Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Nicholas M Glykos
Hi Francisco,

I'll play devil's advocate, but a measurement without an estimate of its 
error is closer to theology than to science. The fact that the standard 
deviations are not used for calculating an electron density map via FFT is 
only due to the hidden assumption that you have 100% complete, error-free 
data set, extending to sufficient high (infinite) resolution. When these 
assumptions do not apply (as is usually the case with physical reality), 
then the simple-minded FFT is not the correct inversion procedure (and the 
data do not univocally define a single map). Under these conditions other 
inversion mathods are needed (such as maximum entropy) for which the 
standard deviations are actively being used for calculating the map.

My twocents,

On Tue, 22 May 2012, Francisco Hernandez-Guzman wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert's 
 take on whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation 
 of an electron density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, 
 sigma's don't appear to be a requirement but all the scripts that I've 
 looked at do require sigma values.
 I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the 
 structure file only lists the Fo's, Fc's and Phases, but no sigmas. 
 Would such structure factor file be considered incomplete?
 Thank you for your kind explanation.


Nicholas M. Glykos, Department of Molecular Biology
 and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus,
  Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece, Tel/Fax (office) +302551030620,
Ext.77620, Tel (lab) +302551030615,

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Ed Pozharski
I may be wrong here (and please by all means correct me), but I think
it's not entirely true that experimental errors are not used in modern
map calculation algorithm.  At the very least, the 2mFo-DFc maps are
calibrated to the model error (which can be ideologically seen as the
error of experiment if you include model inaccuracies into that).  And
I quote from Acta D53:240,

REFMAC also includes the sigma_E0 in the derivation of these terms (m
and D) which usually leads to improved behavior.  In fact in several
cases when this has not been so it has been shown that the sigma_I0 were
wrongly estimated during data processing.

Thus, the experimental errors do affect the maps (albeit indirectly).  I
have not done extensive (or any for that matter) testing, but my
evidence-devoid gut feeling is that maps not using experimental errors
(which in REFAMC can be done either via gui button or by excluding SIGFP
from LABIN in a script) will for a practicing crystallographer be
essentially indistinguishable.

The reason for this is that model errors as estimated by various
maximum likelihood algorithms tend to exceed experimental errors.  It
may be that these estimates are inflated (heretical thought but when you
think about it uniform inflation of the SIGMA_wc may have only
proportional impact on the log-likelihood or even less so when they
correlate with experimental errors).  Or it may be that the experimental
errors are underestimated (another heretical thought).

Nevertheless, the perceived situation is that our models are not as
good as our data, and therefore experimental errors don't matter.  Now
I am playing another devil's advocate and I know how crazy this sounds
to an unbiased experimental scientist (e.g. if they don't matter, why
bother improving data reduction algorithms?).

I guess maps produced in phenix do not use experimental errors in any
way given that the maximum likelihood formalism implemented there does
not.  Although phenix is not immutable and my understanding may be
outdated.  But this is not the right forum for pondering this specific



PS.  I fully realize that Francisco's question was more practical (and
the answer to that is to run REFMAC without SIGFP record in LABIN), but
isn't thread-hijacking fun? :)

On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 10:05 +0300, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:
 Hi Francisco,
 I'll play devil's advocate, but a measurement without an estimate of its 
 error is closer to theology than to science. The fact that the standard 
 deviations are not used for calculating an electron density map via FFT is 
 only due to the hidden assumption that you have 100% complete, error-free 
 data set, extending to sufficient high (infinite) resolution. When these 
 assumptions do not apply (as is usually the case with physical reality), 
 then the simple-minded FFT is not the correct inversion procedure (and the 
 data do not univocally define a single map). Under these conditions other 
 inversion mathods are needed (such as maximum entropy) for which the 
 standard deviations are actively being used for calculating the map.
 My twocents,
 On Tue, 22 May 2012, Francisco Hernandez-Guzman wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert's 
  take on whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation 
  of an electron density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, 
  sigma's don't appear to be a requirement but all the scripts that I've 
  looked at do require sigma values.
  I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the 
  structure file only lists the Fo's, Fc's and Phases, but no sigmas. 
  Would such structure factor file be considered incomplete?
  Thank you for your kind explanation.

I'd jump in myself, if I weren't so good at whistling.
   Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Pete Meyer


I may be wrong here (and please by all means correct me), but I think
it's not entirely true that experimental errors are not used in modern
map calculation algorithm.  At the very least, the 2mFo-DFc maps are
calibrated to the model error (which can be ideologically seen as the
error of experiment if you include model inaccuracies into that).  And

I supposed my statement may have more precise than helpful.  Obviously 
model and experimental errors do factor into calculation of a 2mFo-DFc 
map - but is weight and structure factor calculation part of map 
calculation, or a distinct stage of data processing?  I tend to think of 
it as separate from map calculation, but this may be up for debate 
(judging by the increasing number of statements along the lines of I 
looked at my mtz file in coot and saw X).


Nevertheless, the perceived situation is that our models are not as
good as our data, and therefore experimental errors don't matter.  Now
I am playing another devil's advocate and I know how crazy this sounds
to an unbiased experimental scientist (e.g. if they don't matter, why
bother improving data reduction algorithms?).

The errors in our models are almost definitely more extensive than the 
errors in our measurements, but one try at answering this devil's 
advocate question would be to point out that the usual likelihood 
equations all require sigF (either as a component of sigma, or for 
bootstrapping sigma).  I've only done limited testing related to this 
(it was actually for something else), but likelihood equations produce 
strange results if you try to get them to ignore sigF.


I guess maps produced in phenix do not use experimental errors in any
way given that the maximum likelihood formalism implemented there does
not.  Although phenix is not immutable and my understanding may be
outdated.  But this is not the right forum for pondering this specific



PS.  I fully realize that Francisco's question was more practical (and
the answer to that is to run REFMAC without SIGFP record in LABIN), but
isn't thread-hijacking fun? :)

On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 10:05 +0300, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:

Hi Francisco,

I'll play devil's advocate, but a measurement without an estimate of its 
error is closer to theology than to science. The fact that the standard 
deviations are not used for calculating an electron density map via FFT is 
only due to the hidden assumption that you have 100% complete, error-free 
data set, extending to sufficient high (infinite) resolution. When these 
assumptions do not apply (as is usually the case with physical reality), 
then the simple-minded FFT is not the correct inversion procedure (and the 
data do not univocally define a single map). Under these conditions other 
inversion mathods are needed (such as maximum entropy) for which the 
standard deviations are actively being used for calculating the map.

My twocents,

On Tue, 22 May 2012, Francisco Hernandez-Guzman wrote:

Hello everyone,

My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert's 
take on whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation 
of an electron density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, 
sigma's don't appear to be a requirement but all the scripts that I've 
looked at do require sigma values.

I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the 
structure file only lists the Fo's, Fc's and Phases, but no sigmas. 
Would such structure factor file be considered incomplete?

Thank you for your kind explanation.


Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Nicholas M Glykos
Hi Ed,

 I may be wrong here (and please by all means correct me), but I think
 it's not entirely true that experimental errors are not used in modern
 map calculation algorithm.  At the very least, the 2mFo-DFc maps are
 calibrated to the model error (which can be ideologically seen as the
 error of experiment if you include model inaccuracies into that).

This is an amplitude modification. It does not change the fact that the 
sigmas are not being used in the inversion procedure [and also does not 
change the (non) treatment of missing data]. A more direct and relevant 
example to discuss (with respect to Francisco's question) would be the 
calculation of a Patterson synthesis (where the phases are known and 

 I have not done extensive (or any for that matter) testing, but my 
 evidence-devoid gut feeling is that maps not using experimental errors 
 (which in REFAMC can be done either via gui button or by excluding SIGFP 
 from LABIN in a script) will for a practicing crystallographer be 
 essentially indistinguishable.

It seems that although you are not doubting the importance of maximum 
likelihood for refinement, you do seem to doubt the importance of closely 
related probabilistic methods (such as maximum entropy methods) for map 
calculation. I think you can't have it both ways ... :-)

 The reason for this is that model errors as estimated by various
 maximum likelihood algorithms tend to exceed experimental errors.  It
 may be that these estimates are inflated (heretical thought but when you
 think about it uniform inflation of the SIGMA_wc may have only
 proportional impact on the log-likelihood or even less so when they
 correlate with experimental errors).  Or it may be that the experimental
 errors are underestimated (another heretical thought).

My experience from comparing conventional (FFT-based) and maximum-entropy- 
related maps is that the main source of differences between the two maps 
has more to do with missing data (especially low resolution overloaded 
reflections) and putative outliers (for difference Patterson maps), but in 
certain cases (with very accurate or inaccurate data) standard deviations 
do matter.

All the best,


Nicholas M. Glykos, Department of Molecular Biology
 and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus,
  Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece, Tel/Fax (office) +302551030620,
Ext.77620, Tel (lab) +302551030615,

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Pete Meyer


My experience from comparing conventional (FFT-based) and maximum-entropy- 
related maps is that the main source of differences between the two maps 
has more to do with missing data (especially low resolution overloaded 
reflections) and putative outliers (for difference Patterson maps), but in 
certain cases (with very accurate or inaccurate data) standard deviations 
do matter.

I'm curious - which programs have you used for maximum-entropy for map 


Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 10:02 -0500, Pete Meyer wrote:
 model and experimental errors do factor into calculation of a
 map - but is weight and structure factor calculation part of map 
 calculation, or a distinct stage of data processing? 

Oh, I see.  Sure, when the map coefficients are already available, the
further calculation does need sigmas, or even Fo's/Fc's.  I think the
practical question Fransisco asked comes to this:

If you have no SIGFP column in the input mtz-file, REFMAC will by
default fail (phenix probably won't - at least I've seen datasets where
all the sigmas were reset to 1.00 and it didn't change the output a
bit).  So one naturally things that sigmas are needed/used in map
calculation.  Again in practical terms, just remove the SIGFP from LABIN
and it works, because refmac can do it both ways.



After much deep and profound brain things inside my head, 
I have decided to thank you for bringing peace to our home.
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 18:06 +0300, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:
 This is an amplitude modification. It does not change the fact that
 sigmas are not being used in the inversion procedure 


I am not sure I understand this - perhaps we are talking about different
things.  Even if by inversion procedure you mean simple calculation of
(2fo-fc)*exp(i*phi), the fc is still technically a product of the
refinement, which unless based on trivial least square target (i.e. no
weights) does factor in experimental errors.  The (2mFo-DFc) map is even
more obviously dependent on the errors.  Again, I believe that the
differences will be minor, but if one calculates a map with refmac
either with or without factoring in experimental errors, there will be
*some difference*.  Thus, the experimental errors will affect the
resulting map.  Could you please clarify?



Oh, suddenly throwing a giraffe into a volcano to make water is crazy?
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Ed Pozharski
On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 18:06 +0300, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:
 It seems that although you are not doubting the importance of maximum 
 likelihood for refinement, you do seem to doubt the importance of
 related probabilistic methods (such as maximum entropy methods) for
 calculation. I think you can't have it both ways ... :-)


I think that we are not comparing ML to no-ML (or maximum entropy), but
rather ML inflated by experimental errors vs pure ML that ignores them.
I may be crazy or stupid (or both), but certainly not crazy/stupid
enough to doubt the importance of maximum likelihood for refinement.
(On the other hand, one who promises to never doubt maximum likelihood
shall never use SHELX :)



I don't know why the sacrifice thing didn't work.  
Science behind it seemed so solid.
Julian, King of Lemurs

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Francisco Hernandez-Guzman
I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of the respondents to the post. 
Indeed, my question was more practical in nature since I wanted to see the 
density around the ligand in question. From the first suggestions, I quickly 
did manage to generate the maps and accomplish my goal (special thanks to 
Robbie for actually sending me the converted mtz file from the PDB cif entry).

The additional comments have also been highly educational and helpful to 
further my understanding of some more in-depth crystallography concepts.

Thank you,


PS The PDB_REDO ( was indeed 
a great resource and I'm certain to use it again. Thanks!

From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK] On Behalf Of Francisco 
Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 9:28 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

Hello everyone,

My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert's take on 
whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation of an electron 
density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, sigma's don't appear to be 
a requirement but all the scripts that I've looked at do require sigma values.

I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the structure 
file only lists the Fo's, Fc's and Phases, but no sigmas. Would such structure 
factor file be considered incomplete?

Thank you for your kind explanation.


Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Dale Tronrud
On 05/23/12 08:06, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:
 Hi Ed,
 I may be wrong here (and please by all means correct me), but I think
 it's not entirely true that experimental errors are not used in modern
 map calculation algorithm.  At the very least, the 2mFo-DFc maps are
 calibrated to the model error (which can be ideologically seen as the
 error of experiment if you include model inaccuracies into that).
 This is an amplitude modification. It does not change the fact that the 
 sigmas are not being used in the inversion procedure [and also does not 
 change the (non) treatment of missing data]. A more direct and relevant 
 example to discuss (with respect to Francisco's question) would be the 
 calculation of a Patterson synthesis (where the phases are known and 
 I have not done extensive (or any for that matter) testing, but my 
 evidence-devoid gut feeling is that maps not using experimental errors 
 (which in REFAMC can be done either via gui button or by excluding SIGFP 
 from LABIN in a script) will for a practicing crystallographer be 
 essentially indistinguishable.
 It seems that although you are not doubting the importance of maximum 
 likelihood for refinement, you do seem to doubt the importance of closely 
 related probabilistic methods (such as maximum entropy methods) for map 
 calculation. I think you can't have it both ways ... :-)
 The reason for this is that model errors as estimated by various
 maximum likelihood algorithms tend to exceed experimental errors.  It
 may be that these estimates are inflated (heretical thought but when you
 think about it uniform inflation of the SIGMA_wc may have only
 proportional impact on the log-likelihood or even less so when they
 correlate with experimental errors).  Or it may be that the experimental
 errors are underestimated (another heretical thought).
 My experience from comparing conventional (FFT-based) and maximum-entropy- 
 related maps is that the main source of differences between the two maps 
 has more to do with missing data (especially low resolution overloaded 
 reflections) and putative outliers (for difference Patterson maps), but in 
 certain cases (with very accurate or inaccurate data) standard deviations 
 do matter.

   In a continuation of this torturous diversion from the original question...

   Since your concern is not how the sigma(Fo) plays out in refinement but
how uncertainties are dealt with in the map calculation itself (where an
FFT calculates the most probable density values and maximum entropy would
calculate the best, or centroid, density values) I believe the most
relevant measure of the uncertainty of the Fourier coefficients would be
sigma(2mFo-DFc).  This would be estimated from a complex calculation of
sigma(sigmaA), sigma(Fo), sigma(Fc) and sigma(Phic).  I expect that the
contribution of sigma(Fo) would be one of the smallest contributors to this
calculation, as long as Fo is observed.  I wouldn't expect the loss of
sigma(Fo) to be catastrophic.

   Wouldn't sigma(sigmaA) be the largest component since sigmaA is a function
of resolution and based only on the test set?

Dale Tronrud

 All the best,

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Nikolaos Glykos

Hi Ed,

I am not sure I understand this - perhaps we are talking about 
things.  Even if by inversion procedure you mean simple calculation 

(2fo-fc)*exp(i*phi), the fc is still technically a product of the
refinement, which unless based on trivial least square target (i.e. 
weights) does factor in experimental errors.  The (2mFo-DFc) map is 

more obviously dependent on the errors.  Again, I believe that the
differences will be minor, but if one calculates a map with refmac
either with or without factoring in experimental errors, there will 

*some difference*.  Thus, the experimental errors will affect the
resulting map.  Could you please clarify?

Yes, we are talking about different things. I refer to the case that we
have an amplitude term with its uncertainty (no matter whether it is Fo 
Fo^2 or Fo-Fc or 2mFo-DFc or ...) plus a phase with its uncertainty. In 

everyday applications we use FFT which ignores (i) the uncertainties of
both terms, (ii) the missing data. By doing an FFT we produce a map 
exactly reproduces the input data (even if they are missing data which 
reproduced with an amplitude of zero). What I have been saying is that 

the presence of uncertainties and missing information the data do not
define a single map, but a whole set of maps which are statistically
consistent with the data and the question then arises : 'which map 

I be looking at ?'. I happen to mention the maximum entropy method as a
possible solution to this problem.

I think that we are not comparing ML to no-ML (or maximum entropy), 
rather ML inflated by experimental errors vs pure ML that ignores 

I may be crazy or stupid (or both), but certainly not crazy/stupid
enough to doubt the importance of maximum likelihood for 
(On the other hand, one who promises to never doubt maximum 

shall never use SHELX :)

We definitely talk about different things. My arguments had nothing to 
with treatment of errors in refinement. The question I was tackling was 
how you
go from |F|,sig(|F|),phase to a map in the presence of errors and 



Nicholas M. Glykos, Department of Molecular Biology
 and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus,
  Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece, Tel/Fax (office) 

Ext.77620, Tel (lab) +302551030615,

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread George Sheldrick
In SHELXL. a refinement program sometimes used by small molecule 
crystallographers, all Fourier map for at least the last 20 years were 
weighted by Ic^2/(Ic^2+sigma^2(I)), where Ic is the calculated squared 
structure factor and sigma(I) is the square root of 1/w. w is the weight 
assigned to a reflection in the refinement (e.g. w=1/(sig(I)^2+(gI)^2), 
where sig(I) is the esd of the measured intensity I and g is a small 
constant. This purely empirical scheme appears to result in a 
significant reduction in the noise level of the map, at least for 
typical small molecule structures. Such schemes have been called 
'maximum likelihood by intuition', a proper maximum likelihood treatment 
taking the esds of the intensities into account would of course do much 


On 05/23/2012 06:59 PM, Dale Tronrud wrote:

On 05/23/12 08:06, Nicholas M Glykos wrote:

Hi Ed,

I may be wrong here (and please by all means correct me), but I think
it's not entirely true that experimental errors are not used in modern
map calculation algorithm.  At the very least, the 2mFo-DFc maps are
calibrated to the model error (which can be ideologically seen as the
error of experiment if you include model inaccuracies into that).

This is an amplitude modification. It does not change the fact that the
sigmas are not being used in the inversion procedure [and also does not
change the (non) treatment of missing data]. A more direct and relevant
example to discuss (with respect to Francisco's question) would be the
calculation of a Patterson synthesis (where the phases are known and

I have not done extensive (or any for that matter) testing, but my
evidence-devoid gut feeling is that maps not using experimental errors
(which in REFAMC can be done either via gui button or by excluding SIGFP
from LABIN in a script) will for a practicing crystallographer be
essentially indistinguishable.

It seems that although you are not doubting the importance of maximum
likelihood for refinement, you do seem to doubt the importance of closely
related probabilistic methods (such as maximum entropy methods) for map
calculation. I think you can't have it both ways ... :-)

The reason for this is that model errors as estimated by various
maximum likelihood algorithms tend to exceed experimental errors.  It
may be that these estimates are inflated (heretical thought but when you
think about it uniform inflation of the SIGMA_wc may have only
proportional impact on the log-likelihood or even less so when they
correlate with experimental errors).  Or it may be that the experimental
errors are underestimated (another heretical thought).

My experience from comparing conventional (FFT-based) and maximum-entropy-
related maps is that the main source of differences between the two maps
has more to do with missing data (especially low resolution overloaded
reflections) and putative outliers (for difference Patterson maps), but in
certain cases (with very accurate or inaccurate data) standard deviations
do matter.

In a continuation of this torturous diversion from the original question...

Since your concern is not how the sigma(Fo) plays out in refinement but
how uncertainties are dealt with in the map calculation itself (where an
FFT calculates the most probable density values and maximum entropy would
calculate the best, or centroid, density values) I believe the most
relevant measure of the uncertainty of the Fourier coefficients would be
sigma(2mFo-DFc).  This would be estimated from a complex calculation of
sigma(sigmaA), sigma(Fo), sigma(Fc) and sigma(Phic).  I expect that the
contribution of sigma(Fo) would be one of the smallest contributors to this
calculation, as long as Fo is observed.  I wouldn't expect the loss of
sigma(Fo) to be catastrophic.

Wouldn't sigma(sigmaA) be the largest component since sigmaA is a function
of resolution and based only on the test set?

Dale Tronrud

All the best,

Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-23 Thread Nikolaos Glykos

Hi Pete,

I'm curious - which programs have you used for maximum-entropy for
map calculation?

Thanks, I thought no-one would ask :-)

Don't download the program today. Or tomorrow. This coming weekend 

will be a new release which will contain MacOSX executables.


Nicholas M. Glykos, Department of Molecular Biology
 and Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, University Campus,
  Dragana, 68100 Alexandroupolis, Greece, Tel/Fax (office) 

Ext.77620, Tel (lab) +302551030615,

[ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-22 Thread Francisco Hernandez-Guzman
Hello everyone,

My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert's take on 
whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation of an electron 
density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, sigma's don't appear to be 
a requirement but all the scripts that I've looked at do require sigma values.

I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the structure 
file only lists the Fo's, Fc's and Phases, but no sigmas. Would such structure 
factor file be considered incomplete?

Thank you for your kind explanation.


Re: [ccp4bb] Calculating ED Maps from structure factor files with no sigma

2012-05-22 Thread Pete Meyer
Your understanding is correct, sigmaF values aren't required for 
calculating electron density.

Many programs that calculate maps have an option to use the F/sigmaF 
ratio to threshold the amplitudes used in map calculation - which would 
require sigmaF.  This isn't something I've seen used recently.  The 
presence of sigF is also sometimes used as a proxy for confirming that 
the data is observed rather than calculated.


Francisco Hernandez-Guzman wrote:

Hello everyone,

My apologies if this comes as basic, but I wanted to get the expert’s take on 
whether or not the sigmaF values are required in the calculation of an electron 
density map. If I look at the standard ED equation, sigma’s don’t appear to be 
a requirement but all the scripts that I’ve looked at do require sigma values.

I wanted to calculate the electron density for PDB id: 1HFS but the structure 
file only lists the Fo’s, Fc’s and Phases, but no sigmas. Would such structure 
factor file be considered incomplete?

Thank you for your kind explanation.
