Thank you Afonine, Hans, Kumar, Deliang, Mark, Jose, Tim, Eleanor and Ed for 
sharing your thoughts.

Here is a summary of the responses I received-

1. One should try to model residues based on 2Fo-Fc maps contoured at 1.0 sigma 
level. Structures of mobile regions/loops can sometimes be modeled  based on 
maps carved at 0.5-0.6 sigma, but in such cases extreme care must be taken to 
avoid modeling based on noise signals and not to omit genuine signals visible 
in the region. 
2. 2Fo-Fc maps contoured below 0.5 sigma and Fo-Fc maps contoured below 1.5 
sigma are full of noise signals and hence need to be carefully analyzed. It is 
advisable to avoid modeling anything based solely on signals seen below the 
above-mentioned sigma cut offs. Fo-Fc maps sometimes improve significantly 
after refining the initial model a couple of times.
3. There seems to be disagreement over modeling residues that one can not see 
in maps and leaving out residues that one can see in maps.

Thanks a lot for your responses.



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