[Care2002-developers] care2x: Use Drupal to empower your OSS project community

2008-03-08 Thread varia

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Re: [Care2002-developers] Framework?

2008-03-08 Thread Lopo de Almeida - Care2x

Claudio et al.

«As I can see, as part of the project, is that we are talking over the same
stuffs, still feb 2007» - Claudio

No! You're wrong. We are talking about the same stuff since 2003. At least I

Also, I disagree with this the way I understood it:

«The problem with a Framework, as I see it, is that you will have to do it
all, i.e create the CORE, the plugin API, etc. This will be just exchange
Care2x existing framework by a more consistent framework. It will not speed
the development and will not have the specific community around.»

The CORE (module) should be minimal and very similar to what you can see
done with Drupal's Organic Groups. Also, if using Drupal as the base system
most of the API is already done, Ajax is part of the system, load balancing
is also part of the system, inteligent caching is also part of the system,
workflow is also part of the system, i18n and l10n idem, usability ibidem, etc,
etc, etc http://lvb.net/item/6026.

Related to the second part of the above text I do agree with the person who
said it.

But I still think that the decision model and the legal structure is the
issue here and not the coding part.

« Take a look at Typo3 and Drupal associations for instance. But there
are many other legal
   models to consider.

   I could not explain how they are doing it. But actually it is always
nice to read. J

I know both Drupal Association and Typo3 Association :)»

This are examples of how the diferent teams look at the code:

CARE 2X Integrated Information System for Hospitals and Health Care
Organizations and Services

Care 2002, Care2x, Copyright (C) 2002,2003,2004,2005,2006  Elpidio Latorilla

All Drupal code is Copyright 2001 - 2008 by the original authors.
Drupal is a registered trademark of Dries Buytaert.


Those are three diferent legal and decision models.
Those are the ones that make things real move on or not.

In common the last two have a collegiate decision model and a association
type legal structure and they know that to push a project from a certain
point forward funds and a legal entity are required.
The first one doesn't think that this is needed for quite a long time.

«Please decide somethink» - Claudio

Your question is wrongly done.
Although we* are the project administrators in reality you should have
said: «Elpídio, decide something» since he his the only one that decides
stuff on the project, as you well know.

I'm still waiting for an answer to a question I made to Elpidio regarding
the new website.

I started a discussion just with the other admins sometime ago about all
this stuff and only Robert really replied. Nothing result on this

I'm not quiting Care2x but my current position regarding it is:

   1. I will still help it as much as I can -- giving ideas, promoting it
   and so forth -- but without any coding efforts hence I don't agree with the
   direction it goes for too much time now;
   2. If I get funds to work on the project I will start porting Care2x
   to Care3G based on the model and concept I discussed with several people
   already, i.e. Everything is a module. And Drupal will be the
   framework choosen hence I don't want or need to code everything from
   3. If we get a concensus on the legal and decision model to support
   Care2x/3G development I'll also pass the copyright of my work to that

Have a nice weekend.

Best regards,

Note *: Claudio G. Torbinio, Kaloyan Raev, Elpidio Latorilla, Noel Villamor,
Robert Meggle and me

Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2008 01:11:29 +0100
 From: Dott Claudio G. Torbinio [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [Care2002-developers] Framework?
 To: care2002-developers@lists.sourceforge.net
 Cc: noel villamor [EMAIL PROTECTED],   Elpidio Latorilla
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

 Hi carers
 As i can see, as part of the project, is that we are talking over the
 same stuffs, still feb 2007
 The same talking, te same FW talking, the same CMS talking...
 There is somethink does not work. In one year i can rewrite code, port
 the project, make 1000 more activityes
 But only talk about... is a poor result.
 Now someone can agree with me how hard is decide...
 By my side i can agree or not with decision, but i am always, still,
 ever hard working.
 Please decide somethink
 Claudio G. Torbinio
  Just the links for the projects I mentioned earlier:
  Managing News: http://www.managingnews.com/ (the site is working)
  Drigg: http://www.drigg-code.org (and FSDaily.com)
  Another project that is/was made with Drupal as its base is
  Today it uses more things like Ruby and Python and I don't know if
  they steak with Drupal but...
  If you go to http://groups.drupal.org/ you
  could see how much