[ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] 'Mushroom' shipping dewar for Rigaku pucks

2010-03-25 Thread Dirk Reinert
Hi Todd,

In case no one answered: We have several of those MVE dry shippers and
sometimes use them to store Rigaku pucks. The racks do not fit in nicely. You
have to use some force to get them into the shipper, but it works.


Dr. Dirk Reinert

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH  Co. KG
A Leitstrukturfindung
Tel.: +49 (7351) 54-97892
Fax: +49 (7351) 83-97892

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH  Co. KG, Sitz: Ingelheim am Rhein;
Registergericht Mainz: HR A 22206; Komplementär Boehringer Ingelheim
Deutschland GmbH; Geschäftsführung: Dr. Engelbert Günster (Vorsitzender),
Ralf Gorniak, Felix Gutsche, Mark Hagmann, Dr. Martin Wanning; Vorsitzender
des Aufsichtsrates: Engelbert Tjeenk Willink; Sitz: Ingelheim am Rhein;
Registergericht Mainz: HR B 23260

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 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] Im Auftrag von
 Todd Geders
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. März 2010 23:40
 Betreff: [ccp4bb] 'Mushroom' shipping dewar for Rigaku pucks
 We're searching for a 'mushroom' shipping dewar (i.e. rounded sites
 and domed lid) to keep FedEx from laying our dry shipper on its side
 despite giant arrows and signs stating otherwise.
  From my look at descriptions and specifications, I believe the MVE SC
 4/3V dry shipper dewar and 'minimoover' protective carton will hold a
 single Rigaku ACTOR storage rack of pucks.
 Since no one local has this particular dewar, can anyone tell me if
 they've shipped Rigaku (or ALS) pucks in a MVE SC 4/3V dry shipper?
 Thanks in advance,
 Todd Geders
 University of Minnesota
 Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry
 308 Harvard St. SE, #8-101WDH
 Minneapolis, MN 55455
 Office 2-163 WDH / Lab 2-160 WDH
 Phone: 612-624-2448

[ccp4bb] N-term sequencing facility

2010-03-25 Thread Tim Keys
Hi all,

can anyone recommend an N-terminal sequencing facility in Germany, or nearby in 
Europe, which does seqquencing of PVDF blotted protein?

Perhaps replies off-board are best and I can post a summary anyone interested.

Thanks in advance,
Tim Keys

PhD Student
Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
Zelluläre Chemie, OE 4330
Zentrum Biochemie
Carl-Neubergstr. 1
30625 Hannover

Re: [ccp4bb] 2,3-butanediol

2010-03-25 Thread MARTYN SYMMONS
One thing I found with 2,3-Butanediol was for some crystallizations you can 
make it up a cryo solution with it at 12% and then put a thin layer it on top 
of the crystal droplet in a sitting drop well. Then you can loop the crystal 
and pull it up through the cryo layer - then out and to N2(l).  Just how brief 
this is depends on your dexterity and also how well the crystal is engaged in 
the loop. My crystals were not very happy about the cryo but I could make it 
brief enough to get them out intact.

Good luck,


Martyn Symmons
MBU Cambridge

- Original Message 
From: Sean Seaver s...@p212121.com
Sent: Wednesday, 24 March, 2010 18:47:38
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] 2,3-butanediol

Dear all,
I would like to know which is the more suitable method of using 2,3-Butanediol 
as cryoprotectant? Addition in to reservoir buffer or crystal soaking or both 
can be tried?

I am sure both could be tried, but have found quite few papers mentioning brief 
soaking with 2,3-butanediol:

Purification, crystallization and X-ray diffraction analysis of the 
extracellular part of the human Fc receptor for IgA, Fc[alpha]RI (CD89)
5-10 seconds

Purification, crystallization and X-ray analysis of Hibiscus chlorotic ringspot 
described as 'briefly'

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray analysis of recombinant human acid 
[beta]-glucocerebrosidase, a treatment for Gaucher's disease
described as 'briefly'

Crystallization and preliminary X-ray crystallographic studies of recombinant 
human betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase
'quickly transferred'

Purification, crystallization and X-ray analysis of Hibiscus chlorotic ringspot 
5% increments from 5 to 30% for 3 min at each step

Hope that helps,


[ccp4bb] summary: Display X-ray images in windows

2010-03-25 Thread Paul Lindblom
Thanks to everyone who answered. There are many ways to display the images.
Summarized here are the answers:

   - adxv 

   Run it with the option -nopixmap if you are using it inside an NX
   - There is also BDXV: an open-source viewer for ADSC-style *.img files
   being developed by the BSCB here at ALS:


   You will need GTK installed for this to work.

   - imosflm works very nicely indeed on windows, and needs no third-party

   - use idiffdisp

   - As I recently learnt from Andy Arvai, the -nopixmap is not needed if
   the (free) NX server has
   in its node.conf .

   - I think its's basically a TIF format and any program should work. I am
   using photoline32.

Re: [ccp4bb] R merge and R init

2010-03-25 Thread George M. Sheldrick
What XPREP (and some other programs) calls Rint is the same as Rmerge
and is given by 100Sum|I-I|/Sum(I) where the sums are calculated
over all reflections with more than one equivalent (symmetry
equivalents and identical indices), I is the intensity of an 
individual reflection and I is the mean intensity of a group of
equivalents. As Manfred Weiss, Kay Diederichs and others have 
pointed out, it would be better to quote R-values corrected for the
multiplicity of observations so that they do not increase as you
add data, but if your reviewer wants Rmerge (alias Rsym or Rint) he
or she should be given it.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Wed, 24 Mar 2010, Muhammed bashir Khan wrote:

 Dear All;
 I have a crystal structure collected on in house X-ray facility from
 Bruker using Xprep. I submitted the paper but the reviewer ask for the R
 merge. As I can't access to the computer at the moment its crashed out.
 But I have the prp file which have the R init values. My question is!!!
 1)Can I use the R init value instead of Rmerge?
 2)If yes how it has been calculated, I mean the mathematical formula so
 that I can write below the table.
 Thank you very much for the help in advance
 Muhammad Bashir Khan
 Department for Biomolecular Structural Chemistry
 Max F. Perutz Laboratories
 University of Vienna
 Campus Vienna Biocenter 5
 A-1030 Vienna
 Phone: +43(1)427752224
 Fax: +43(1)42779522

[ccp4bb] Calculation of the net charge of an electrostatic surface for secondary structural elements

2010-03-25 Thread Page, Rebecca
Dear CPP4 community,


I am in search of a program that will calculate the net charge of an
electrostatic surface formed by individual secondary structural elements
(versus the entire protein)  of a structure: for example, the net charge
of the electrostatic surface of helices 2 and 3 versus, say, helices 3
and 4 of the same protein. 



Thanks in advance,





Re: [ccp4bb] ccp4 vs. phenix special position atoms

2010-03-25 Thread Maia Cherney

Hi Pavel,

you should add to the explanation what /==1 and !=1 are, as the majority 
of people don't know.


==  : equal

!= : not equal

Pavel Afonine wrote:

Hi Regina,

this subject was discussed on PHENIX bulletin board some time ago:


I think this answers your question; please let me know otherwise.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by (except that refinement will fail 
if the special position atoms are not a separate group in 
refinement). If something fails in phenix.refine then I would to know 
about it so I (or someone else) can fix it asap. We can discuss it 


On 3/23/10 1:37 PM, Regina Kettering wrote:

Hello all.

I have a refinement that includes atoms at special positions, am 
unsure how to delineate them in CCP4 vs. PHENIX programs.  According 
to the information, for CCP4 you can reduce the occupancy by the 
appropriate amount, depending on the axis (2-fold to 0.5, 3-fold to 
0.33, etc).  However, I have not been able to determine whether 
PHENIX uses this same convention (except that refinement will fail if 
the special position atoms are not a separate group in refinement).  
My refinement uses PHENIX TLS, so I would rather continue using PHENIX. 
Thanks in advance.

Regina Kettering

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculation of the net charge of an electrostatic surface for secondary structural elements

2010-03-25 Thread Tim Gruene
Hello Rebecca,

this is merely a guess, but I think, it should work.

As you calculate the electrostatic surface potential in pymol, it uses apbs.
apbs, if I remember correctly creates an intermediate PDB-file where the
B-factor column is replaced with the partial charge of that atom.

So if you can get hold of that file you can use a text editor to cut out the
helices of interest into separate files and use shell commands to sum up the
B-factor columns.

The following (all in one line, in case any mail program splits the line) adds
up the B-values in the PDB-file:

grep ^ATOM helix.pdb|cut -c61-66|awk '{pcharge += $1}END{print pcharge}'

Having said that I would be curious to hear what the community has to say about
how trustful and meaningful such calculations actually are, because I have
always wondered about this since I looked at my first GRASP surface.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 11:03:29AM -0400, Page, Rebecca wrote:
 Dear CPP4 community,
 I am in search of a program that will calculate the net charge of an
 electrostatic surface formed by individual secondary structural elements
 (versus the entire protein)  of a structure: for example, the net charge
 of the electrostatic surface of helices 2 and 3 versus, say, helices 3
 and 4 of the same protein. 
 Thanks in advance,

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


Description: Digital signature

[ccp4bb] Editing mesh in pymol?

2010-03-25 Thread Paul Lindblom
Hi everybody,

can anybody tell me how to increase the number of lines in a mesh, when I
generated a electron density map in pymol? My mesh has to much space between
the lines.
The command min mesh spacing doesn't work, though I'm not sure, if this
the right command at all.



Re: [ccp4bb] Editing mesh in pymol?

2010-03-25 Thread Roger Rowlett

One option is to use the map_double command to
make a finer mesh, e.g.,

map_double mymap.map, -1

The maps produced by CCP4 by default are typically too coarse.


On 3/25/2010 12:00 PM, Paul Lindblom wrote:
Hi everybody,
can anybody tell me how to increase the number of lines in a mesh, when
I generated a electron density map in pymol? My mesh has to much space
between the lines.
The command "min mesh spacing" doesn't work, though I'm not sure, if
this the right command at all.

[ccp4bb] A postdoc position is available

2010-03-25 Thread Xiao Dan Li
A postdoc position in membrane protein structural biology is available in the 
Biomolecular Research Laboratory (BMR) at the Paul Scherrer Institute, 
Switzerland. The successful candidate will work on the production, 
characterization, crystallization and structure determination of the serotonin 
receptors in different conformational states by X-ray crystallography. The 
project is funded by our external industrial partner, Heptares Therapeutics 
Ltd. The successful candidate will benefit from the BMR high throughput cloning 
and protein expression platform to speed up the cloning, expression, 
purification and crystallization steps. The protein crystallography beamlines 
of the Swiss Light Source (SLS) at PSI also provide excellent conditions for 
carrying out crystallographic work. Both Xiao-Dan Li and Gebhard Schertler have 
extensive experience in the structure determination of membrane proteins using 
X-ray crystallography as well as electron microscopy.

Candidates with a background in biological/chemical sciences and with a 
thorough knowledge of the basic techniques of molecular biology, biochemistry 
and biophysics are encouraged to apply. Experience in mammalian protein 
expression systems, purification, characterization and structure determination 
of membrane proteins is highly desirable. Being an enthusiastic researcher and 
a good team player will help to ensure your success in this exciting field of 

The contract will initially be for 2 years with the possibility of a one year 
extension. Applications including full curriculum vitae and the names of 3 
academic referees should be sent to: Xiao-Dan Li, xiao...@psi.ch and Gebhard 
Schertler , gebhard.schert...@psi.ch.

Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] 'Mushroom' shipping dewar for Rigaku pucks

2010-03-25 Thread Dirk Reinert
Uups: We're using MVE SC 4/2V. Dirk

 Datum: Thu, 25 Mar 2010 08:33:40 +0100
 Von: Dirk Reinert dirk.rein...@boehringer-ingelheim.com
 Betreff: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] \'Mushroom\' shipping dewar for Rigaku pucks

 Hi Todd,
 In case no one answered: We have several of those MVE dry shippers and
 sometimes use them to store Rigaku pucks. The racks do not fit in nicely.
 have to use some force to get them into the shipper, but it works.
 Dr. Dirk Reinert
 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH  Co. KG
 A Leitstrukturfindung
 Tel.: +49 (7351) 54-97892
 Fax: +49 (7351) 83-97892
 Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH  Co. KG, Sitz: Ingelheim am Rhein;
 Registergericht Mainz: HR A 22206; Komplementär Boehringer Ingelheim
 Deutschland GmbH; Geschäftsführung: Dr. Engelbert Günster
 Ralf Gorniak, Felix Gutsche, Mark Hagmann, Dr. Martin Wanning;
 des Aufsichtsrates: Engelbert Tjeenk Willink; Sitz: Ingelheim am Rhein;
 Registergericht Mainz: HR B 23260
 Diese E-Mail ist vertraulich zu behandeln. Sie kann besonderem rechtlichen
 Schutz unterliegen. Wenn Sie nicht der richtige Adressat sind, senden Sie
 bitte diese E-Mail an den Absender zurück, löschen die eingegangene
 und geben den Inhalt der E-Mail nicht weiter. Jegliche unbefugte
 Nutzung, Vervielfältigung oder Verbreitung ist verboten. / This e-mail is
 confidential and may also be legally privileged. If you are not the
 recipient please reply to sender, delete the e-mail and do not disclose
 contents to any person. Any unauthorized review, use, disclosure, copying
 distribution is strictly prohibited.
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] Im Auftrag von
  Todd Geders
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 23. März 2010 23:40
  Betreff: [ccp4bb] 'Mushroom' shipping dewar for Rigaku pucks
  We're searching for a 'mushroom' shipping dewar (i.e. rounded sites
  and domed lid) to keep FedEx from laying our dry shipper on its side
  despite giant arrows and signs stating otherwise.
   From my look at descriptions and specifications, I believe the MVE SC
  4/3V dry shipper dewar and 'minimoover' protective carton will hold a
  single Rigaku ACTOR storage rack of pucks.
  Since no one local has this particular dewar, can anyone tell me if
  they've shipped Rigaku (or ALS) pucks in a MVE SC 4/3V dry shipper?
  Thanks in advance,
  Todd Geders
  University of Minnesota
  Dept. of Medicinal Chemistry
  308 Harvard St. SE, #8-101WDH
  Minneapolis, MN 55455
  Office 2-163 WDH / Lab 2-160 WDH
  Phone: 612-624-2448

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Re: [ccp4bb] Calculation of the net charge of an electrostatic surface for secondary structural elements

2010-03-25 Thread Miguel Ortiz Lombardia

Le 25 mars 2010 à 16:43, Tim Gruene a écrit :

 Hello Rebecca,
 this is merely a guess, but I think, it should work.
 As you calculate the electrostatic surface potential in pymol, it uses apbs.
 apbs, if I remember correctly creates an intermediate PDB-file where the
 B-factor column is replaced with the partial charge of that atom.
 So if you can get hold of that file you can use a text editor to cut out the
 helices of interest into separate files and use shell commands to sum up the
 B-factor columns.
 The following (all in one line, in case any mail program splits the line) adds
 up the B-values in the PDB-file:
 grep ^ATOM helix.pdb|cut -c61-66|awk '{pcharge += $1}END{print pcharge}'
 Having said that I would be curious to hear what the community has to say 
 how trustful and meaningful such calculations actually are, because I have
 always wondered about this since I looked at my first GRASP surface.

It depends on what you want to do with the information. If you want something 
qualitative, like to decide whether a helix is more or less negative than 
another, it may be enough. But that's about all you can get from this approach. 
The coordinate file that you mention (in pqr format in fact) it's not unique 
and is not produced by APBS, but by other tools, such as pdb2pqr. That file 
will include charges and atom radii as derived from a particular force field. 
For surface representations, the PARSE force-field is a simple and perhaps good 
representation. In this force field the charges and atom radii are not the same 
than in other force fields, like CHARMM or AMBER. From this pqr file, APBS 
solves the Poisson-Boltzmann equation under certain conditions. Those include, 
for example, the presence of counter-ions in the implicit solvent. So, the 
results depend on the way you pose the problem, something that standard plugin 
users perhaps/probably don't do.

In any case, I must confess that I don't understand what a net charge of an 
electrostatic surface means. In my mind, a net charge is a property of a 
molecule not of a surface. Actually, I would say that electrostatic surface 
is a shorcut for something like a surface-mapped electrostatic potential. The 
electrostatic potential is not restricted to the molecular surface and its 
representation as an isosurface is often more informative than its mapping to a 
particular surface.

These calculations can be very useful, for example to study binding properties, 
provided they are carried out carefully.


-- Miguel

Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques (UMR6098)
CNRS, Universités d'Aix-Marseille I  II
Case 932, 163 Avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille cedex 9, France
Tel: +33(0) 491 82 55 93
Fax: +33(0) 491 26 67 20
e-mail: miguel.ortiz-lombar...@afmb.univ-mrs.fr
Web: http://www.pangea.org/mol/spip.php?rubrique2

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

[ccp4bb] structures with distinct substrate conformations

2010-03-25 Thread Brock Schuman
My literature search is not going so well.

can anyone think of examples of the same substrate (not
oxidized/reduced, intermediates or analogs) bound to the same enzyme
(not mutants) binding site, but with one moiety adopting a drastically
different conformation between different structures/datasets with
unambiguous density?

Brock Schuman, Graduate Student
Department of Biochemistry  Microbiology
University of Victoria