Hi there,

first of all: sorry for using no topic on my initial mail - I changed this now 

On 28 Feb 2012, at 13:03, Johannes Kilian wrote:

>> Hi,
>> I've got following question concerning views: I want to provide an 
>> XML-View which provides "standard" XML-Files using XML::Simple in almost
>> any case. Just in some cases I want to provide specialized XML-Files.

On 29 Feb 2012, at 1:32, Thomas Doran wrote:
> Erm, why are you not just sending your already rendered "standard" XML file?

Within my controller in most cases the XML-structure generated by XML::Simple 
is sufficent. But certain URL should give a predefined XML-structure which I 
cannot achieve via XML::Simple ... My controller renders a few data structures  
- depending on the URL. With certain URL's I want a clearly defined 
XML-Structure - in other cases where I don't want/need to have a generic XML 
Structure the XML::Simple Output is sufficent ...

On 28 Feb 2012, at 21:25, Kieren Diment wrote:
> I'd either use Catalyst::View;:Download::XML, or steal from it to create your 
> own view: https://metacpan.org/module/Catalyst::View::Download::XML

I'll have to look into this ...

On 29 Feb 2012, at 11:35, Will Crawford wrote:
> $c->stash(current_view => '...');
> Then override that either in an individual action or part of a chain ...

... and into this as well!


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