Hello all,

I just want forward a survey from Lopo - here it go: 

Dear all.

We have been collecting data on installations of Care2x around the world
during all this years but we would like to put it all in one place and
with as much detail as possible.

If you please can collaborate on this it would be great.
Its just a few questions and you don't take more than two minutes to
fulfil it.

We would like to know about the use of Care2x in under development
projects, live installations, study projects, modified projects, dead
installations, whatever.

Thanks a lot for your cooperation.

With our best regards,
Lopo Lencastre de Almeida

MEROTECH IT Engineering

Robert Meggle
St.-Mang-Str. 8
87616 Marktoberdorf


UstNr.: DE232073735
Tel: +49(0)8342 - 8956729
Fax: +49(0)8342 - 8956730

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