Re: [Catalyst] Development environments and performance

2008-01-26 Thread Jonathan Rockway
Charlie Garrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> It IS possible to run multiple apache/mod_perl processes on one
> machine to support different catalyst apps/versions. It requires use
> of a frontend proxy server but it's easy to setup and works well.
> I use that technique for both staging and productions apps on the one
> machine.

I'd like to point out that this is really the only way to run mod_perl
apps.  If you are using the same Apache process for more than one web
app, You're Doing It Wrong (tm).  This is why people like FastCGI;
it's much easier to setup and maintain than multiple Apaches and

However, if you use backend mod_perl Apaches (instead of FastCGI), you
can use Perlbal as the frontend (without another Apache in the way),
which I find to be enticing.  (However, you can also just point
Perlbal at the "dev server", which is pretty convenient.)

Jonathan Rockway

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Re: [Catalyst] Development environments and performance

2008-01-26 Thread Charlie Garrison

Good afternoon,

On 16/1/08 at 10:03 PM -, Ian Docherty 

The other reason was that I eventually was hoping to serve 
several clients from the same machine, running multiple copies 
of the same application (but perhaps different versions) and 
knew I could not do this with Apache mod-perl but could do so 
with fast-cgi, hence my reason for going down that path.

Been away for a week so catching up on old threads and wanted to 
clarify this point for the archives.

It IS possible to run multiple apache/mod_perl processes on one 
machine to support different catalyst apps/versions. It requires 
use of a frontend proxy server but it's easy to setup and works well.

I use that technique for both staging and productions apps on 
the one machine.


   Charlie Garrison  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   PO Box 141, Windsor, NSW 2756, Australia

O< ascii ribbon campaign - stop html mail -

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Re: [Catalyst] LDAP

2008-01-26 Thread Gavin Henry

>> Externally in your organisation?
> No to an external organisation that has been contracted by us to provide
> host a web application. This application needs to share a single sign-on
with applications built in-house using Catalyst.

Ah, ok. What Directory server are you using btw?

>> For configuration, why don't you have one set and reference it from
both *::LDAP ??
>> Or I am being dumb here?
> No you're right that I can combine some of the configuration and
reference it accordingly. However I don't have a single obvious place to
add an extra
> method (although J Rockway may have a hack around that).

Sounds good.

>> You're pulling LDAP users into your RDBMS? Why not keep them there? If you
>> are using PostgreSQL you can use dblink-ldap as a function. Might be
> No I've got data in my RDBMS that has a relationship to the data in my LDAP
> directory. For example "comments" are added by users, therefore the
> in the database have a submitter for which the details are held in LDAP.
> dblink-ldap is interesting but we're a MySQL shop. I'm also taking a
look at
> DBD::LDAP on CPAN which does a similar thing in perl-land.


> Carl
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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-26 Thread Jonathan Tweed

On 26 Jan 2008, at 18:57, Ian Docherty wrote:

Now, this means that the client system will have a http response  
returned with 'status' '302' and 'location' '/class/id/1234' which  
I presume they will have to parse to determine the ID of the newly  
created item?

Not if they follow the redirect and the representation contains the ID.


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Re: [Catalyst] REST - like uri design for CRUD

2008-01-26 Thread Ian Docherty

Thomas L. Shinnick wrote:

One important topic in the book is that people mix 'verbs' into their 
URIs when they shouldn't, or at least when they don't _have_ to.  
Using the book's concepts your URIs would become

1)  GET/class?pattern=breadbox
2)  GET/class/id/
3)  PUT/class/id/
4)  POST /class

1) is your "/class/search" and says "let me retrieve the 
representation/list of the items selected by searching for the given 
pattern", where the base URI would indicate the set/list of items, and 
the pattern is kept in the query parameters because it could be 
anything.  Note that the idea is that "GET /class" references the list 
of all items, and you here are just qualifying that search with the 

2) Your "/class/id//view" would be seen in strict REST as just a 
GET of "/class/id/".  The HTTP 'verb' GET already says give me a 
representation of the item.  Done.

3) Your "/class/id//update" would become a PUT of 
"/class/id/", where the new representation coming from the remote 
client would _replace_ the old representation/data for that item.  
This strict use of the HTTP 'PUT' verb is actually the hardest to 
accomplish, as it assumes that the remote client can receive and 
update a representation on the client, and then send it back using 
PUT.  It is easiest to picture this usage when the client completely 
replaces the old representation held on the server.  (see farther 
below for why)

4) Your "/class/create" becomes a POST to "/class".  This was another 
concept brought out by the book.  The matter of "who determines the 
item's 'id'" is important.  Here we assume that the _server_ will 
determine the id of the new added item.  You do a POST to the base URI 
of the data area, and the server determines the new id, stores the 
data into the item, and does a redirect to tell the remote client 
where the new item is, that is, what is the new item's URI, for 
instance "/class/id/1234".
I am just doing this now. The way I have implemented it is that an item 
is created by doing a POST to /class/create and the item is saved in the 
database. Then the browser is redirected to GET /class/id/1234 (for 
example) where the newly created item (with id 1234) can be read.

Now, this means that the client system will have a http response 
returned with 'status' '302' and 'location' '/class/id/1234' which I 
presume they will have to parse to determine the ID of the newly created 

Is this correct?

Why is "who determines the id" important?  Because it says what HTTP 
verb you should use to create a new item.  If the server, you use POST 
to "add another" item.  (Much discussion of "that most misunderstood 
of HTTP methods: POST" in the book)  But if the remote client were to 
determine the id, say because the id is a license plate number input 
at the client, then strict REST would say the client should do a PUT 
to "/class/id/STRWBYP" and the client would send the complete data for 
the item.  The server would create the item using the id 'STRWBYP" as 
requested by the client.

Creation using POST would say create a new item and tell me (the 
client) where you (the server) put it.  Creation using PUT defines 
where to put it to the server, because the client knows what the id 
should be.

So under some designs it is possible that PUT will be used for both 
creation of new items and update (replacement) of existing items.  In 
both these cases (under such a design) the client knows the correct id 
for the item. 

Anyway this spew was prompted by the new pedant seeing 'REST' in the 
subject and then no mention of 'PUT', etc.  The book tries to be clear 
that it depends on both your design and the >>capabilities of the 
client<< whether you can implement using the strict REST HTTP verb set 
GET, PUT, and POST, or whether you must compromise on a REST-like set 
of GET and POST.  The authors discuss how to "overload POST" to effect 
PUT-like usage, because we have to implement in the real world.  But 
they are clear about the goals of RESTful design, the problems it 
solves, and the benefits it brings "in the real world".

It looks to be very useful to consider URI design with a view towards 
"how would I accomplish this by splitting my data objects into URI 
addressable data that can be manipulated using the full set of HTTP 
verbs GET, PUT, POST and HEAD.  (And not putting verbs into URIs that 
might be cached)"

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Re: [Catalyst] $c->req->body oddity

2008-01-26 Thread Ian Docherty

Jonathan Rockway wrote:

* Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


I am sending a POST to a Catalyst app and according to the documention
I expected the request body to
contain the data I sent. Instead it holds a filename in the tmp
directory which contains the document. Is
this an expected behaviour?

e.g. in my test script

my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'http://linux:3000/svc/to/1001');
$request->content('THIS IS THE STRING');
my $response = $ua->request($request);

Basically, HTTP::Body assumes you are sending your content as
application/octet-stream, since it's not multipart/form-data or
application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the two cases that it treats

Since file uploads are application/octet-stream, we put the data into
a file.  Maybe it would be better to keep it in memory unless
Content-Length exceeds a certain length, but the current behavior is
consistent and reliable, so I don't see why we should change it.  It's
really not that confusing.

Finally, the "string" that you see in $c->req->body is actually an
IO::File object, so you can easily suck the file in if the need

Jonathan Rockway

Thank you for that explanation. In the light of this does the following 
seem reasonable.

I am creating a web service (xml over http) so the POST method would 
present an xml
document to the controller using content-type text/xml and the 
controller would read it

and parse it.


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Re: [Catalyst] $c->req->body oddity

2008-01-26 Thread Jonathan Rockway
* Ian Docherty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I am sending a POST to a Catalyst app and according to the documention
> I expected the request body to
> contain the data I sent. Instead it holds a filename in the tmp
> directory which contains the document. Is
> this an expected behaviour?
> e.g. in my test script
> my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'http://linux:3000/svc/to/1001');
> $request->content_type('text/text');
> $request->content('THIS IS THE STRING');
> my $response = $ua->request($request);

Basically, HTTP::Body assumes you are sending your content as
application/octet-stream, since it's not multipart/form-data or
application/x-www-form-urlencoded (the two cases that it treats

Since file uploads are application/octet-stream, we put the data into
a file.  Maybe it would be better to keep it in memory unless
Content-Length exceeds a certain length, but the current behavior is
consistent and reliable, so I don't see why we should change it.  It's
really not that confusing.

Finally, the "string" that you see in $c->req->body is actually an
IO::File object, so you can easily suck the file in if the need

Jonathan Rockway

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[Catalyst] $c->req->body oddity

2008-01-26 Thread Ian Docherty
I am sending a POST to a Catalyst app and according to the documention I 
expected the request body to
contain the data I sent. Instead it holds a filename in the tmp 
directory which contains the document. Is

this an expected behaviour?

e.g. in my test script

my $request = HTTP::Request->new(POST => 'http://linux:3000/svc/to/1001');
$request->content('THIS IS THE STRING');
my $response = $ua->request($request);

If I look at the value in $c->request->body in my controller I get 

like '/tmp/LEVo4ciz1g'

And if I look at the content of the temp file I find my 'THIS IS THE 


Is this a document problem or something else?


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[Catalyst] How to return a 401 from Catalyst

2008-01-26 Thread Ian Docherty
Related to my earlier thread about basic authentication, what do I have 
to do to return a 401 error from within Catalyst?

I have tried to understand the documentation at but it does not help me in a 
practical manner.

My understanding is that when the Catalyst app refuses the credentials 
given it must return a 401 with a 'realm' that is

just a string used to identify the service.

For example, when I create a test script for my Controller using LWP as 

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;

Then my script fails because I have not set a 'realm' correctly in my 
Catalyst controller. All I have done so far is as follows.

   if ($login_success) ) {
  # do something
   else {
   return 0;

Obviously I need to do more to return the realm, but what exactly?


p.s. I note that there is nothing in Test::WWW (that I can find) that 
tests return status's such as 200, 401 etc.

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Re: [Catalyst] Automated testing of Captcha?

2008-01-26 Thread Sébastien Wagener
On Fri, 2008-01-25 at 06:53 +, Matt S Trout wrote:
> If you're outside, then either forcing the captcha to a particular string or
> disabling it entirely are probably your only options - but that wasn't the
> case here if you read carefully :)

For me, it was important to test whether the same captcha could be used
twice, as I forgot to clear the captcha for the session after using it
(as far as I remember, Catalyst::Plugin::Captcha does not enforce you to
do so, neither does it encourage you to do so in the example)
You cannot automatically test for this exploit with a static string for
the captcha.
As I am running all my test cases over fastcgi (for various reasons), I
have a test action which returns the captcha of the current session.
This action is of course only defined if some environment variable is


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Re: [Catalyst] OT: YUI v Ext JS

2008-01-26 Thread Octavian Rasnita
I've visited, but I saw that it doesn't create an html table, but just some 
data arranged to look like a table.

So it is not very accessible for those who use screen readers.

The World Wide Web Consortium recommends not to use a table for layout, but 
to use a table for tabular data, and not other ways.


- Original Message - 
From: "Moritz Onken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

To: "The elegant MVC web framework" 
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: [Catalyst] OT: YUI v Ext JS

If you have a big table to display i'd recommend the ext extension
live grid. You can see an example here:

it only retrieves the data you are seeing. Just scroll through the
example and you'll see.

I like ext pretty much. There are some issues with scrollbars on a mac
with firefox, but thats a firefox bug and not ext. So I guess YUI
might have the same problem on macs.

Moritz Onken

Schützenstraße 81
76137 Karlsruhe

Festnetz: +49 (721) 2048842
Mobil:+49 (176) 24436493

Am 26.01.2008 um 03:14 schrieb Ashley:

On Jan 25, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Peter Karman wrote:

Ashley wrote on 1/25/08 6:44 PM:

* Does Ext JS's grid have all the same goodies as YUI's DataTable?

I haven't used Ext yet. But have you looked at:

Yes. Unless I'm missing something those changes are purely client- side. 
It took *a lot* of searching to discover someone asking on a  YUI list the 
same basic question about server-side data updates and  being told, you 
have to update your own data store however you feel  like.

* Is Ext JS completely stable across IE, FF, and Safari (Opera is  sort 
of out of scope for this).
* Do YUI's considerable other offerings (I'm looking for a site- wide 
library, not just grids) outweigh the positive aspects of Ext  JS?

* Would anyone, knowing *both*, pick YUI over Ext JS?

I have used the YUI history manager to good effect (see so if Ext had some widget I 
really wanted, I would just use both  together.

This is good advice. My only dilemma in the choosing for this part  of the 
app is that the manager might say, WTF? I thought we were  gonna use YUI? 

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Re: [Catalyst] OT: YUI v Ext JS

2008-01-26 Thread Moritz Onken
If you have a big table to display i'd recommend the ext extension  
live grid. You can see an example here:

it only retrieves the data you are seeing. Just scroll through the  
example and you'll see.

I like ext pretty much. There are some issues with scrollbars on a mac  
with firefox, but thats a firefox bug and not ext. So I guess YUI  
might have the same problem on macs.

Moritz Onken

Schützenstraße 81
76137 Karlsruhe

Festnetz: +49 (721) 2048842
Mobil:+49 (176) 24436493

Am 26.01.2008 um 03:14 schrieb Ashley:

On Jan 25, 2008, at 6:07 PM, Peter Karman wrote:

Ashley wrote on 1/25/08 6:44 PM:

* Does Ext JS's grid have all the same goodies as YUI's DataTable?

I haven't used Ext yet. But have you looked at:

Yes. Unless I'm missing something those changes are purely client- 
side. It took *a lot* of searching to discover someone asking on a  
YUI list the same basic question about server-side data updates and  
being told, you have to update your own data store however you feel  

* Is Ext JS completely stable across IE, FF, and Safari (Opera is  
sort of out of scope for this).
* Do YUI's considerable other offerings (I'm looking for a site- 
wide library, not just grids) outweigh the positive aspects of Ext  

* Would anyone, knowing *both*, pick YUI over Ext JS?

I have used the YUI history manager to good effect (see 
 so if Ext had some widget I really wanted, I would just use both  

This is good advice. My only dilemma in the choosing for this part  
of the app is that the manager might say, WTF? I thought we were  
gonna use YUI? :)

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