Dear all,

How does one exclude water from anisotropic refinement in refmac5.8 under

Here is the relevant section from the com file,

refi -
    type REST -
    resi MLKF -
    meth CGMAT -
    bref MIXED anisou residues from 100 A to 200 A

This does not work and the logfile has the following warning,

Data line---

 refi     type REST     resi MLKF     meth CGMAT     bref MIXED     anisou RESID

 UES 100 A to 200 A

 Unknown subkeyword of REFI

 ????? ANIS ?????

 Wrong residual option

 Unknown subkeyword of REFI

 ????? A    ?????

 Unknown subkeyword of REFI

 ????? TO   ?????

 Unknown subkeyword of REFI

 ????? 200  ?????

 Unknown subkeyword of REFI

 ????? A    ?????

Is there any other way of defining the residue range or excluding only water?

Thank you for your help,


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