Dear Friends and Colleagues,
We hope that you, your families and colleagues are all doing well in this time 
of COVID-19 pandemic.
The recent world-wide spread of the pandemic has, regretfully, led us to a 
decision to postpone this year's PSDI meeting till 2021. The conference will 
therefore return in May 2021 at the Marriott Hotel Lyon, France - the same 
venue as planned for this year. The exact dates for the conference have not yet 
been fully confirmed but are most likely to be from 23 to 25 May 2021.
In order to minimise the gap between two regular PSDI conferences we are 
preparing two half-day lecture and discussion slots via a video conference, 
which will take place on 9 and 10 November 2020 - so please keep these dates 
open. More details will follow soon.

The sponsorship options will be announced soon. If you are interested to 
receive some information on sponsorship ahead please contact us at<> .
Best regards,
Djordje Musil (on behalf of PSDI 2020 Organising Committee)

Dr. Djordje Musil
Lab Head Protein Crystallography Darmstadt
Molecular Interactions and Biophysics, Discovery Technologies, R&D


Merck Healthcare KGaA | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany

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