Help celebrate the diversity of birds in the Montezuma Wetlands Complex
(MWC) by participating in the 16th Annual Montezuma Muckrace, September
7-8, 2012.  This “Big Day” birding event is an excellent opportunity to
test your birding skills and raise funds for conservation in this
globally-significant Important Bird Area (IBA). The Montezuma Muckrace
is sponsored by the Friends of the Montezuma Wetlands Complex (FOTMWC)
and the Montezuma Audubon Center.  Participants will experience 24-hours
of birding through the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation’s Northern Montezuma Wildlife Management Area, and the
Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge.  


More birds and more places to see them – that’s what this major effort
supports. The goal this year is to have a record number of birders
participate to raise $12,000 for an observation platform at the Deep
Muck Wetland Restoration Project on the Northern Montezuma Wildlife
Management Area in Savannah, NY.  


The 2012 Montezuma Muckrace starts at 7:00 PM on September 7th and ends
24 hours later with a brief closing ceremony at the Montezuma Audubon
Center, in Savannah, NY.  Each team keeps a check list of species seen
within the boundaries of the MWC for any or all of the 24-hour period. 
There are several levels of participation: 


Competitive (3 or more individuals who must count together);

Youth (ages 9-16, any number, identifying birds without adult

Low-Carbon (any number, no motorized assistance - biking, walking,
paddling, sitting, etc); 

Family/Mentor (any number, at least one parent/leader with any number of
young/beginning birders);  

Recreational (any number of adults).


Mid-September is an exciting time to be birding at the MWC, one of New
York's most productive IBAs. In 2011, 18 species of waterfowl, 12
species of diurnal raptors, 19 shorebird species, five owls, six
flycatchers, five vireos, six thrushes, 23 warbler species, and seven
species of sparrows were found. Most memorable team birds included:
Glossy Ibis, Stilt Sandpiper, Palm Warbler, Sandhill Crane,
Black-crowned Night-Heron, Peregrine Falcon, and Wilson’s Warbler. The
2011 competition generated over $11,000, which will fund a wetland
restoration project on Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge.  Donations
are solicited through pledges sought by participants, registration fees,
and sponsorships.  


There is still time to register for this enjoyable event! The
registration deadline is August 22. To access complete information about
the 2012 Montezuma Muckrace, including the registration form, the
checklist, the rules, and last year’s newsletter, "Muckrace Musings,"
visit the FOTMWC website  For more information
about participating, becoming a team sponsor, or to be added to the
mailing list, contact Jim Eckler at  

Jim Eckler
NYSDEC - Northern Montezuma WMA, 1385 Morgan Road, Savannah, NY 13146
315-365-2134, (fax) 315-365-3056, (cell) 585-705-3546


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