[cayugabirds-l] Lots of cranes

2021-10-29 Thread Laura Stenzler
4:30. Friday
At least 120 Sandhill cranes have landed in a field on the north side of 
Armitage Road, just EAST of East Rd. More keep coming in. 

Armitage Rd west of Rte 89 is closed due to water over the road. 


Laura Stenzler

Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


Re: [cayugabirds-l] parks by Dave N/& P Paradine

2021-10-29 Thread Dave Nutter
Absolutely! I credit Paul Paradine’s work and the change of policy at NYSEG 
from knocking down Osprey nests from power poles (after which the Ospreys would 
often start over in the same place!) to instead raising the nest up onto a 
special platform. The result has been that NYSEG looks good, Ospreys have bred 
successfully, and over the course of several generations Ospreys have spread 
from Montezuma NWR south along Cayuga Lake’s shores to Ithaca, such that this 
past Spring when a storm fatally blew the young out of the nest in Cass Park’s 
Union Fields, there were 6 (six!) other successful nests arrayed around the 
south end of Cayuga Lake in Ithaca! Plus there are others farther afield such 
as Game Farm Road. Candace Cornell tries to keep track of a mind-bogglingly 
large number of Osprey nests in our area.

- - Dave Nutter

> On Oct 29, 2021, at 12:19 PM, Donna Lee Scott  wrote:
> Just an addition to Dave Nutter’s wonderful, complete description of the 
> parks west of Cayuga Inlet in Ithaca:
> Re NYSEG’s work to provide safe, roomy, wooden nest platforms for Ospreys all 
> over this region, we have their Forester, Paul Paradine, to thank. 
> Paul is quite knowledgeable about birds, biology, and trees & plants & with 
> his NYSEG crew has donated much time to helping Ospreys & other birds. He 
> himself does volunteer work at the Cass Park Children’s Garden & other 
> smaller gardens. 
> Originally from Ontario, he also happens to be the husband of Robyn Bailey 
> who manages bird nest programs for CLO. 
> Paul also has been a huge help to the management of projects at Salt Point by 
> Cayuga Lake & Salmon Creek in Lansing. 
>  SPt is owned by NYS DEC, but is managed by Town of Lansing thru work of 
> their Parks & Rec Dept. & Friends of Salt Point, Inc, a volunteer non-profit 
> group that sets policy & organizes projects there, based on the Salt Point 
> Master Plan. Years ago, Bob McGuire, Karen Edelstein & others wrote this plan.
> Paul does not get enough credit for all the help he has given to birds & 
> other species. 
> Thank you, Paul!
> Donna Scott
> Director, Friends of Salt Point, Inc. 
> Lansing
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Oct 29, 2021, at 11:38 AM, Dave Nutter  wrote:
>>  I don’t think this rare bird report went out to the wider listserve. 
>> On the morning of October 27th Jay McGowan found 2 CATTLE EGRETS in Cass 
>> Park in Ithaca.  They were with the couple hundred RING-BILLED GULLS who 
>> typically rest in the soccer fields at the north end of Cass Park, but after 
>> the heavy rains of the previous day they were foraging in the flooded lawns 
>> around the edges of the large pools of water in those soccer fields. All 
>> these birds were frequently making short flights to change which field they 
>> used.  Later in the day at least 1 CATTLE EGRET was resting on the docks in 
>> Treman Marina. 
>> This morning, October 29th, Jay reports that at least 1 CATTLE EGRET is 
>> again in northern Cass Park’s wet soccer fields and on the Treman Marina 
>> docks where the gulls (mainly Ring-billed but also some Herring & a few 
>> Great Black-backed) typically rest. 
>> By the way, I’ve noticed some understandable confusion as to boundaries of 
>> these 2 adjacent and popular parks. 
>> ALLAN H. TREMAN STATE MARINE PARK (AHTSMP) is east and north of the Hangar 
>> Theater, bounded by NYS-89 on the west, Cayuga Lake on the north, and Cayuga 
>> Inlet on the east. The south border is very close to the south side of the 
>> boat ramp, its associated parking lot, and the entrance road from NYS-89 
>> just south of the Hangar Theater. AHTSMP encompasses the boat ramp, the huge 
>> marina, a couple of weedy fields west and northwest of the marina (each with 
>> an Osprey nesting platform atop a pole), a bit of woods north of the marina, 
>> and an extensive and diverse wetland in the northwest part of the park. This 
>> wetland, known locally as Hog’s Hole or the Hog Hole, is named after a guy 
>> called Hoggy who lived in the area before the park was created. 
>> This State Park also includes a large fenced enclosure for loose dogs, a 
>> compromise after years of scofflaw dog-owners breaking the City of Ithaca 
>> leash ordinance and the State Park regulations by persistently letting their 
>> dogs run around the park off-leash, frequently harassing other park patrons 
>> who walk there. The dog pen is the most extensive mowed lawn in AHTSMP, 
>> which has no playing fields. 
>> There are some formal paths in AHTSMP which were created a couple years ago. 
>> Most are paved but some are gravel. Current policy is not to clear snow from 
>> any of them. They connect to the Cayuga Waterfront Trail in Cass Park which 
>> does clear snow from the CWT. 
>> In a very unusual arrangement with the City of Ithaca, this State Park does 
>> not charge any entrance fee, although it does charge fees for using or 
>> parking at the boat ramp, and of 

Re:[cayugabirds-l] parks by Dave N/& P Paradine

2021-10-29 Thread Donna Lee Scott
Just an addition to Dave Nutter’s wonderful, complete description of the parks 
west of Cayuga Inlet in Ithaca:

Re NYSEG’s work to provide safe, roomy, wooden nest platforms for Ospreys all 
over this region, we have their Forester, Paul Paradine, to thank.
Paul is quite knowledgeable about birds, biology, and trees & plants & with his 
NYSEG crew has donated much time to helping Ospreys & other birds. He himself 
does volunteer work at the Cass Park Children’s Garden & other smaller gardens.

Originally from Ontario, he also happens to be the husband of Robyn Bailey who 
manages bird nest programs for CLO.

Paul also has been a huge help to the management of projects at Salt Point by 
Cayuga Lake & Salmon Creek in Lansing.
 SPt is owned by NYS DEC, but is managed by Town of Lansing thru work of their 
Parks & Rec Dept. & Friends of Salt Point, Inc, a volunteer non-profit group 
that sets policy & organizes projects there, based on the Salt Point Master 
Plan. Years ago, Bob McGuire, Karen Edelstein & others wrote this plan.

Paul does not get enough credit for all the help he has given to birds & other 
Thank you, Paul!

Donna Scott
Director, Friends of Salt Point, Inc.
Sent from my iPhone

On Oct 29, 2021, at 11:38 AM, Dave Nutter  wrote:

 I don’t think this rare bird report went out to the wider listserve.

On the morning of October 27th Jay McGowan found 2 CATTLE EGRETS in Cass Park 
in Ithaca.  They were with the couple hundred RING-BILLED GULLS who typically 
rest in the soccer fields at the north end of Cass Park, but after the heavy 
rains of the previous day they were foraging in the flooded lawns around the 
edges of the large pools of water in those soccer fields. All these birds were 
frequently making short flights to change which field they used.  Later in the 
day at least 1 CATTLE EGRET was resting on the docks in Treman Marina.

This morning, October 29th, Jay reports that at least 1 CATTLE EGRET is again 
in northern Cass Park’s wet soccer fields and on the Treman Marina docks where 
the gulls (mainly Ring-billed but also some Herring & a few Great Black-backed) 
typically rest.

By the way, I’ve noticed some understandable confusion as to boundaries of 
these 2 adjacent and popular parks.

ALLAN H. TREMAN STATE MARINE PARK (AHTSMP) is east and north of the Hangar 
Theater, bounded by NYS-89 on the west, Cayuga Lake on the north, and Cayuga 
Inlet on the east. The south border is very close to the south side of the boat 
ramp, its associated parking lot, and the entrance road from NYS-89 just south 
of the Hangar Theater. AHTSMP encompasses the boat ramp, the huge marina, a 
couple of weedy fields west and northwest of the marina (each with an Osprey 
nesting platform atop a pole), a bit of woods north of the marina, and an 
extensive and diverse wetland in the northwest part of the park. This wetland, 
known locally as Hog’s Hole or the Hog Hole, is named after a guy called Hoggy 
who lived in the area before the park was created.

This State Park also includes a large fenced enclosure for loose dogs, a 
compromise after years of scofflaw dog-owners breaking the City of Ithaca leash 
ordinance and the State Park regulations by persistently letting their dogs run 
around the park off-leash, frequently harassing other park patrons who walk 
there. The dog pen is the most extensive mowed lawn in AHTSMP, which has no 
playing fields.

There are some formal paths in AHTSMP which were created a couple years ago. 
Most are paved but some are gravel. Current policy is not to clear snow from 
any of them. They connect to the Cayuga Waterfront Trail in Cass Park which 
does clear snow from the CWT.

In a very unusual arrangement with the City of Ithaca, this State Park does not 
charge any entrance fee, although it does charge fees for using or parking at 
the boat ramp, and of course there is a fee for keeping a boat at the docks in 
the marina. A perk of the boat housing fee is having restrooms and showers 
which are locked to keep commoners out. However, the restrooms next to the park 
office building north of the boat ramp are usually unlocked and available to 
the general public. The parking lots are used for storing boats in winter but 
there is still space for park users to park.

I believe the reason that this park extends so much farther into Cayuga Lake 
than does Stewart Park is that much of the land in AHTSMP was created by 
dumping dirt dug up in the 1960s by significant widening & straightening of 
Cayuga Inlet which created the Flood Control Channel which is used by rowing 
crews, and which cut off Inlet Island. In the early 1980s, spoils from dredging 
of that channel were added which raised the fields above the wetlands and 
allowed creation of the knoll.

(Allan H Treman State Marine Park is not to be confused with Robert Treman 
State Park, named after Allan’s father, located a few miles south, and 
encompassing a spectacular gorge with waterfalls, trails, 

Re: [cayugabirds-l] Mapping the expansion of the California Scrub-Jay into the Pacific Northwest | The Cottonwood Post

2021-10-29 Thread Marie P. Read
Thanks for sending this. As a big fan of all things jay, I found it interesting 
until I realized it is an example of the effects of climate change on bird 
populations. Then suddenly the article became sobering...and even more so when 
I followed another link on the same page "Goodbye California..." 

With all our rain, we are somewhat removed from what's happening out west. But 
read the article and you'll learn that, even after the rain that is following 
CA's devastating fires, the oak woodlands and savannahs that have been burned 
will likely NOT grow back. They're gone. That habitat is GONE! A totally 
depressing view of the world that's rapidly approaching us. Sorry to be a 
downer, but it's realityAnd of course we all know this...


Marie Read Wildlife Photography
452 Ringwood Road
Freeville NY  13068 USA

e-mail   m...@cornell.edu
Website: http://www.marieread.com
Mastering Bird Photography: The Art, Craft, and Technique of Photographing 
Birds and Their Behavior


From: bounce-126036685-5851...@list.cornell.edu 
 on behalf of Regi Teasley 

Sent: Friday, October 29, 2021 11:32 AM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Mapping the expansion of the California Scrub-Jay into 
the Pacific Northwest | The Cottonwood Post

This may be of interest.



“If we surrendered to the earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted, like 
trees.” Rainer Maria Rilke

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Please submit your observations to eBird!


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[cayugabirds-l] Cattle Egrets at Cass Park & Treman Marina;

2021-10-29 Thread Dave Nutter
I don’t think this rare bird report went out to the wider listserve. 

On the morning of October 27th Jay McGowan found 2 CATTLE EGRETS in Cass Park 
in Ithaca.  They were with the couple hundred RING-BILLED GULLS who typically 
rest in the soccer fields at the north end of Cass Park, but after the heavy 
rains of the previous day they were foraging in the flooded lawns around the 
edges of the large pools of water in those soccer fields. All these birds were 
frequently making short flights to change which field they used.  Later in the 
day at least 1 CATTLE EGRET was resting on the docks in Treman Marina. 

This morning, October 29th, Jay reports that at least 1 CATTLE EGRET is again 
in northern Cass Park’s wet soccer fields and on the Treman Marina docks where 
the gulls (mainly Ring-billed but also some Herring & a few Great Black-backed) 
typically rest. 

By the way, I’ve noticed some understandable confusion as to boundaries of 
these 2 adjacent and popular parks. 

ALLAN H. TREMAN STATE MARINE PARK (AHTSMP) is east and north of the Hangar 
Theater, bounded by NYS-89 on the west, Cayuga Lake on the north, and Cayuga 
Inlet on the east. The south border is very close to the south side of the boat 
ramp, its associated parking lot, and the entrance road from NYS-89 just south 
of the Hangar Theater. AHTSMP encompasses the boat ramp, the huge marina, a 
couple of weedy fields west and northwest of the marina (each with an Osprey 
nesting platform atop a pole), a bit of woods north of the marina, and an 
extensive and diverse wetland in the northwest part of the park. This wetland, 
known locally as Hog’s Hole or the Hog Hole, is named after a guy called Hoggy 
who lived in the area before the park was created. 

This State Park also includes a large fenced enclosure for loose dogs, a 
compromise after years of scofflaw dog-owners breaking the City of Ithaca leash 
ordinance and the State Park regulations by persistently letting their dogs run 
around the park off-leash, frequently harassing other park patrons who walk 
there. The dog pen is the most extensive mowed lawn in AHTSMP, which has no 
playing fields. 

There are some formal paths in AHTSMP which were created a couple years ago. 
Most are paved but some are gravel. Current policy is not to clear snow from 
any of them. They connect to the Cayuga Waterfront Trail in Cass Park which 
does clear snow from the CWT. 

In a very unusual arrangement with the City of Ithaca, this State Park does not 
charge any entrance fee, although it does charge fees for using or parking at 
the boat ramp, and of course there is a fee for keeping a boat at the docks in 
the marina. A perk of the boat housing fee is having restrooms and showers 
which are locked to keep commoners out. However, the restrooms next to the park 
office building north of the boat ramp are usually unlocked and available to 
the general public. The parking lots are used for storing boats in winter but 
there is still space for park users to park.

I believe the reason that this park extends so much farther into Cayuga Lake 
than does Stewart Park is that much of the land in AHTSMP was created by 
dumping dirt dug up in the 1960s by significant widening & straightening of 
Cayuga Inlet which created the Flood Control Channel which is used by rowing 
crews, and which cut off Inlet Island. In the early 1980s, spoils from dredging 
of that channel were added which raised the fields above the wetlands and 
allowed creation of the knoll. 

(Allan H Treman State Marine Park is not to be confused with Robert Treman 
State Park, named after Allan’s father, located a few miles south, and 
encompassing a spectacular gorge with waterfalls, trails, and swimming).

CASS PARK, located immediately south of AHTSMP, is owned and managed by the 
City of Ithaca, which also charges no fees and allows the general public to use 
it, similar to Stewart Park and numerous smaller parks around the City. Cass 
Park, unlike Allan Treman, includes playing fields, lots of them. It also 
includes a covered skating rink that looks like a giant sowbug for ice skating 
in winter and roller skating in summer. It has a swimming pool for use during a 
couple of summer months when college students are on break and can be hired as 
lifeguards. Cass Park has tennis courts (also suitable for pickle ball). The 
playing fields on the west side of NYS-89, called Union Fields, are equipped 
with sets of bright lights on tall wooden poles, powered by a noisy smelly 
generator. Ospreys built a nest atop one of these sets of lights a few years 
back, and NYSEG transferred the new nest onto a higher platform to prevent a 
fire from the hot lights. Cass Park has a couple of playgrounds for small kids, 
a picnic pavilion and a barbecue pit. On a cove of Cayuga Inlet, Cass Park has 
3 small docks where Dragonboats reside and paddlecraft may also be launched. 
There are a couple of restroom buildings in the park, but they are only 

[cayugabirds-l] Mapping the expansion of the California Scrub-Jay into the Pacific Northwest | The Cottonwood Post

2021-10-29 Thread Regi Teasley
This may be of interest.



“If we surrendered to the earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted, like 
trees.” Rainer Maria Rilke


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


[cayugabirds-l] Loon party on Seneca Lake

2021-10-29 Thread tess
There presently are at least 22 loons in a loose group, relatively close 
to the west shore midway down Seneca Lake.  None of them shows a trace 
of adult plumage so am guessing it's a group of juveniles who might be 
migrating together.  Lots of calling, some bathing and feeding 
activity.  Two more flew in low from the south as I watched, assume they 
were slightly further down the lake and were attracted by all the noise.


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:
