[cayugabirds-l] Stevenson Road, Fri 8/30

2013-08-30 Thread Mark Chao
My son Tilden and I stopped along Stevenson Road on Friday morning.  Among
the dozens of Turkey Vultures, we found two BLACK VULTURES - the first of
this species in the Basin for either T or me.  The Black Vultures stayed
mostly side by side and once came together for a friendly nuzzle.  


As others have noted, ID requires attention to the possibility of
gray-headed juvenile Turkey Vultures.  Having studied The Crossley ID Guide,
Tilden immediately picked out one Black Vulture by its bright whitish-gray
legs.  This field mark, previously unknown to me, is evident in both
Crossley's photos and Sibley's illustrations but is not specifically noted
in either book's text.  We also noted completely black plumage on both
birds, as well as the diagnostic wing patches on one bird that briefly took
flight.  I found that size differences aren't particularly helpful as a
basis for ID.


Looming impressively in the tree above the compost piles, the throng of
Turkey Vultures is worth a look even without rarities among them.  One
Turkey Vulture had a white wing.


What's more, we also got to watch a PEREGRINE FALCON perched incongruously
atop this vulture roost tree.  After about 10 minutes the falcon took off,
made a rather nonchalant pass at some pigeons across the back of the compost
facility, then swept 270 degrees over to the edge of the pheasant farm,
across the road, and eastward past our car, finally alighting in a distant
tree south of the double silos.  We left the site at about 9:45 to check the
edge of the Dodge Road spruces (no warblers except a Common Yellowthroat);
the falcon was still in this same tree when we returned for one last look at
about 10:05.


Many thanks to Jay for finding the Black Vultures and to everyone for the


Mark Chao






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[cayugabirds-l] RHW

2013-08-30 Thread Carol Keeler
One of the babies has fledged. Seen being fed by parent. 

Sent from my iPhone


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[cayugabirds-l] Black Vultures and Broad-winged Hawks

2013-08-30 Thread Chris R. Pelkie
Having the day off, I got over to Stevenson Rd about 1030, arriving at the same 
time as Bud, where we found Reed and Eric. Reed and Eric had already scouted 
the vultures and found at least two BLACK VULTURES as they took wing and 
started circling higher. This gave me time to see them in binocs then grab the 
scope and share brief views with the others as the birds departed the immediate 
area. As Bud kindly gave Eric and Reed a lift back to campus, I noticed a huge 
kettle had formed up over Dodge Rd so went that way solo. I pulled over more or 
less under the kettle and scanned, spotted one of the BLVUs but not in time to 
take a photo, but a few minutes later refound it or another and got some 
distant shots that i have not yet got off the camera. The kettle had broken up 
into smaller sets by that time. A new basin bird for me!

I had not had enough bug bites yet so headed to Monkey Run where the 
moose-quitos armed with BBQ forks and carving knives were waiting for me. The 
bug spray i was using was effective only at making their foothold slippery, so 
some left and returned wearing muck boots to finish the job.

As I was fleeing, I heard piercing calls from two BROAD-WINGED HAWKs and walked 
toward the sound. One flew up from the path to a low perch (15') and the other 
was at a similar height in an adjacent tree. I crept forward to the continual 
shrieking of the pair and got some good pics of them. The one that had flown 
seemed to be splaying its tail and one wing, making me think this was a 
juvenile begging from the other, which might also account for all the noise 
they were making. It doesn't seem like the time of year for mating displays.



Chris Pelkie
Research Analyst
Bioacoustics Research Program
Cornell Lab of Ornithology
159 Sapsucker Woods Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
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[cayugabirds-l] Mundy Warblers during lunch time

2013-08-30 Thread Meena Madhav Haribal
Hi all,
I came across a small pocket warblers and other species on a short Cayuga trail 
that passes along the Plantations road.
There were following:
Redstarts 2 female/first year male types
Blackpoll warbler 1
Chestnut-sided 1
Magnolia warbler 1
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 1
Eastern Wood Peewee 1
Carolina Wren (local resident)
along with Chickadees and a family of Red-bellied woodpeckers.

This is my first fall encounter with warblers!


Dr. Meena Haribal
Boyce Thompson Institute
Ithaca NY 14850
Ph: 607-3011167


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3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Stewart Park

2013-08-30 Thread Jay McGowan
A nice winter-type FORSTER'S TERN is sitting on a log distantly off the
west end of Stewart Park right now, and one of two male REDHEADS that have
been around for at least a few days is swimming near the east end.



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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Reminder and some thoughts about CBC Bell Station Field trip

2013-08-30 Thread Linda Orkin
Just to remind and welcome you to the Cayuga Bird Club Field trip
tomorrow.  Meet either at the Lab of O parking lot, 7:30 AM or drive
straight to Nutridge Road in Lansing and meet there by 8.

Donna Scott has provided some information about terrain and parking as

Bell Station land Terrain will be a rutted old dirt road, & depending on
where Paul leads us, there may be no path at all.
There are gradual slopes in the woods and as I say, no trails. It will be
woods with fairly low understory plants.
We may walk through a couple creeks above the water falls. He will pick out
a more shallow spot to cross, probably.

With the recent rains, it will be muddy.

Near the beginning of this utility road (by Nutridge Rd.) is a spur path
that goes to the lake.
By the lake is the usual gravel beach, or  nearby , the flat bed of former

Wear hiking shoes or boots that can get wet & bring a hiking stick, if you
use one for rough terrain or for crossing creeks.

Park on the south side of Nutridge rd.. Off the road a little. Beach
residents on dirt road to north need to use Nutridge Rd. too.

Hope to see you there.


Don't ask what your bird club can do for you, ask what you can do for your
bird club!! <')_,/


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Eurasian Wigeon Knox Marcellus marsh

2013-08-30 Thread david nicosia
Now. Plus 22  American Golden plovers which flew out moments ago.  Still hear 
at least one in the marsh. 

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android


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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] nighthawk

2013-08-30 Thread Susan Fast
I had just got home from work (2015), and thought to step out front for a
last peek at the sky.  As I reached the edge of the driveway, a COMMON
NIGHTHAWK tilted over, not 10' up.  The wife was standing on the porch and I
shouted "look!"  She went "Wha?"  I said "nighthawk".  She responded with
Yea!!!  And we watched it dart on down the road.  This gives me 6 for the
season so far, about average.


Steve Fast



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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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[cayugabirds-l] Montezuma Knox-Marcellus Marsh Friday Evening August 30 2013

2013-08-30 Thread david nicosia
Went with my birding pal Melissa Penta to Knox-Marcellus Marsh and viewed
from East Road. We arrived around 5 pm and stayed for a little over 2 hours. 
The viewing conditions were good with little if any heat shimmer. Lighting of
course was very good. The mosquitoes however were brutal!

One highlights was a flock of AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS that flew in
after we had been there for about an hour or so. We counted 16 at first,
but when they took off after 30 minutes or so we counted 22 as they flew almost 
directly over us across east road!! The birds were in various stages of
molt. There was one that still was in a ragged-looking breeding plumage. 
These birds had smaller heads than the black-bellied and thinner bills 
with a very prominent white stripe above the eye. In addition, many of these  
birds were stretching their wings on the ground and you could see the armpits 
were light and of course when they flew over you could see all were light. We 
find 4 more on the ground of which were joined, for a short time, by
a BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER. This guy was more plump, bigger head
and thicker bill and when he took off... blackish armpits. Very nice to see
both species together. 

The AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN continues and we found a
with a very cinnamonish face and very faint stripe down the forehead.
NORTHERN SHOVELERS are back now along with many

There were 4 SANDHILL CRANES and many waders, 
and CASPIAN TERNS among the usual gulls. No black terns today.
I imagine most have departed by now. 

There was one BALD EAGLE, one gorgeous young NORTHERN

Then, after searching a while, the WHIMBREL finally came out! We were there
almost 2 hours before he finally showed up. He was seen well from east 
road to the right of the purple loosestrife. He was mainly feeding 
by the edge of a ponded area most of the time until it was
almost dark. 

The number of shorebirds is down from last visit with yellowlegs
species the most common followed by semipalmated sandpipers
and least sandpiper. There were still a fair number of pectoral
sandpipers too. I did not find baird's this evening or white-rumped. 
Dowitcher species continue. I heard a short-billed for sure but
all of the dowitchers I saw were in their duller non-breeding
plumage so not sure exactly which of the 2 species they were. 
I did not hear any long-billed calls. I counted 11 STILT 
SANDPIPERs.  There were also a few SEMIPALMATED 
PLOVERS which is much less than last time and several 

I did not find any phalaropes this evening. No godwits either. 
Keep in mind that the last two evenings that I came up to 
Montezuma, godwits were found the very next morning!! First
it was the single marbled godwit then the large  flock of 
hudsonian's. So tomorrow should yield a bar-tailed for 
those lucky enough to go up 

Good Birding to all!!



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2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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