[Caml-list] ocamlbuild - which source files for tag declarations?

2010-06-30 Thread Grégoire Sutre


I'm having difficulties understanding on which files I should declare 
tags: *.ml, or *.cmo/cmx?

For instance, with normal (non-parameterized) tags, declaring the tag
on the .cmo/.cmx seems to have no effect on the compilation, for

$ cat _tags
<*.cmo>: annot
<*.cmx>: annot
$ ocamlbuild -classic-display A.cmo A.cmx
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamldep.opt -modules A.ml > A.ml.depends
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamlc.opt -c -o A.cmo A.ml
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -o A.cmx A.ml

Here, tagging *.cmo/cmx has no effect.  The _build/_log says:

# Target: A.cmo, tags: { byte, compile, extension:ml, file:A.ml, implem, 
ocaml, quiet, traverse }

The tag annot is not there.  But if *.ml is used instead of *.cmo in
_tags, then the tag appears in the above target.  Does this mean that
tags to customize compilation commands should be declared on the *.ml
files?  (Hence they necessarily apply to both .cmo and .cmx files?)

The situation looks a bit different with parameterized tags, for
instance :

$ cat _tags
<*.cmo>: pp(foo)
<*.cmx>: pp(foo)
$ ocamlbuild -classic-display A.cmo A.cmx
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamldep.opt -modules A.ml > A.ml.depends
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamlc.opt -c -o A.cmo A.ml
/usr/pkg/bin/ocamlopt.opt -c -pp foo -o A.cmx A.ml

Here, the pp(foo) tag is ignored for the *.cmo declaration, but it is
used for the *.cmx declaration.  Is this behavior intended?  The code
says (ocaml_specific.ml):

pflag ["ocaml"; "compile"] "pp"
(fun param -> S [A "-pp"; A param]);

So I wonder why pp(foo) only applies to *.cmx.

Thanks for your help,


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[Caml-list] Job offer at LexiFi

2010-06-30 Thread care...@lexifi.com

Job offer: use the approaches, languages, and tools that you like... every day!

LexiFi is a financial software vendor based in Paris (Boulogne-Billancourt).

The strong theoretical computer science culture that pervades our firm has 
enabled us to develop approaches and tools that radically simplify the 
development of financial applications. LexiFi’s offering is based on an 
original formalism for describing financial contracts.

LexiFi is seeking talented and formally-trained (Master or PhD level) computer 
scientists to enlarge its R&D team.

You will be exposed to many aspects of our technology. We use functional 
programming languages for both our core functionality (financial domain) and 
other developments (user interface, database interface, interface with other 
software, etc.).

Since we develop most of our software with an extension of OCaml, good 
functional programming skills are required. A taste for mathematics is a plus. 
An interest in software quality issues is desirable.

If you want to join a motivating yet friendly environment that fosters quality, 
in which you can apply your skills, work with tools that you like, learn 
original software and financial engineering techniques, and assume growing 
responsibilities, please send a letter and a resume to care...@lexifi.com.

For more information, visit http://www.lexifi.com.


Offre d’emploi : utilisez tous les jours les approches, langages et outils que 
vous aimez !

LexiFi est un éditeur de logiciels financiers situé à Paris 

Forts d'une culture en informatique théorique, nous développons des approches 
et des outils qui simplifient radicalement le développement d’applications 
financières. L’offre de LexiFi repose sur un formalisme original et rigoureux 
de description des contrats financiers.

LexiFi cherche des informaticiens de haut niveau pour renforcer son équipe de 

Vous serez amené(e) à intervenir sur de multiples facettes de notre 
technologie. Nous utilisons les langages fonctionnels tant dans notre cœur de 
produit ("finance") que dans tous les autres développements (interface 
utilisateur, interface bases de données, interface avec d’autres logiciels 

Nos développements étant principalement réalisés en une extension de OCaml, une 
bonne expérience en programmation fonctionnelle est nécessaire. Un goût pour 
les mathématiques est un plus. Une sensibilité forte à la qualité logicielle 
est souhaitable.

Si vous souhaitez rejoindre un environnement convivial favorisant la qualité, 
l’émulation et l’entraide dans lequel vous pourrez appliquer vos connaissances, 
utiliser les outils que vous aimez, apprendre des techniques informatiques et 
financières originales et assumer des responsabilités croissantes, envoyez une 
lettre de motivation et un CV à care...@lexifi.com.

Pour plus d'information, visitez http://www.lexifi.com.

Caml-list mailing list. Subscription management:
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[Caml-list] Postdoc positions available

2010-06-30 Thread Alessandro Cimatti
  [ Apologies for multiple copies of this message ]
   Post-Doc Positions Available

Embedded System Research Unit
   Center for Information and Communication Technology
  Fondazione Bruno Kessler   
   Trento, Italy
  !!! Application Deadline Approaching !!!

The Embedded System Research Unit (http://es.fbk.eu) of the
Information and Communication Technology Center of the Bruno Kessler
Foundation, Trento, Italy, is seeking candidates for Post-Doc
positions, to be hosted according to the call of proposal "Trentino -
The Trentino programme of research, training and mobility of
post-doctoral researchers", to be funded by the Autonomous Province of
Trento, see:

Applications are invited in the broad field of formal verification
and planning. Topics of interest include:

- Model Checking 
- Safety Analysis
- Schedulability
- Planning and Run-time Monitoring 

Project proposals may have a duration of between two and three years.

Candidate Profile

The ideal candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science,
mathematics or electronic engineering, combine solid theoretical
background and software development skills, and have some degree of

The candidate should be able to work in a collaborative environment,
with a strong commitment to reaching research excellence and achieving
assigned objectives.

In depth previous experience in at least one of the following areas
will be considered favorably:

- Symbolic Model Checking
- Propositional Satisfiability
- Satisfiability Modulo Theory
- Requirements Analysis
- Constraint Solving and Optimization
- Monitoring and Diagnosability
- Software Verification
- Safety Analysis (FTA, FMEA)

We draw attention on the following requirements stated in the call for

(1) The proposing researcher must have a PhD, obtained in Italy or
abroad no more than three years before the deadline of this call.

(2) The proposing researcher must not have had any working
relationship (including any fellowship, scholarship, research
grant, contract, cooperation) with any research organizations
which have their registered office or operating centres inside
Trento Province, longer than 30 days on the whole, during the two
years before the deadline of this call.

Applications and Inquiries

Potential candidates should express their interest and/or inquire for
further information by sending email to .

Applications should contain a statement of interest, with a Curriculum
Vitae, and the names of three reference persons. PDF format is
strongly encouraged.

Emails will be automatically processed and should have

   'RIF: ES/postdoc' 

as subject.

Potential candidates will be interviewed in order to define the
objectives of the research activities and to obtain the endorsement of
the hosting institution. If successful, they will be required to
complete the application through the PAT site by July 13th, 2010.

The applications will be evaluated by an independent team of experts.

The Embedded System Research Unit

The Embedded Systems Unit consists of about 15 persons, including
researchers, post-Doc, PhD students, and programmers. The
Unit carries out research, tool development and technology transfer in
the fields of design and verification of embedded systems.

Current research directions include:

* Satisfiability Modulo Theory, and its application to the
  verification of hardware, embedded critical software, and hybrid
  systems (Verilog, SystemC, C/C++, StateFlow/Simulink)

* Formal Requirements Analysis based on techniques for temporal logics
  (consistency checking, vacuity detection, input determinism,
  cause-effect analysis, realizability and synthesis)

* Model-based engineering and formal verification of aerospace systems
  using model checking techniques, on-board reasoning systems for autonomous
  vehicles using planning techniques

* Formal Safety Analysis, based on the integration of traditional
  techniques (e.g. Fault-tree analysis, FMEA) with symbolic
  verification techniques

The unit develops and maintains several tools:

* the NuSMV symbolic model checker (http://nusmv.fbk.eu)

* the MathSAT SMT solver (http://mathsat.fbk.eu)

* the Formal Safety Analysis Platform FSAP (http://fsap.fbk.eu)

* the Requirements Analysis Tool RAT (http://rat.fbk.eu)

The unit is currently involved in several research projects, funded by
the European Union, the European Space Agency, the European Railway
Agency, as well as in industrial technology transfer projects. The
projects aim at applying research re

[Caml-list] Postdoc positions available

2010-06-30 Thread Alessandro Cimatti
  [ Apologies for multiple copies of this message ]
   Post-Doc Positions Available

Embedded System Research Unit
   Center for Information and Communication Technology
  Fondazione Bruno Kessler   
   Trento, Italy
  !!! Application Deadline Approaching !!!

The Embedded System Research Unit (http://es.fbk.eu) of the
Information and Communication Technology Center of the Bruno Kessler
Foundation, Trento, Italy, is seeking candidates for Post-Doc
positions, to be hosted according to the call of proposal "Trentino -
The Trentino programme of research, training and mobility of
post-doctoral researchers", to be funded by the Autonomous Province of
Trento, see:

Applications are invited in the broad field of formal verification
and planning. Topics of interest include:

- Model Checking 
- Safety Analysis
- Schedulability
- Planning and Run-time Monitoring 

Project proposals may have a duration of between two and three years.

Candidate Profile

The ideal candidate should have a PhD degree in computer science,
mathematics or electronic engineering, combine solid theoretical
background and software development skills, and have some degree of

The candidate should be able to work in a collaborative environment,
with a strong commitment to reaching research excellence and achieving
assigned objectives.

In depth previous experience in at least one of the following areas
will be considered favorably:

- Symbolic Model Checking
- Propositional Satisfiability
- Satisfiability Modulo Theory
- Requirements Analysis
- Constraint Solving and Optimization
- Monitoring and Diagnosability
- Software Verification
- Safety Analysis (FTA, FMEA)

We draw attention on the following requirements stated in the call for

(1) The proposing researcher must have a PhD, obtained in Italy or
abroad no more than three years before the deadline of this call.

(2) The proposing researcher must not have had any working
relationship (including any fellowship, scholarship, research
grant, contract, cooperation) with any research organizations
which have their registered office or operating centres inside
Trento Province, longer than 30 days on the whole, during the two
years before the deadline of this call.

Applications and Inquiries

Potential candidates should express their interest and/or inquire for
further information by sending email to .

Applications should contain a statement of interest, with a Curriculum
Vitae, and the names of three reference persons. PDF format is
strongly encouraged.

Emails will be automatically processed and should have

   'RIF: ES/postdoc' 

as subject.

Potential candidates will be interviewed in order to define the
objectives of the research activities and to obtain the endorsement of
the hosting institution. If successful, they will be required to
complete the application through the PAT site by July 13th, 2010.

The applications will be evaluated by an independent team of experts.

The Embedded System Research Unit

The Embedded Systems Unit consists of about 15 persons, including
researchers, post-Doc, PhD students, and programmers. The
Unit carries out research, tool development and technology transfer in
the fields of design and verification of embedded systems.

Current research directions include:

* Satisfiability Modulo Theory, and its application to the
  verification of hardware, embedded critical software, and hybrid
  systems (Verilog, SystemC, C/C++, StateFlow/Simulink)

* Formal Requirements Analysis based on techniques for temporal logics
  (consistency checking, vacuity detection, input determinism,
  cause-effect analysis, realizability and synthesis)

* Model-based engineering and formal verification of aerospace systems
  using model checking techniques, on-board reasoning systems for autonomous
  vehicles using planning techniques

* Formal Safety Analysis, based on the integration of traditional
  techniques (e.g. Fault-tree analysis, FMEA) with symbolic
  verification techniques

The unit develops and maintains several tools:

* the NuSMV symbolic model checker (http://nusmv.fbk.eu)

* the MathSAT SMT solver (http://mathsat.fbk.eu)

* the Formal Safety Analysis Platform FSAP (http://fsap.fbk.eu)

* the Requirements Analysis Tool RAT (http://rat.fbk.eu)

The unit is currently involved in several research projects, funded by
the European Union, the European Space Agency, the European Railway
Agency, as well as in industrial technology transfer projects. The
projects aim at applying research re