Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?

2010-10-29 Thread Peter Chan

Dear All,

Thank you kindly for the replies and concerns over the problem I've 
experienced. I really appreciate them.

I do not know how often the I - F conversion is done in CCP4i's F2MTZ GUI, 
especially with the FreeR flags preserved. Nevertheless, as mentioned, the 
problem seems to arise because [c]truncate does not recognize the FreeR column, 
unlike old-truncate. Whether this is a bug or new feature, it would be great if 
[c]truncate is (re-)programmed to recognize the FreeR column for a more 
streamlined import/I - F conversion/uniqueify process executed in F2MTZ.

Also thanks for pointing out a relatively straight forward workaround using cad.


Re: [ccp4bb] Help with model bias in merihedral twin + Refmac5

2010-10-29 Thread Peter Chan

Dear Colin,

Thank you for the email. To be honest, I don't know exactly which map they are. 
From my understanding (and according to, 
Refmac5 outputs 'normal map' 2mF(obs)-DF(calc) and 'difference map' 
2mF(obs)-DF(calc). I believe this is better than looking at the typical 
2F(obs)-F(calc), although there still appears to be a fair amount of model bias.


Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] Help with model bias in merihedral twin
Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 17:38:41 +0100

Regarding the question
Although the electron density map looks good, I am not 
sure if I should have too much confidence in it because I was not able to 
'strong electron densities' from omitted sections of the model in a refinement. 
I don't know if this is an indicator for bias introduced somewhere. I would 
to ask what may be some procedures I can try for checking and removing these 
Can you state 
what type of maps these are? 
The reason is 
the following. Taking PHENIX twinning maps as an example we have, in the manual 
By default, 
data is detwinned using algebraic techniques, unless the twin fraction is above 
45%, in which case detwinning is performed using proportionality of twin 
Icalc values. Detwinning using the proportionality option, results in maps that 
are more biased towards the model, resulting in seemingly cleaner, but in the 
end less informative maps. The 2mFo-dFc map coefficients can be chosen to 
have sigmaA weighting (two_m_dtfo_d_fc) or not (two_dtfo_fc). IN both cases, 
map coefficients correspond to the 'untwinned' data. A difference map can be 
constructed using either sigmaA weighted detwinned data (m_dtfo_d_fc), a sigmaA 
weighted gradient map (m_gradient) or a plain gradient map (gradient). The 
default is m_dtfo_d_fc but can be changed to gradient or m_gradient if desired. 

For the high 
twin fraction which you have (near 50%). my view is that 2Fo-Fc type maps are 
not optimal for this as they don't take account of the increased bias resulting 
from the extra degrees of freedom (i.e. splitting the intensity between the 
two reflections based on Icalc). For the reflections related by twinning higher 
order coefficients (e.g. 3Fo-2Fc or perhaps 4Fo-3Fc) would give noiser but less 
biased maps. 
diffraction folk do similar things when their Bessel function terms 


  From: CCP4 bulletin board 
  [] On Behalf Of Peter Chan
  27 October 2010 02:00
  [ccp4bb] Help with model bias in merihedral twin

  Hello All,

Not long ago I posted for some help with my 
  twinned dataset at 1.95 A, and have confirmed the twinning of P6(5) into 
  P6(5)22. Molecular replacement was successful and the twin refinement in 
  Refmac yieled R/Rfree of 21%/26%, with a twin fraction of 

Although the electron density map looks good, I am not sure if I 
  should have too much confidence in it because I was not able to obtain 
  electron densities' from omitted sections of the model in a refinement. I 
  don't know if this is an indicator for bias introduced somewhere.

  would like to ask what may be some procedures I can try for checking and 
  removing these biases, and a few additional related questions.

  suggested to me previously, I have generated a total omit map with sfcheck in 
  ccp4i, using the refined pdb and unrefined data in P6(5). The .map file look 
  little worse in quality (is this because of the twinning?) but is still 
  reasonable, with a few breaks in the main chain and side chains. 
  Interestingly, when I do a real space refinement against the total omit map, 
  get slightly better Rfree at the earlier rounds of Refmac which diverges into 
  the numbers above. Why is this the case?

 Cycle   R 
  fact R free
  0   0.2301   
  0.2205   0.2534
  2   0.2164   
  0.2140   0.2554
  4   0.2123   0.2559   
   5   0.2117   
  0.2116   0.2575
  7   0.2112   
  0.2112   0.2584
  9   0.2109   0.2587
  10   0.2106   0.2597

Secondly, I read that I should 
  make sure the Free R flags should be consistent throughout the twin-related 
  indices. What may be the adverse outcome if this isn't enforced? Is Refmac 
  aware of this in a twin-refinement? If not, which tool could I use for 

I would very much appreciate any comments and 

Peter Chan



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Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Chan

Dear Crystallographers,

Thank you all for the emails. Below are some details of the procedures I 
performed leading up to the problem.

The reflection file is my own data, processed in XDS and then flagging FreeR's 
in XPREP in thin resolution shells. I am using CCP4i version 6.1.2. I tried 
looking for known/resolved issues/updates in version 6.1.3 but could not find 
any so I assumed it is the same version of f2mtz/ctruncate/uniqueify.

I used the GUI version of F2MTZ, with the settings below:

- import file in SHELX format

- keep existing FreeR flags

- fortran format (3F4.0,2F8.3,F4.0)

- added data label I other integer // FreeRflag

The hkl file, in SHELX format, output by XPREP look something like this:

 -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19
  26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31
 -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97
  27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
 -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1

Notice the test set is flagged -1 and the working set is not flagged at all. 
This actually lead to another error message in f2mtz about missing FreeR flags. 
From my understanding, the SHELX flagging convention is 1 for working and 
-1 for test. So I manually tagged the working set with 1 using vi:

 -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19   1
  26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31   1
 -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97   1
  27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
 -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1

This is the file which gives me the error message: Problem with FREE column in 
input file. All flags apparently identical. Check input file.. Apparently, 
import to mtz works ok when I use old-truncate instead of c-truncate.


Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Chan

Hello Tim,

Thank you for the suggestion. I have now tagged the working set as 1 and test 
set as 0. Unfortunately, it still gives the same error about all Rfree being 
the same, and only in c-truncate but not old-truncate. Perhaps I should install 
6.1.3 and see if the problem still persist.


 Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 16:29:31 +0200
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?
 Hello Peter,
 I faintly rememeber a similar kind of problem, and think that if you replace
 -1 with 0, the problem should go away. It seemed that -1 is not an 
 flag for (some) ccp4 programs.
 Please let us know if this resolves the issue.
 On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 10:21:20AM -0400, Peter Chan wrote:
  Dear Crystallographers,
  Thank you all for the emails. Below are some details of the procedures I 
  performed leading up to the problem.
  The reflection file is my own data, processed in XDS and then flagging 
  FreeR's in XPREP in thin resolution shells. I am using CCP4i version 6.1.2. 
  I tried looking for known/resolved issues/updates in version 6.1.3 but 
  could not find any so I assumed it is the same version of 
  I used the GUI version of F2MTZ, with the settings below:
  - import file in SHELX format
  - keep existing FreeR flags
  - fortran format (3F4.0,2F8.3,F4.0)
  - added data label I other integer // FreeRflag
  The hkl file, in SHELX format, output by XPREP look something like this:
   -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19
26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31
   -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97
27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
   -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
  Notice the test set is flagged -1 and the working set is not flagged at 
  all. This actually lead to another error message in f2mtz about missing 
  FreeR flags. From my understanding, the SHELX flagging convention is 1 
  for working and -1 for test. So I manually tagged the working set with 
  1 using vi:
   -26  -3   1  777.48   39.19   1
26  -3  -1  800.83   36.31   1
   -26   3  -1  782.67   37.97   1
27  -3   1  45.722  25.711  -1
   -27   3   1  -14.20   31.69  -1
  This is the file which gives me the error message: Problem with FREE 
  column in input file. All flags apparently identical. Check input file.. 
  Apparently, import to mtz works ok when I use old-truncate instead of 

 Tim Gruene
 Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
 Tammannstr. 4
 D-37077 Goettingen
 phone: +49 (0)551 39 22149
 GPG Key ID = A46BEE1A

[ccp4bb] Bug in c_truncate?

2010-10-27 Thread Peter Chan


I've been struggling with F2MTZ and importing my hkl file into mtz by 'keeping 
existing freeR data'. I keep getting the error Problem with FREE column in 
input file. All flags apparently identical. Check input file.

At the end of the day, it appears that this only happens in ctruncate and not 
in the old_truncate instead of ctruncate. Has anyone experienced a similar 


[ccp4bb] Help with model bias in merihedral twin

2010-10-26 Thread Peter Chan

Hello All,

Not long ago I posted for some help with my twinned dataset at 1.95 A, and have 
confirmed the twinning of P6(5) into P6(5)22. Molecular replacement was 
successful and the twin refinement in Refmac yieled R/Rfree of 21%/26%, with a 
twin fraction of 0.46.

Although the electron density map looks good, I am not sure if I should have 
too much confidence in it because I was not able to obtain 'strong electron 
densities' from omitted sections of the model in a refinement. I don't know if 
this is an indicator for bias introduced somewhere.

I would like to ask what may be some procedures I can try for checking and 
removing these biases, and a few additional related questions.

As suggested to me previously, I have generated a total omit map with sfcheck 
in ccp4i, using the refined pdb and unrefined data in P6(5). The .map file look 
a little worse in quality (is this because of the twinning?) but is still 
reasonable, with a few breaks in the main chain and side chains. Interestingly, 
when I do a real space refinement against the total omit map, I get slightly 
better Rfree at the earlier rounds of Refmac which diverges into the numbers 
above. Why is this the case?

 Cycle   R fact R free
   0   0.2301   0.2523
   1   0.2205   0.2534
   2   0.2164   0.2545
   3   0.2140   0.2554
   4   0.2123   0.2559   
   5   0.2117   0.2570
   6   0.2116   0.2575
   7   0.2112   0.2582
   8   0.2112   0.2584
   9   0.2109   0.2587
  10   0.2106   0.2597

Secondly, I read that I should make sure the Free R flags should be consistent 
throughout the twin-related indices. What may be the adverse outcome if this 
isn't enforced? Is Refmac aware of this in a twin-refinement? If not, which 
tool could I use for this?

I would very much appreciate any comments and suggestions.

Peter Chan

[ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Chan

Hello All,

I am a graduate student working on my first merohedrally twinned data set. Like 
a few, I am a bit intimidated by it. After some trial and error with the help 
of some online resources and ccp4bb posts, I seem to have solved the structure. 
However, I am still unsure about some of the steps taken.

My dataset was processed to 1.95 A in XDS, the apparent space group is P622 (96 
A, 96 A, 92 A,  90, 90, 120). Various tests indicate that I have a twinned 
dataset. The Rsym of the data when processed in a lower symmetry space group 
(i.e. P6, P321 and P312) suggest that the real space group may be P6 because 
its Rsym is lower by ~1-2%. The screw axis could not be unambiguously 
identified from systematic absences. Molecular replacement by Phaser returned a 
solution in P6(5) with 2 molecules in the asymmetric unit. This was refined in 
Refmac with the twin option to R  Rfree of 22% and 25%. The twin fractions are 
47% and 53%.

My questions and concerns:
- First and foremost, is there a chance that I may have processed the data in 
the wrong space group (or wrongly deduced the data in the right space group)?

- Should the diffraction data be merged or unmerged during the twin refinement 
in Refmac? The current dataset is fully merged (repeated measurements, Friedel 
pairs  symmetry related reflections). Would there be an improvement in the 
twin refinement if some of them are kept unmerged?

- Should the twin refinement be performed on the intensities or structure 
factor amplitudes? I have tried both (using the same set of Rfree flags): With 
intensities, the R/Rfree are 22%/25% and twin fractions are 47%/53%. With 
amplitudes, the R/Rfree are 25%/29% and twin fractions are 44.6%/55.4%. The 
resulting electron density maps are not significantly different, however. I 
don't understand why the statistics vary so significantly.

- During the model building, the electron density map appears to be 'weak'. 
Rebuilding some surface loops (by first deleting them, refining the omit 
structure, and remodeling into the difference map) which initially has some 
2Fo-Fc density becomes tricky because there is not much density left in the 
refined omit structure. Was the initial densities purely a result of model bias 
or is this related to the twinning of the crystal? Could this also be because 
Refmac outputs a differently weighed 2Fo-Fc map (if I recall correctly) during 
twin refinement?

I would be very grateful for any help, comments and suggestions.

Peter Chan

Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Chan

Hello Garib,

Thank you for the reply  helpful insight.

I ran the refinement of structure factor amplitudes without the TWIN command, 
and obtained much higher R and Rfree (32% and 36%). Also, in the process, I 
found out that I made a mistake earlier in that the amplitudes were refined as 

To summarize the R and Rfree of the refinements:

Structure factors, no twin: 32%, 36%
Structure factors, twin:  21.5%,  25.0%
SF, twin, refined as intensities:   25%, 29% -- wrong setting
Intensities, twin:   22.4%,   25.4%

These results fit into the general rule that you mentioned, and I believe I 
will proceed with the twinned refinement of structure factor amplitudes.

As you suggested, I also submitted the data+model to Zanuda on the server (see 
below), and it appears that the real space group is P6(5).


   readability test  passed (Refmac_5.5.0070)
   spacegroupP 65
   cell  96.530 96.530 91.930 90.00 90.00 120.00

   Step 1.
   R-factors for the starting model.
   Transformation into a supergroup.

   current time:Oct 13 22:21 BST
   expected end of job (rough estimate):Oct 13 22:52 BST

   | Subgroup | Spacegroup | R.m.s.d. |   Refinement in tested group   |
   |  || from the ||
   |   Ref|| starting |  Rigid   | Restrained  |
   |  || model, A |--|-|
   |  ||  |R |R |  R-free  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|  0.2005  |  0.2230  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|--|--|

   Step 2.
   Refinements in subgroups.
   There are 4 subgroups to test.

   current time:Oct 13 22:32 BST
   expected end of job: Oct 13 23:04 BST

   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|--|--|
   |  1   | P 1|  0.0711  |  0.2937  |  0.1949  |  0.2292  |
   |  2   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0631  |  0.3217  |  0.1971  |  0.2305  |
   |  3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |
   |  4   | P 65   |  0.0655  |  0.3321  |  0.1976  |  0.2316  |
   |3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |

   Step 3.
   Refinement of the best model.
   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.

   current time:Oct 13 22:43 BST
   expected end of job: Oct 13 23:06 BST

   |3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |
   |  1   | P 1|  0.0714  |  0.2949  |  0.1952  |  0.2293  |
   |  2   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0587  |--|  0.1950  |  0.2306  |
   |  4   | P 65   |  0.0596  |--|  0.1961  |  0.2315  |
   | 16   | P 65 2 2   |  1.6311  |--|  0.4261  |  0.4499  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0596  |--|  0.1961  |  0.2315  |

   R-factor in the original subgroup is (almost) the best.
   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be correct.

   end of job:  Oct 13 23:02 BST

Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 21:51:57 +0100
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

As a general rule intensity based refinement gives higher R-factor especially 
when intensities are weak. Truncate smoothes out data and Rfactors become lower 
(it is not necessary that model becomes better)
In your case it may happen that your space group is higher. To check that you 
can do simple refinement and submit your data+model to Zanuda on the server:
It may be able correct your space group and give higer space group if it is the 
What are Rfactors without twin refinement? If Rfactors with and without twin 
refinement are not very different then using twin would not make much sense.

On 13 Oct 2010, at 16:01, Peter Chan wrote:Hello

Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Chan

Hello Fred,

Thank you for the response.

I have made a mistake in the twin refinement settings (see the other email) and 
the best R  Rfree values I obtained were from the twin refinement of structure 
factor amplitudes, which is about 1% less than the twin refinement of 

I have not used Bhat's omit maps before. I will give it a shot and see how it 
may improve my model building.


 Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:35:09 +0200
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac
 Peter Chan wrote:
  Hello All,
  I am a graduate student working on my first merohedrally twinned data 
  set. Like a few, I am a bit intimidated by it. After some trial and 
  error with the help of some online resources and ccp4bb posts, I seem 
  to have solved the structure. However, I am still unsure about some of 
  the steps taken.
  My dataset was processed to 1.95 A in XDS, the apparent space group is 
  P622 (96 A, 96 A, 92 A,  90, 90, 120). Various tests indicate that I 
  have a twinned dataset. The Rsym of the data when processed in a lower 
  symmetry space group (i.e. P6, P321 and P312) suggest that the real 
  space group may be P6 because its Rsym is lower by ~1-2%. The screw 
  axis could not be unambiguously identified from systematic absences. 
  Molecular replacement by Phaser returned a solution in P6(5) with 2 
  molecules in the asymmetric unit. This was refined in Refmac with the 
  twin option to R  Rfree of 22% and 25%. The twin fractions are 47% 
  and 53%.
 Usually the R and Rfree are slightly higher with twin refinement than 
 with untwinned data; these figures look satisfactory to me.
  My questions and concerns:
  - First and foremost, is there a chance that I may have processed the 
  data in the wrong space group (or wrongly deduced the data in the 
  right space group)?
  - Should the diffraction data be merged or unmerged during the twin 
  refinement in Refmac? The current dataset is fully merged (repeated 
  measurements, Friedel pairs  symmetry related reflections). Would 
  there be an improvement in the twin refinement if some of them are 
  kept unmerged?
  - Should the twin refinement be performed on the intensities or 
  structure factor amplitudes? I have tried both (using the same set of 
  Rfree flags): With intensities, the R/Rfree are 22%/25% and twin 
  fractions are 47%/53%. With amplitudes, the R/Rfree are 25%/29% and 
  twin fractions are 44.6%/55.4%. The resulting electron density maps 
  are not significantly different, however. I don't understand why the 
  statistics vary so significantly.
 I would use the refinement that gives the lower R / Rfree (no questions 
  - During the model building, the electron density map appears to be 
  'weak'. Rebuilding some surface loops (by first deleting them, 
  refining the omit structure, and remodeling into the difference map) 
  which initially has some 2Fo-Fc density becomes tricky because there 
  is not much density left in the refined omit structure. Was the 
  initial densities purely a result of model bias or is this related to 
  the twinning of the crystal? Could this also be because Refmac outputs 
  a differently weighed 2Fo-Fc map (if I recall correctly) during twin 
 Have you tried Bhat's Omit maps as well? Possible to compute using 
 either sfcheck or omit (the latter is not in ccp4bb).
  I would be very grateful for any help, comments and suggestions.
  Peter Chan

Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

2010-10-13 Thread Peter Chan

I see. Thank you for the reassuring and helpful pointers.


Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 23:55:56 +0100

It seems that evidence is convincing: twin is present.  All evidences indicate 
that space group is P6(5) and twin is present.
Theoretically that is what you would expect at the end of refinement if twin is 
present: Huge drop in Rfactor and marginal improvement if any in electron 

On 13 Oct 2010, at 23:41, Peter Chan wrote:Hello Garib,

Thank you for the reply  helpful insight.

I ran the refinement of structure factor amplitudes without the TWIN command, 
and obtained much higher R and Rfree (32% and 36%). Also, in the process, I 
found out that I made a mistake earlier in that the amplitudes were refined as 

To summarize the R and Rfree of the refinements:

Structure factors, no twin: 32%, 36%
Structure factors, twin:  21.5%,  25.0%
SF, twin, refined as intensities:   25%, 29% -- wrong setting
Intensities, twin:   22.4%,   25.4%

These results fit into the general rule that you mentioned, and I believe I 
will proceed with the twinned refinement of structure factor amplitudes.

As you suggested, I also submitted the data+model to Zanuda on the server (see 
below), and it appears that the real space group is P6(5).


   readability test  passed (Refmac_5.5.0070)
   spacegroupP 65
   cell  96.530 96.530 91.930 90.00 90.00 120.00

   Step 1.
   R-factors for the starting model.
   Transformation into a supergroup.

   current time:Oct 13 22:21 BST
   expected end of job (rough estimate):Oct 13 22:52 BST

   | Subgroup | Spacegroup | R.m.s.d. |   Refinement in tested group   |
   |  || from the ||
   |   Ref|| starting |  Rigid   | Restrained  |
   |  || model, A |--|-|
   |  ||  |R |R |  R-free  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|  0.2005  |  0.2230  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|--|--|

   Step 2.
   Refinements in subgroups.
   There are 4 subgroups to test.

   current time:Oct 13 22:32 BST
   expected end of job: Oct 13 23:04 BST

   |4   | P 65   |  0.0005  |--|--|--|
   |  1   | P 1|  0.0711  |  0.2937  |  0.1949  |  0.2292  |
   |  2   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0631  |  0.3217  |  0.1971  |  0.2305  |
   |  3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |
   |  4   | P 65   |  0.0655  |  0.3321  |  0.1976  |  0.2316  |
   |3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |

   Step 3.
   Refinement of the best model.
   Candidate symmetry elements are added one by one.

   current time:Oct 13 22:43 BST
   expected end of job: Oct 13 23:06 BST

   |3   | P 32   |  0.0629  |  0.3088  |  0.1938  |  0.2290  |
   |  1   | P 1|  0.0714  |  0.2949  |  0.1952  |  0.2293  |
   |  2   | P 1 21 1   |  0.0587  |--|  0.1950  |  0.2306  |
   |  4   | P 65   |  0.0596  |--|  0.1961  |  0.2315  |
   | 16   | P 65 2 2   |  1.6311  |--|  0.4261  |  0.4499  |
   |4   | P 65   |  0.0596  |--|  0.1961  |  0.2315  |

   R-factor in the original subgroup is (almost) the best.
   The original spacegroup assignment seems to be correct.

   end of job:  Oct 13 23:02 BST

Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 21:51:57 +0100
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Twin - Data reduction and refinement in Refmac

As a general rule intensity based refinement gives higher R-factor especially 
when intensities are weak

Re: [ccp4bb] Refinement of covalent ligand in Refmac5

2009-09-10 Thread Peter Chan

I believe you could try treating this Asp residue as an unnatural amino acid 
(FAD-Asp), and refine your structure with it.


 Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 15:27:58 +0100
 Subject: [ccp4bb] Refinement of covalent ligand in Refmac5
 I have an FAD cofactor that appears to be covalently bound to the Asp side
 chain (~1.6 A away). I was told that I need to refine the structure after
 indicating the covalent linkage in the pdb. 
 If I add a line in the pdb LINK    and then refine in Refmac5, FAD
 gets all messed up and shifted out of its density and R factors go up by ~5%. 
 Any suggestions on how to do this refinement would be greatly appreciated!

Click less, chat more: Messenger on

Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.

2009-08-31 Thread Peter Chan

Dear Mark,

It also appears to me that the formatting of the cif matters.  In my case for 
some reason, I can't get Coot 0.5/0.6 to read the cif file written by 
Refmac/Sketcher of CCP4i 6.1.1.

I've compared the cif file from PRODRG and CCP4i for the same monomer, and 
found that that the column positions for certain entries are different.  I've 
edited CCP4i's cif file to match the column positions of PRODRG's cif file, and 
I can get Coot to read it properly and let me do real space refinement.

Still, I feel that there may be some other things that I've overlooked because 
this is quite unexpected...


 Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2009 01:17:39 +0200
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.
 Peter, Paul,
 a couple of months ago I had a similar problem - older versions of, in  
 this case, Refmac, working with a cif file and a new version not.
 It turned out newer Refmacs are more picky about the types of  
 returns at the end of each line in the file.
 I had been editing the file with MacOSX textedit and somehow the  
 resulting file contained the wrong kind of returns (hard or  
 soft, I can't remember exactly), and not all info from the cif file  
 was actually read into Refmac.
 It took me several days and help of Garib Murshudov, the main Refmac  
 author, to figure this out so, Peter, only just over 10 hours was not  
 Paul, apologies for the above description, probable a  
 programming/computer expert like you would have formulated it a lot  
 Peter, could it be that your Coot 0.1 is somehow also coupled to an  
 older, more tolerant, Refmac (perhaps you did this test on another  
 computer?) and your Coot 0.6 uses a newer Refmac version?
 Quoting Peter Chan
  Dear Eric,
  Thank you very much for your suggestion.  It worked.
  Dear Paul,
  Thank you for your kind offer with the help (and for writing such a   
  wonderful program + providing users with support!).  I will compare   
  the cif files and see if I can pick out the differences...
  Hi Peter,
  Did you try making a cif using the Dundee Prodrg server?
   -- Eric Ortlund, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of   
  BiochemistryEmory University School of Medicine1510 Clifton Road,   
  NE, Room G235Atlanta, GA  30322Tel 404-727-5014  Fax
  Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 07:02:12 +0100
  Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.
  Peter Chan wrote:
   Dear Crystallographers,
   I've been spending 10 hours trying (googling, manually editting cif
   files based on templates in Coot's library, asking around, rtfm and
   reading this bbs) to figure out why Coot the geometric restraints
   wouldn't load.
  I can think of no reason why 0.1 would work and 0.6 would not. If you
  want me to investigate, please send the PDB and cif dictionary.
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Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.

2009-08-29 Thread Peter Chan

Dear Eric,

Thank you very much for your suggestion.  It worked.

Dear Paul,

Thank you for your kind offer with the help (and for writing such a wonderful 
program + providing users with support!).  I will compare the cif files and see 
if I can pick out the differences...


Hi Peter,
Did you try making a cif using the Dundee Prodrg server?
 -- Eric Ortlund, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorDepartment of BiochemistryEmory 
University School of Medicine1510 Clifton Road, NE, Room G235Atlanta, GA  
30322Tel 404-727-5014  Fax 

 Date: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 07:02:12 +0100
 Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.
 Peter Chan wrote:
  Dear Crystallographers,
  I've been spending 10 hours trying (googling, manually editting cif 
  files based on templates in Coot's library, asking around, rtfm and 
  reading this bbs) to figure out why Coot the geometric restraints 
  wouldn't load.
 I can think of no reason why 0.1 would work and 0.6 would not. If you 
 want me to investigate, please send the PDB and cif dictionary.

Stay in the loop and chat with friends, right from your inbox!

[ccp4bb] Problem with Coot reading monomer library file.

2009-08-28 Thread Peter Chan

Dear Crystallographers,

I've been spending 10 hours trying (googling, manually editting cif files 
based on templates in Coot's library, asking around, rtfm and reading this bbs) 
to figure out why Coot the geometric restraints wouldn't load.

The molecule I have is difluoroacetate (and some analogs).  I drew it in 
sketcher and tried regularized it using both the refmac from sketcher as well 
as the 'normal' refmac.  From what I can tell, Coot can read this cif file 
without errors, but when it keeps telling me that it doesn't have the library 
descriptions when I try to do real space refinement.

My system and programs:
-Windows Vista 32 bit Home
-Coot 0.5 as well as 0.6
-CCP4i 6.1.1

Out of desperation, I also tested this on Coot v0.1 which has worked for me 
before...  and I was surprised that I can do real space refinement without 
problem.  Could there be some settings that I've missed?

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.


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