Re: [Catalyst] RFC on how to structure controllers

2006-06-13 Thread Sebastian Riedel

13.06.2006 21:42 A. Pagaltzis:

> * Gert Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-13 12:35]:
>> I would like some ideas on how todo the following in cat.
> In general, the web way is to make as much state as possible
> explicit in the URI. Avoid the use of sessions and cookies
> wherever possible, try your darndest to use information from the
> URI instead. (Also make sure to return appropriate HTTP status
> codes when handling arbitrary URIs, instead of just saying 200 OK
> to everything.)

Why would you *want* to avoid sessions?
It's much easier to manage sessions than complicated URI conventions.

This blog post by Avi Bryant describes it very well imo.

 "There are 3 models:

 Need quick response, but don't need back button or bookmark:  
 Need back button, don't need bookmark: Continuation/Callback
 Need bookmarking or other external access: REST"

> Whether you put the information in the URI into the query string
> or into the path is not that important in terms of webarch; the
> main advantage of using the path part is simply that it looks
> prettier.

But why would a multi page wizard or ajax requests to have  
bookmarkable URIs?


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Re: [Catalyst] RFC on how to structure controllers

2006-06-15 Thread Sebastian Riedel

14.06.2006 20:26 [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/14/2006 01:11:34 PM:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 06/14/2006 11:23:16 AM:
>>> * [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006-06-14  
>>> 17:10]:
 I mean does it ever make sense to blindly allow users to jump
 into a random spot of a 3 or 4 page billing/order "wizard"?
>>> I spent 15 minutes trying to think of a way to respond to this,
>>> but I really can?t. There are many concepts that play into REST
>>> app design to sum them up in a few words. All I can say is that
>>> it?s nothing to do with bookmarking. (Or only very tangentially.)
>> True, also very little to do with web app design,  web services
>> are another beast.  Even if you are RESTing your web app to
>> make services available in the future, there are still many
>> areas that would need to be restricted or exposed
>> differently for said services.
>> REST layout for an app that is not designed to be a web service seems
>> silly.
> Let me expand here cause rereading this I did not convey my thought.
> REST layout, nix session data, being pushed for webapps without
> thinking and planning about bookmarking seems silly. We are all
> talking web applications here right?  That is how I read this thread.

I think Aristotle is talking about web-services while we talk web-apps.
We want to build a nice responsive gui while he tries to build a http  
based api.


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web development platform contestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-11-30 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

Seems like a waste anyway.  Is Perl really going to win a competition
sponsored by Zend?

(playing into the hands of Zend's marketing department)++ # cough

There will be no overall winner, just one per platform.
So the more teams your platform has the better you look.

Having only one team for Perl is quite bad,
especially since one of the organizers happens to be the iX magazine 

which has a big influence in the german speaking world. :/


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web development platform contestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-11-30 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

Yeah, I know *I'm* going to abandon Perl as a result of the contest.  I
mean, Perl's not cool anymore right?  Speed and features are for Web 1.0

Yeah, lets just ignore marketing completely, who needs new users, they 
are just annoying anyway.



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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web developmentplatformcontestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-11-30 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Tobias Kremer wrote:

Today I was in a meeting with one of Germany's top twenty
internet agencies to speak about the future of our (home-brewed Perl-based)
community app. I spoke to the person in charge of technology who
of course tried to persuade me that Java and .Net/C# is the
way to go. Even worse, he was convinced that Perl has no object-
orientation features at all! He was surprised when I told him
about the CPAN and Perl's flexible object capabilities.
Unfortunately this is not an isolated case.

Yes, thats quite common sadly and caused only by lack of marketing.

One of Germany's most successful web portals serving several
hundred million page impressions per month with Perl recently
started hiring Java developers.
It's so absurd when you think about it, from script language back to 
compiled mess?

The opposite should be the case!

We really have to start learning from the Ruby folks,
take a look at these two books, it's pure marketing genius.

   From Java To Ruby: Things Every Manager Should Know 
   Rails For Java Developers 

I hate to say this, but Perl is really lacking some sort of marketing.
To my mind Catalyst could be the new killer-app that has the potential to
resurrect our favorite language. But not if we can't get the word out.
This is really frustrating. Catalyst's website is one big mess. Go to
the wiki section and you get gazillions of links on one page. Click on
documentation and you receive ugly POD pages. This is just not up to
standards set by other frameworks. Don't get me wrong: The content and
documentation is better than most other frameworks but the presentation
just sucks. I recently met another fellow perl dude and we're currently
brainstorming what has to change to make Perl and the Catalyst project
more appealing to the average CTO, technical lead, dude-who-is-in-charge-
but-thinks-perl-is-dead :)

I completely agree, but you don't get (good) marketing for free,
a company or The Perl Foundation would have to invest money in it.

Take a look at Java, PHP and Ruby, all the marketing initiatives can be 
traced back to a few smart companies.

(Please take a few minutes and think about it before flaming me, thanks)

P.S. I read that the upcoming issue of the iX magazine will feature an
article about web development with Catalyst ...
Just seen that too, will be fun to read. 
( :)


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web development platform contestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-11-30 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Brandon Black wrote:

On 11/30/06, Alvar Freude <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Having more teams should be good for several reasons: we can show 
that Perl
isn't dead (at the moment it looks half-dead), and there are more 

to choose from.

IMHO, Perl does *not* look half dead.

If a lot of people outside the Perl community say it looks half dead, 
then it does to them.
Ignoring and/or denying doesn't make it better, you have to accept the 
feedback and react to it.

The rate of CPAN modules uploaded per year continues to rise, anyone
could name a litany of high and low profile sites that still run perl,
and the perl job market is great.  Active cutting-edge development
continues in both p5 and of course the various p6-related efforts.
Perl has never been a slick, well-marketed language, but it is still
the duct-tape of the Internet.

But the problem is nobody outside the Perl community notices it.

And p5 development is not as active as you might think,
just take a look at the comments under

The quote "Perl5 is not dead, it's just very, very stable" sums it up 
quite well.

In spite of Perl's complete lack of kissing up to the "Enterprise"
world, it's still an A-rated language on the TIOBE index:

But it's losing a lot of ground to Python and Ruby recently. 


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web developmentplatformcontestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-11-30 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

Sebastian Riedel wrote:

Tobias Kremer wrote:
Take a look at Java, PHP and Ruby, all the marketing initiatives can be
traced back to a few smart companies.

What has the marketing gotten the community?  PHP and Ruby both suck in
comparison to Perl (features / unicode / modules / speed / knowing wtf
=== really means), despite the fact that money is being poured into both
of those languages by apparently-profitable companies.  It sounds to me
like they're spending all their money creatively lying about the facts,
whereas the p(?:[56]|arrot)-porters are actually improving their languages.

You just gave a perfect example why Perl needs marketing. :)
It is better for a lot of things, but the problem is nobody outside the 
Perl community knows!

(As for Ruby, they are absolutely aware of their weaknesses and work 
very hard on fixing them.

YARV the new virtual machine has just been merged into the ruby repository.)

I for one don't really care if perl is "number one".  It's already
better -- what more do you really want?

Thats a bit short sighted, without new developers learning Perl you'll 
have a lack sooner or later.


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web development platform contestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-12-01 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

In fact, P5P has more traffic than all the Perl6 lists combined.  My
perl6 folder has 163 unread messages, and p5p has 754.  (Yes, I'm a bit

Maybe it's just me, but i wouldn't consider that a good thing. :(


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Re: [Catalyst] Last Chance / Last Day: Web development platform contestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-12-01 Thread Sebastian Riedel

apv wrote:
The last two big companies I worked for were both moving away from 
Perl. One of them was (I known there are still a few 
boosters and projects for Perl there but as a whole the company has 
become quite anti-Perl and has been rewriting everything in Java it 
can get budget money for). It isn't because Perl isn't useful, Perl 
helped build both of the companies, but because it has an image of not 
being up to the task. Sure Perl's not dead but that's at least 100 
high paying, high profile Perl jobs in my town alone that are gone. 
Not because Perl sucks but because a lot of people think it does.

Funny you mention Amazon switching to Java.
I would expect more Ruby projects from them since the Jeff Bezos / 
37signals deal.


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Re: [Catalyst] Re: Last Chance / Last Day: Webdevelopmentplatformcontestand Perl / Catalyst

2006-12-02 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Octavian Rasnita wrote:
So I still believe in Catalyst, but my opinion is that "The elegant 
framework" should first prove that it is really elegant.

That slogan was chosen at a different time, long ago, i don't think it 
applies anymore.


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Re: [Catalyst] old versions of Catalyst on CPAN

2006-12-03 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

Is anyone confused by the old versions of Catalyst on CPAN?

Everything I hear says yes, but the author of the old versions wishes to have 
a public discussion before deleting the modules.

You misunderstood me there, i will not delete the old versions since i 
like being able to link directly to old versions of modules like this. 
(which i did quite a lot)

It's one of the best features of cpan imo.

I agree that Catalyst and Catalyst-Dev had to be split, but why did you 
rename the core dist to Catalyst-Runtime in the first place?
Just keeping the name Catalyst instead would have bypassed the cpan bug 
(which it obviously is) and saved you from a lot of trouble.


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Re: [Catalyst] old versions of Catalyst on CPAN

2006-12-03 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

The question I have is why are you linking to Catalyst 3.00?

It's not.

If there's 
something you want to point to from another document (resume? blog?), then 
perhaps you should just post it on your own website?  Then you can put it in 
a "look at this code I wrote, it's interesting" context instead of "download 
this, newbie!" context.

Because i don't want to break existing links and cpansearch just works, 
no need for me to reinvent that wheel.

The CPAN is about community, so it's better to 
respect the wishes of the community rather than your own personal tastes.

If the CPAN community is so concerned about this, why is versioning 
still a feature?

As long as it's there i will make use of it.

I personally consider having any version other than the latest available on 
CPAN a bug.  I don't want to waste the mirror's space (these people are 
mirroring CPAN for free; I want it to be easy for them), nor do I want to 
confuse people looking for the version they should be starting with.

Maybe you should take a look at the cpan mirrors, quite a lot only keep 
the most recent versions anyway.

Advanced users know to look for old versions on the backpan.

Backpan != CPAN-Search

Readers of your 
blog or whatever would appreciate that you just cite code in an inline 
snippet rather than via a link to the CPAN.  Everyone wins. :

You don't know all my readers personally, do you?

P.S.: You didn't answer the question from my previous post, why should i 
nuke my cpan directory just because you made a naming mistake?


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Re: [Catalyst] old versions of Catalyst on CPAN

2006-12-03 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
Because you want Catalyst to succeed, and be as intuitive as possible for new 

I would like that.

I detect (from the tone of your recent posts to the list) that you really want 
to "hurt" Catalyst and Perl, and you're hanging on to the one piece of 
leverage you have.  I suppose that's fine, but maybe you should add an 
AnnoCPAN annotation to your old modules along the lines of "this is not here 
for you to download, it's so I can feel good about myself" or something.  
That way it would be clear to new users that haven't had to deal with the 
exciting Catalyst politics yet.

Actually, it would be more constructive to funnel your hatered into 
contributing to some competetor of Catalyst, rather than just being an ass on 
CPAN and the mailing list.

Sorry, not interested in flamewars.


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Re: [Catalyst] Re: old versions of Catalyst on CPAN

2006-12-03 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
Well, I hadn't heard of Catalyst at that time, so I didn't have much say in 
the matter.

Maybe it would be more productive to let the developers that made the 
change answer then?

That said, the reasoning for the name change, I believe, was 
because there was a nice falling out between the people working on Catalyst, 
you, and the PAUSE admins.  In order to ensure that the Catalyst Core Team 
would continue to have the ability to update Catalyst without your 
permission, which you refused to give, Catalyst had to be renamed (PAUSE 
indexer technicality).If you had just turned over permission immediately 
and irrevocably, then a rename wouldn't have been necessary.

Thats completely untrue, the split (and renaming) happened in July,

but the permissions were solved back in May.

In fact, the View::TT maintainership was never given to the Core Team, and 
that's why TT has had that annoying "Coldn't render ... " bug for so long.  
We wanted to fix it, but we didn't have Your Holy Permission to do so.

View::TT was never part of the core dist (and in turn the agreement), 
why would i just give away all my Perl modules?
That bug you mention was caused by your changes to the Catalyst 
internals if i remember correctly...


Anyway, I find it interesting that you have to ask me why the rename happened.  
It seems from that thread and other evidence that you were slightly involved.  
Hopefully this description refreshes your memory.

If only you had read it...

P.S.: Do i get flamed because i mentioned in #catalyst that i'm using 
Ruby for now until Perl6 gets released? :(


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Re: [Catalyst] Re: Wikis

2006-12-05 Thread Sebastian Riedel

Octavian Rasnita wrote:
I have visited and I have read the Text 
formatting rules sections, but I haven't seen anything about tables. 
Now I've read it again, and I still cannot find something about tables.

Am I looking in a wrong place?

Learn2Google (seriously) :)

and highlighted (just in case you still can't find it)


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Re: [Catalyst] question from tutorial - does creating HTML in a controller using HTML::Widget violate MVC?

2006-12-05 Thread Sebastian Riedel
Hermida, Leandro wrote:  
I thought the tutorial was absolutely great - things that I had in the 
past spent hours developing myself are practically plug and play and 
it gives you a nice taste of how powerful Catalyst is!
One question about the tutorial though, doesn't building 
"presentation" material inside the controller using HTML::Widget so of 
break the MVC concept?  After reading the Catalyst intro and about MVC 
I thought I wouldn't be writing anything HTML or presentation specific 
in the M or the C parts, only in the V which are the TT files.  Do I 
have something wrong in my thinking?
Nope, you're right, the form declarations belong to the view, 
HTML::Widget was an experiment and i wouldn't suggest using it anymore.

There should be a TT plugin imo similar to the one, just sane. :)


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