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Diana Monteiro
Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research
NSF BioXFEL Science and Technology Center

March 22, 13:30 EST

Beyond cryo-crystallography: new technologies for serial and time-resolved 

The advent of cryocrystallography made determining the high resolution of 
proteins using X-ray diffraction truly possible by reducing radiation damage of 
the samples. It is still the most widely used method, accounting for the vast 
majority of structures currently in the Protein Data Bank. But, with the advent 
of brighter X-ray sources (third and fourth generation synchrotrons and X-ray 
free electron lasers), the number of room temperature (RT), protein structures 
determined by X-ray diffraction is increasing once more. The development of 
technologies towards serial crystallography, including sample preparation, 
delivery, hardware and software advances, make these studies possible. RT 
structures show variations in conformations, highlighting structure-function 
relationships important for basic science and drug discovery. In this talk I 
will give an overview of some of the technologies and techniques we have worked 
on in recent years, including their application towards time-resolved 

Vivian Stojanoff, PhD
Education, Training, Outreach
User Program
p 1(631) 344 8375

Center for Biomolecular Structure
National Synchrotron Light Source II
Building 745
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton NY 11973

Supporting Grants: CBMS is supported by NIH-NIGMS #P30GM133893, and by the 
DOE-BER #KP1605010. Any work performed at NSLS-II is supported by DOE-BES  
under contract # DE-SC0012704.


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