Two postdoctoral positions in
membrane protein crystallography at the
Stockholm Center for Biomembrane Research

The Center for Biomembrane Research (CBR), located at Stockholm
University, is a newly formed strategic research center funded by the
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research and headed by Prof. Gunnar
von Heijne. CBR provides a unique setting for membrane protein
research. It presently encompasses over 15 research groups performing
world-class biomembrane research using both theoretical and
experimental approaches, and spans from basic biochemistry and
molecular biology to methods development, proteomics, bioinformatics
and structural biology. Interaction with industry and society is also
actively pursued. The collective competence is extraordinarily
multifaceted and presents an ideal environment for collaborative
studies and cooperation.

The protein X-ray crystallographic activity at CBR is presently being
established. The general goal is to increase the amount of
high-resolution structural information available for membrane proteins
of outstanding medical and scientific interest and to use this
information in the design of further experiments to obtain an in-depth
functional understanding.

We seek two talented postdocs with expertise in membrane protein
expression, purification and crystallization. Ideally the applicant
should be able to start work in Stockholm during the fall of 2007 or
early 2008.

The successful applicants will join a newly established team to take
on this challenging task in a very stimulating environment and will
participate in all stages of structure determination, from expression
and purification to crystallization and crystallography.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Martin Högbom    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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