I've finally sorted through all my records, references, and notes regarding 
what species showed up when. I've added what showed up since 8 May, and amended 
a few items from earlier as well. My Cliff-notes version is appended below, but 
the page on the Cayuga Bird Club website may be more intelligible:


I generally try to credit all members of the party or parties which 
independently find a potentially different bird/flock on the first day a 
species is found. This info gives an idea of whom to contact about an 
observation and when a species arrives en masse. Plus it's less trouble than 
figuring out what time each bird was found. In that vein, I added additional 
observations of SANDHILL CRANE on 18 March, BARN SWALLOW on 2 April, and LEAST 
FLYCATCHER on 27 April. Please let me know of observers I left out anywhere on 
the table.

If there are additional species, earlier dates, or additional independent 
observations on the same date in the basin which I overlooked, please let me 
know. Also, please let me know if I generally screwed up somehow, other than 
the obvious matter being a month behind.

I have included a few reports even though eBird reviewers have not (yet) 
accepted them (if anyone knows that they have been rejected and why, please let 
me know):

Chris T-H's report of a BARN OWL over his house, even though the recording is 
truly horrible.
Wade & Melissa Rowley's report of a PINE GROSBEAK they photographed at a feeder 
near the edge of the basin in Savannah, even though I haven't seen the photo.
James Osborn's 8 May report of PHILADELPHIA VIREO at Esker Brook Trail, 
Montezuma NWR, even though his report from the same location 2 days later is 
the official first eBird report for Seneca County.
Sheila Hernandez' 27 April report of BOBOLINK at Caroline Elementary School, 
even though eBird's first county record is a from a guy a couple days later a 
few hundred yards north.

Note that Goetchius FLLT Preserve, Michigan Hollow, and Steve Kelling's place 
are outside the basin.

As far as I know these species have NOT yet been observed in the basin in 2015:
Greater White-fronted Goose
Long-eared Owl
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Golden-winged Warbler - despite an intriguing heard-only report south of Dryden 
Red Crossbill

There are also a bunch of missing species more apt to be found on their 
southward migration.

Okay, I've spent enough time indoors at a computer. I hope you are reading this 
in the evening after a lovely day out birding.

--Dave Nutter

GLOIBI     0508     Jay McGowan, Livia Santana     Carncross Rd, Savannah

BKBPLO     0508     Jay McGowan, Livia Santana     Carncross Rd, Savannah

SEMPLO     0508     Jay McGowan, Livia Santana     Visitor Ctr & Wildlife Dr, 
Montezuma NWR, Tyre

REHWOO     0508     Bob McGuire, John Confer     S Mays Pt Rd, Tyre

EAWPEW     0508     Gustave Axelson, Brooke Keeney; Joseph Brin     Sapsucker 
Woods, Ithaca/Lansing/Dryden; Howland Island, Conquest

WILFLY     0508     Rhea Garen; James Osborn; Jay McGowan, Livia Santana     
Hopkins Rd, Ithaca; Esker Brook Trail, Montezuma NWR, Tyre; Wildlife Dr, 
Montezuma NWR, Tyre

PHIVIR     0508     James Osborn     Esker Brook Trails, Montezuma NWR, Tyre

MOUWAR     0508     Joe Brin     Howland I, Conquest

BABWAR     0508     Joe Brin     Howland I, Conquest

WLSWAR     0508     Matt Medler, Dan Lane     Sapsucker Woods, Lansing

GRASPA     0508     Bob McGuire, John Confer     Lake Rd, Ledyard

SWTKIT     0509     Kevin McGuire, Rachel Dickinson     Ithaca/Tompkins 
airport, NYS-13, Lansing/Dryden

BKBCUC     0509     Ken Rosenberg     Hollister Rd, Dryden

GYCTHR     0509     Jay McGowan, Livia Santana; John Fitzpatrick     NFC 
Arrowwood Trail, Lansing/Ithaca; Ellis Hollow Rd, Dryden

SWATHR     0509     Jay McGowan     NFC Tareyton Dr, Ithaca

ALDFLY     0510     Brad Walker, Scott Haber     Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity 
Preserve, Danby

BKPWAR     0510     James Osborn; Lee Ann van Leer     Wildlife Dr, Montezuma 
NWR, Tyre; Hawthorn Orchard, Ithaca

BRANT      0512     Stuart Krasnoff     Besemer Ln, Brooktondale, Caroline

YEBCUC     0512     Doug Daniels     Van Dyne Spoor Rd, Savannah

COMNIG     0512     John & Molly Fitzpatrick     Ellis Hollow Rd, Dryden

EWPWIL     0512     John Fitzpatrick     Ellis Hollow Rd, Dryden

YEBFLY     0512     Jay McGowan     Hawthorn Orchard, Ithaca

SEDWRE     0513     Alan Belford     Carncross Rd, Savannah

SEMSAN     0515     Larry Draper     Main Pool mud, Montezuma NWR, Tyre

SHBDOW     0515     Dave Kennedy     Wildlife Dr, Montezuma NWR, Tyre

WHRSAN     0516     Jay McGowan     Wildlife Dr, Montezuma NWR, Tyre

BRNOWL     0519     Chris T-H     NFC, Etna, Dryden

ACAFLY     0521     Chris Wood     Ford Hill, Lansing

RUDTUR     0524     Stuart Krasnoff     Visitor Ctr/Wildlife Dr, Montezuma NWR, 

WILPHA     0524     Ann Mitchell, Dave Nutter; Sandy Podulka     
Mnox-Marsellus, E Rd; Main Pool, Montezuma NWR; Tyre

AMGPLO     0525     Jay McGowan     Main Pool mud, Montezuma NWR, Tyre

WHIMBR     0525     Jay McGowan     Knox-Marsellus, Towpath Rd, Tyre

YETWAR     0525     France Kehas-Dewaghe     Newman Golf, Ithaca

SANDER     0601     Jay McGowan     Myers Pt, Lansing

ARCTER     0602     Kevin McGowan     Myers Pt & Salt Pt, Lansing

BRNPEL     0605     Mike Duttweiler     Poplar Beach Rd, Romulus

LEABIT     0605     IBA Monitoring     Van Dyne Spoor Rd, Savannah

NORBOB     0608     Brian Maltzan     Midline Rd E/Hollister Rd, Dryden


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

Please submit your observations to eBird:


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