[ccp4bb] crystal imaging system
Dear all, we are in the process of considering the purchase of a new Crystal Imager. So far, we have been considering the Formulatrix Rock Imager 182 and the TriTek Crystal Pro HT. I would be extremely grateful to anyone who could provide me: - feedback and user experience (positive/negative) on those instruments; - information on other instruments you would suggest. Thank you very much in advance, wishing you a pleasant weekend, best regards, ciao, S -- Sebastiano Pasqualato, PhD Crystallography Unit Department of Experimental Oncology European Institute of Oncology IFOM-IEO Campus via Adamello, 16 20139 - Milano Italy tel +39 02 9437 5167 fax +39 02 9437 5990 web http://is.gd/IEOXtalUnit
Re: [ccp4bb] Crystal imaging system
The CrysCam manufactured by Art Robbins is quite versatile at a very competitive price-performance ratio. They also do quick custom mods if you have special tasks, and they always provide a demo. http://www.artrobbinsinstruments.com/cryscam.html Best regards, BR -Original Message- From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alexander Aleshin Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2008 7:41 PM To: CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: [ccp4bb] Crystal imaging system Could anybody also advise about an imaging system for automatic inspection of crystallization plates? Is there a newsgroup dedicated to crystallization robotics? > Hi, > Sorry for the non-ccp4 related question. > We are planning to buy a crystallization robot. We looked at the > 'Mosquito'. We felt it is good for setting 96 well plates (for > screening the conditions). Though they say that we can use it for 24 > well plates (hanging drop) it didn't seem to be ideal because all it > does is set the drops and everything else has to be done manually. Can > anyone suggest us other crystallization robots out in the market that > are good? Thanks in advance, Regards, Madhavi > Alexander Aleshin, PhD The Burnham Institute San Diego, CA
[ccp4bb] Crystal imaging system
Could anybody also advise about an imaging system for automatic inspection of crystallization plates? Is there a newsgroup dedicated to crystallization robotics? > Hi, > Sorry for the non-ccp4 related question. > We are planning to buy a crystallization robot. We looked at the > 'Mosquito'. We felt it is good for setting 96 well plates (for > screening the conditions). Though they say that we can use it for 24 > well plates (hanging drop) it didn't seem to be ideal because all it > does is set the drops and everything else has to be done manually. Can > anyone suggest us other crystallization robots out in the market that > are good? Thanks in advance, > Regards, > Madhavi > Alexander Aleshin, PhD The Burnham Institute San Diego, CA