Agreed, and this is ongoing work. Yet it is not trivial to get better 
resolution than this for small (in the world of EM) samples either.
Von: Mark van Raaij []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016 22:08
An: Hillen, Hauke
Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] AW: [ccp4bb] intensity statistics and twinning

Another option might be to go full cryo-EM

Mark J van Raaij
CNB-CSIC 27 Oct 2016 21:37, "Hillen, Hauke" 
<> wrote:
> Dear Mark,
> Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately, I have already spent a lot of time 
> trying to do exactly this. I do think some biologically relevant questions 
> can be answered by architecture at this resolution, so I would like to try to 
> get the most out of these datasets I can.
> Best wishes,
> Hauke
> ________________________________________
> Von: Mark van Raaij []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 27. Oktober 2016 21:29
> An: Hillen, Hauke
> Betreff: Re: [ccp4bb] intensity statistics and twinning
> I'd say intensity statistics at this resolution at not reliable and your 
> crystal are most likely not twinned.
> Unless you think you can answer any interesting biological question at this 
> resolution, I'd forget about these datasets and spend all my efforts at 
> getting better diffracting ones. Even if this means going back to cloning or 
> working on a different species...although lysine methylation, limited 
> proteolysis etc. might also be tried if you haven't done so already.
> A slightly different crystal contact might make the difference and yield much 
> better diffraction.
> Mark J van Raaij
> On 27 Oct 2016 21:11, "Hillen, Hauke" <> wrote:
> Dear ccp4 community,
> I am currently working on some low resolution datasets (around 4.5A). The 
> space group seems to be P21, as suggested by XDS and pointless. I have 
> collected many datasets of these crystals, both native as well as 
> SeMet-labeled. Using MR-SAD I have been able to obtain a clearly 
> interpretable electron density map for all features I expect and heavy atom 
> sites that make sense for both the model used in MR and the yet unmodeled 
> components. So far, so good.
> While routinely analyzing my datasets with Phenix Xtriage, I have noticed 
> that the intensity statistics for all of these datasets look unusual. In 
> fact, Xtriage complains about this with the message: „The intensity 
> statistics look unusual, but twinning is not indicated or possible in the 
> given space group“ when processed in P21.
> The occurence of this message depends somewhat on the typ of input file I use 
> for the same dataset as well as the input parameters (high resolution 
> cut-off). If I use XDSCONV to convert the intensities to amplitudes for 
> phenix, this message appears. If I use the output of XSCALE directly as 
> intensities, this message does not appear, yet the actual statistics are 
> somewhat similar. I have attached the log file output for four scenarios at 
> the end of this message (P21 intensities, P21 amplitudes, P1 intensities, P1 
> amplitudes).
> These results got me questioning whether the true space group is really P21, 
> or whether it could be that it is P1 with some twinning issue. Since the 
> Xtriage output regarding the „normality“ of the intensity statistics varies 
> upon the input format, I assume that this case may be somewhat borderline. 
> Since I have very little experience both with low-resolution crystals as well 
> as with twinning, I am a bit unsure how to proceed with this data.
> How can I distinguish between a partially twinned P1 crystal and an untwinned 
> P21 crystal? It is my impression from previous discussions here that 
> distinguishing twinned from untwinned data simply by comparing refinement 
> results with and without twin laws is not always conclusive, as the R-factors 
> are not directly comparable. If the crystal is truly P21, could these issues 
> arise from intensity to amplitude conversion problems? (Xtriage also suggests 
> this as a possibility) If so, can these be overcome? Or could the deviation 
> from ideal intensities simply originate from the low quality (= resolution) 
> of the data and are within the range of tolerance for such a dataset? Could 
> this be some type of pseudosymmetry issue? And finally, what
> I would be very grateful for any advice on how to proceed with these data!
> Kind regards,
> Hauke
> Processed as P21, intensity input:
> =============== Diagnostic tests for twinning and pseudosymmetry 
> ==============
> Using data between 10.00 to 3.50 Angstrom.
>                     ----------Patterson analyses----------
> Largest Patterson peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom:
> Frac. coord.              :    0.164    0.000   -0.021
> Distance to origin        :   17.720
> Height relative to origin :    3.072 %
> p_value(height)           :    1.000e+00
> Explanation
> The p-value, the probability that a peak of the specified height or larger
> is found in a Patterson function of a macromolecule that does not have any
> translational pseudo-symmetry, is equal to 1.000e+00.  p_values smaller than
> 0.05 might indicate weak translational pseudo symmetry, or the self vector of
> a large anomalous scatterer such as Hg, whereas values smaller than 1e-3 are
> a very strong indication for the presence of translational pseudo symmetry.
>                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------
> Acentric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :1.935   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.805   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.696   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)
> Centric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.431   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.733   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.812   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)
>               ----------NZ test for twinning and TNCS----------
> The NZ test is diagnostic for both twinning and translational NCS.  Note
> however that if both are present, the effects may cancel each other out,
> therefore the results of the Patterson analysis and L-test also need to be
> considered.
> Maximum deviation acentric      :  0.028
> Maximum deviation centric       :  0.103
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_acentric  : -0.009
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_centric   : -0.061
>                  ----------L test for acentric data----------
> Using difference vectors (dh,dk,dl) of the form:
>    (2hp, 2kp, 2lp)
> where hp, kp, and lp are random signed integers such that
>    2 <= |dh| + |dk| + |dl| <= 8
> Mean |L|   :0.471  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> Mean  L^2  :0.301  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> The distribution of |L| values indicates a twin fraction of
> 0.00. Note that this estimate is not as reliable as obtained
> via a Britton plot or H-test if twin laws are available.
> Reference:
> J. Padilla & T. O. Yeates. A statistic for local intensity differences:
> robustness to anisotropy and pseudo-centering and utility for detecting
> twinning. Acta Crystallogr. D59, 1124-30, 2003.
> ================================== Twin laws 
> ==================================
>                  ----------Twin law identification----------
> No twin laws are possible for this crystal lattice.
> ================== Twinning and intensity statistics summary 
> ==================
>                       ----------Final verdict----------
> The largest off-origin peak in the Patterson function is 3.07% of the
> height of the origin peak. No significant pseudotranslation is detected.
> The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics behave as
> expected. No twinning is suspected.
>            ----------Statistics independent of twin laws----------
> <I^2>/<I>^2 : 1.935  (untwinned: 2.0, perfect twin: 1.5)
> <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.805  (untwinned: 0.785, perfect twin: 0.885)
> <|E^2-1|>   : 0.696  (untwinned: 0.736, perfect twin: 0.541)
> <|L|>       : 0.471  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> <L^2>       : 0.301  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> Multivariate Z score L-test: 1.292
> The multivariate Z score is a quality measure of the given spread in
> intensities. Good to reasonable data are expected to have a Z score lower
> than 3.5.  Large values can indicate twinning, but small values do not
> necessarily exclude it.  Note that the expected values for perfect twinning
> are for merohedrally twinned structures, and deviations from untwinned will
> be larger for perfect higher-order twinning.
> No (pseudo)merohedral twin laws were found.
> Data processed P21, amplitudes as input:
> =============== Diagnostic tests for twinning and pseudosymmetry 
> ==============
> Using data between 10.00 to 3.50 Angstrom.
>                     ----------Patterson analyses----------
> Largest Patterson peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom:
> Frac. coord.              :    0.162    0.000   -0.020
> Distance to origin        :   17.554
> Height relative to origin :    2.975 %
> p_value(height)           :    1.000e+00
> Explanation
> The p-value, the probability that a peak of the specified height or larger
> is found in a Patterson function of a macromolecule that does not have any
> translational pseudo-symmetry, is equal to 1.000e+00.  p_values smaller than
> 0.05 might indicate weak translational pseudo symmetry, or the self vector of
> a large anomalous scatterer such as Hg, whereas values smaller than 1e-3 are
> a very strong indication for the presence of translational pseudo symmetry.
>                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------
> Acentric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :1.974   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.816   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.689   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)
> Centric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :2.817   (untwinned: 3.000; perfect twin 2.000)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.691   (untwinned: 0.637; perfect twin 0.785)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.832   (untwinned: 0.968; perfect twin 0.736)
>               ----------NZ test for twinning and TNCS----------
> The NZ test is diagnostic for both twinning and translational NCS.  Note
> however that if both are present, the effects may cancel each other out,
> therefore the results of the Patterson analysis and L-test also need to be
> considered.
> Maximum deviation acentric      :  0.061
> Maximum deviation centric       :  0.060
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_acentric  : -0.011
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_centric   : +0.017
>                  ----------L test for acentric data----------
> Using difference vectors (dh,dk,dl) of the form:
>    (2hp, 2kp, 2lp)
> where hp, kp, and lp are random signed integers such that
>    2 <= |dh| + |dk| + |dl| <= 8
> Mean |L|   :0.435  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> Mean  L^2  :0.262  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> The distribution of |L| values indicates a twin fraction of
> 0.00. Note that this estimate is not as reliable as obtained
> via a Britton plot or H-test if twin laws are available.
> Reference:
> J. Padilla & T. O. Yeates. A statistic for local intensity differences:
> robustness to anisotropy and pseudo-centering and utility for detecting
> twinning. Acta Crystallogr. D59, 1124-30, 2003.
> ================================== Twin laws 
> ==================================
>                  ----------Twin law identification----------
> No twin laws are possible for this crystal lattice.
> ================== Twinning and intensity statistics summary 
> ==================
>                       ----------Final verdict----------
> The largest off-origin peak in the Patterson function is 2.98% of the
> height of the origin peak. No significant pseudotranslation is detected.
> The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics
> are significantly different than is expected from good to reasonable,
> untwinned data.
> As there are no twin laws possible given the crystal symmetry, there could be
> a number of reasons for the departure of the intensity statistics from
> normality.  Overmerging pseudo-symmetric or twinned data, intensity to
> amplitude conversion problems as well as bad data quality might be possible
> reasons.  It could be worthwhile considering reprocessing the data.
>            ----------Statistics independent of twin laws----------
> <I^2>/<I>^2 : 1.974  (untwinned: 2.0, perfect twin: 1.5)
> <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.816  (untwinned: 0.785, perfect twin: 0.885)
> <|E^2-1|>   : 0.689  (untwinned: 0.736, perfect twin: 0.541)
> <|L|>       : 0.435  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> <L^2>       : 0.262  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> Multivariate Z score L-test: 4.774
> The multivariate Z score is a quality measure of the given spread in
> intensities. Good to reasonable data are expected to have a Z score lower
> than 3.5.  Large values can indicate twinning, but small values do not
> necessarily exclude it.  Note that the expected values for perfect twinning
> are for merohedrally twinned structures, and deviations from untwinned will
> be larger for perfect higher-order twinning.
> No (pseudo)merohedral twin laws were found.
> Data processed as P1, intensities as input:
> =============== Diagnostic tests for twinning and pseudosymmetry 
> ==============
> Using data between 10.00 to 3.50 Angstrom.
>                     ----------Patterson analyses----------
> Largest Patterson peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom:
> Frac. coord.              :    0.109   -0.092    0.018
> Distance to origin        :   18.636
> Height relative to origin :    3.518 %
> p_value(height)           :    9.999e-01
> Explanation
> The p-value, the probability that a peak of the specified height or larger
> is found in a Patterson function of a macromolecule that does not have any
> translational pseudo-symmetry, is equal to 9.999e-01.  p_values smaller than
> 0.05 might indicate weak translational pseudo symmetry, or the self vector of
> a large anomalous scatterer such as Hg, whereas values smaller than 1e-3 are
> a very strong indication for the presence of translational pseudo symmetry.
>                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------
> Acentric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :1.916   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.809   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.704   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)
>               ----------NZ test for twinning and TNCS----------
> The NZ test is diagnostic for both twinning and translational NCS.  Note
> however that if both are present, the effects may cancel each other out,
> therefore the results of the Patterson analysis and L-test also need to be
> considered.
> Maximum deviation acentric      :  0.043
> Maximum deviation centric       :  0.683
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_acentric  : -0.026
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_centric   : -0.467
>                  ----------L test for acentric data----------
> Using difference vectors (dh,dk,dl) of the form:
>    (2hp, 2kp, 2lp)
> where hp, kp, and lp are random signed integers such that
>    2 <= |dh| + |dk| + |dl| <= 8
> Mean |L|   :0.466  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> Mean  L^2  :0.296  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> The distribution of |L| values indicates a twin fraction of
> 0.00. Note that this estimate is not as reliable as obtained
> via a Britton plot or H-test if twin laws are available.
> Reference:
> J. Padilla & T. O. Yeates. A statistic for local intensity differences:
> robustness to anisotropy and pseudo-centering and utility for detecting
> twinning. Acta Crystallogr. D59, 1124-30, 2003.
> ================================== Twin laws 
> ==================================
>                  ----------Twin law identification----------
> Possible twin laws:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Type | Axis   | R metric (%) | delta (le Page) | delta (Lebedev) | Twin law 
> |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |  PM  | 2-fold | 0.053        | 0.035           | 0.000           | -h,-k,l  
> |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0   merohedral twin operators found
> 1   pseudo-merohedral twin operators found
> In total,   1 twin operators were found
> Please note that the possibility of twin laws only means that the lattice
> symmetry permits twinning; it does not mean that the data are actually
> twinned.  You should only treat the data as twinned if the intensity
> statistics are abnormal.
>                  ----------Twin law-specific tests----------
> The following tests analyze the input data with each of the possible twin
> laws applied.  If twinning is present, the most appropriate twin law will
> usually have a low R_abs_twin value and a consistent estimate of the twin
> fraction (significantly above 0) from each test.  The results are also
> compiled in the summary section.
> WARNING: please remember that the possibility of twin laws, and the results
> of the specific tests, does not guarantee that twinning is actually present
> in the data.  Only the presence of abnormal intensity statistics (as judged
> by the Wilson moments, NZ-test, and L-test) is diagnostic for twinning.
>                ----------Analysis of twin law -h,-k,l----------
> H-test on acentric data
> Only 50.0 % of the strongest twin pairs were used.
> mean |H| : 0.239  (0.50: untwinned; 0.0: 50% twinned)
> mean H^2 : 0.116  (0.33: untwinned; 0.0: 50% twinned)
> Estimation of twin fraction via mean |H|: 0.261
> Estimation of twin fraction via cum. dist. of H: 0.278
> Britton analyses
> Extrapolation performed on  0.45 < alpha < 0.495
> Estimated twin fraction: 0.337
> Correlation: 0.9951
> R vs R statistics
> R_abs_twin = <|I1-I2|>/<|I1+I2|>
>    (Lebedev, Vagin, Murshudov. Acta Cryst. (2006). D62, 83-95)
> R_abs_twin observed data   : 0.236
> R_sq_twin = <(I1-I2)^2>/<(I1+I2)^2>
> R_sq_twin observed data    : 0.096
> No calculated data available.
> R_twin for calculated data not determined.
> ======================= Exploring higher metric symmetry 
> ======================
> The point group of data as dictated by the space group is P 1
> The point group in the niggli setting is P 1
> The point group of the lattice is P 1 1 2
> A summary of R values for various possible point groups follow.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Point group | mean R_used | max R_used | mean R_unused | min R_unused | BIC 
>       | choice |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | P 1         |  None       |  None      | 0.236         | 0.236        | 
> 5.792e+05 |        |
> | P 1 1 2     | 0.236       | 0.236      |  None         |  None        | 
> 3.867e+05 |        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> R_used: mean and maximum R value for symmetry operators *used* in this point 
> group
> R_unused: mean and minimum R value for symmetry operators *not used* in this 
> point group
> An automated point group suggestion is made on the basis of the BIC (Bayesian
> information criterion).
> The likely point group of the data is: P 1 1 2
> Possible space groups in this point group are:
>   Unit cell: (103.91, 197.01, 137.2, 90, 99.873, 90)
>   Space group: P 1 2 1 (No. 3)
>   Unit cell: (103.91, 197.01, 137.2, 90, 99.873, 90)
>   Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
> Note that this analysis does not take into account the effects of twinning.
> If the data are (almost) perfectly twinned, the symmetry will appear to be
> higher than it actually is.
> ================== Twinning and intensity statistics summary 
> ==================
>                       ----------Final verdict----------
> The largest off-origin peak in the Patterson function is 3.52% of the
> height of the origin peak. No significant pseudotranslation is detected.
> The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics behave as
> expected. No twinning is suspected.
> The symmetry of the lattice and intensity however suggests that the input
> input space group is too low. See the relevant sections of the log file for
> more details on your choice of space groups.
> As the symmetry is suspected to be incorrect, it is advisable to reconsider
> data processing.
>            ----------Statistics independent of twin laws----------
> <I^2>/<I>^2 : 1.916  (untwinned: 2.0, perfect twin: 1.5)
> <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.809  (untwinned: 0.785, perfect twin: 0.885)
> <|E^2-1|>   : 0.704  (untwinned: 0.736, perfect twin: 0.541)
> <|L|>       : 0.466  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> <L^2>       : 0.296  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> Multivariate Z score L-test: 1.670
> The multivariate Z score is a quality measure of the given spread in
> intensities. Good to reasonable data are expected to have a Z score lower
> than 3.5.  Large values can indicate twinning, but small values do not
> necessarily exclude it.  Note that the expected values for perfect twinning
> are for merohedrally twinned structures, and deviations from untwinned will
> be larger for perfect higher-order twinning.
>             ----------Statistics depending on twin laws----------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> | Operator | type | R obs. | Britton alpha | H alpha | ML alpha |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> | -h,-k,l  |  PM  | 0.236  | 0.337         | 0.278   | 0.348    |
> ————————————————————————————————
> Data processed as P1, amplitudes as input:
> =============== Diagnostic tests for twinning and pseudosymmetry 
> ==============
> Using data between 10.00 to 3.50 Angstrom.
>                     ----------Patterson analyses----------
> Largest Patterson peak with length larger than 15 Angstrom:
> Frac. coord.              :    0.109   -0.091    0.018
> Distance to origin        :   18.517
> Height relative to origin :    3.198 %
> p_value(height)           :    1.000e+00
> Explanation
> The p-value, the probability that a peak of the specified height or larger
> is found in a Patterson function of a macromolecule that does not have any
> translational pseudo-symmetry, is equal to 1.000e+00.  p_values smaller than
> 0.05 might indicate weak translational pseudo symmetry, or the self vector of
> a large anomalous scatterer such as Hg, whereas values smaller than 1e-3 are
> a very strong indication for the presence of translational pseudo symmetry.
>                  ----------Wilson ratio and moments----------
> Acentric reflections:
>   <I^2>/<I>^2    :1.967   (untwinned: 2.000; perfect twin 1.500)
>   <F>^2/<F^2>    :0.821   (untwinned: 0.785; perfect twin 0.885)
>   <|E^2 - 1|>    :0.690   (untwinned: 0.736; perfect twin 0.541)
>               ----------NZ test for twinning and TNCS----------
> The NZ test is diagnostic for both twinning and translational NCS.  Note
> however that if both are present, the effects may cancel each other out,
> therefore the results of the Patterson analysis and L-test also need to be
> considered.
> Maximum deviation acentric      :  0.077
> Maximum deviation centric       :  0.683
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_acentric  : -0.022
> <NZ(obs)-NZ(twinned)>_centric   : -0.467
>                  ----------L test for acentric data----------
> Using difference vectors (dh,dk,dl) of the form:
>    (2hp, 2kp, 2lp)
> where hp, kp, and lp are random signed integers such that
>    2 <= |dh| + |dk| + |dl| <= 8
> Mean |L|   :0.427  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> Mean  L^2  :0.254  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> The distribution of |L| values indicates a twin fraction of
> 0.00. Note that this estimate is not as reliable as obtained
> via a Britton plot or H-test if twin laws are available.
> Reference:
> J. Padilla & T. O. Yeates. A statistic for local intensity differences:
> robustness to anisotropy and pseudo-centering and utility for detecting
> twinning. Acta Crystallogr. D59, 1124-30, 2003.
> ================================== Twin laws 
> ==================================
>                  ----------Twin law identification----------
> Possible twin laws:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Type | Axis   | R metric (%) | delta (le Page) | delta (Lebedev) | Twin law 
> |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> |  PM  | 2-fold | 0.053        | 0.035           | 0.000           | -h,-k,l  
> |
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 0   merohedral twin operators found
> 1   pseudo-merohedral twin operators found
> In total,   1 twin operators were found
> Please note that the possibility of twin laws only means that the lattice
> symmetry permits twinning; it does not mean that the data are actually
> twinned.  You should only treat the data as twinned if the intensity
> statistics are abnormal.
>                  ----------Twin law-specific tests----------
> The following tests analyze the input data with each of the possible twin
> laws applied.  If twinning is present, the most appropriate twin law will
> usually have a low R_abs_twin value and a consistent estimate of the twin
> fraction (significantly above 0) from each test.  The results are also
> compiled in the summary section.
> WARNING: please remember that the possibility of twin laws, and the results
> of the specific tests, does not guarantee that twinning is actually present
> in the data.  Only the presence of abnormal intensity statistics (as judged
> by the Wilson moments, NZ-test, and L-test) is diagnostic for twinning.
>                ----------Analysis of twin law -h,-k,l----------
> H-test on acentric data
> Only 50.0 % of the strongest twin pairs were used.
> mean |H| : 0.213  (0.50: untwinned; 0.0: 50% twinned)
> mean H^2 : 0.082  (0.33: untwinned; 0.0: 50% twinned)
> Estimation of twin fraction via mean |H|: 0.287
> Estimation of twin fraction via cum. dist. of H: 0.288
> Britton analyses
> Extrapolation performed on  0.44 < alpha < 0.495
> Estimated twin fraction: 0.337
> Correlation: 0.9956
> R vs R statistics
> R_abs_twin = <|I1-I2|>/<|I1+I2|>
>    (Lebedev, Vagin, Murshudov. Acta Cryst. (2006). D62, 83-95)
> R_abs_twin observed data   : 0.219
> R_sq_twin = <(I1-I2)^2>/<(I1+I2)^2>
> R_sq_twin observed data    : 0.093
> No calculated data available.
> R_twin for calculated data not determined.
> ======================= Exploring higher metric symmetry 
> ======================
> The point group of data as dictated by the space group is P 1
> The point group in the niggli setting is P 1
> The point group of the lattice is P 1 1 2
> A summary of R values for various possible point groups follow.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Point group | mean R_used | max R_used | mean R_unused | min R_unused | BIC 
>       | choice |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | P 1         |  None       |  None      | 0.219         | 0.219        | 
> 3.436e+05 |        |
> | P 1 1 2     | 0.219       | 0.219      |  None         |  None        | 
> 2.188e+05 |        |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> R_used: mean and maximum R value for symmetry operators *used* in this point 
> group
> R_unused: mean and minimum R value for symmetry operators *not used* in this 
> point group
> An automated point group suggestion is made on the basis of the BIC (Bayesian
> information criterion).
> The likely point group of the data is: P 1 1 2
> Possible space groups in this point group are:
>   Unit cell: (103.91, 197.01, 137.2, 90, 99.873, 90)
>   Space group: P 1 2 1 (No. 3)
>   Unit cell: (103.91, 197.01, 137.2, 90, 99.873, 90)
>   Space group: P 1 21 1 (No. 4)
> Note that this analysis does not take into account the effects of twinning.
> If the data are (almost) perfectly twinned, the symmetry will appear to be
> higher than it actually is.
> ================== Twinning and intensity statistics summary 
> ==================
>                       ----------Final verdict----------
> The largest off-origin peak in the Patterson function is 3.20% of the
> height of the origin peak. No significant pseudotranslation is detected.
> The results of the L-test indicate that the intensity statistics
> are significantly different than is expected from good to reasonable,
> untwinned data.
> As there are twin laws possible given the crystal symmetry, twinning could
> be the reason for the departure of the intensity statistics from normality.
> It might be worthwhile carrying out refinement with a twin specific target
> function.
> Please note however that R-factors from twinned refinement cannot be directly
> compared to R-factors without twinning, as they will always be lower when a
> twin law is used.  You should also use caution when interpreting the maps from
> refinement, as they will have significantly more model bias.
> Note that the symmetry of the intensities suggest that the assumed space group
> is too low. As twinning is however suspected, it is not immediately clear if
> this is the case.  Careful reprocessing and (twin)refinement for all cases
> might resolve this question.
>            ----------Statistics independent of twin laws----------
> <I^2>/<I>^2 : 1.967  (untwinned: 2.0, perfect twin: 1.5)
> <F>^2/<F^2> : 0.821  (untwinned: 0.785, perfect twin: 0.885)
> <|E^2-1|>   : 0.690  (untwinned: 0.736, perfect twin: 0.541)
> <|L|>       : 0.427  (untwinned: 0.500; perfect twin: 0.375)
> <L^2>       : 0.254  (untwinned: 0.333; perfect twin: 0.200)
> Multivariate Z score L-test: 5.697
> The multivariate Z score is a quality measure of the given spread in
> intensities. Good to reasonable data are expected to have a Z score lower
> than 3.5.  Large values can indicate twinning, but small values do not
> necessarily exclude it.  Note that the expected values for perfect twinning
> are for merohedrally twinned structures, and deviations from untwinned will
> be larger for perfect higher-order twinning.
>             ----------Statistics depending on twin laws----------
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> | Operator | type | R obs. | Britton alpha | H alpha | ML alpha |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> | -h,-k,l  |  PM  | 0.219  | 0.337         | 0.288   | 0.307    |
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

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