Hi Cayugabirders,

I spent time in Stewart Park both Saturday and Sunday mornings, primarily to 
take scenic photos for the soon-to-be-updated Basin Birding Site Guide. The 
biggest excitement though was several raptor experiences that easily distracted 
me from the waterfowl flocks.

Yesterday morning (Saturday), a Red-tailed Hawk flew down to land on a large 
log just offshore. When I approached it I found it was feeding on an American 
Coot (whether or not it actually caught the coot, I don't know but I think not 
as I did not notice a scuffle as I was approaching the bird). It was cool to 
see the hawk plucking feathers from the coot, and watching the feathers float 
away. After about 40 minutes feeding, the hawk, presumably sated, let the coot 
slide into the water, looked at it with a slightly bemused expression for a 
couple of minutes (sorry for the anthropomorphism), then flew away.

A couple of Red-tailed images are here:



Today (Sunday), Gary K. pointed out a/the adult Bald Eagle perched on a snag. 
Later while I was photographing waterfowl, a Merlin flew up into a tree nearby 
where it duly posed for many images, at one point preening and spreading its 
tail elegantly. It was still there when I left around 11:20 am. Here's a photo 
of the Merlin:


A very raptor-y weekend at I always think of as a very waterfowl-y birding spot!


Marie Read Wildlife Photography
452 Ringwood Road
Freeville NY  13068 USA

Phone  607-539-6608
e-mail   m...@cornell.edu


Cayugabirds-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/cayugabirds-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/CAYU.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/Cayugabirds

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