My understanding is that Salt Point, the part of the delta north of Salmon Creek, although owned by the DEC has for the last couple years been managed by the Town of Lansing, who put in the gravel loop road.  I agree that their decision to wreck so much good bird habitat by clearing the eastern half, and for no obvious good purpose, is tragic.  That area was good for Brown Thrasher and Northern Shrike among many other species  I haven't been in there in awhile.  Have they cleared even more?
--Dave Nutter

On May 30, 2011, at 07:03 PM, Meena Haribal <> wrote:
Yellow-billed Cuckoo at Myers Point I am annoyed that the DEC has cleared lots of brush habitat to make way for a mowed barren land, which in past were home for Willow Flycatchers, Yellow warblers, Orioles and other Common birds. Why they dont understand that barren land is no good to any wildlife.
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