[ccp4bb] Beam time available at upgraded MacCHESS

2019-09-24 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
Got crystals to check out? The Fall 2019 run at CHESS begins October 16, and 
it's not too late to apply for time. Proposals are accepted any time for beam 
time at the newly upgraded MacCHESS beamlines:

BioSAXS station (formerly G1) - on-site or mail-in BioSAXS, featuring:
* 7-14 KeV, standard beam size 250x200 micron, smaller beam available. In 
commissioning experiment with 50 mA particle beam, 14 KeV X-rays, got 1.4E11 
ph/s through 80x80 micron aperture
* SAXS/WAXS, loading from multiwell trays or effluent from column 
(size-exclusion, ion-exchange, high pressure)

* in-line DLS/MALS
* high-pressure cell
* microfluidic cell for time-resolved experiments
* user-friendly, flexible, experimental control system
* RAW data processing system
* excellent staff support
* coming in November, in-vacuum EIGER 4M detector

FlexX station - on-site or remote macromolecular crystallography, featuring:
* 7-14 KeV, undulator source with multilayer monochromator for high flux. In 
commissioning, with 50 mA particle beam, measured 2E11 ph/s through 100x100 
micron aperture

* single-axis goniostat, PILATUS3 6M detector, BAM2 automounter
* standard crystallography available at start-up, fixed-target serial 
crystallography in early 2020

* high pressure cryocooling available
* data collection at high pressure using a diamond anvil cell under development
* excellent staff support
* we welcome "non-standard" experiments!

Visit http://www.chess.cornell.edu for more information.

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[ccp4bb] Beamtime at upgraded CHESS

2019-08-29 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
Having completed a major upgrade, CHESS (Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source) 
is accepting proposals for beamtime. Of most interest to this community:

BioSAXS station (formerly G1) - on-site or mail-in BioSAXS, featuring:
* 7-14 KeV, standard beam size 250x200 micron, smaller beam available. In 
commissioning experiment with 50 mA particle beam, 14 KeV X-rays, got 1.4E11 
ph/s through 80x80 micron aperture
* SAXS/WAXS, loading from multiwell trays or effluent from column 
(size-exclusion, ion-exchange, high pressure)

* in-line DLS/MALS
* high-pressure cell
* microfluidic cell for time-resolved experiments
* user-friendly, flexible, experimental control system
* RAW data processing system
* excellent staff support
* coming soon, in-vacuum EIGER 4M detector

FlexX station - on-site or remote macromolecular crystallography, featuring:
* 7-14 KeV, undulator source with multilayer monochromator for high flux. In 
commissioning, with 50 mA particle beam, measured 2E11 ph/s through 100x100 
micron aperture

* single-axis goniostat, PILATUS3 6M detector, BAM2 automounter
* standard crystallography available when CHESS comes up in October, 
fixed-target serial crystallography in early 2020

* high pressure cryocooling available
* data collection at high pressure using a diamond anvil cell under development
* excellent staff support
* we welcome "non-standard" experiments!

Visit http://www.chess.cornell.edu for more information.

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[ccp4bb] Proteins under Pressure at CHESS Users' Meeting

2019-05-08 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi
The annual CHESS Users' Meeting will be held June 4-5, 2019 at Cornell, Ithaca, 
NY. CHESS has just completed a major upgrade to its storage ring and beamlines; 
the meeting will be a great place to find out about the new opportunities for 
science created by CHESS-U, and see the new facilities.

There will be two workshops at the meeting; of particular interest to this 
audience is one on Biomolecules Under Pressure. Speakers will introduce 
high-pressure bioscience as it relates to molecular biophysics, the evolution of 
life, food science and the instrumentation required to perform high-pressure 
biological experiments, primarily using crystallography and SAXS. The workshop 
will include a short overview of data acquisition at the CHESS BioSAXS station.

For more information, and to register, visit 

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[ccp4bb] Beam time available (soon!) at CHESS

2018-01-18 Thread D. Marian Szebenyi

Beamtime available at CHESS, Feb. 7 - June 4, 2018

The CHESS/MacCHESS facility, located at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY,
invites macromolecular crystallographers and users of BioSAXS to apply for time
on one or more of our stations:

F1 station, monochromatic wiggler source, suitable for crystallographic data
collection, at an energy appropriate for Se SAD phasing. Equipped with Dectris
Pilatus 6M detector and ALS-type automounter.

G1 station, undulator source with multilayer optics, suitable for BioSAXS
experiments, equipped with dual Pilatus 100-K detectors, automated
sample-handling, in-line SEC-SAXS capability; good data can be obtained over
q-range 0.006 - 0.7 (1/Å).

For 1 week only - G3 station, undulator source with multilayer optics, equipped 
for crystallography, with Pilatus 6M detector (no automounter for this test 
run). The hottest beam at CHESS!

= Special options ==

Pressure cryocooling of (unfrozen) crystals is available by prearrangement.
This method can reduce the damage induced by cryocooling, often with no need
for cryoprotectants (Kim et al., Acta Cryst. D61, 881-890 (2005)). In some
cases, it can reduce initial disorder (high mosaicity, anisotropic diffraction,
some kinds of twinning). Contact Marian Szebenyi (dm...@cornell.edu) for more
information on pressure cryocooling.

High-pressure and time-resolved BioSAXS techniques are under development and
are available on a collaborative basis. Contact Richard Gillilan
(r...@cornell.edu) if you are interested in cutting-edge BioSAXS work.

===  Support ===

CHESS/MacCHESS provides a high level of support for all users. We are
very willing to help with non-standard experimental setups - just ask.
Our staff scientists also invite collaborations for more extended
projects investigating novel techniques.

Remote data collection is available, as well as mail-in service.

 Applying for time 

Apply on-line at http://userdb.chess.cornell.edu. Applications are accepted
at any time, but early submission assures that we will have time to fully 
evaluate your proposal (especially if you have any special needs).

More information is available at the web site http://www.chess.cornell.edu, or
contact administrator Kathy Dedrick, k...@cornell.edu.