Dear CCP4 Community,

We cordially invite you to attend the 2015 Asian Crystallographic Association 
Meeting (AsCA 2015 at Science City, Kolkata (old name 
Calcutta)  to be held from December 5-8, 2015. The sessions are arranged under 
three broad headings – Chemical Crystallography, Structural Biology, and 
Specialized Techniques. In total there are eighteen microsymposia, organized in 
three parallel sessions. Additionally there are two Crystallogrpahic Software 
sessions – dealing with the structure solution/analysis of small and 
macromolecules. Finally there will be a General Interest Session covering 
different aspects of pharmaceuticals.

Registration and abstract submission are now open. Please visit the conference 
webpage: for information on registration, abstract 
submission and accommodation.  Please book your accommodation as soon as 
possible since availability is limited.

Important Dates
•  Conference dates:                                               Dec 5-8, 2015
•  Call for papers and Registration opening         May 11, 2015
•  Abstract submission deadline                             Sept 15, 2015
•  Travel support application deadline                  Aug 31, 2015
•  Travel support announcement                           Sept 30, 2015
•  Early registration deadline                                 Sept 5, 2015
•  Regular registration deadline                             Nov 20, 2015
•  Final program                                                     Nov 27, 

To support excellence in crystallographic research carried out by young 
scientists the organizers are seeking application for the AsCA Rising Star 
Award. The details are available at the conference website.  The six finalists 
will be invited to present their work in a special session. A limited number of 
young scientists will be provided partial travel support from the grant 
received from IUCr.

Participants from outside India are requested to register early so that all the 
visa formalities can be completed well ahead of the conference date.

We look forward to welcoming you in Kolkata.

Kind regards
Alice Vrielink Pinak Chakrabarti
Chair of the International Program Committee Chair of the Local Organizing 

Alice Vrielink
Professor of Structural Biology
Head of Discipline - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
School of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Western Australia
35 Stirling Highway
Crawley, WA, 6009

Phone:         +61 08 6488 3162
Fax:            +61 08 6488 1005

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit."



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