Re: [ccp4bb] how to convert matrix to angle

2007-07-08 Thread Douglas L. Theobald

To add a bit to what others have already said --

The formula that Kay gave ((a11 + a22 + a33 - 1) / 2) throws out 2/3  
of the rotational information.  A 3D rotation cannot be described  
completely by a single angle: minimally three angles are actually  
required.  There are many different ways, of course, to represent a  
3D rotation, and what Kay gave is one component of the "axis-angle"  
representation.  However, if you aren't interested per se in the axis  
of rotation, the angle from that formula will be the minimum possible  
angle required to rotate one domain/structure onto another -- and in  
that sense it is somewhat more intuitively apprehensible than the  
complete rotation.  Note that, in general, a translation is also  
required to completely specify the transformation necessary to  
superimpose two domains, and thus using just a single angle is  
ignoring 5/6 of the relevant information.

BTW, the corresponding axis of (unnormalized) rotation is given by  
[a21-a12, a02-a20, a10-102] (ignoring the annoying singularities at  
180 degrees).

If you use the most recent version of THESEUS to do your  
superpositions, the angle-axis representation is given in the  
transformations output file along with the matrix representation of  
the rotation.  And in general the rotation given by the maximum  
likelihood method used by THESEUS will be different from that of a  
conventional unweighted least-squares superposition (the ML rotation  
is much less artifactually biased by regions of a domain, like mobile  
loops, that differ in conformation between the two domains being  



On Jul 8, 2007, at 5:21 AM, Bernhard Rupp wrote:

Not that I want to open a can of worms here...
but could someone explain what is meant
with 'angle between domains'?

Thx, br

-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf  
Of Das,

Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2007 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] how to convert matrix to angle

  You can also use LSQKAB in CCP4 to get the angle between two similar


-Original Message-
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of Kay Diederichs
Sent: Sat 7/7/2007 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] how to convert matrix to angle

Jiamu Du schrieb:

Dear all:
I want to calculate the rotation angle between two similar  
domains. By
using Coot, I can superposr the two domain and get the rotation  

But how to convert this matrix to an angle. Is there any program can
calculate this ?

Jiamu Du,

If you have the rotation matrix
a11 a12 a13
a21 a22 a23
a31 a32 a33


(a11 + a22 + a33 - 1) / 2

is the cosine of the angle you're looking for.


Kay Diederichs
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tel +49 7531 88 4049 Fax 3183
Fachbereich Biologie, Universität Konstanz, Box M647, D-78457 Konstanz

Re: [ccp4bb] Kay Diederichs Email

2007-07-07 Thread Douglas L. Theobald
S/MIME signed/encrypted messages started crashing my Mail app long  
ago, after one of the first updates to 10.4.  I probably sent in a  
couple dozen of those crash reports, with absolutely zilch feedback,  
and of course I still have the problem.  From my end of things, those  
crash feedbacks are worthless, and I don't send them in anymore as I  
see them as a waste of my time.

On Jul 7, 2007, at 10:36 PM, Ian Ollmann wrote:

When an app crashes, you should be getting a little dialog box with  
the option to send a problem report of some kind to Apple. Send in  
the report. This sends in some diagnostic details about  
state when the crash occurred to Apple. Like crash reports are  
grouped together in a database and in a few weeks someone inside  
Apple gets a automated bug report with a title something like "172  
crashes in _funcname" along with some crash stack backtraces.  If  
you have the opportunity to do so, please also send in information  
about what steps you can take to reproduce the crash. Usually, the  
hardest thing about fixing bugs is reproducing them.

If you are a software developer registered with ADC you can short  
circuit the process and directly file a bug through Please attach a crash log and explain how to  
reproduce the problem.

This one sounds serious enough that it might be a candidate for a  
quick fix for the next MacOS X.4 support update, provided that the  
right people find out about it soon enough.


On Jul 7, 2007, at 1:15 PM, Douglas L. Theobald wrote:

Hey, I have the exact same problem.  I haven't been able to read  
SMIME signed/encrypted emails now for some time (Mail just  
crashes).   It is an intel apple bug of some sort.  If you find  
the email in ~/Library/Mail, you can plain text cut out the sig  
and read the email.  [Ick]  This is especially annoying since  
apple Mail used to have such nice native integration of SMIME.

Re: [ccp4bb] Kay Diederichs Email

2007-07-07 Thread Douglas L. Theobald
Hey, I have the exact same problem.  I haven't been able to read  
SMIME signed/encrypted emails now for some time (Mail just  
crashes).   It is an intel apple bug of some sort.  If you find the  
email in ~/Library/Mail, you can plain text cut out the sig and read  
the email.  [Ick]  This is especially annoying since apple Mail used  
to have such nice native integration of SMIME.



On Jul 7, 2007, at 6:38 PM, James Stroud wrote:

Hello All,

I'm not trying to pick on Kay Diederichs here, but is anyone else  
having trouble with Kay's email? I am using Mac Mail and it seems  
to be crashing as a result of his cryptographic signature file.  
This effect is not isolated as it crashes on both of my intel Macs.  
I am running OS X 10.4.10.

Apologies to Kay for the public question, but I was hoping to see  
if it was just my machines. My guess is that this is a bug from  
Apple and not any fault of Kay's. Also, I probably wouldn't bother  
in general, but his emails are usually worth reading.


Douglas L. Theobald
Assistant Professor
Department of Biochemistry
Mailstop 009
415 South St
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


Office: +1 (781) 736-2303
Cell:   +1 (718) 986-4457
Fax:+1 (781) 736-2349

GPG key ID: 38E9EB53

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Re: [ccp4bb] rmsd calculation

2007-05-11 Thread Douglas L. Theobald


I of course would suggest that you follow Olve's advice, and use  
theseus to do a maximum likelihood, simultaneous superposition of all  
your structures ( ).  The variable bits,  
like your loop, will be naturally down-weighted in a rigorous  
statistical manner.  Then you can look at the average structure file  
that is output (_ave.pdb at the end of the filename), and the B- 
factor column has the overall RMSD for each atom in there.  You can  
look at the full superposition (the _sup.pdb file) in rasmol or in  
pymol with the 'set all_states, on' command.

However, if you really need to do the very analysis that you asked  
about, the following bash script will do exactly that with theseus  
(you need both awk and theseus in your executable path).  It prints  
out the average RMSD for the atoms you specify in the loop, after  
pairwise least-squares superpositioning on all atoms other than the  
loop, for all possible pairwise combinations of your pdb files. (Note  
that in this script all backslashes '\' must have a carriage return  
immediately after them.)  You will need to change the lower and upper  
values at the top of the script (inclusive for the loop you want  
excluded).  You invoke the script something like " pdb1.pdb  
pdb2.pdb pdb3.pdb" or " *.pdb" to do all the .pdbs in one  
directory.  If you have any problems or have other specific  
superpositioning issues I'm glad to help out.




# everything including and between lower and upper
# is excluded from the superposition


for (( i = 0; i < [EMAIL PROTECTED]; ++i ))
  for (( j = 0; j < i; ++j ))
theseus -l -r ${name} -S ${lower}-${upper} ${pdbs[i]} ${pdbs[j]}\
> ${name}.log;
rmsd=$(cut -c 7-11,61-67 ${name}_ave.pdb |\
awk '{if ($1 > lo && $1 < up) {sum += $2; n++}}; END {print sum/ 

lo=${lower} up=${upper});
echo "${name} rmsd = ${rmsd}";

Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


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 / /  '   '

On May 11, 2007, at 1:58 PM, Olve Peersen wrote:

I would highly recommend Doug Theobald's program Theseus for this -  
the pictures at say it all.  Theseus does maximum  
likely hood superimpositions of multiple structures (i.e. NOT  
pairwise against a "master" copy), and the real beauty of it is  
that you don't have to pick which residues you want to  
superimpose.  Places where the whole set of structures show  
divergence are effectively down-weighted and don't contribute much  
to the final solution vs. least squares where every atom position  
has equal weight and the "bad" parts screw up the alignment of the  
"good" parts.  For this, I would do a Theseus superposition of all  
the structures and then analyze the set of superimposed structures  
by whatever method you want (e.g. rmsd of variances in important  
sections of the structures).

- Olve

Olve Peersen
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
1870 Campus Delivery
Colorado State University
Ft. Collins, CO  80523-1870
970.491-0433Office  (MRB 279)
970.491-0271Lab (MRB 149)

On May 11, 2007, at 11:15 AM, Donnie Berkholz wrote:

Eleanor Dodson wrote:
It is a bit clunky - you can use siperpose molecules - fit  
residues to
fit a selected range (1-40; 60-100 say) and write out a complete  

pdb file. Then you could use a VERY old program
compar  xyzin1 original.pdb xyzin2 fitted.pdb  (xyzin3 another.pdb)
and it will match all pairs with the same RESIDUE ID and give the  


There is documentation for it.

There's a nice (non-CCP4) program called ProFit that does a pretty  

job of superimposing with a lot of flexibility.


On May 10, 2007, at 6:45 PM, Jenny wrote:

Hi, All,

I have a question about rmsd calculation.

I have some pdbs (100 residues ) and these pdbs differ pretty  
much only the loop region 40-60. Is there any easy way that I can  
superimpose the fixed region ( 1-40,60-100) and then calculate  
the rmsd for the loop?I need to calculate for each pair, so if  
there is any script or program available to do this quickly, that  
would be great.



[ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize -- summary

2007-03-21 Thread Douglas L. Theobald
Thanks all who answered, and sorry for the delay -- I was held up  
having a date with a lovely quasi-species of norovirus.

I had asked the list for examples of proteins that are easily  
crystallizable, especially those that over-express and diffract well,  
not necessarily well-known.

The classics appear to be:

glucose isomerase
ribonuclease S
proteinase K

For recipes see the Hampton catalog or

Some perhaps lesser known proteins, but nice:

Concanavalin A
RluD, an E. coli pseudouridine synthase
Fc portion of antibody
bacterial antitoxin HigA, 2ICT
glycerol dehydrogenase from the yeast S. pombe
tRNA guanine transglycosylase (TGT, e. g. 1n2v)
cytochrome C peroxidase (CCP, e.g. 1AC4)
Cholesterol oxidase from Streptomyces
PepN from E.coli

Thanks again!


Re: [ccp4bb] superpose

2007-03-12 Thread Douglas L. Theobald

Hi Juan,

This doesn't directly apply to Superpose -- but THESEUS (which does  
both conventional least-squares and maximum likelihood  
superpositions) puts RMSD values by default in the B-factor column of  
the PDB of the mean structure for a superposition.  It is  
undocumented, but via the THESEUS also will weight the superposition  
by B-factor, using the B-factors as Bayesian priors for the  
variances.  It can do this two different ways, either (1) by assuming  
that the B-factors are absolutely known values or (2) by assuming  
that the B-factors for a structure are only known up to a scale  
factor (use command line flags -b1 or -b2 respectively).  For the  
latter case, which is most realistic, THESEUS finds the maximum  
likelihood value for the normalization factor for each structure.



On Mar 12, 2007, at 12:13 PM, Juan Sanchez-Weatherby (UEA) wrote:

Dear all
I have three questions that might have been answered before but I  
haven't been able to find them.
1) I was wondering whether anyone could tell me what does (in the  
Superpose output) "RMS B DISPLACEMENT" stand for?
2) If "B" is B-factor how meaningful is it if the haven't been  
normalised prior to the comparison?

3) Lastly I was wondering if there is a way of putting RMS  
deviation values in the B-factor column of a PDB file so it can  
coloured according to RMS instead of B-factor.

Thank you very much
Juan Sanchez-Weatherby
School of Biological Sciences
University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ
United Kingdom

Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110

GPG key ID: 38E9EB53

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Re: [ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize

2007-03-07 Thread Douglas L. Theobald
Thanks to all who have responded.  Any last minute suggestions before  
I summarize?

On Mar 1, 2007, at 7:40 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I really like to use glucose isomerase, for sale from for example  
Hampton. It is a crystalline suspension when you buy it and it is  
trivial to get crystals with almost any precipitant - we have  
managed to crystallize it from water with temperature  
variation :-). Some precipitants give multiple crystal habits (and  
spacegroups). There is a clear correlation between recipe and  
quality. For example, you can grow beautiful crystals with ammonium  
sulfate but those are next-to-impossibe to cryo-cool, while others  
are much easier.
Protein is a lot bigger than lysozyme and insulin, so perhaps more  
representative of a 'typical protein'. The crystals diffract like  

When I get to setting up a class to teach, I think that is what I  
will use.


Mark van der Woerd, PhD
Research Scientist
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
Phone (970) 491-0469

-Original Message-
Sent: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 11:23 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize

Hi all,

I'd like to pick the collective brain of crystallographers on this  
list -- what are some of the most easily crystallizable proteins?  
I'm especially interested in those that over-express and diffract  
well, and in ones that might be less well-known than, say, lysozyme  
(but nearly as nice).


Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454-9110


  /` /^. / /\
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Check Out the new free AIM(R) Mail -- 2 GB of storage and industry- 
leading spam and email virus protection.

Re: [ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize

2007-02-22 Thread Douglas L. Theobald

On Feb 22, 2007, at 2:35 PM, Nat Echols wrote:

I take it you're only interested in well-characterized and well- 
known proteins?

Actually no -- well-characterized is good, but well-known is  

I have a receiver domain that expresses at >100mg/L and forms  
crystals right out of most screens that diffract to atomic/ 
subatomic resolution, but it's still being functionally  
characterized and the system it's a part of is of limited interest  
outside of a specific field of microbiology.  Experimentally,  
though, I can't imagine an easier protein to work with.

On Thu, 22 Feb 2007, Douglas L. Theobald wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to pick the collective brain of crystallographers on this  
list -- what are some of the most easily crystallizable proteins?   
I'm especially interested in those that over-express and diffract  
well, and in ones that might be less well-known than, say,  
lysozyme (but nearly as nice).


Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


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Re: [ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize

2007-02-22 Thread Douglas L. Theobald
Yes, but I was wanting to compile something more like a specific list  
of "classic" proteins, similar to lysozyme.

On Feb 22, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Iain Kerr wrote:

Proteins extracted from hyperthermophiles are sometimes easier to  
crystallise than homologues from more temperate environmentsthe  
purification protocol often involves a "boiling step" that  
denatures/degrades everything else in the prep...the resulting  
incredibly high purity and homogeneity may be a contributing factor...


Douglas L. Theobald wrote:

Hi all,

I'd like to pick the collective brain of crystallographers on this  
list -- what are some of the most easily crystallizable proteins?  
I'm especially interested in those that over-express and diffract  
well, and in ones that might be less well-known than, say,  
lysozyme (but nearly as nice).


Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA 02454-9110


/` /^. / /\
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/ / ' '

[ccp4bb] Easy proteins to crystallize

2007-02-22 Thread Douglas L. Theobald

Hi all,

I'd like to pick the collective brain of crystallographers on this  
list -- what are some of the most easily crystallizable proteins?   
I'm especially interested in those that over-express and diffract  
well, and in ones that might be less well-known than, say, lysozyme  
(but nearly as nice).


Douglas L. Theobald
Department of Biochemistry
Brandeis University
Waltham, MA  02454-9110


   /`  /^.  / /\
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Re: ccp4bb on new site

2007-01-19 Thread Douglas L. Theobald

On Jan 19, 2007, at 4:20 PM, Steve Lane wrote:

Agreed.  If at all possible, please resume use of the [ccp4bb]  


I'll add another vote for the [ccp4bb] tag.

Steve Lane
System, Network and Security Administrator
Doudna Lab
Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism Group
UC Berkeley

On Fri, Jan 19, 2007 at 04:02:20PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

On 19 Jan, Andy Purkiss wrote:

I know that it is an easy fix :)

However, nearly all of the lists that I am on use the [listname]  
notation and
this makes it a bit easier to sort out the lists from the  
personal mail. I'm
more likely to look at something with [ccp4bb] and not just skip  
over it.

I agree with this.  Messages are often forwarded to friends or other
lists, and it is good to know where they are coming from.  It also  
to address the cross-posting issue, because the cross-posted  
replies are

easily identified.  Prefixing the Subject line with [listname] is the
best way to do this in my opinion.

Michael L. Love Ph.D