Re: [ccp4bb] Protein models with Cofactors, metal clusters and heme

2023-03-01 Thread Dias, Joao M.
Hi Joel,
Have you tried Alphafill:
AlphaFold Filled (

AlphaFill: enriching AlphaFold models with ligands and cofactors
Maarten L. Hekkelman, Ida de Vries, Robbie P. Joosten & Anastassis Perrakis
Nature Methods volume 20, pages205–213 (2023)

Good luck,

Joao M. Dias, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
Structural and Molecular Sciences
Building 220/ room 3263, MS-8220-3224
445 Eastern Point Rd.
Groton, CT 06340

From: CCP4 bulletin board  On Behalf Of Joel Tyndall
Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 4:10 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Protein models with Cofactors, metal clusters and 


I have a slightly off topic question around structure models, e.g. Homology 
modelling. It may appear that Alpha fold etc could make homology modelling 
somewhat redundant. However I have noticed that in at least two structures, 
either a cofactor or heme are not present on the Alphafold models (that I am 
aware of).

Is anyone aware of any webserver/package that will model these cofactors 
reliably (outside of modeller)?

Many thanks


Joel Tyndall | BSc(Hons) PhD

Professor in Medicinal Chemistry
School of Pharmacy | He Rau Kawakawa
University of Otago | Te Whare Wānanga o Otāgo
PO Box 56 9054
Dunedin | Ōtepoti
New Zealand | Aotearoa
Ph: 64 3 479 7293
Website |

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Re: [ccp4bb] Off topic - 3D models demonstrating drug binding to students

2023-02-15 Thread Dias, Joao M.
Hi Ed,
The future is already here... and virtual reality is your friend.
This is a field that will likely be revolutionized in the near future, and your 
students would get an advantage by being exposed to these new technologies.
You could check the following:
I wonder how they will respond to an academic collaboration, but you might be 
very surprised.
Let me know if you need more info or if you want me to make the introduction.

Good luck,

Joao M. Dias, Ph.D.
Principal Scientist
Structural and Molecular Sciences
Building 220/ room 3263, MS-8220-3224
445 Eastern Point Rd.
Groton, CT 06340

From: CCP4 bulletin board  On Behalf Of Edward Snell
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 3:13 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] Off topic - 3D models demonstrating drug binding 
to students

Dear CCP4,

I apologize if this is off topic but I thought this may be a good community to 
ask. Before we re-invent the wheel this end, we are looking for any commercial 
source of three-dimensional macromolecular models that can be used to teach how 
drugs are designed to fit to protein targets. Our audience is mid to advanced 
high-school students and we are looking for materials that can withstand being 
passed around the students and can teach basic concepts of how structure can 
inform ligand binding.

There are commercial sources of these models for macromolecules that we are 
aware of, but few if any that allow us to manipulate a drug and show how it 
fits to the model. We would love to find ones where a student may have name 
recognition of the drug concerned and we can show how it would fit to the 
target of that drug.

Any experience in this area and a source of such models would be greatly 
appreciated. We enjoy our interactions with these students and have the 
advantage of a professional high-school science teacher/science curriculum 
developer on staff with Nicole Terranova (copied on the email). Our program 
related to this is being developed and if anyone has any experiences with this 
nature of teaching, any offline feedback would be appreciated.

Thank you,


Edward Snell Ph.D.
President and CEO | Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
Director | NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology Center
Professor, Materials Design and Innovation | University at Buffalo, SUNY
Fellow of the American Crystallographic Association - The Structural Science 
p: +1 716 898 8631 | f: +1 716 898 8660
skype: eddie.snell
Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute
700 Ellicott Street | Buffalo, NY 14203-1102


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Re: [ccp4bb] [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] outliers

2022-11-08 Thread Dias, Joao M.
Hi James,
My initial thought is that a 3-sigma bond length deviation is significant.
When we make an experiment and observe something that doesn’t correspond to 
what we expect, it could be an error, or it could be that we found the thread 
for a new discovery. 

If the experimental data supports that deviation, I would look at the 
experimental data carefully because that can show you a surprise. Maybe it is a 
different bond than you were expecting? Maybe a different geometry? 
I assume you are talking about a protein crystal structure that was collected 
at the synchrotron, but you should analyze the data and consider what is the 
resolution of your data?
What is the completeness? What is the B-factor? How did you refine those bonds?
 If you have low resolution you might have more variability, but we typically 
impose more restrictions during refinement and might not observe those 

When you represent your crystal structure by a model, you have to consider that 
in a crystal you have an average of structures in the crystal lattice, and an 
average in time, where radiation damage is also occurring .

If the experiment is well done, the data might point you to something relevant.
Maybe the atoms you are considering C-C bond are not what you thought and 
therefore the bond is different.
One example can be observed in interactions of proteins with metals, where 
initially we refine the model thinking we have one metal and it shows a mixture 
of metals, or a completely different one. I know you will do a fluorescence 
scan in your MAD beamline to sort it out 

Best wishes,

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board  On Behalf Of James Holton
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2022 5:22 PM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ccp4bb] outliers

OK, so lets suppose there is this bond in your structure that is stretched a 
bit.  Is that for real? Or just a random fluke?  Let's say for example its a 
CA-CB bond that is supposed to be 1.529 A long, but in your model its 1.579 A.  
This is 0.05 A too long. Doesn't seem like much, right? But the "sigma" given 
to such a bond in our geometry libraries is 0.016 A.  These sigmas are 
typically derived from a database of observed bonds of similar type found in 
highly accurate structures, like small molecules. So, that makes this a 3-sigma 
Assuming the distribution of deviations is Gaussian, that's a pretty unlikely 
thing to happen. You expect 3-sigma deviates to appear less than 0.3% of the 
time.  So, is that significant?

But, then again, there are lots of other bonds in the structure. Lets say there 
are 1000. With that many samplings from a Gaussian distribution you generally 
expect to see a 3-sigma deviate at least once.  That is, do an "experiment" 
where you pick 1000 Gaussian-random numbers from a distribution with a standard 
deviation of 1.0. Then, look for the maximum over all 1000 trials. Is that one 
> 3 sigma? It probably is. If you do this "experiment" millions of times it 
turns out seeing at least one 3-sigma deviate in 1000 tries is very common. 
Specifically, about 93% of the time. It is rare indeed to have every member of 
a 1000-deviate set all lie within 3 sigmas.  So, we have gone from one 3-sigma 
deviate being highly unlikely to being a virtual certainty if you look at 
enough samples.

So, my question is: is a 3-sigma deviate significant?  Is it significant only 
if you have one bond in the structure?  What about angles? What if you have 500 
bonds and 500 angles?  Do they count as 1000 deviates together? Or separately?

I'm sure the more mathematically inclined out there will have some intelligent 
answers for the rest of us, however, if you are not a mathematician, how about 
a vote?  Is a 3-sigma bond length deviation significant? Or not?

Looking forward to both kinds of responses,

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

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