Nice work Robert.
Busy with some university work.
Will return after current calls are done.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Meggle"
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2011 12:57 AM
Subject: [Care2002-developers] roadmap to care2x 3.0 up to its first 
releasecandidate (beta)

> Hi,
> Please see attached the roadmap for care2x 3.0. Some of you recognized
> that there is something going on here - mostly on the branch called
> "gettext". This is/was the "codename" for this new release what we will
> fix now soon as first release candidate with several changes.
> Please read it carefully and feel free to contact me, Gjergj or Mauri if
> you have questions.
> Robert

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