Curious that 83% solvent content would be out of range; A quick search in
the pdb indicates that there are 43 entries with solvent content >85% ...

Op 25 april 2012 09:41 schreef Jan Dohnalek <> het

> There have been other manipulations with user-input values. We could not
> input solvent content 83% for 3cg8 (the real value!!!) as "being out of the
> allowed range".
> The resulting value in the PDB is "NULL" not showing the actually
> interesting feature of the structure.
> I also noticed that the reported resolution values are nonsensically
> advertised with three decimal positions after the point which is not the
> way we would put it, is it?
> Either fight it or live with it ...
> Jan Dohnalek
> --
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
> Vlaams Interuniversitair Instituut voor Biotechnologie (VIB)
> Instituut Moleculaire Biologie & Biotechnologie (IMOL)
> Ultrastructuur (ULTR)
> Oefenplein, Gebouw E (4.16)
> Pleinlaan 2, 1050 Brussel
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