Hello all,

I've been meaning to send this, but am just getting around to it now. Sorry.

Over the past 3 weeks I've audio-recorded or heard Type 1 Red Crossbills at
the following locations in 
south-central NY:

Michigan Hill State Forest Richford: 6 birds at corner of Rockefeller and
Michigan Hill Rds  Michigan Hill 
SF. (6/12; call type unknown since look was quick)

Morgan Hill State Forest Fabius/Truxton: one Type 1 calling bird. (6/18) 

Muller Hill State Forest Georgetown/Otselic line: one Type 1 singing and
calling bird last Saturday. (7/2)

Ridge Rd Otselic: six type 1 birds singing, calling, pairing, chasing at 3
locations spread out along 
Ridge Rd last Saturday. (7/2)

North End Rd German: one flyover Type 1 bird. (7/2)

Pharsalia/New Michigan State Forest: a singing and calling Type 1 at
4-corners of North Rd and CCC 
Trucking Trail and a pair of Type 1 territorial birds south of 4 corners
near new tornado damage. (7/2)  
I've also heard several SWAINSON'S THRUSHES in the area. 

In central NY cone crops are as follows:


White spruce: 4.5 (some local variability especially with blue form, but
overall really good)
Red Spruce: 4.5 (few areas I know have all been very good)
Black Spruce: N/A (one area i checked was quite good)
Norway Spruce: 4.5 (some local variability, but overall most areas good to
E. Hemlock: 5 (very good to excellent across all areas; best cone crop in
many years)
Tamarack: 4.75 (very good to excellent across all areas; much more local
than hemlock)
European Larch: 4.25 (some local variability, but overall quite good to
very good)
White Pine: 3.5 (still developing some)
Red Pine: 2.5 (a few areas locally fair to good, but most areas poor-fair)

Overall cone crop in CNY is the best it's been since 2000. Synchrony is
great across nearly all species 
including white pine  --very unusual to have spruces, hemlock, larches AND
WHITE PINE producing in 
the same year. White Pine is variable with some areas poor, but many areas
are in the good range. 
Reports I've received from northern NY, Maine, NH, Vermont, PA and NC all
point towards a good to 
excellent cone crop. So, synchrony is great across a large area.  It's hard
to say how many nesting 
finches we'll see since cone crop covers such a large area, but I strongly
suspect we'll see at least 
modest numbers of nesting siskins and crossbills across many parts of the
northeast as the year 
progresses. The big question is, will we see the larger influxes of WW
Crossbills, Siskins and Red 
Crossbill Types 3 and 10 as the year progresses. Time will tell. 


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1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds
3) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html

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