Dear all,
There is an exciting PhD studentship available focussing on dynamin-mediated 
membrane remodelling in the lab of Dr Harry Low at Imperial College, London. 
The project aims to understand how dynamin family members, in complex with 
regulatory partners, drive membrane fission and fusion processes. Methodology 
will include cryo-electron microscopy and a suite of biophysical, biochemical 
and cellular assays to determine structure and function.

Please see the following link for more details: 
The closing date for applications is 9th December 2019.

For any informal enquiries please contact me at<>.


Dr. Harry Low
Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
Department of Life Sciences
503 Sir Ernst Chain Building
Imperial College
London, SW7 2AZ
+44 207 594 3064<>
Twitter: @thelowlab


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