The project will involve structural, functional and mechanistic studies on different heme proteins, including neutron crystallography and single crystal resonance Raman spectroscopy. This work is a collaboration of Peter Moody in the Department of Biochemistry and Emma Raven in the Department of Chemistry (but we are in the same building).
The link is,2348228658&key=78315784&c=786021238234&pagestamp=sevlztwcyjtrujnidq Informal enquiries are welcome, but please use my universiy email ( not this one. Peter Moody 1/56 Henry Wellcome Laboratories University of Leicester Lancaster Road Leicester LE1 9HN UK tel. (0)116 229 7097<redir.aspx?C=7h19pcspqEmPAALvHREjMjo_krJWbNBI_LMEQufsD8fcXnwT9NTTIL6o7-nOe5BjK9EY1boVZ6U.&>