[cayugabirds-l] Migration on radar this evening

2017-03-23 Thread Dave Nutter
As meteorologist/birder Dave Nicosia predicted, it looks like birds are on 
their way tonight. Binghamton, State College PA, & Sterling VA all show that 
telltale huge fuzzy blossom centered on the radar site. 
--Dave Nutter

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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Snow geese

2017-03-23 Thread Dave Nutter
Today I drove from Ithaca to Montezuma NWR & back on the west side of Cayuga 
Lake. Notable Snow Goose sightings included: 

Around 11am flocks of hundreds in lines and vees over Covert flying east toward 
the lake. 

Around 5pm hundreds covering and grazing on the sheep pasture beside NYS-89 
between Schuyler Creek and the Varick-Fayette Townline Road. They were nibbling 
grass, not rooting in corn. 

Quite a few moderate-size rafts on Cayuga Lake fairly close to the west shore 
as I drove south in the evening. I did not notice the single giant raft in the 
middle of the lake which I consider typical.

I also recall that on 25 February, when Gary, Ann, & I went to Oswego to see 
the Clark's Grebe, we saw thousands of Snow Geese migrating north to, then 
northeast around Lake Ontario. I assume this was the exit of a big portion of 
the Cayuga Basin's first big wave of Snow Geese. I think we may have a 
different and smaller group now from a more recent wave. 

--Dave Nutter

Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 23, 2017, at 11:11 AM, Bill Mcaneny  wrote:
> Not all the Snows are heading for the corn fields.  About an hour ago several 
> well-formed Vees flew fairly high over our place heading due north. On the 
> move?.
> Bill


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Beebe Lake Northern Pintail

2017-03-23 Thread Asher Hockett
That seems like a very unusual spot for that bird.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2017 at 2:40 PM, Karen Steffy  wrote:

> There is currently (2:30 pm) a Northern Pintail wading in the shallow area
> on the left of the falls/dam on Beebe lake (Cornell University).
> *Karen*
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[cayugabirds-l] Beebe Lake Northern Pintail

2017-03-23 Thread Karen Steffy
There is currently (2:30 pm) a Northern Pintail wading in the shallow area on 
the left of the falls/dam on Beebe lake (Cornell University).



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Re: [cayugabirds-l] URGENT ALERT: Dodge Rd Spruce Woods may be cut down for massive Solar Farm on Dodge rd, STARTING in APRIL !!

2017-03-23 Thread Lea LSF
HI all,
In general I am a lurker on this list that benefits from all the wonderful
learning I get to do via this listserv. Thank you everyone who posts!

We are having a discussion right on on the Village of Freeville listserv
regarding a proposed solar farm next to Willow Glen Cemetery. There are so
many sensitive issues to consider both at that location and Dodge Woods,
still I urge folks to show up to the Dryden Town Board meetings and listen
to the concerns and opinions of others and to voice their own- the dates
and times are listed below. My main concern was that not many people knew
about this issue since the language used in disseminated materials used
something along the lines of protest a Power Generating Plant, an omission
that I felt came with detrimental outcomes. In fact when I wrote my email
to the village many responded privately saying thank you, and that they did
not know about this proposal for large scale solar in Dryden.

I would like to leave you with a little bit of my perspective and linking
to an online document

that might be of use to other folks out there who wish to leave their
concerns, pros, cons, etc with the Dryden Town Board.

My opinion- I greatly respect the people that are willing to speak up for
what they believe in now, and for people that are willing to stand up and
work across generations, inter-politically, and across other divides for
solutions that we all need now. Solar is the number one solution for our
energy crisis currently. *We said no to fracking.* If we say no to solar
now the next time fracking corps come through nobody will have the fight
left in them to stand up to them.  How could we fight next time when we
would clearly know that we cannot follow through with solutions, that we
are after all only NIMBYists?  How would a hydraulic fracking operation
look next to Willow Glen Cemetery, or the woods at Dodge Rd?  Maybe a giant
plant next to a cemetery is not the best idea? Perhaps we can use a screen
to shield the view if there are so many concerns about that? Are there
other places where we can do this? One worry though is that we will say no
to one location after the other, and that this is no time to waver on our
commitment to sustainable energy sources.

Please voice your concerns to the town board via this google form

soon as they are trying to make a decision soon, by March 30th I believe or
come to one of these meetings. Even if you have concerns regarding these
specific locations please let the town board that you support solar in
Dryden (that is if you do). Currently there are no regulations or laws in
Dryden about solar and this is an opportunity to weigh in and do this
right. I'd feel much differently about this community if we said no to
solar after we said to to fracking.

And if you are a Dryden resident come to a meeting at the Dryden Town Hall

*March 23 at 7 pm (today)*
*March 30 at 7 pm *

Thank you for your time,
Lea Elleseff

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:47 PM, Gary Kohlenberg  wrote:

> I imagine this new solar farm will be leased by Cornell, but built /
> maintained by a third party just like the one at the airport. For the solar
> company low installation cost will be the driving factor. Many separate
> panels all over campus installed by Cornell wouldn't be as cost effective
> and CU would have to maintain them.
> The PSC got rid of net metering for residential solar this week so I
> suspect individual homeowner installation will become less desirable even
> as it has also been moving to leased systems.
> Gary
> On Mar 22, 2017, at 3:22 PM, Melanie Uhlir  wrote:
> I wish all parking lots had solar panels over them. It would be win-win
> since it would shade the parking lots and they are giant heat-generators
> and wasted space anyway. Put solar panels on top of malls too. On top of
> hospitals, industrial buildings, schools. There are lots of non-habitat
> spaces solar panels ought to go instead of places that support wildlife.
> Why is that not happening?
> (yard bird news: I still had 2 Fox Sparrows visiting as of yesterday. I
> haven't seen them today.)
> On 3/21/2017 5:40 PM, Dave Nutter wrote:
> If the goal is to reduce greenhouse gas production, then cutting down
> trees
> is counterproductive when installing solar panels. Also cutting trees down
> if they
> are just along the edge of the array makes little sense because the great
> majority
> of solar energy is during the middle of the day, not early morning nor
> late afternoon.
> Putting solar panels in places that are just creating heat islands, not
> habitats, makes
> lots of sense. Put them on rooftops. Put them over parking lots. Put them
> on lawns
> that were already getting mowed. That's why home solar is great, but
> industrial scale

[cayugabirds-l] Snow geese

2017-03-23 Thread Bill Mcaneny
Not all the Snows are heading for the corn fields.  About an hour ago
several well-formed Vees flew fairly high over our place heading due north.
On the move?.




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Re:[cayugabirds-l] Snow Geese 3

2017-03-23 Thread Donna Lee Scott
Hard to tell for sure, but it looks like some Snow Geese that flew west a hour 
or more ago, are returning to & landing in the large flock that remains on the 
This flock took flight a few times, flew a little to north, & landed again each 
time, so now they are in lake, west of, right across from, my abode at 535 
Lans. Stat. Rd.

Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 23, 2017, at 9:25 AM, Donna Lee Scott 
mailto:d...@cornell.edu>> wrote:

4 of 5 rafts flew over west shore in many directions awhile ago.
Largest, southern-most raft of Snow Geese I can see from my yard, is still on 

Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone
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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Free Audubon Guide (not the app)

2017-03-23 Thread Peter
Thanks Eben.

Will take a look.


On 3/22/2017 5:41 PM, Eben McLane wrote:
> This is an interesting site, Peter.
> I suggest consulting it in conjunction with a site like 
> https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/atlas/ , which has more information 
> connected to modeled shifts in habitat types. Habitat change will come 
> on us more slowly than climate/temperature variables, I’m thinking. 
> The site specifies for trees and birds (not all species of either). 
> The site also is not as “friendly" as the Audubon one: strong 
> map-reading skills, with at least some knowledge of research modeling 
> techniques, will be helpful. Anyway, I think these two sites 
> complement each other interestingly.
> Eben
>  On Mar 21, 2017, at 10:28 AM, Peter  > wrote:
> Folksgo to this site and check out the free audubon guide. As 
> I explored the listing on Magnolia warblers I noticed that as part of 
> the Guide they have a piece on "How climate change could affect this 
> bird's range.seem to have one for each species...great resource 
> AND free...
> Pete Saracino
> The Audubon online *Guide to North American Birds 
> *
> is a great resource for all of your bird curiosities.
> --
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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Mucklands

2017-03-23 Thread Peter


I drove by just yesterday around 6 pm as part of the raptor survey at 
Montezuma Refuge.the spot is snow and ice still.

Lots of snow geese in the area (northern part of the basin)just not 
there..at least yesterday.

Pete Sar

On 3/22/2017 7:34 PM, Mary Jane Thomas wrote:

Hi -

Has anyone been to the Mucklands recently and, if so, are there many Snow Geese 



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[cayugabirds-l] Snow Geese

2017-03-23 Thread Donna Lee Scott
4 of 5 rafts flew over west shore in many directions awhile ago.
Largest, southern-most raft of Snow Geese I can see from my yard, is still on 

Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Mucklands

2017-03-23 Thread Janet Akin
I did the Raptor Survey last night and saw no snow geese in the Mucklands. In 
the Morgan Rd area Tundra swans and Sandhill cranes were seen. As of last night 
most areas were still frozen and snow covered. There was a nice variety of 
waterfowl at the Cayuga Lake State Park boat launch. Janet Akin 
From: Steve Benedict 
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 5:33 AM
To: Mary Jane Thomas 
Cc: cayuga birds LIST 

Subject: Re: [cayugabirds-l] Mucklands

I was at Puddler last night... Raptor survey,. I didn't see any snow geese at 
that time.   Flock of Tundra swans was there.

On Mar 22, 2017 7:35 PM, "Mary Jane Thomas"  wrote:

  Hi -

  Has anyone been to the Mucklands recently and, if so, are there many Snow 
Geese there?



  Cayugabirds-L List Info:

  1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
  2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
  3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

  Please submit your observations to eBird:


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[cayugabirds-l] Snow Geese

2017-03-23 Thread Donna Lee Scott
5 long separate rafts w/ 1000s of SNOW GEESE on west side of Cayuga lake 
opposite Lansing Station Rd., Lansing, 8 AM.

Donna Scott
Sent from my iPhone


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Re: [cayugabirds-l] Mucklands

2017-03-23 Thread Steve Benedict
I was at Puddler last night... Raptor survey,. I didn't see any snow geese
at that time.   Flock of Tundra swans was there.

On Mar 22, 2017 7:35 PM, "Mary Jane Thomas"  wrote:

> Hi -
> Has anyone been to the Mucklands recently and, if so, are there many Snow
> Geese there?
> Thanks.
> MJ
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