Sent on behalf of the Organizing Committee: John Rose, Manfred Weiss, Christoph Mueller-Dieckmann and B.C. Wang Location: Georgia Center, The University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA 30602 Dates: March 1 - 4, 2015 The 5th Winter School on Soft X-rays in Macromolecular
Crystallography is a continuation of similar activities that have been held in
Europe every three-years since 2003 as indicated below. 1st Winter School: Bressanone/Brixen, Italy; Feb.
25-27, 2003 2nd Winter School: Seefeld, Austria; March 22-25, 2006 3rd Winter School: Berlin, Germany; February 18-20,
2009 4th Winter School: Grenoble, France, February 6-8, 2012 The 5th Winter Scholar will be held at the University
of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, USA from March 1 to 4, 2015 ( Applications are open
to all interested researchers. Travel Awards are available for US & international young scientists. Important Deadlines: February 2, 2015 - Travel Award Application Submission February 2, 2015 - Hotel Reservations at UGA Hotel & Conference Center February 15, 2015 - Online Registration
for the Winter School February 15,
2015 -
Abstract Submission A tentative Course Schedule is attached. |
Winter School_Tentative_Schedule_141218.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document