CAS Community,


The Apereo foundation is discussing a better way of capturing technical
documentation in Q&A form. We have a lot of technical information buried
in the various mailing lists going back close to a decade. It was
mentioned that this can be difficult to find amidst all of the other
traffic, and finding the most current post about the topic. One of the
options discussed was setting up a Stack Exchange community where
technical (or other) questions can be posed and answered by members of the
community, much like what is done now in the mailing list. The difference
being it can be edited and tailored to be on point, and tagged
appropriately. A big benefit to this approach is increasing visibility of
the information and of the projects overall. 

The Apereo Community is at:

Before a Stack Exchange community can be fully realized, it must receive
some traction in forms of numbers of contributors, visits, reputation of
contributors, number of answers etc. For those reasons, we'd encourage you
to try out this community, submit posts and answer others.




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