On 8/19/2012 12:11 PM, Marie P Read wrote:
I wonder whether the Bird CLub should take up a new project:  a sign, using a photo such 
as Paul's (I couldn't actually bring myself to look at it), the sign to include something 
like "Dispose of your used line wisely", to be placed near fishing areas, would 
make people pay more attention to this awful issue. It would be controversial and 
upsetting to some people....but then, so what?? STuff happens that way.

Personally I think it would be a lot more effective for us to just go around to all of the fishing sites we can and remove any line we find. Even making it a point that we make the extra effort when we are birding to watch for things like this and take action on the spot. With as many of us who go out regularly it would only take a little more effort on out part to seek out and remove these hazards as we bird.

Besides the fact that while making signs one would have to look at the photos, I don't think I would care to do so.
Carl Steckler
"For those who fought for it, freedom has a flavor
the protected will never know"
Unknown Marine Khe Sahn, Vietnam


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