Dear colleagues,

here some comments about our Hg ripple problem - many thanks to all your answers:

Indeed we were not able to completely get rid of the ripples (as stated by Bart Hazes: not really affecting the biological conclusions - but anyway!). Summarizing the suggested problems are: summation truncation, anomalous scattering, anisotropy, multiple conformations, radiation damage, occupancy. We already did the occupancy refinement beforehand, which helped as well as the anisotropic B refinement. Changing resolution limits did not help much - anyhow unfortunately we do not have higher resolution collected and data stops at the overall I/sigI at 3 sigma. Changing from Hg to Hg+1 (compound originally was ClHgCH3) helped in decreasing R-factors, although I always thought there should be covalent binding to Cys. Changing f' did not seem to have a big impact, although it is clearly different (approx. -11) from the standard CCP4 library for CuKa (-5.0)?! BTW: the Hg peaks are only 25 sigmas, and not 80 and dual conformations were not obvious.

Thanks to: ClemensV, KayD, GeorgeS, BartH, DavidS, KevinJ, EleanorD, TassosP, TommiK, PeterM

Klemens Wild

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