[ccp4bb] postdoc position in X-ray crystallography and EM

2019-05-09 Thread Alexandra Deaconescu

Dear ccp4bb,

Please see the ad below for a postdoc position. Thank you!



*at Brown University, USA*

The Deaconescu Lab at Brown University has one opening for a 
postdoctoral researcher. The laboratory's interest is the interplay 
between DNA repair and other cellular processes including transcription 
and chromatin remodeling, and is focused on elucidating the function and 
mechanochemistry of DNA-based motors using a combination of biochemical, 
biophysical and structural techniques. (e.g. X-ray crystallography, 
small-angle X-ray scattering, transmission electron microscopy). *For 
examples of work, please see Dorich V et al. /Genes & Development/ (in 
press), Le TT et al. /Cell/ (2018), Vemu A et al. /Science/ (2018), 
Kutter et al. /JMB/ (2016), Szyk et al, /Cell/ (2014), Deaconescu et 
al., /PNAS/ (2012) and Szyk et al., /NSMB/ (2012). *

A successful candidate would be proficient with specimen preparation, 
data collection as well as the processing of data acquired using 
electron cryo-microscopy or X-ray crystallography and should also have 
the following qualifications: a Ph.D. in the field of structural biology 
or a related field; an established track-record of publications in 
peer-reviewed journals.Experience in protein biochemistry would be a 
plus, but training and technical assistance will be provided if the 
project requires it. Must be highly motivated and work independently as 
well as in a team. Excellent spoken and written English are required. 
New Ph.D. graduates are encouraged to apply.

*Interested candidates should send a CV, one page research experience 
summary and contact information for three references to 
*.*Position is available 
immediately.Please write Postdoctoral Candidate in the e-mail subject 
header.Brown University, an Ivy League school, is located less than one 
hour away by train from Boston.Lab webpage: https://deaconesculab.com

Alexandra M. Deaconescu, B.E., Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Molecular Biology, Cell Biology and Biochemistry

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Re: [ccp4bb] Engineering Recombinant Proteins: Biochem Soc Training day, Nov 4-5, 2019

2019-05-09 Thread Evans, Nicola
Dear All,

A reminder that the earlybird deadline for the course on Protein engineering by 
the Biochemical Society is coming up on the 15th May.

For more information the link is here:


Protein engineering II: from new molecules to new processes
15—17 July 2019

University of York, UK

The ability to engineer proteins to tackle new challenges has had a 
transformational effect across the biological and physical sciences, in both 
industrial and academic settings. The rate at which new methods are being 
developed shows no sign of slowing. This timely meeting will cover recent 
developments in the engineering of proteins. Themes include new methods such as 
computational design, high throughput screening, and genetic code expansion, 
targets such as new biotherapeutics, scaffolds and catalysts, and the 
applications to which these are being applied, including diagnostics and 
sensing, nanotechnology, and synthetic biology. As such this will be an 
interdisciplinary meeting that will demonstrate the state-of-the-art of the 
field, and will bring together a diverse set of researchers, making this an 
ideal forum for the exchange of new ideas.

Oral communication slots are available at this meeting. All attendees, 
particularly researchers in the early stages of their career, are invited to 
submit a poster abstract for consideration as an oral communication.

Programme Coordinators:

Rivka Isaacson, King's College London

Andrew Thomson, University of Glasgow

Dafydd Jones, Cardiff University

Paul Ko Ferrigno, Metalinear

From: CCP4 bulletin board  on behalf of Amir Khan 

Sent: 08 April 2019 14:37:00
Subject: [ccp4bb] Engineering Recombinant Proteins: Biochem Soc Training day, 
Nov 4-5, 2019


This is a ‘save-the-date’ message for an upcoming ‘Training Day’ organized by 
Biochemical Society.  The event will be held in London (UK) and is entitled:

‘Engineering recombinant proteins for structural and functional studies’

The programme will address the limiting step in structural studies - the 
production of
pure and homogenous proteins.  Talks and discussions at this event will explore 
to optimize membrane and soluble proteins for crystallization, cryo-EM and NMR 
Discussions will include construct optimization, novel thermostability assays,
crystallization tools and ‘tricks of the trade’ to enable structure 

This event is particlarly directed toward early-stage graduate students in 
structural biology.
However, anyone interested in generating soluble proteins for a variety of 
such as enzymatic assays and antibody production, would be welcome to attend.
Manufacturers of instruments and techniques to assay purity and homogeneity
will be available for ‘hands-on’ demonstrations.

The list of invited speakers are experienced in the structure determination of
membrane proteins, cytosolic/secreted proteins, and macromolecular signaling 

Edmund Kunji, Cambridge
Daniel Panne, Leicester
Maria Sasi Conte, King’s College
Naomi Chayen, Imperal College
Laura Itzhaki, Cambridge
Chris Tate, Cambridge

More details about the programme and venue will be provided in the coming weeks.

Best wishes,

Amir Khan, Trinity College Dublin
Rivka Isaacson, King’s College

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[ccp4bb] PhD position available at Free University of Bolzano, Italy

2019-05-09 Thread Benini Stefano
Dear All,

A PhD position fully funded for three years by the Free University of Bolzano 
is available to work in my group.

The work involves gene cloning, protein expression, purification and 
crystallization to solve the structure and characterize biochemically the 
enzymes of interest.

The successful candidate will choose his/her PhD project between these 2:

1. Biomolecular characterization of the amylovoran biosynthetic pathway in the 
plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora

2. Siderophore mediated iron uptake in the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora and 
in Aspergillus fumigatus

We have strong connections with international scientific institutions where 
students spend their period of additional training

Information on how to apply could be found below:



they are both on this page:


Bolzano is located in the north of Italy in the Dolomites area. Outdoor 
activities include hiking, climbing, skiing
Not far from Trento, Garda Lake and Verona

Best regards

Stefano Benini, Ph.D. Assistant Professor


Guest editor of "Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes: Structure, Activity and Reaction 
A special issue of International Journal of Molecular 
Sciences (IF 3.69) (ISSN 1422-0067). This 
special issue belongs to the section "Molecular 
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 July 2019

[Banner H_smaller]

"I don't like anything that's fake and I hate pretenders!"
Bioorganic chemistry and Bio-Crystallography laboratory (B2Cl)
Faculty of Science and Technology
Free University of Bolzano
Piazza Università, 5
39100 Bolzano, Italy
Office (room K2.14):  +39 0471 017128
Laboratory (room E.021): +39 0471 017910
Fax: +39 0471 017009

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[ccp4bb] PhD position in electron crystallography

2019-05-09 Thread Tim Gruene
Dear all,

The Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis of the University of Vienna has an 
open PhD position in the field of chemical crystallography with electron 
diffraction with a focus on bioinorganic chemistry. 
The project connects directly to the recent results in electron 
crystallography published in Angewandte Chemie 
(https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201811318) and Acta Cryst D 

The project focuses on the interpretability of electron diffraction data as 
electrostatic potential. An experimental determination of the electrostatic 
potential of a crystal structure opens new approaches for various chemically 
relevant question, e.g. the protonation state, oxidation state of metal 
complexes, or the nature of halogen bonds. 

The project may include interesting collaborations with pharmaceutical and 
catalytic industry partners.

Applicants for this PhD position must have experience single crystal X-ray 
diffraction including crystallographic data processing, e.g. XDS, DIALS, or 
APEX/Proteum, as well as structure refinement of chemical structures with 
SHELXL, OLEX, or equivalent. Knowledge in computing is a plus.

Applicants should send a letter of motivation, their CV, and contact details 
of at least one reference to me.

Best regards,
Tim Gruene

Tim Gruene
Head of the Centre for X-ray Structure Analysis
Faculty of Chemistry
University of Vienna

Phone: +43-1-4277-70202


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[ccp4bb] CCP4 Workshop at ECM-32

2019-05-09 Thread Eugene Krissinel
Dear All,

Please take a notice of a 1-day CCP4 Workshop, which will be run as part of
ECM-32 meeting in Vienna on 17th of August 2019. Full information may be
found here:


Please register if you are interested. Everybody is invited.

Kind regards,

Eugene Krissinel.

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[ccp4bb] Position Available at Evotec

2019-05-09 Thread McEwan, Paul
Dear All,
Please note I've had several emails from prospective applicants regarding 
failure of our weblink on the advert.

Could all applicants please repost applications through this weblink below:


Best wishes,
Paul McEwan, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist, Structural Biology
+44 (0)1235 83 8802  (Direct)
+44 (0)1235 86 3139  (Fax)

Evotec (UK) Ltd.
114 Innovation Drive,
Milton Park, Abingdon
Oxfordshire OX14 4RZ, UK


This email and any attachments may contain confidential, proprietary, 
privileged and/or private information.  
If received in error, please notify us immediately by reply email and then 
delete this email and any attachments from your system. Thank you!


Evotec (UK) Ltd is a limited company registered in England and Wales. 
Registration number:2674265. Registered office: 114 Innovation Drive, Milton 
Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RZ, United Kingdom.

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[ccp4bb] Two cryo-EM positions at CSSB in Hamburg, DE

2019-05-09 Thread Thomas White
Hi everyone,

Two positions are available in the cryo-EM facility at the Centre for
Structural Systems Biology (CSSB) in Hamburg.  More information below.

> We are seeking for support! We will recruit two scientists for
> training and supporting many users in structural and systems biology
> of infection ! We are looking for enthusiastic, cooperative, and
> inspiring people with a good background in cryoEM! If you are
> interested please check out the links below. Deadline is May 10th.



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