Re: [Catalyst] $c->user->some_relationship always retrives user id from the db

2008-02-14 Thread Guillermo Roditi
>  Which means the entire thing would be pointless. What you want to do
>  really is
>   $class->new({ %saved_stuff, -result_source => $schema->source($class) });
>   $new_obj->in_storage(1);
>  then it'll work "as if" you re-fetched the object (%saved_stuff being the
>  return of $obj->get_columns). Making stuff work with only the PK stashed
>  in the session is left as an exercise to the reader, but would probably
>  be best done using Data::Thunk and Data::Swap.

/me confoos. Why not just use the shiny new freeze / thaw hooks?
Wouldn't it make sense to store a frozen version of the User row /
object in the session and then thaw it upon request? This seems like
it would be a really natural way to cache this information. Ideally,
the thawing would be a lazy operation as well  i think.

I just bring this up because the code you just sent would not work
when one is using things like DigestColumns or EncodedColumn, which
are most commonly seen in User-type objects

--Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

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Re: [Catalyst] $c->user->some_relationship always retrives user id from the db

2008-02-19 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> > I just bring this up because the code you just sent would not work
> > when one is using things like DigestColumns or EncodedColumn, which
> > are most commonly seen in User-type objects
> Don't those allow you to have a 'password' attribute stored in a
> 'password_hash' column or similar now?
> Anything else is going to clash somewhere or other.

EncodedColumn overrides set_column() i was originally wrapping the
accessor, but I couldn't find  way to do that without messing with the
symbol table so, at the advice of claco, I overrode set_column() and
new() to encode the value at set time. I guess I could have created a
new accessor, or an expicit set_$column_from_plaintext() method, but I
never really thought about that. In any case, how would
update({password=> $xyz}) new({password => $xyz}) work? password =>
$xys would encode the value but password_hash => $xyz would keep it
untouched? I don't really know how I feel about creating such a
virtual column. It's doable but it means that columns would have to be
renamed to not conflict with the accessor. You eally should have
brought something like this up before release--there was no shortage
of emails sent to the list with regards to the proposed API and
behavior and you were present in IRC during the design discussions...

Anyone else have thoughts?

--Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

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[Catalyst] [OT] Request for help

2008-03-19 Thread Guillermo Roditi
Hi everyone,

First, let me apologize if you are seeing this twice as a result of
the cross post.

As some of you may know, apart from being a module developer and
occasional presence of the lists and IRC, I am a student of Economics
at Northeastern University. I am preparing the final research paper
for my Senior Economics Seminar and I was hoping that those of you who
have participated in open source hacking while employed could help me
out by answering couple of short questions.

This only applies to those of you who have either contributed, or paid
someone to contribute to an OSS while "on the clock".

Please, please, please take 2 mins to answer (it's mostly one word
answers) and send it back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (don't reply to the

1.) Name / alias, (last name optional)

2.) Company where development took place (optional)

3.) Were any of the contributions made simply to satisfy a license? (Yes, No)

4.) Were any releases,  contributions made even though the license did
not require you too? (yes, no)

5.) Was management, or your corporate environment receptive to
participating in OSS? (yes, no)

6.) Why do you choose to participate in OSS?

7.) Do you feel there is an indirect return to contributing to OSS,
and if so, what is it for you?

8.) Estimated value or (?:wo)?man-(?:months|days) of your yearly
contributions ( optional )
Feel free to use your ohloh figures if you think they are accurate.

Thank you so much to whoever can help!  I need answers by Wednesday
Mar 26 at the latest. I slacked off on my homework because I was too
busy hacking on open source! If you know anyone else who wouldn't mind
answering this please feel free to forward this. Remember, the more
answers I get,  the quicker I'll be able to resume helping the Moose +
Catalyst effort.

Thanks again,

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

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Re: [Catalyst] storing a list of items into the session

2008-03-23 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> $c->session->{mandator} = $c->model('MotsDB::Mandator')->find();
> $c->session->{mandators} = $c->model('MotsDB::Mandator');

I see two potential problems here

You are trying to store a resultset into the session. I made this same
mistake when I started using catalyst, don't worry. What's happening
is that your object is being serialized in between page views and you
are losing the DB connection there. DBIC allows you to freeze and thaw
objects and restore connections pretty easily, see the POD in
DBIx::Class::Schema for more info. I know that the object you got
using find() appears to work, but relationships will be broken. Either
properly freeze and thaw objects, or fetch them in every request.

Other potential problem
in scalar context  $c->model('MotsDB::Mandator'); which is
functionally equivalent to $schema->resultset('Mandator') returns a
resultset, nor a list.  If you would like to obtain the actual objects
instead of the resultsets use [ $c->model('MotsDB::Mandator') ] or
$c->model('MotsDB::Mandator')->all. The previous creates an arrayref
of all the items and the later returns a list of all the items

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)

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Re: [Catalyst] Actions as Moose::Role

2008-06-18 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> Well - I was not sure about that - but with "use base
> 'Catalyst::Controller';" I get:
> Could not load class (Base) because : Can't locate object method
> "linearized_isa" via package "Moose::Meta::Role" at
> /home/zby/progs/Catalyst-Runtime/5.80/branches/moose/lib/Catalyst/
> line 23.

Roles can't have base classes kids!

The attributes problem is  a known issue and it kills me as well and I
promise you I am trying to fix it. Just give me some time and hopefully by
the time we are merged back to 5.8 trunk then I'll have come up wit a
work-around or a fix. It all stems from the compile vs run time thing (moose
= run time). Ideas welcome

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-05 Thread Guillermo Roditi
All of you who have experienced errors rooted in
MooseX::Emulate/Adopt::Class::Accessor::Fast please please please send me
error messages and show me the code that breaks.

I think the trunk version fixes all your problems, but nobody has been able
to accurately describe their problems or produce a simple failing test case.

So, if my code is breaking your code, holla back!

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-09 Thread Guillermo Roditi
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 1:47 PM, Tomas Doran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm not sure if the correct fix for the lies in Catalyst, or MX::E::CAF,
> but:
> is the minimal test case I've been able to produce for the breakage of the
> Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication's tests and which people still using the
> back-compat auth plugins in their apps would be seeing (if any of them were
> trying it and shouting).

I think it's the fact that the mk_accessor call is in BEGIN {} because the
adopt happens at compile time, but the role application within it happens at

I am giving this a wontfix until I can figure out if it is even fixable. I'm
not giving up on you, though. Why is it necessary to have the accessors
created at BEGIN time?

I'll experiment with having the role consumption happen in a BEGIN block,
but I don't know what the deal will be with it. I'll keep you all posted.

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-09 Thread Guillermo Roditi
On Sun, Dec 7, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Tomas Doran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Please find attached a simple test case for the behavior needed by
> Catalyst::Plugin::Cache::Curried (and anything else which says
> __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/ meta /)) - found by looking at MojoMojo's
> current test failures.

Yeah dude. wontfix. You don't get to take over Moose's "meta" method.
Immutable replaces the accessor when inlining the meta method. You can argue
with Moose over who has the right to that particular method name, but that's
out of the scope of my module.

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-10 Thread Guillermo Roditi
On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 9:35 AM, Tomas Doran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I agree that all 'real' Moose classes shouldn't be breaking the meta method
> like this, but the fact is that there *IS* real code out there which is
> going to be broken by this, and it's something which we can _avoid_ breaking
> without too much effort..

As agreed, we'll replace calls to ->can with calls to ->meta->has_method to
fix this. We will also have to use Class::MOP directly to find the metaclass
instead of using ->meta.

So, problem resolved, fix known. will fix and release when i have some time.
some time later this week, maybe next.
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-29 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> HTML::Widget uses Class::Accessor::Chained::Fast, which overrides
> make_accessor. As mk_accessors no longer uses make_accessor to generate the
> coderef, this breaks horribly...

Uhm. wontfix? I don't even know how it would be possible to fix this. We'll
stop using Adopt::CAF by default, which should stop these kinds of

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-29 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> Catalyst::Plugin::HashedCookies calls Catalyst::Request->make_accessor,
> which in some ways is quite broken (as you're re-opening the package from
> outside), but it isn't actually very hard to fix/support..

Yeah, that's totally broken and I don't even know if we want to support this
kind of behavior. mst suggested to "just die()" and I'm with him on this
one. While I agree that just letting the code puke all over itself is
ENOGOOD I think an explicit exception is not unreasonable.

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] [Announce] Catalyst-Runtime 5.8000_04 shipped to CPAN

2008-12-29 Thread Guillermo Roditi
> I've found some plugins which call mk_accessors more than once for the same
> attribute / package, which fails.
> This is because, on the second application, the attribute is added with no
> options, which results in the accessor methods for it being removed. Please
> find test attached.

Fixed in trunk, your test added.

Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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Re: [Catalyst] catamoose now or when?

2009-03-06 Thread Guillermo Roditi
As one of the developers of Catalyst 5.8 and someone well-acquainted with
both Moose and Catalyst and the Moose port of Catalyst, I would advise you
to develop on 5.71, for 5.71 and keep an alternate test environment on which
to test against 5.8. Once 5.8 is released and is on CPAN, go ahead and start
developing for that. Until then, I wouldn't rush, back compat is there and
you really do not want to have an app require something that is not on CPAN.

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 8:52 PM, Elliot Finley  wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm starting a new web app project that I need to deploy in about 2
> months.  There will be ongoing updates to this app as time goes by. I'm new
> to catalyst/moose/dbic but a long time Perl hacker.
> Considering the above, would I be better off starting with 5.71 or 5.8?
> TIA,
> Elliot
> ___
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Guillermo Roditi (groditi)
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