Re: Using #rubycamping in Twitter posts

2009-11-02 Thread Dave Everitt
true, but I think Philippe is using '' as a generic  
term for 'the Camping website' - DaveE

I thought we settled on whywentcamping?

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping book

2009-11-02 Thread Dave Everitt

Very silly me. Forgot about 'Index':

-  class Pages  R '/'
+  class Index

have corrected the Pastie:

Dave Everitt

Only one (in my setup) - on 'Wrapping it up', in the Controllers:
  class Pages
needs the explicit
  class Pages  R '/'

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping book

2009-11-02 Thread Magnus Holm
Thanks for bringing this up again! I've pushed out what I have so far,
but not your latest suggestions (you had some more in an earlier mail,

If you have a Github account I can give you (and anyone else who wants
to contribute) push-access. I'm a little busy at the moment, but I'll
try to fix it as soon as possible.

//Magnus Holm

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 01:22, Dave Everitt wrote:
 I added some basic material to the GitHub Camping Wiki (new pages):

 ...because I'm starting with a vanilla OS X Leopard install (new MacBook)
 and - finally - Camping 1.9, and I thought it would be a good test run to go
 through the setup and tutorial process in the 'Camping book':
 to find any gotchas.

 Only one (in my setup) - on 'Wrapping it up', in the Controllers:
  class Pages
 needs the explicit
  class Pages  R '/'
 to show the pages... anyone not have the same issue?

 Thinking about existing stuff, some time ago Magnus wrote:

 As for the documentation ideas, I've already implemented the templates in
 RDoc, so rake docs builds all the three parts (the book is simply files in
 the book directory). I still need to make a way to link book chapters from
 the reference, but at least it's working. A Camping app can be useful when
 you want to edit it, so you don't need to run the rake task all the time.

 The book dir on GitHub doesn't have all the current content found at:
 or in the Camping install (unless I'm daft, which is possible) so where can
 the current book files be obtained?

 I guess we could also implement it as a wiki, which might be better. Then
 we can't have it on (unless we can change the
 DNS-settings) though since it only allows static files. What do you think? I
 prefer having everything in files, and I think those who really want to
 contribute to the book wouldn't mind a git clone...

 I don't think there was a response at the time Magnus wrote this, so (given, which would be a separate exercise): ideas, opinions,
 anyone? Be really good to have updated, and I'm ready
 to pitch in, but how to start?

 Dave Everitt

 Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping book

2009-11-02 Thread Dave Everitt
Magnus - I did make some earlier suggestions/edits and would be happy  
to implement them. I'm a sad and rather newbie (still working through  
the O'Reilly Git book) GitHub lurker (with no repos yet: http:// so let me know when you're ready and I'll  
start work - Dave E.

Thanks for bringing this up again! I've pushed out what I have so  
far, but not your latest suggestions (you had some more in an  
earlier mail, right?)

If you have a Github account I can give you (and anyone else who  
wants to contribute) push-access. I'm a little busy at the moment,  
but I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

//Magnus Holm

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 01:22, Dave Everitt wrote:

I added some basic material to the GitHub Camping Wiki (new pages):


Thinking about existing stuff, some time ago Magnus wrote:

As for thedocumentation ideas, I've already implemented the  
templates in RDoc, so rake docs builds all the three parts (the  
book is simply files in the book directory). I still need to make  
a way to link book chapters from the reference, but at least it's  
working. A Camping app can be useful when you want to edit it, so  
you don't need to run the rake task all the time.

The book dir on GitHub doesn't have all the current content found at:
or in the Camping install (unless I'm daft, which is possible) so  
where can the current book files be obtained?

I guesswe could also implement it as a wiki, which might be  
better. Then we can't have it on (unless we  
can change the DNS-settings) though since it only allows static  
files. What do you think? I prefer having everything in files,  
and I think those who really want to contribute to the book  
wouldn't mind a git clone...

I don't think there was a response at the time Magnus wrote this,  
so (given, which would be a separate exercise):  
ideas, opinions, anyone? Be really good to have updated, and I'm ready to pitch in, but how  
to start?

Dave Everitt

Camping-list mailing list

Re: is there a way to configure line breaks in markaby output?

2009-11-02 Thread Magnus Holm
I think this should do it:

  Camping.goes :Nuts
  Nuts::Mab.set(:indent, 2)

You should probably only use it in development, because I think it's
pretty slow.

//Magnus Holm

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 18:57, David Susco wrote:
 Hi all,

 Instead of having the following:

 def index
  h1 'My Site'
  p 'Welcome to my site!'

 output this:

 h1My Site/h1pWelcome to my site!/p

 Is there anyway that I can configure Markaby to add line breaks
 between block elements so I'd get something like this:

 h1My Site/h1

 pWelcome to my site!/p

 Obviously it makes no difference to the browser, it would just make it
 easier on me when debugging and testing.

 Camping-list mailing list

Camping-list mailing list

Re: is there a way to configure line breaks in markaby output?

2009-11-02 Thread Dave Everitt

Yes, it can be a bugbear.

It's a bit 'non-lazy' but I just tend to add newlines with Markaby's  

def index
  h1 'My Site'
  p 'Welcome to my site!'

 - DaveE

Is there anyway that I can configure Markaby to add line breaks
between block elements so I'd get something like this:

h1My Site/h1

pWelcome to my site!/p

Camping-list mailing list

Re: Camping sessions issue (and fix?) when mounting multiple apps

2009-11-02 Thread Jonathan Hickford
Ace - cheers!

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Magnus Holm wrote:

 Okay, I think we're actually fine by setting :path = / by default.
 If you want anything different, you should use use
 Rack::Session::Cookie yourself.

 //Magnus Holm

 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 19:14, Jonathan Hickford
  I'd be inclined to agree with the middleware approach too, especially
  if it's pre 2.0 release and that change can be made along side other
  1.5 - 2.0 changes
  On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 9:31 PM, Magnus Holm wrote:
  Wow, great catch! This is definitely a bug. I guess this should go to
  GitHub issues, yes.
  This is actually an issue where Camping and Rack::Session::Cookie
  At the first request, sessions.state is set in ::Cookie after Camping
  has done its magic.
  At the second request, Camping loads @state from @env['rack.state'],
  the app changes the session, but @cookie['sessions.state'] stays
  intact. Camping's #to_a then sets the cookies again in the response:
   @cookies.each do |k, v|
 v = {:value = v, :path = self / /} if String === v
 r.set_cookie(k, v)
  Which means that it sets a sessions.state-cookie at /sessions/. Then
  ::Cookies kicks in and figures out that the sessions have changed and
  sets a new cookie, but this time at /. (This also has the effect that
  Camping copies all the cookies at / into /sessions/)
  At the third request, Rack chooses cookies such that those with more
  specific Path attributes precede those with less specific, and the
  cookie at /sessions/ wins.
  Your fix won't unfornately work because @root is only available inside
  a request/controller.
  I think we need to do two things:
  * Make sure Camping only sets cookies when they've changed.
  * Figure out a way to set :path to SCRIPT_NAME. If so, this should
  only be an option, as you might also want to mount two apps and have
  them share the sessions (aka :path = '/').
  I'm not quite sure how we should add that option, though. We could
  switch Camping::Session to be a middleware, but this means all apps
  will have to change include Camping::Session to use
  Camping::Session. It's maybe not such a big deal? We should at least
  do these kind of changes *before* the release of 2.0.
  Some examples:
  # Middleware
  use Camping::Session, :secret = foo, :shared = true
  # Subclass
  include Camping::Session::Shared
  secret foo
  # New method
  include Camping::Session
  secret foo
  # Merge #secret and #shared_cookie! together
  include Camping::Session
  session_options :secret = foo, :shared = true
  I think I actually prefer the middleware-version. It's short and
  concise and can be extended with more options if needed.
  What do you think?
  //Magnus Holm
  On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 19:59, Jonathan Hickford
  Hi all,
  Not sure where best to raise this (github issues?) but I'm seeing an
  issue with the cookie sessions in camping 2.0 using rack.  If I mount
  an app such as the example blog or the sessions test app at any url
  that is not the root session information is lost in some cases.  Same
  thing happens if I use the built in Camping server.
  For example if I mount the blog app using rackup at '/blog' I'm unable
  to log in.  If I mount the sessions test app the information added on
  the second page is lost when it reaches page three.  Looking at the
  cookies in the browser I can see two state cookies set with the paths
  '/' and '/blog/'.
  I'm guessing this is to do with Rack::Session::Cookie in session.rb,
  which will default to use :path = '/' in all cases.  If I explicitly
  add :path = '/blog/' there it starts working as expected.  Some more
  detailed outputs here (this will run from /test)
  Is that me doing something crazy there (I'm not expert!) or is that a
  bug?  If that's an issue I think the below change to session.rb fixes
  it, passing in the apps @root into the path Rack's session cookie
  middleware.  I can push that somewhere if we reckon that's a fix?
  - app.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key = key, :secret = secret
  + app.use Rack::Session::Cookie, :key = key, :secret = secret, :path
 = @root
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