
animosities and crimes against humanity committed by the yuons, directly or 
indirectly no matter, against so much life for its own comfort. What’s kind of 
human you are?! 


No I don’t worry or scare of Ratha’s ideas concerning “requirement for a 
CORRECT and PROPER application of Paris agreement with international 
involvement” and the real “establishment of Khmer people power” rejecting 
actual government created, topped and maintain to power by yuons that rules by 
fear, by fraud and the persecution of Khmer people for yuon interests because 
I’m the first one who defended these ideas and try to spread it over. If it 
happens to be a dream, just think of Martin Luther king dream. And Our Khmer 
dream is to free. Free from yuons, from yuon domination, yuon physical and 
mental slavery, from yuon persecution, from culture of animosity and 
littleness. If Khmer ancestors were little and see thing in little, they wont 
left such the sophisticate and sublime culture for Khmer which I’m so proud to 
be part of it. Nothing is impossible if you perceive to believe and give you 
way to seize it. I’m glad that Ratha take these ideas as his front political 
battle fight. I rather fell concerned about Ratha personality and his capacity 
to well carry these ideas and battle fight than anything else. Although Rather 
had some difference with me but honestly I don’t mind to have Rather as leader 
even Ratha was not a sayeur, a Thioulong, a thioun, a rainsy, a sisowath or a 
sihanouk or else as long as he has virtue and capacity to lead and protect 
national interest. I wish him the best. 


Stand high Ratha


Bopha Angkor   

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:51 PM

  Dear Friends,
  Ratha's interview has touched some very raw nerves. 

  It is the nature of the political beast. I think Pretty Ma overreacted?
  Yasith ran an armed organization against a government with which the United 
States holds diplomatic relations. My understanding is Ratha is seeking to 
establish a people power in Cambodia. Actually, I agree with Ratha's view that 
participating in Cambodia's general elections only serves to legitimize Hun 
Sen's rule, because Hun Sen will win. A similar situation exists in Burma, and 
democrats there said they are boycotting the elections.

  From: sok...@netscape.net
  Date: Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 8:10 AM
  To: infos.kh...@gmail.com, camdisc

Re: សម្ពោធ​ទីស្នា ក់ការ​តំណាង វិទ្ យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ប្រចាំ​ភ្នំពេញ ដើម្បី​ពង្រឹង​ទំ នាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម​

2010-09-02 Thread Bopha Angkor

Stupid in stupid out as always. Don’t a yuon from Canada said that the yuon
race is the superior race because they have white skin and duck walk and the
Khmer are stupid and ugly because they have dark skin. I have dark skin and
really dark skin. I tan every  time I have occasion to have more dark skin.
Is there something wrong with the yuons here? Come on!!!

I invite all yuons in this forum to come up with some thing bette to prove
that yuon race is really superior race as yuons think they are, not this
sad littleness and idiocy

Just leave Khmer people alone from this yuon ill hateful and Nazis views….

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2010 3:15 PM
Subject: Re: សម្ពោធ​ទីស្នាក់ការ​តំណាង វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ប្រចាំ​ភ្នំពេញ
ដើម្បី​ពង្រឹង​ទំនាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម Krakmo Kaing,

What does Krakmo mean?? It can't be a Khmer name. It can`t be a
Khmer word.

Calm down. You don't live in Cambodia. You have no responsibility for
the security and prosperity, especially the security, of Cambodia. The
current Cambodian government is elected by the Cambodian people.
You're elected by no one.

Open your eyes to reality. Cambodia can't afford to have 2 much-bigger
much-militarily-stronger enemies at her borders at the same time.

Learn to put your deep ancestral racial hatred aside and open your
eyes to the present. Buddha teaches that hatred leads to no solution;
it simply leads to more hatred.

Open your eyes to an example provided by the mid-east. The Palestinian
faction, Hamas, that hates Israel is kept out of the negotiation
between Israel and the Palestinan president Abbas. It's kept out by
the Americans. The Americans don't want to have anything to do with

I`m wondering, why are the Americans deporting so many Khmers back to
Cambodia, although those Khmers live in America legally, most
committed only minor non-violent crimes, and all have served jail
time. Isn`t it possible that the Americans now realize that the Khmers
are racial haters?? Especially they hate a country that destroyed the
evil Khmer Rouge regime and thus saved them from extinction that was
attempted by their own race the Khmer Rouge?? (Most of these Khmers or
their parents survived and were able to escape to refugees'`camps in
Thailand only after Vietnam has annihilated the Khmer Rouge regime.)
So the Americans may think that the Khmers accepted into America will
hate America for having saved them by accepting them into America.
Thus the Americans don`t want the Khmers. Next will be France's turn
and later on Australia`s turn.

Pheng Kim Ving

On Sep 2, 3:17 am, Krakmo Kaing krakmo.ka...@orange.fr wrote:

គឺជាអំពើដែលដឹកនាំដោយ អ្នកនយោបាយខ្មែរ ខូចក្បាល
លែងយល់នូវអ្វីដែលជាអធិប្បតេយ្យភាពរបស់ខ្មែរ ហើយល្ងិតល្ងង់ចោលម្សៀតបំផុត
ខ្មែរចូលមករុករាន្តទន្ទ្រានដល់បេះដូងខ្មែរទៅហើយ ។ ក្រុមពួកកញ្ជះយួនទាំងនេះ
ឈ្លក់វង្វេង ដោយសារពុករលួយ ដោយយួនបើកដៃអោយសប្បាយម៉ាអស់ចិត្ត លើគំនរទុក្ខនៃ
ប្រជាពលរដ្ឋទាំងនគរ ។
ជ័យោ ពួកកញ្ជះយួន ! សូមអោយពួកទាំងនេះឆាប់វិនាសហិនហោចទៅ ។

 Message du 02/09/10 06:02
 De : cppamerican cppamerican
 A : camdisc@googlegroups.com
 Copie à :
 Objet : សម្ពោធ​ទីស្នាក់ការ​តំណាង វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ប្រចាំ​ភ្នំពេញ
 ដើម្បី​ពង្រឹង​ទំនាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម

 សម្ពោធ​ទីស្នាក់ការ​តំណាង វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ប្រចាំ​ភ្នំពេញ ដើម្បី
 ពង្រឹង​ទំនាក់ទំនង​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម cen.com.kh ដោយ : លីហូវ (ថ្ងៃទី 27
 សីហា 2010) Y2mznmjinj ​ គណៈអធិបតី​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម 
នា​ព្រឹក​ថ្ងៃទី​២៧ ខែ សីហា
 ឆ្នាំ​២០១០៕ Zdexywiwog ​ គណៈអធិបតី​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម 
នា​ព្រឹក​ថ្ងៃទី​២៧ ខែ សីហា
 ឆ្នាំ​២០១០៕ 1 of 2 ភ្នំពេញ: ទីស្នាក់ការ​តំណាង នៃ​វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម
 ( VOV ) ប្រចាំ រាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញ ត្រូវបាន​បើកសម្ពោធ​ជា​ផ្លូវការ 
 នាព្រឹកថ្ងៃ​សុក្រទី២៧ ខែ​សីហា ឆ្នាំ​២០១០​ ។ ពិធី​នៅ​សណ្ឋាគារ អាំងទែកុងទីណង់តាល់រាជធានី

 ភ្នំពេញ នា​ព្រឹក​មិញ បាន​ប្រារព្ធ​ឡើង ក្រោម​អធិបតីភាព​ដ៏​ខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់
 របស់​លោក ង្វៀង មិញ​ត្រៀត ( Nguyen Minh Triet ) ប្រធាន​រដ្ឋ​វៀតណាម​, លោក
 វូ វ៉ាន់​ហៀន អគ្គនាយក​វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម និង​លោក ខៀវ កាញារីទ្ធ
 រដ្ឋមន្ត្រីក្រសួង​ព័ត៌មាន​កម្ពុជា ព្រមទាំង​ថ្នាក់ដឹកនាំ​កម្ពុជា​-
 វៀតណាម ជាច្រើន​រូប​ផ្សេងទៀត​ ។ ​ 
ត្រូវបាន​មន្ត្រី​ជាន់ខ្ពស់​កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម
 ចាត់ទុកថា ជា​ការពង្រឹង​ពង្រីក​នូវ​ទំនាក់ទំនង​រវាង​ប្រទេស​ជិតខាង​ទាំង
 ពីរ​ ។ ​ ​លោក វូ វ៉ាន់​ហៀន អគ្គនាយក​វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម 
 បានថ្លែងក្នុងពិធី​ថាស្នាក់ការ​តំណាង​នៃ​វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ប្រចាំរាជធានី​ភ្នំពេញនេះ

 នឹង​ជា​ស្ពាន​ថ្មី​មួយ រួមចំណែក​ពង្រឹង​ពង្រីក​ចំណង​មិត្តភាព​ប្រពៃណី
 កិច្ចសហប្រតិបត្តិការ​ដ៏​ល្អប្រសើរ រវាង​រដ្ឋ និង​ប្រជាជន នៃ​ប្រទេស
 កម្ពុជា និង​វៀតណាម​ ។ ទីស្នាក់ការ​នេះ ក៏​ជា​ការពង្រឹង​ទំនាក់ទំនង​រវាង
 វិទ្យុ​សម្លេង​វៀតណាម ជាមួយ​ក្រសួង​ព័ត៌មាន ស្ថានីយ៍​ផ្សាយ​សម្លេង
 វិទ្យុជាតិ របស់​កម្ពុជា 

Re: Fwd : Watt

2010-08-20 Thread Bopha Angkor
Dear Om bros, thank for your kind attention and advice. I believe to understand 
your purpose and conception of thing. You know while I write to this kind of 
people I don't want or expect to change these people, change their opinion or 
bring them to reasons but just bring up my opinion, my perception of truth and 
of valor. I rather dress it to another audient, not this one. Also I  believe, 
there are at least two kind of this kid of people, the first one did that for a 
criminals political impulsion and second is the ones who, by their illusion, 
extreme fanatic and stupidity, fell and destroyed in the trap of the first one. 
 That's the fate of the majority of Khmer rouge (they are of polpot or cpp) who 
always believe in yuons and set themselves as yuon tools to be used by the 
yuons. You cant save these last ones until them got eradicated by the yuons 
like other khmer rouge. These people should know, the khmer rouge are 
themselves, not others. The most tragic in the story some seem to have relation 
got kill by the yuon killing machine through yuon cannibalistic expansionist 
and genocidal policy in Cambodia but still pray yuons, dispute between their 
kind to eat and drink from yuon toilet. It is with this kind of people that the 
killing field can be possible. That's yuons can operate genocide in Cambodia 
even our people (republicans) tried to fight from all their force to push yuons 
and yuon killing tools away from our border during sixty and seventy. 


 You may what this kind of people worth to my eye. Somewhat the big inequality 
of men is not the richness of material but of beauty and quality of mind and of 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Khoar Chev 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 7:10 PM
  Subject: Re: Fwd : Watt

Dear Kmuoy Bopha, 
Kmuoy don't need to waste time with these guys, like  Phlom Kluy oay 
krobai sdabb , they don't want to think far, they see only the good part as 
the Viets came to save their ass from the KR, now they accuse me as a KR while 
they are barking to praise a government who lead by a KR, what a pathetic!  
Khoar Chev ( Made in Cambodia )

--- On Mon, 8/16/10, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

  From: Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr
  Subject: Re: Fwd : Watt
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
  Date: Monday, August 16, 2010, 2:48 AM

  That's the yuon's way, the yuon version of things and of history in 
the genocide against Khmer people. But everyone know that Khmer rouge (of 
polpot or of cpp) are ever yuon political tools. Khmer rouge always work for 
yuon interest. Yuons were motors and master of Khmer rouge.  It was the yuons 
(vietcons) who created, manipulated and trained the Khmer rouge group to lead 
genocide against Khmer nation and people since polpot time till to day to 
overcome yuon ancestral and cannibalistic hegemony and expansionist ambition 
against Khmer people and people around.

  - Original Message - From: Pheng Kim Ving 
  To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 
  Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2010 1:13 PM
  Subject: Re: Fwd : Watt

  khmer sralanh khmer,

  Isnt it true that your Khmer race was rescued by Vietnam from
  extinction attempted by your own Khmer race the Khmer Rouge?

  The Khmer Rouge started to massacre the Vietnamese people in Vietnam
  along the border with the then Khmer Rouges Kampuchea in 1977.
  Vietnam had to stop the killings (it did nothing against the Khmer
  Rouges massacre of the Vietnamese ethnics in Cambodia along with
  other Cambodians). So it destroyed the Khmer Rouge regime in January
  1979. As a secondary consequential effect, the Cambodian people and
  your Khmer race were rescued from extinction as attempted by your
  Khmer Rouge. Even though the rescue was simply a secondary effect,
  its nonetheless a rescue.

  Youre hostile to Vietnam for having annihilated the Khmer Rouge
  regime. Therefore you must be a Khmer Rouge. Watch out!! Lots of my
  relatives, including entire families (father, mother, and all the
  children) were tragically murdered by the Khmer Rouge. Watch out!

  Youre also a Sam Rainsy Party member? Then dont use lies and hatred
  to attack the government. Use the truth if you can find one. If you
  live in the West or Australia or New Zealand, you must learn from
  their political behavior, and you must be aware that in those
  countries, racial hatred is illegal and punishable by imprisonment.

  Pheng Kim Ving

  On Aug 14, 12:23 am, khmer sralanh khmer
  khmer.sralanh.kh...@gmail.com wrote:
   -E-mail d'origine-
   De : hoeun hach

Re: Fwd : Watt

2010-08-20 Thread Bopha Angkor
listen up, whether you are  kim hong, kim hing, nam hong, conkak, jaya yuon 
or jaya whover ,  I don't consider those who used by yuons or committed 
crimes with yuons and for yuons are simple idiots but CRIMINALS. That 's our 
DIFFERENT conception of things and of valor.  Fortunately for Khmer and for 
humanity that there are another kinds of people who are different from your 
kind and who always tried to fight to preserve some human valor and dignity 
that are precious to humanity to distingue human from simple animal .

You hold yuon discourse and yuon political game regard to genocide against 
Khmer people committed by the yuons and yuon tools and you are not the only 
one or the last one either. That's your right and your way of life. I just 
brought up another part and another side of truth, of history. It is people 
who have some humanity and still have some honesty in heart who can make 
different and distingue false from truth, right from wrong.  For the rest 
let history and facts talk for itself, not what the yuons want it to be or 
what people to see or understand. 

As for Laos and Khmer Krom case, it is not because there is no one or no 
genocide denounced by a powerful institution or a group of people to say 
there is on genocide in Laos or Kampuchea krom (actual south vietnamm) Laos 
rouge and khmer rouge come from the same sources, the yuons. If they are 
different in form but certainly not different in found. How many or many 
millions innocent people in Laos and in Kampuchea krom were exterminated in 
silent by yuons (haroy*) under everyone eye to robe land natural resources 
of these people for yuon population?  How many groups of native people in 
Laos and in Kampuchea krom  were repressed, exterminated or butchered, by 
yuons to robe land of these people? No one say a word about it because these 
people are too weak,  cant defend themselves against yuons and too 
insignificant to the eyes of certain people or institutions to be protected. 
So they are to be sacrificed as sheep for butcher.  Now youns can freely 
exploit and control everything (resources, social, politics, economics) in 
Laos and in Cambodia to their guise as yuons did in Kampuchea krom.  Cham 
people were eradicated from the world by yuons. Now Lao people, Cambodian 
people, Khmer krom people become minority in their own homeland, live in 
extreme misery and poverty,  private from all basic rights and resources. It's 
not need to be a big brain to understand what yuons did against these people 
except for those who vouch yuon atrocity and crimes against these people

- Original Message - 
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org 

Sent: Monday, August 16, 2010 1:22 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd : Watt

Dear Bopha Angkor,

The Khmer Rouge always worked for Vietnam interest?? D'ohh!! Then why
did they also massacre the ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia, and later on
massacre the Vietnamese people in Vietnam along the border??

The communist Vietnamese also created the communist Laotians. But the
communist Laotians didn't commit a genocide against their own people
the Laotian people.

If the Vietnamese trained the Khmer Rouge to commit the gencide
against the Cambodian people, then why did the Khmer Rouge apply the
training?? Why didn't they ignore it?? If a foreigner trains you to
commit a genocide against your own people, would you carry it out??
Would you even attend the training till completion??

Saying that the Khmer Rouge committed the genocide against their own
people because foreigners trained them to do so implies that the
Khmers are so idiotic that they can be trained to commit a genocide
against their own people. Do you think that you the Khmers are that
idiotic?? D'ohh!!

Pheng Kim Ving

On Aug 16, 5:48 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

That's the yuon's way, the yuon version of things and of history in the
genocide against Khmer people. But everyone know that Khmer rouge (of 

or of cpp) are ever yuon political tools. Khmer rouge always work for yuon
interest. Yuons were motors and master of Khmer rouge. It was the yuons
(vietcons) who created, manipulated and trained the Khmer rouge group to
lead genocide against Khmer nation and people since polpot time till to 

to overcome yuon ancestral and cannibalistic hegemony and expansionist
ambition against Khmer people and people around.

- Original Message -
From: Pheng Kim Ving phengkimvi...@gmail.com
To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) -www.cambodia.org

Sent: Saturday, August 14, 2010 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd : Watt

khmer sralanh khmer,

Isnt it true that your Khmer race was rescued by Vietnam from
extinction attempted by your own Khmer race the Khmer Rouge?

The Khmer Rouge started to massacre the Vietnamese people in Vietnam
along the border

Re: Are Khmers affected by psychological attempt?

2010-08-16 Thread Bopha Angkor
Sorry Lok Vincent, that my entire fault. I rarely read KY text which I found 
nothing neither to learn nor to interest specially for Khmer interest.  
Otherwise, you message was so cloudy though. But the lesson is, no matter how 
good or bad that the thing should be and whether from a friend or enemy, you 
must learn it to understand people and thing around.  Cordially

Bopha Angkor 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com ; Khmer Young 
  Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2010 6:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Are Khmers affected by psychological attempt?

  Mlle. Bopha D'Angkor,

  The proverb is from Khmer Young.

  Khmer Young, please give your source to support this proverb.



  How hard it is, sometimes, to trust the evidence of one's senses! How 
reluctantly the mind consents to reality.

  On Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 10:45 AM, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:

Mr Thach,

I believe myself to know my country, my culture, mine, learn and read bunch 
of stuffs about Khmer and Khmer culture but never saw this kind of so called 
Khmer proverb mentioned somewhere. Are you sure that this is yuon perception of 
thing and of Khmer? You are a leader of a community perpetually and savagely 
repressed and persecuted by yuons, victims of yuon ever genocide against your 
country and your people. You pretend to be a militant to fight against yuon 
crimes to save your community, country and people  from yuons, where do you 
want to go then with this kind of mentality and perception of things, of yuons 
and of Khmer?

Bopha Angkor

  - Original Message - 
  From: Vincent Thach 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2010 7:17 AM
  Subject: Re: Are Khmers affected by psychological attempt?

  Let hope inspire you, but let not idealism blind you. Proverb. Don't 
look back, you can never look back.~ Don Henley

  Don't forget the Khmer proverb saying that one fool Vietnamese is equal 
to 10 wise Khmers. 

  On Wed, Jun 30, 2010 at 7:59 PM, Khmer Young khmeryo...@gmail.com wrote:

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Are Khmers affected by the psychological attempt? 
  Vietnamese might know very well that to insert such psychological 
statement benefits more in dividing and disappointing Khmers...after the war, 
Khmers cannot stand up again...Khmers are so weary now...and psychologists said 
major Khmers might halt their struggle etc

The win-win strategy has appeared in many faces including the 
Vietnamese popular practicing: divide and conquer or carrot and stick or 
borrow your sword to slaughter you or kill them don't let them die 
immediately etc. From now on, you can mindfully check the causes of Khmer 
fighting against Khmers. The division have possibly been planned by the 
Vietnamese. Saying this, not only Cambodians in Cambodia, Cambodian communities 
and diaspora in abroad are also full of Vietnamese-Khmer who have utilized all 
their talents to divide the Khmers. 

Don't forget the Khmer proverb saying that one fool Vietnamese is 
equal to 10 wise Khmers. My personal observation, I has seen Vietnamese-Khmers 
have extremely expressed hatred towards Vietnamese more than the Khmers. And 
many those Vietnamese-Khmers have always talked to the Khmers such as Cambodia 
is totally controlled by the Vietnamese, or Vietnamese spies are everywhere in 
Cambodia, or stop studying because Vietnamese have taken all jobs, or the Khmer 
Rouge is so brutal, or Lon Nol is the main cause of war, or if they support CPP 
they will curse at SRP badly, or if they support SRP they will curse at CPP 

So all these are coming with intent. The intent to psychologically 
frighten Cambodians? 

Vietnamese might know very well that to insert such psychological 
statement benefits more in dividing and disappointing Khmers...after the war, 
Khmers cannot stand up again...Khmers are so weary now...and psychologists said 
major Khmers might halt their struggle etc 

I don't look down our Khmer compatriots, but in some situation we have 
accept our flaws. 

In short, Khmer public images (leaders) should not merely made a 
statement that affect the psychopath of Cambodians amid this complicate 
denominational tactic. 



Cambodian Brighter Future depends on enduring conscience and tireless 
strivings of Cambodian Younger Generation!

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To post to this group, send email to camdisc@googlegroups.com

Re: _subject

2010-08-16 Thread Bopha Angkor
This kind of discourse generally hold by the yuons/cpp to get away from their 
crimes and responsibility concerning  corruption or other problem resembling 
problems is like comparing mouse and cow . The only resembling possible is they 
have four legs and one tail. 

STOP Pouk ah besach hut cheam khmer

  - Original Message - 
  From: cppamerican cppamerican 
  To: camdisc@googlegroups.com 
  Sent: Friday, August 13, 2010 7:24 PM
  Subject: Re: _subject

  ក្នុងបរិបទជម្លោះដីធ្លីលោកមិនអាច ចាប់ច្បិចយកនូវភាពអវិជ្ជមាន 
  ព្រោះថា វាជារឿងធម្មតាទេ ដែលគម្រោងការណ៍អភិវឌ្ឍន៍មួយចំនួន បានប៉ះពាល់ដល់ 
ការផ្លាស់ប្ដូរទីលំនៅប្រជាពលរដ្ឋមួយភាគតូច   តែរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល 
ទាំងក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលបានពាក់ពន្ធ រួមទាំងអង្គការសង្គមស៊ីវិល បានមូលមតិគ្នា 
ដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាវិវាទដីធ្លីបានជាស្ថាពរ  ។ តែទោះជាយ៉ាងនេះក៏ដោយ ក៏មានជនអគតិមួយក្រុម 
តែងតែញុះញុង ព្រមទាំងបបួលប្រជាពលរដ្ឋ
  ដែលត្រូវរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាលសម្រេចចិត្ត តម្រូវឲ្យប្ដូរទីលំនៅដ្ឋាន ធ្វើកាតតវ៉ា 
ឬប្រឆាំងទាំងងងិតងងល់ ។   មួយវិញទៀត មិនថានៅកម្ពុជាឡើយ ទោះបីជានៅបស្ចឹមប្រទេសក្ដី 
  ដែលរដ្ឋាភិបាលលោកមានគម្រោងការណ៍អភិវឌ្ឍន៍ធំៗ ជាពិសេសទាក់ទងនិង 
ប្រព័ន្ធហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធ គឺមានការចាំបាច់ 
ដែលតម្រូវឲ្យពលរដ្ឋផ្លាស់ប្ដូរទីលំនៅជាស្វ័យប្រវត្ត  ដែលក្នុង
  ករណីនេះរាជរដ្ឋាភិបាល និងក្រុមហ៊ុនដែលបានពាក់ពន្ធ 
ត្រូវមានការសងថ្លៃខូចកាតទាំងប៉ុន្មានដល់ពលរដ្ឋណាដែលទាក់ទងនិងបញ្ហានេះ ។  
  គឺវាជាការចាំបាច់បំផុត ដើម្បីធ្វើឲ្យសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនៅកម្ពុជាយើងរីកចំរើន 
ពលរដ្ឋនឹងមានការងារធ្វើ រកប្រាក់ចំណូលបាន 

  2010/8/13 Krakmo Kaing krakmo.ka...@yahoo.fr


ពាក្សថា គំនិតជ្រុលនិយម របស់លោក 
ខ្ញុំមិនមានសិទ្ធអ្វីនឹងធ្វើកំណែពាក្សរបស់លោកនោះឡើយ ។ វាជាការយល់ឃើញ

តាមសម្បជញ្ញៈរបស់លោក ។ ប្រតិកម្មរបស់ខ្ញុំពុំមែនកំរោលនោះទេ 
គ្រាន់តែសូមអញ្ជើញធ្វើការប្រៀបធៀបខ្លះផង ដោយប្រដូច 

និងអ្វីដែលគេតែងពោលរាល់ថ្ងៃ ៖ វាជឿនលឿនខ្លាំងណាស់ 
មានសំណង់ហេត្ថារច្ចណាសម្ព័ន.ជាមួយនិង ការលក់ដីធ្លី បណ្តេញប្រជា

ពលរដ្ឋអ្នកក្រចេញពីទីលំនៅ ក្រោមលេសថាជា គំរោងអភិវត្តន៍ ជាពិសេស 
ការអភិវត្តន៍ដីធ្លី ស្អីដែលគេហៅថា ដីសម្បទានទៅអោយជនជាតិ 

យួន ជិតមួយសត្តវត្តន៍ ដីជិតអស់មួយចំហៀងនគរទៅទៀត! 
តើបុគ្គលជាឈាមខ្មែរណាមួយដែលមិនមានការព្រួយបារម្ភនោះ? ។ 

លោក ដែលសន្នម៉ត់ថា ខ្លួន CPPamerican នោះ វាដេកលក់ស្រួលស្រណុកណាស់ឬ ? 
បើខ្ញុំយល់មិនច្រឡំទេ លោកប្រហែលជាអ្នកអន្តរាគមន៍ថ្មី 

ម្នាក់ចូលមកក្នុងForum camdisc  ជាដំណាងក្រុមអំណាចនៅភ្នំពេញ មកជួយឃោសនាអោយ 
នៅទីនេះ មែនទេ? ។ សូមលោកកុំព្រួយ វាមានមនុស្ស 

ដូចលោក ចូលមកទីនេះ ធ្វើការអុកឡុកសមជ្ជញ្ញៈអ្នក camdisc ច្រើនគ្នាមកហើយដែរ ។ 
ត្រង់ពួកគេបានជោគជ័យដែរឬទេ នោះ ខ្ញុំពុំអាចសន្និដ្ឋាន 

បានឡើយ ។


De : camdisc@googlegroups.com [mailto:camd...@googlegroups.com] De la part 
de cppamerican cppamerican
Envoyé : jeudi 12 août 2010 23:55
À : camdisc@googlegroups.com
Objet : _subject

ខណះដែលខ្ញុំគ្រាន់តែបាន ពោលពាក្យថា អ្នកនិពន្ធហាក់ដូចជាមានគំនិតជ្រុលនិយម 
ស្រាប់តែអស់លោកបែរជា មានប្រតិកម្មទាំងគំរោលចូល   ។
អ្វីដែលលោកបានលើកឡើងថា កម្ពុជាកំពុងតែត្រូវវិនាសមហន្ថរាយ  
តើលោកចង់មានន័យយ៉ាងណា? សូមលោកមេត្តាជួយអត្តាធិប្បាយឲ្យបានច្បាស់លាស់
ហើយឲ្យបានត្រប់ជ្រុងជ្រោយបន្តិចផង  ! 


វាអីចឹងហើយ ពីព្រោះលោកប្អូនបានទៅជាជនជាតិអាមេរិកាំង មានដើមកំណើតជាខ្មែរ(?)  
ហើយជាប់គំនិត្យជា CPP ទៅទៀត ។ 

បើទោះបីយ៉ាងណា ខ្ញុំសង្ឃឹមថា 
លោកប្អូននឹងបានក្រេបជញ្ជក់នូវ”សេរីភាពខាងការគឹតពិចារណា” freedom of conscience 

ពិនឹត្យឡើងវិញ ថាតើ “គំនិត្យជ្រុលនិយមនោះ” វាជ្រុលមែនឬមិនមែន បើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹង 

ដែលបានធ្វើអោយវិនាសអន្តរាយស្រុកទេស ដូចដែលយើងទាំងអស់បានដឹងបានឮមកហើយនោះ ។ 

ការឈឺចាប់មានទំហំធំធេងណាស់ វាមិនអាចរលត់រលាយទៅបាន 
ដោយត្រឹមតែការបានធ្វើហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន ជាផ្លូវ ជាស្ជាន ក្រោម 

ការបង្ហូរជាប្រាក់រាប់រយលានដុល្លារក្នុង១ឆ្នាំៗ របស់សហគមអន្តរជាតិ​​ 
រួចហើយថាជាគំនិត្យរបស់ខ្លួនឯងនោះ ។ 


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Re: We are what we eat

2010-07-02 Thread Bopha Angkor
Kongaroo akas hong chi kon,


No you don't need your two screens to ask me same question. One is already too 


 It is truth that dog meat has to be eating in other countries but it has 
difference aspect, level and sense comparing to yuon way or culture of eating 
dogs. Who influenced who? I'm not specialist of Chinese or Korean culture to 
well raise this question but one thing Am so sure is that, on this matter 
Cambodia or (FEW) Cambodians are largely influenced by yuons or yuon culture.  
The same, nothing can stop yuons not to export this yuons culture to Korean or 
china or inversely. No one can assure that this kind of thing that happen in 
Korean or elsewhere is not done by yuon individual, if not been influenced by, 
as it is happened in Cambodia but certainly doesn't has the same level  or 
aspect as in Cambodia.  


During polpot time, millions of Khmer people were dying of hunger but rare are 
Cambodians who ate dogs, they prefer to eat leafs, insects or more to die than 
eating dogs. That's the KHMRER CULTURE AND MENTALITY which is different from 
the yuons.  During polpot time you can hear dogs bark in village but While 
yuons decided to chase polpot from power to replace by another clan of yuon 
killing tools or the khmer rouge and massively colonized Cambodia, at one a 
lots of Cambodian villagers lost their dogs and most villages are silent for 
some time to come, 


Just few SAMPLES of yuon specialties of dog meat







  On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:54 AM, kangaroo therabbitn...@yahoo.com wrote:

For some reasons, you can't answer the questions pertaining to your
Here it is once again.
Why is eating dogs and cats is yuon culture and identity?
Does it mean that Koreans in South Korea who eat dog meat practice
yuon culture too?
Please enlighten me about this matter.

On Jun 16, 9:07 am, Bopha Angkor bophaang...@free.fr wrote:
 Eating dogs and  cats is yuon culture and identity.  Nothing to compare 
with some Cambodians who tasted this yuon food by curiosity.  Some yuons just 
feel ashamed and try to turn thing upside down. These should should rather take 
their responsibility and proud for who they are.

 Yuons enjoyed dogs and cats meat while Khmer enjoy fish and prohok. I 
have no problem with yuons eating dogs or cats or whatever. It is yuon culture 
and identity so leave yuons with that. That's yuon way of life. I would really 
feel offense if someone interdict Khmer or judge Khmer people Khmer eat fish 
and prohok.

 I believe yuons  ruled over Cambodia and Khmer society long enough to 
impose yuon thinking, yuon culture, yuon way of life to Khmer specially since 
the time  of polpot. Even polpot and comrades were trained, ruled, reigned and 
influenced by yuons. Same for the cpp cadres. Being influenced by other is 
neither stupid nor an illness. In our life we are all were influenced by 
something,  someone, someway, somehow. Perhaps the only difference is how our 
conscience or mental let one thing to influence or change over our thinking, 
our system valor, our way of life and have enough intelligence and mental force 
to resist and reject other or even fight against it.

 As for sihanouk monica, I don't ignore all the elements which pressed 
sihanouk to join with vietcon to bring vc genocide against Khme. But it is 
undeniable that monica had strongly influenced over sihanouk vital decision. 
Things would be really different if sihanouk didn't had monica as wife.  


 Bopha Angkor

   - Original Message -
   From: Hong Chi Kong
   To: camdisc@googlegroups.com
   Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 2:31 AM
   Subject: Re: We are what we eat

 Regardless the reason are, khmer men eat dog meat like the VC. 
The number of VC who
 eat dog meat is only a small part of the entire VC poplulation 
and the number of khmer who
 eat dog meat is also a small portion. Unless you use one rule for 
the VC and another rule
 for the khmer, then I can understand.

 If the khmer could not resist the VC influences, the the khmer is 
 As for almost entirely blame Monique. I have to disagree with 
you. Xihanouk was panic when
 he see Diem(?) was overthrown or assassinated. So, he dumped 
american right away.
 Xihanouk/Tioulong knew very well of Ho's plan for the Indochinese


2010-05-30 Thread Bopha Angkor
A lots of people cried to be victims of genocide in Cambodia but many of 
them continue to spite over the grave of their parents and family by 
contributing to the maintain and protecting this horrific massacre machine 
against people and Khmer nation as the whole.  These people should be 
ashamed of themselves.  They are killers and Khmer rouge (yuon killing 
tools) themselves by choice and not other.

Abolition of genocide in Cambodia is first of all Abolition of yuon 
domination, yuon killing industry and yuon expansionist and genocidal policy 
in Cambodia through its tools, Khmer rouge, polpot as CPP.

The recent discovery of 8,1 millions tones of gold in Ratanakiri will give 
yuons more reasons and ambition to suppress Khmer people, heirs of these 

Bopha Angkor

- Original Message - 
From: Jayakhmer jayakh...@gmail.com

To: Cambodia Discussion (CAMDISC) - www.cambodia.org
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: ROYAL SINGING, APRIL 2010

Lauk Koeun Sam Ung,

I am also very sorry to hear that you have lost members of your family

Let us do our very best to prevent this nonsensical from happening
again.  Our people have suffered enough.

I am glad and grateful that you shared this with me.

I wish you and your family with great success in whatever you do in

Sincerely yours,


On May 16, 8:45 pm, Koeun Sam Ung koeun.sam@gmail.com wrote:

Sorry to hear that. Lok Jaya.

My dad, a former Lon Nol's soldier was taken away by Hun Xen's camrade in
1977 til now. My older brother, a simple soldier of artillery unite, also
killed by the Southwestern KR in Kampong Cham.
My dad in law, a Colonel who took in charge in Banteay Soup, also took
to execute in western field of Battambang judt in a week after KR took

I miss my dad and brother too.


On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Jayakhmer jayakh...@gmail.com wrote:
 Lauk Koeun Sam Ung,

 The Khmer Rouge killed my dad in July of 1978 after someone told the
 Khmer Rouge of my dad's old occupation.

 I miss him so much.


 On May 16, 8:08 pm, Koeun Sam Ung koeun.sam@gmail.com wrote:
  No, never, I just guess. I used to be in and out of Banteay Soup which
  located behind Sala Khet across the street No. 3.


  On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 9:56 PM, Jayakhmer jayakh...@gmail.com
   Lauk Koeun Sam Ung,

   I don't know the exact name. It was a red building within the
   compound. If you enter that office, it located on the right hand

   I went to Sala Bopea (Bopea Sala batoma seiksa). I always went to my
   dad's office on my way home.

   Did you work there too?

   On May 16, 7:46 pm, Koeun

   Sam Ung koeun.sam@gmail.com wrote:
Lok Jaya,

Is your Dad's 2eme bureau in Banteay Soup, just behind Sala Khet


On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 9:18 PM, Jayakhmer jayakh...@gmail.com
 Lauk Perom,

 May I add lauk Long Boreth= Tuk Tom Samouth Ream

 Before the Khmer Rouge took over. I went to my dad's office
 (kariyalay ti pi) near Battambang governor compound. I believe
 Yothea Pirum band was performing. As young as I was, I remember
 ta Meas Samon played violin beautifully. He also was a very
 long drum player. If my memory does not deceive me lauk Srei So
 Savoeun was there too.

 Thank you lauk for the list.


 On May 16, 6:57 pm, Perom Uch perom@cambodia-gateway.com
  Hello Lok Jaya,

  We got a similar taste.

  - Lok Peov Sipho is one the best composer.
  - And here we go, my favorite composers:
  - Lok Long Boreth= Nevea Chy Vith
  - Lok Mer Bun= Romduol Surin
  - Bawng Hour Lonh= Batt Aun...
  - Pech Saloeun, one of the best Trompette player...

  Have a great weekend,


  On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Jayakhmer 
   Lauk Hong Chi Kong,

   I think his music is really good. But that is just my taste.
   have a
   huge prejudice and the love for Khmer music with wood winds.
   like some of the new music with synthesizers. I like real
   instruments. I want hear the sound of saxophone from
   from a key board.

   That is why I also love Lauk Peov Si Pho’s compositions. I
   most, if not all, of his. Lauk Poev Si Phou’s composition
   with Lauk Sin Si Samout’s beautiful voice. Oh, it is so
 sweet. I
   love my Khmer music.

   As far as Samdech Ta’s movies, I saw a few. I don’t get it.
   after exposing to Hollywood films, I have acquired a

   Doy Ko Roup,

   On May 16, 9:51 am, Hong Chi Kong dagger_yeek...@yahoo.com
Holy Smoke. Do you really think he has that much talent

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