Bob Guthrie and I spent several hours today at Broadway Road, Wayne County 
watching the hawks.  With the wind it was cold so I'm sorry to say we stayed in 
the car most of the time. We might have missed a few hawks this way but we 
still enjoyed the show.
     The Black Vulture came by at 1:15 pm.  It was a close low bird and I first 
noticed the lighter tips to its wings. Then it was easy to see the very short 
blunt tail.  Bob Guthrie got a photo of it which confirms the ID.  It will be 
interesting to see if Derby Hill reports one today or tomorrow.
     The Peregrine came through early at 10:45 am and flew low over the road 
right in front of us.  We were able to clearly see the face pattern.  The 
second Peregrine Falcon we had later in the day 4:20 pm on our Eaton Bird Club 
trip to Van Dyne Spoor Road; it was sitting in the field.  Then we watched it 
fly over many Northern Pintails and harass a Bald Eagle.  I also saw 8 Northern 
Harriers, 2 Bald Eagles and a Red-tailed Hawk at this location.  Then it 
started to rain so we didn't stay to see if any owls came out.
Broadway Road Hawks:   
Black Vulture     1
Turkey Vulture     202
Northern Harrier     2
Sharp-shinned Hawk     9 
Cooper's Hawk     6
Red-shouldered Hawk     2
Red-tailed Hawk     17
Rough-legged Hawk     3
American Kestrel     11
Peregrine Falcon     1

Leona Lauster
Lyons, NY

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