The Graille lab is interested in understanding how epitranscritomic marks are 
deposited on RNAs and influence RNA translation and decay as well as cell 
proliferation and organ development. We currently use a combination of various 
experimental approaches : molecular biology, biochemistry, cell biology and 
structural biology. We are willing to develop cryo-EM studies on human 
ribosomes as well as on complexes between RNA modifying enzymes and their 
substrates. The lab has access to an in-house cryo-EM platform equipped with a 
LEICA EM-GP sampler plunger to prepare grids and a Titan THEMIS cryo-electron 
microscope (200 kV). Access to Titan KRIOS machines is possible on French or 
European facilities.

This project will be realized at the Laboratory of Structural Biology of the 
Cell (BIOC) from Ecole Polytechnique (Institut Polytechnique de Paris - IPP; 
Palaiseau; France), a leading French institute that combines top-level 
research, academics, and innovation at the cutting-edge of science and 
technology. The laboratory is located 40 minutes by train from Paris City 
centre. The campus offers all the equipments to perform various activities 
(music, theater…) or sports: swimming pools, 8 tennis courts, several football, 
badminton, tennis table, volleyball and basketball pitches, climbing walls, …

The lab is looking for a candidate with solid knowledge in cryo-EM. The 
successful candidate will work in close collaboration with the team of Dr 
Schmitt and Mechulam, who have developed a strong expertise in cryo-EM since 
more than ten years. The selected candidate will apply to various local 
(Institut Polytechnique de Paris), national (charities such as FRM) or 
international (EMBO, Marie Curie, …) calls to get a post-doctoral fellowships 
to join the lab. The applicants should be preparing or hold a PhD degree with 
demonstrated knowledge in cryo-EM analysis of macromolecular complexes. Planned 
start date : Spring 2024.

Working knowledge of the English language (scientific, oral and written) is 
necessary, but knowledge of French is not required as the team regularly hosts 
people from different countries. Enthusiasm, motivation and willingness to 
contribute to a dynamic and enjoyable working environment are very important 
qualities. The candidate should show autonomy, but a successful integration 
into the team projects is essential.

Applications (including a detailed CV, summary of your current project and 
relevant skills and a contact information of two/three references) or 
information requests should be sent to Marc Graille 
Twitter : @GrailleLab

Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale de la Cellule  (BIOC; Ex-Laboratoire de 
UMR7654 du CNRS

Head of the team: “Translation and degradation of eukaryotic mRNAs”

📞: +33 (0)1 69 33 48 90

 : <> / 
Twitter : @GrailleLab <>


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