[Catalyst] PAR Deployment

2007-03-14 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

I am quite new to the framework and was trying to deploy my  
application as a PAR archive. I have tried to follow all the  
different ways from the Advent Calendars and also as per  
PAR::Tutorial and I can't seem to get this to work.

I'm sure there have been successful deployments using this method.  
So, can someone please point me in the right direction for deploying  
a Catalyst application as a PAR.

The servers I'm trying this on are:
1. Mac OS X 10.4.8 (Tiger)
2. Linux i686 GNU/Linux



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Re: [Catalyst] context object in TT

2007-03-15 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 15 Mar 2007, at 17:01, rahed wrote:

[% c.config.name %] in the template, nothing is shown.

I think this needs to be:

[% Catalyst.config.name %]

I call template like this:


And this needs to be:

  $c->stash->{template} =  'books/view.tt2';



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[Catalyst] Changing the request->user_agent

2007-03-20 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

Is it possible to change the request->user_agent? I am writing some  
tests where I want to set the user_agent before making the request  
and have my app behave differently depending on the user agent.



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Re: [Catalyst] Changing the request->user_agent

2007-03-21 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 20 Mar 2007, at 23:39, Bogdan Lucaciu wrote:

I'm sure this works with Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst as well

Thanks guys. That led me along the right path.

I was able to replace:

  use_ok 'Catalyst::Test', 'MyApp';


  use_ok 'Test::WWW::Mechanize::Catalyst', 'MyApp';

And then set the User-Agent header like so:

  $mech->agent( 'Test Agent/0.1' )

Thanks all.


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[Catalyst] internal redirect

2007-04-11 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

Is there a way to do an internal redirect in Catalyst?

In my application I'm generating images on the fly and want to  
redirect to the image if creation succeeds.

For instance:

$image = Imager->new()
$image->read( file => $src_file );
$new_img = $image->copy->scale( xpixels => 32, ypixels => 32 );
if ( $new_img->write( file => $new_filename ) ) {
# do internal redirect to new file here

I tried using "$c->response->redirect( $new_filepath )" but that  
issues a 302 "Temporarily Moved" status. But what I actually want is  
a way to do the redirect outside of the response chain.

I hope this is clear?!



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Re: [Catalyst] internal redirect

2007-04-11 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 11 Apr 2007, at 15:55, Eduard Giménez wrote:

Maybe $c->forward( $new_filepath )?

I don't think this would work as you can only forward to actions or  


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] internal redirect

2007-04-11 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 11 Apr 2007, at 16:43, Bill Moseley wrote:

On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 03:28:59PM +0100, Adeola Awoyemi wrote:

if ( $new_img->write( file => $new_filename ) ) {

I tried using "$c->response->redirect( $new_filepath )" but that
issues a 302 "Temporarily Moved" status.

I suspect your web document root is not the root of the file system.

Oops -- I read those as the same variable.  Shows, how important it is
to use good variable names.

Are you sure $new_filepath is really where you are saving the image?

Yes, the new image is being created as $new_filepath.

By $new_filepath I mean uri_path and $new_filename is system_path.


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[Catalyst] MySQL server has gone away

2007-04-19 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

I have problem that when I run my app via fastcgi I get an error  
where one of my models can't connect to the database with the message  
"MySQL server has gone away". When I start it using 'script/ 
myapp_server.pl' it works fine.

Has anyone come across this before? Any hints to fixing this would be  
greatly appreciated.



List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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Re: [Catalyst] MySQL server has gone away

2007-04-19 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 19 Apr 2007, at 14:31, Jon wrote:

On Thu, 2007-04-19 at 13:54 +0100, Adeola Awoyemi wrote:

Hi all,

I have problem that when I run my app via fastcgi I get an error
where one of my models can't connect to the database with the message
"MySQL server has gone away". When I start it using 'script/
myapp_server.pl' it works fine.

Would I be correct in guessing that you're using DBI directly, not
Catalyst::Model::DBI or Catalyst::Model::DBIC::Schema ?


This problem will occur when a process forks after creating a DBI
connection, since the connection becomes invalid in the child process.
See the code in Catalyst::Model::DBI for ways to handle this.

OK. Thanks. I'll have a look and hopefully this will all be fixed.

Its really strange, 'cause it worked for a short while (maybe about  
12 - 24 hours) after deploying it but then it just gave up.

Thanks again Jon and everyone else.

I'll keep you posted.


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Re: [Catalyst] MySQL server has gone away

2007-04-19 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

It works again now. I looked at Catalyst::Model::DBI and noticed it  
was using $self->NEXT::new( @_ ) so I did the same thing with my  
Model and it seemed to work without a hitch!

Well, thanks all for you help.


On 19 Apr 2007, at 14:38, Adeola Awoyemi wrote:

Thanks again Jon and everyone else.

I'll keep you posted.

Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
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[Catalyst] SubRequest and template recursion

2007-05-22 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

I have a template (page.tt2) that uses TT's VIEW directive, where I'm  
making a sub-request:

[% BLOCK feed;
   data = Catalyst.subreq("/feed/$feed_url");

In my controller:

sub get_feed : LocalRegex('^(.*$) ) {
my ( $self, $c );
my $src_url = $c->request->captures->[0];
my $content = get($src_url); # already USE(ing) LWP::Simple above
$c->stash->{source_string} = $content;
$c->stash->{template} = 'feed.tt2';

But instead of a return of the results of running the source through  
the feed.tt2 template I get an error "file error - recursion into  

Any help, hints would be gratefully appreciated.


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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List: Catalyst@lists.rawmode.org
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Re: [Catalyst] Using a custom TT filter

2007-05-22 Thread Adeola Awoyemi


In your TT::View you could add:

use base 'Catalyst::View::TT';

sub noDia {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ tr/ăşţîâĂŞŢÎÂ/astiaASTIA/;
return $text;

'noDia' => \&noDia,

So, in your template you should be able to use:

[% FILTER noDia -%]
data to parse
[% END %]

I hope this helps. This is just form my knowledge of TT. I'm still  
getting used to Catalyst so someone else might have a better idea but  
its worth a try ;)


On 22 May 2007, at 11:20, Octavian Rasnita wrote:


I am trying to use a custom TT filter in a Catalyst app.

In MyApp.pm I use:

'View::TT' => {
PLUGIN_BASE => __PACKAGE__->path_to('lib'),

In the lib dir I have a Diverse/NoDia.pm module that looks like this:

package Diverse::NoDia;

use Template::Plugin::Filter;
use base 'Template::Plugin::Filter';

sub filter {
my ($self, $text) = @_;
$text =~ tr/ăşţîâĂŞŢÎÂ/astiaASTIA/;
return $text;

In the template I use:

[% USE NoDia = Diverse.NoDia -%]
[% FILTER $NoDia -%]
[% END %]

But it gives the following error:

Couldn't render template "plugin error - Can't locate object method  
"load" via package "D:\web\TranzactiiBursiere 
\lib::Diverse::NoDia" (perhaps you forgot
to load "D:\web\TranzactiiBursiere\lib::Diverse::NoDia"?) at D:/usr/ 
site/lib/Template/Plugins.pm line 215.


How can I define a custom TT filter in a Catalyst app?

(I need to filter a text depending on a condition, and I don't know  
if I can use another method for doing this.)

Thank you.


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Re: [Catalyst] SubRequest and template recursion

2007-05-22 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Thanks. That seemed to work :)

Now I'm getting "File not found error" with XML::XPath not lining the  
fact that I'm passing it a string rather than a file :(


On 22 May 2007, at 15:04, Matt S Trout wrote:

Add RECURSION => 1 to your View::TT config.

Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] SubRequest and template recursion

2007-05-22 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

On 22 May 2007, at 15:57, Dave Howorth wrote:

Adeola Awoyemi wrote:

Thanks. That seemed to work :)

Now I'm getting "File not found error" with XML::XPath not lining the
fact that I'm passing it a string rather than a file :(

From TFM:


This constructor follows the often seen named parameter method call.
Parameters you can use are: filename, parser, xml, ioref and context.
The filename parameter specifies an XML file to parse.
The xml parameter specifies a string to parse


In my Template I already have that:

USE doc = XML.XPath( xml => source_string );

node = doc.findnodes('/rss');

I also tried using 'text' as in Template::Plugin::XML::XPath docs,  
with no luck.


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Re: [Catalyst] Using other Modules

2007-06-01 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Sven Eppler wrote:

So i'm asking for a way, i can tell "i need module X" so that perl can
complain about it at apllication-start-time if it's not intalled but not
carry the entire exported module stuff throughout my entire app if i only
need it in one special place?

Hi Sven,

Add it to your Makefile.PL file to the list in the requires() directive:

  Crypt::PassGen => 0, # get the latest version

This is the normal way of saying that an app needs a module when installing.

Hope this helps.


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
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[Catalyst] Problems forwarding to view

2007-08-02 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Hi all,

I'm trying to use Catayst::View::XSLT and my end sub looks like this:

# from MyApp::Controller::Root
sub end : Private {
my ( $c, $self ) = @_;
$c->forward( $c->view('XSLT') );

but when I make a request to the server I get an error:

[error] Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Root->end "Can't locate 
object method "view" via package "MyApp::Controller::Root" at 
/Users/adeola/projects/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/Root.pm line 

I have even tried:


and that gives the the error:

[error] Caught exception in MyApp::Controller::Root->end "Can't locate 
object method "forward" via package "MyApp::Controller::Root" at 
/Users/adeola/projects/MyApp/script/../lib/MyApp/Controller/Root.pm line 

Am I missing something? Any tips/leads would be greatly appreciated.


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] Problems forwarding to view

2007-08-02 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Brian Cassidy wrote:

Adeola Awoyemi wrote:

# from MyApp::Controller::Root
sub end : Private {
my ( $c, $self ) = @_;
$c->forward( $c->view('XSLT') );


my( $self, $c ) = @_;

Doh! How could I have missed that one?! I feel sheepish ;-)

Thanks Brian & Peter.

Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] Multiple FastCGI app servers with Apache2

2007-08-02 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Does anyone know if it's possible to distribute requests to multiple external
FastCGI servers with Apache2 + mod_fastcgi similar to the round-robin
load-balancing approach lighttpd provides? I have this large legacy app running
on mod_perl behind an apache2 reverse proxy where I'd like to plug in my new
Catalyst app via FastCGI which eventually should run on more than one physical
app server. If possible I'd like to stick with Apache2 as the reverse proxy for
now ...

This is possible (as I have done the same) by adding multiple instances of:

FastCgiExternalServer /path/to/MyApp/script/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host

to the apache2 config file. Also make sure you use different ports or 


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] Multiple FastCGI app servers with Apache2

2007-08-03 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Does anyone know if it's possible to distribute requests to multiple


FastCGI servers with Apache2 + mod_fastcgi similar to the round-robin
load-balancing approach lighttpd provides?

This is possible (as I have done the same) by adding multiple instances of:

FastCgiExternalServer /path/to/MyApp/script/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host

to the apache2 config file. Also make sure you use different ports or


I already tried that and it gives me:

FastCgiExternalServer: redefinition of previously defined
class "/srv/myapp.fcgi".

I'm using mod_fastcgi-SNAP-0404142202 with Apache 2.0.59 both compiled
from source.

Do you have each FastCgiExternalServer directive pointing to a different 
instance of the application. E.g.

FastCgiExternalServer /path/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host
FastCgiExternalServer /path2/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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Re: [Catalyst] Multiple FastCGI app servers with Apache2

2007-08-03 Thread Adeola Awoyemi

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Tobias Kremer wrote:

FastCgiExternalServer: redefinition of previously defined
class "/srv/myapp.fcgi".

I'm using mod_fastcgi-SNAP-0404142202 with Apache 2.0.59 both compiled
from source.

Do you have each FastCgiExternalServer directive pointing to a different
instance of the application. E.g.

FastCgiExternalServer /path/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host
FastCgiExternalServer /path2/myapp_fastcgi.pl -host

Nope. What does your Alias directive look like for this? How do
you specify the other app instance (path2/myapp_fastcgi.pl)? Or do you
have a different approach that doesn't use Alias?

I used something like:

ServerName one.example.com
Alias / /path/myapp_fastcgi.pl/

ServerName two.example.com
Alias / /path2/myapp_fastcgi.pl/

Anyways, I just switched over to lighttpd on a dedicated machine and the
load-balancing worked perfectly within a couple of minutes :)

Oh well, I guess you don't need to faff around with fastcgi anymore then ;-)

Glad you have it sorted.


Creative Developer - Digital Craftsmen Ltd
Exmouth House, 3 Pine Street
London, EC1R 0JH
t: +44 20 7183 1410
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