Re: [Catalyst] Shoot out -- Catalyst / RoR / Other MVC apps --

2007-05-08 Thread Chris

 Does anybody know of a place where creating your own model is documented
 in more detail? I'd like to read it.

Not yet. I suspect there'll be a chainsawblues series on it at some point
if nobody else gets a good explanation together first.

  Matt S Trout   Need help with your Catalyst or DBIx::Class project?

Please, yes! It would be very useful to see more examples of current

- Chris

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Re: [Catalyst] New catalyst site -

2007-03-13 Thread Chris

 It also served as an interesting exercise in getting a Cat site to run
 under fastcgi on a host who don't really know how to support fastcgi,
 using mod_rewrite to invoke the fastcgi server script.

Wife says That's very useful which is praise indeed.

 Can you write up a short deployment scenario re the mod_rewrite and post it
here please?

Kieren, my thanks to your wife for the kind words, and also to
everyone else who responded through the contact page on the site. I
hope your wife signs up for the email reminders when I get them
implemented next week :-)

Re mod_rewrite:

The ISP said that they had installed and configured mod_fcgi at our
request, so we battled for a while to work out why a basic .fcgi
script wouldn't work. Turned out that they hadn't mapped any suffixes
to the fastcgi handlers, despite protestations to the contrary.

Finally this incantation did the trick with a copy of the
script/ renamed to .fcgi and copied to the htdocs, together
with a 'use lib' to set up pathing to where the app files actually
live. The 'static' dir is sym-linked to the root/static dir to make
deployment simple and easy to maintain using rsync.

My final .htaccess file:

AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/static
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !gardenate.fcgi
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ gardenate.fcgi/$1 [PT,L]

Hope this is useful. Comments and improvements welcomed.

- Chris

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[Catalyst] New catalyst site -

2007-03-10 Thread Chris


I'd just like to announce that a new Catalyst site,, has been launched on the unsuspecting world.

Catalyst/DBIx::Class/Mysql/Fastcgi - it's served as a useful learning
exercise about Chained handlers. I hope to use them again in future
projects. Kudos to the Catalyst development team for making such a
usable framework.

It also served as an interesting exercise in getting a Cat site to run
under fastcgi on a host who don't really know how to support fastcgi,
using mod_rewrite to invoke the fastcgi server script.

- Chris

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Re: [Catalyst] Chained, slashes, and escaping

2007-03-05 Thread Chris

On 3/6/07, Jim Spath [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm implementing tagging under Catalyst and want to be as unrestrictive
as possible on the tag text.  As such, I allow slashes in the tag text.

To view information on a given tag, you hit the following path:


Which uses the following action in the Tag controller:

sub view : PathPart('tag') Chained('/') Args {
   my ($self, $c, $tag) = @_;

To test and make sure the escaping is working properly I created the
following tag:


When I access the following URI:


$tag gets set to sl instead of sl/ashes.

Chained appears to be using the unescaped path when it looks for the
separator instead of the actual path.

Is this a bug or a feature?  How can I work around it?

- Jim

I cheated and replace '/' with '_' when outputting links when
confronted with a similar issue, then s/_/\//og in the handler. Don't
know if that will work for you?

- Chris

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Re: [Catalyst] You have been automatically logged out.

2007-02-21 Thread Chris Carline

On 2/21/07, J. Shirley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The meta refresh is a good idea, although I avoid it because an
inadvertent escape cancels the timeout in some browsers (Firefox being
one).  This means if the user hits escape for whatever reason, the
feature is just disabled without warning; with a javascript method it
tends to be more consistent for the user.

Good point!

I like Javascript, but I don't like relying on it -- as with many of
these things, there are plenty of ways to do things, none of them
ideal. :-)

I think as long as an opportunity to log back in and continue with
whatever it was you were doing (in the case of the 'you have been
logged out' screen not being displayed for whatever reason) combined
with one of the approaches above covers most situations though.

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Re: [Catalyst] You have been automatically logged out.

2007-02-20 Thread Chris Carline

On 2/20/07, J. Shirley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you aren't doing any AJAX interactions, the simple approach is to
add a JavaScript listener to the onload event that calls the following
(untested) function:

var activityTimer;
function setActivityTimeout(time) {
if ( activityTimer ) clearTimeout(activityTimer);
activityTimer = window.setTimeout( function() {
alert(You have been logged out.);
document.location = /;
}, time || 600);

On each page unload, this timer will be canceled.  If you do any AJAX
loads that count as activity, simply call setActivityTimeout() on the
initiation of the remote event.  And, of course, expire the session on
the server to match whatever is your client side time out as well.

Why not simply add a meta refresh tag to the top of the template header?

meta http-equiv=refresh content=[% timeout_mins * 60 %];url=[%
c.uri_for('/logout') %] /

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Re: [Catalyst] Question on serving files

2007-02-18 Thread Chris

You can set the header information to give mime hints to the browser:

$c-res-headers-content_length( $stat-size );
$c-res-headers-last_modified( $stat-mtime );
'Content-disposition:' = attachment; filename=$filename );
$c-res-headers-expires( time() );
$c-res-headers-header( 'Pragma'= 'no-cache' );
$c-res-headers-header( 'Cache-Control' = 'no-cache' );

Interestingly, if you set 'no-cache' on file downloads over an SSL
(https) connection where IE has a mime-handler defined (word/xls/pdf),
will throw spurious errors about being unable to cache the file, even
when trying to 'save target as'.

This isn't a catalyst issue, but an IE 'feature'- might be useful to
know before it bites, though.

- Chris

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