[ccp4bb] Pseudo-translation?

2013-02-25 Thread Michele Lunelli

Dear all,

I have an orthorhombic crystal (pointless suggests most likely space groups P 2 21 21 or P 2 21 2) 
with two molecules expected in the asymmetric unit. Analyzing the native Patterson map I found the 
following peaks (in fractional coordinates):

CELL   63.0400  117.2500  133.6500   90.   90.   90.
ATOM1   Ano   0.  0.  0.  111.03  0.0 BFAC  20.0
ATOM2   Ano   0.0102  0.0416  0.   15.98  0.0 BFAC  20.0
ATOM3   Ano   0.  0.5000  0.00376.21  0.0 BFAC  20.0
ATOM4   Ano   0.0669  0.0850  0.5.86  0.0 BFAC  20.0
ATOM5   Ano   0.0772  0.4168  0.5.78  0.0 BFAC  20.0
ATOM6   Ano   0.1139  0.1196  0.00495.10  0.0 BFAC  20.0

The third and fifth are far enough from the origin to represent tranlations. Is the third due to an 
alternative origin? Could the fifth represent a pseudo-translation?


[ccp4bb] Help with MR in P21

2010-01-25 Thread Michele Lunelli
Dear all,

I am trying to solve a structure at 2.05 A resolution by molecular replacement. 
The space group
seems to be P21, with unit cell dimension 52.63, 29.43, 104.970 and beta = 
Only one copy of the protein should be present in the asymmetric unit, with 58% 
of solvent content.
The search model used for MR is a truncated construct of the same protein, 
comprising more that 60%
of the residues. However, no convincing MR solution is found (I used phaser, 
molrep, epmr and also
mr.bump). No solutions refine to R and Rfree lower than 51-52%.

The CCP4 documentation about twinning states that Monoclinic with na + nc ~ a 
or na + nc ~ c can be
twinned. This is not clear to me, but I have c = 2a, and therefore n = 2/3.
Nevertheless all the tests run by ctruncate (and sfcheck) exclude twinning. The 
observed cumulative
distribution for |L| almost overlap the expected untwinned, and the observed 
cumulative intensity
distribution is not sigmoidal at all (actually it is growing faster that the 
theoretical). Also the
acentric and centric moments exclude twinning, for example the acentric:
E =  0.858 (Expected value = 0.886, Perfect Twin = 0.94)
E**3 =  1.442 (Expected value = 1.329, Perfect Twin = 1.175)
E**4 =  2.438 (Expected value = 2, Perfect Twin = 1.5)

Both ctruncate and sfcheck found a pseudo-translation vector:
ctruncate (0.050,  0.000,  0.957), ratio 0.23
sfcheck (0.954, 0.000, 0.040), ratio 0.218
However a second copy cannot be present in the asymmetric unit (there would be 
16% of solvent
content). Since the protein is expected to form a coiled-coil, I think that the 
pseudo-translation arises from the helices.
Alternatively, it is possible that the space group is wrong? And if so, how can 
I figure out the
correct one?

Thank you in advance,

[ccp4bb] Bug regarding cell dimensions in autoSHARP / SCALA

2009-11-17 Thread Michele Lunelli
I am doing SAD phasing with the latest autoSHARP and CCP4 6.1.1 (SCALA version 
3.3.9). The space
group is P21 with unit cell dimension 52.67, 28.61 and 105.16.  If I give the 
data as unmerged SHELX
file, it happens that the third cell dimension become identical to the first 
when the data are
merged using SCALA. I put the whole log file as attachment. Is this a bug or am 
I doing something wrong?

 ### CCP4 6.1: SORTMTZ  version 6.1 : 06/09/05##
 User: unknown  Run date: 17/11/2009 Run time: 17:01:10 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography. Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

 Data line--- H K L M/ISYM BATCH
 Data line--- CONVERT/F2MTZCOMBAT_peak.mtz

 Logical Name: CONVERT/F2MTZCOMBAT_peak.mtz   Filename: CONVERT/F2MTZCOMBAT_peak.mtz 

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

1 ib18-sad
 52.6670   28.6140  105.1640   90.   95.9550   90.

 * Number of Columns = 13

 * Number of Reflections = 47562

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Number of Batches = 1

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H Y B J Q J Q R R R R

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   52.6670   28.6140  105.1640   90.   95.9550   90. 

 *  Resolution Range :

0.000650.18179 ( 39.094 -  2.345 A )

 * Sort Order :

  0 0 0 0 0

 * Space group = 'P 1 21 1' (number 4)

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file: 
 Logical Name: SYMINFO   Filename: /home/michele/sharp/database/syminfo.lib

 Logical Name: CONVERT/SCALAMERGE_peak.mtz   Filename: CONVERT/SCALAMERGE_peak.mtz 

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 1

 * Dataset ID, project/crystal/dataset names, cell dimensions, wavelength:

1 ib18-sad
 52.6670   28.6140  105.1640   90.   95.9550   90.

 * Number of Columns = 13

 * Number of Reflections = 47562

 * Missing value set to NaN in input mtz file

 * Number of Batches = 1

 * Column Labels :


 * Column Types :

 H H H Y B J Q J Q R R R R

 * Associated datasets :

 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 * Cell Dimensions : (obsolete - refer to dataset cell dimensions above)

   52.6670   28.6140  105.1640   90.   95.9550   90. 

 *  Resolution Range :

0.000650.18179 ( 39.094 -  2.345 A )

 * Sort Order :

  1 2 3 4 5

 * Space group = 'P 1 21 1' (number 4)



Command Input
Input File Details
Output File Details
Header Information for Output MTZ File

Command Input


Input File Details

5 sort keys, in columns1   2   3   4   5

Output File Details

  47562 records read from file1
  47562 records passed to sort

Header Information For Output MTZ File

  47562 records output
 SORTMTZ:  Normal termination
Times: User:   0.3s System:0.0s Elapsed: 0:01  
 ### CCP4 6.1: Scala  version 3.3.9 : 20/01/09##
 User: unknown  Run date: 17/11/2009 Run time: 17:01:11 

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
 The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography. Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

 Logical Name: HKLIN   Filename: CONVERT/SCALAMERGE_peak.mtz 

 * Title:


 * Base dataset:

0 HKL_base

 * Number of Datasets = 

Re: [ccp4bb] Bug regarding cell dimensions in autoSHARP / SCALA

2009-11-17 Thread Michele Lunelli
Clemens Vonrhein wrote:

 SCALA (as far as I know) gets its cell dimensions from the so-called
 batch header (since each image could have a different cell it averages
 those). So the problem isn't yet visible in your output - just do
   % mtzdmp CONVERT/F2MTZCOMBAT_peak.mtz -b
 and look at the batch header. Most likely COMBAT (if that is what you
 used guessing from the name) wrote a wrong batch header - it seems to
 leave it at some default or undefined state which can be fatal further
 down the line.

f2mtz and combat seem to produce mtz files with the correct cell dimension in 
the header. Indeed the
file read by sortmtz has the correct cell dimension, as reported in the 
logfile. Also the file
opened by scala (CONVERT/SCALAMERGE_peak.mtz in the logfile) seems to have the 
correct cell
dimension. The wrong dimension appears in the output mtz file 
However I solved the problem by simply merging the reflections when processed 
by xscale. Thanks
anyway for the suggestions!


Re: [ccp4bb] space groups not supported by Refmac5

2009-08-18 Thread Michele Lunelli
Dear Arefeh,

Arp/warp works with standard space groups, therefore you have to reindex P21221 
to P21212. In this
message from Anastassis Perrakis you can find some advice:


Arefeh Seyedarabi wrote:
 I have a question; recently I have encountered a few space groups which are
 not supported by Refmac5. Examples include I2 and P21221. Both these space
 groups have been identified as the best solutions for the two different
 datasets I am working on using Pointless. However, I am faced with
 difficulties in Refmac5, and the program fails to complete when I select
 refinement cycles with Arp-waters...with the message saying 'space group not
 Any suggestions on how this problem could be overcome?

Re: [ccp4bb] Problems installing tasks to CCP4i - not yet solved.

2009-03-27 Thread Michele Lunelli
Hi Klaas,

I had exactly the same problem with opensuse 11.1. I installed the precompiled
version of ccp4 6.1.1, so I don't think the problem is related to the compiler.

I resolved the problem in a dirty way, simply copying the ccp4i configuration
files for arp/warp from another installation of ccp4 on a machine running suse
9.1. Indeed, with suse 9.1 the installation of the arp/warp ccp4i interface is

I suspect that the problem is related to the new versions of tcl/tk. Try to use
the one distributed on the ccp4 server ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/tcltk/TclTk-8.4 --
install it locally on your user account and set accordingly the variable
CCP4I_TCLTK in the ccp4.setup-dist file.

Hope it helps,

Max, Klaas wrote:
 Hi Tim,
 thankyou very much for the fast reply.
 Dear colleagues,
 Tim suggested:
Hi Klaas
Actually, you don't need to install arpwarp through the ccp4i interface.
Once you setup your ccp4 environment, you can just run the install.sh (or
install.csh in your case) which is in the arp-warp directory and
everything should be set up for you.
 Been there, done that. Ain't working.
 To be more specific, the installer is required to set up ARP/wARP,
 appears to run flawlessly and ends with lots of ok messages. Finally
 the script terminates with the remark:
 Installing GUI for ARP/wARP 7.0.1
 CCP4 interface version detected is : 2.0.3
 Using tarball ARP_wARP_CCP4I6.tar.gz (for ccp4 version 6 and newer).
 When I now try to run a ARP/wARP task in CCP4i after sourcing the
 arpwarp_setup.csh, I get the message: An interface to ARP/wARP is not
 available. The ARP/wARP interface doesn't appear to have been installed.
 Any further suggestions are most welcome.
 Dr. Klaas Max
 MDC Berlin Buch
 Macromolecular Structures and Interactions
 Robert-Roessle-Strasse 10
 13125 Berlin
 phone +49 30 9406 2265
 fax   +49 30 9406 2548

Dr. Michele Lunelli
Department of Cellular Microbiology
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

[ccp4bb] Question about strange MR solution

2008-02-04 Thread Michele Lunelli

Dear all,

I refined a protein structure in the space group P6(1)22, with one copy in the 
asymmetric unit, resolution ~1.8 A, Rwork=0.20, Rfree=0.22.
Then I tried to feed Phaser (version 1.3.3) with this structure. It found 
quickly a very prominent solution, but the first euler angle is 180 instead of 0 
degrees (the others are 0, as well as the fractional coordinates). This solution 
is not symmetry-related with the structure that I used as search model: indeed, 
there are a lot of clashes. However, when I refine this solution, I obtain 
immediately R factors as good as the search model, and also the electron density 
map looks perfect. Of course, I used the same reflections file to refine the 
initial structure and the MR solution rotated of 180 degrees.

How can I explain this? The analysis with Truncate (moments and cumulative 
intensity distribution) don't suggest any twinning, as well as the 
Padilla-Yeates test. Is it possible, that I refined the structure in the wrong 
space group?

Thank you in advance,

Michele Lunelli

Re: [ccp4bb] CCP4 mailing list

2007-08-08 Thread Michele Lunelli
Maybe some post is rejected because (incorrectly) marked as spam, it happens the 
same to me with yahoo..


Thomas Stout wrote:
Has anyone else noticed that they're only getting some of the postings 
on the CCP4 mailing list?

[ccp4bb] I/sigma in XDS output

2007-04-19 Thread Michele Lunelli

Dear all,
I'm a bit confused from the output of the CORRECT step in XDS. In one of the 
first tables I can read the mean I/sigma for each resolution shell, but these 
values are much different from the I/sigma reported in the table at the end of 
the output files, titled completeness and quality of data set for the full 
data range with signal/noise  -3.0. For example, from the first table I have 
I/sigma = 2 at 3.6 A, while from the second table I have I/sigma = 2 at 2.8 A!
What is exactly the difference between the two values? And which one is reliable 
to decide the resolution cutoff?

Thank you in advance,

Michele Lunelli
MPI for Infection Biology
Berlin - Germany

[ccp4bb] Duration of a phaser job

2007-03-20 Thread Michele Lunelli

Dear all,

I am running a very long phaser job (using the keyword FINAL SELECT ALL). It 
found and refined 30370 solutions, and now it is in the very last stage (PRUNE 
DUPLICATES). How long could take this step on a machine with a xeon 3.2GHz cpu? 
Days, weeks, or months? I have no clue from the log file. The search model 
consists of a polyala of 42 residues.

Thank you,

Michele Lunelli
Department of Cellular Microbiology
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Campus Charité Mitte
Charitéplatz 1
D-10117 Berlin

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