Re: TK70 maintenance--fixing capstans and making them work well again

2021-02-15 Thread Chris Zach via cctalk
Since my last post I've gotten pretty good at getting these tape drives 
working and I think I see the reasons for a lot of the tape wear: Drag 
on the capstans.

The rear one (tach) is probably the biggest problem, but on 3 of the 4 
units I have here (2 TK50, 2 TK70) the bearings are not turning and as a 
result the capstan is dragging along the bolt at the top, tensioned by 
the spring on the axle. The result is a lot of drag at best, which will 
require the unit to apply extra tension to keep the tape moving across 
the capstan and encoder at a nice 75 inches per second. This translates 
into more wear at the head, more shedding, and more crap on the heads 
that people clean till the tape goes south.

Also the capstans should "float" on their axles, probably to deal with 
slightly misaligned tapes. If you push down on the capstan and it 
doesn't move then it is really bound up and needs a serious cleaning.

The solution is to clean out and lubricate the bearings. To do this for 
the front you can unbolt and remove the capstan. A hint on unbolting: 
Turn the bolt in a tightening direction and count the rotations before 
it stops at the bottom of travel. Should be a turn or two. Note this for 
each capstan, that way you can put the bolt back on at about the same 

Once the capstan is off, you simply wash top and bottom bearings out 
with 95% isopropyl to get out the old oil and gunk, let it dry, then use 
watch oil and a watch oiler to put about 6 small drops of oil on the 
inside bearing face. As the oil seeps into the bearing you will notice 
you can actually turn it with your oiler.

The rear one is a bit more complicated: The bottom bearing holds the 
encoder wheel on the shaft, so unless you want to take apart the encoder 
(moderately difficult, I'll write that another day if anyone's 
interested) focus on the top bearing. Remove the bolt, put a few drops 
of isopropyl first to loosen up the old oil, let it dry, then put six 
drops of new oil from an oiler tip on the bearing. It should now turn a 
*lot* easier.

Then assemble, clean off any excess oil, clean the tape head and guide 
and give it a try. I usually retract the leader before working on all of 
this to get it out of the way, re-hooking it is pretty simple. The 
result should be a unit that runs with just enough tension to spin the 
encoder (good) without drag on the front capstan (better) and minimal 
extra pressure on the tape head (best).

I could probably rebuild these for people if they would want it, what 
would be a fair price?

So far I'm happy: I am able to back up my 300gb ESDI disk on a single 
tape and the drives are pretty quick all things considered. RT11 backups 
are easy at 33mb, and I may just load all of my RL02's on tape images so 
I can have them around.


Re: PDP-11/70 progress (and a cry for help)

2021-02-15 Thread Fritz Mueller via cctalk
Hi Josh,

In the situation you describe, I guess I would first chip clip '174s for a 
slice of both PCA and PBC on the LA, run the troublesome instruction sequence, 
and look at the trace.  Check that CLKPCA H and CLKPCB H are happening when and 
only when expected, and that all the timing there looks okay.

You would also be able to see good-data-clocked-in-but-bad-data-presented on 
that trace, indicating more failed '174, or see any bad data arriving from the 
ALU upstream.

I'll take a look through the flows after dinner.  The "0002" might be one 
operand used to increment the PC, but the other operand shows up as all zeros 
because of a bad ALU setup?  I guess I'd trace to definitively rule out PCA and 
PCB first, and then move backward around the chain from there verifying the 
ALU, ALU muxs, mux sources, etc.?


WTB: HP 9000-340 memory (HP 98268A), AUI (HP 98235A), SCSI (HP 98658A)

2021-02-15 Thread Chris Hanson via cctalk
I've acquired an HP 9000-340C+ and I'd like to kit it out with the maximum RAM, 
SCSI, and AUI rather than thin Ethernet. Desired:

- RAM boards: HP 98268A RAM board (three of them to get to 16MB, I'd probably 
buy extra just to be safe)
- AUI LAN board: 98571-66534, aka HP 98235A AUI LAN Upgrade
- SCSI board: HP 98658A SCSI Interface Card

Anyone have any of this stuff that they might be interested in parting with?

I'm also always on the lookout for an HP 98556A 2D/integer graphics accelerator 
in case anyone happens to have one that needs a home. That's the integer 
accelerator with a 68020 and some RAM, which piggybacks atop the 98550A 
(1280x1024 8-bit color card) via its extra Eurocard connector.

  -- Chris

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Fred Cisin via cctalk

Thanks for the brochure.
That looks like a fascinating project!
Computerworld mentioned it occasionally in 1980.

I love that "Pl/1 will soon emerge as the dominant language of 

If you haven't already exhausted such leads (apologies if you already 
have), some trivial GOOGLE'ing turned up the name (and autobiography) of a 
guy who designed one of their disk controllers:

Sorry, NO technical details of the controller that he designed.

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Mattis Lind wrote:

Well. Now this is NOT a standard 179x that has written this. As I mentioned
early on in this thread it was not at all possible to read the disks with a
standard controller. The bit rate was off by quite a bit and the general
format is different. So this is not necessarily a CRC at all. The machine
that has written these is the Q1 Lite computer. A very odd mid-seventies

PDP-11/70 progress (and a cry for help)

2021-02-15 Thread Josh Dersch via cctalk
Hi all --

Thought you all might be interested in an update, and I'm also looking for
advice in debugging the current issue I'm hitting.

After replacing the clock crystal on the TIG, the system started showing
signs of life, but the Load Address switch would stop working after being
powered on for 10-30 seconds, but would work fine single-stepping via the
KM11.  Brought the DAP board out onto the extender for debugging and the
problem went away.  Reinstalled the board after cleaning the slot (again)
and the problem hasn't recurred since.  First bad backplane connection, I'm
sure it won't be the last.

After this, addresses could be loaded, data could be toggled into memory.
But instructions wouldn't execute; Tracing through the microcode with the
KM11 indicated that the microcode flow was aborting early and returning to
the main console loop (via BRK.90) before the instruction fetch at FET.00;
this was due to the TMCB BRQ TRUE H signal being stuck high.  Probing of
the TMC board revealed a bad 74H30 at E70, which had its output stuck at
1.65V or so, just high enough to confuse things.

Now instructions would execute but the PC would contain garbage after
execution of an instruction, after tracing the microcode and staring at the
flow diagrams all signs pointed to the PCB register (twin to the PCA
register that is used for storing PC data) having trouble.  Garbage in the
PC after execution was always in bits 6-11, everything else was fine, which
pointed to a 74S174 at H47 on the DAP board.  Replaced and now instructions

Mostly.  They seem to execute properly when single-stepping instructions,
or running off the RC clock at a clock rate of about 16-20Mhz, any faster
than that and things stop working correctly.  This is what I'm currently
banging my head against -- if anyone has any experience with the 11/70 or
wants to stare at the manuals for a bit (and who doesn't?), I'd appreciate
any extra input.

There are a number of different issues, I'm currently focusing on
two-operand instructions that take an immediate argument (MOV #10, R0, or
ADD #42, R5) for example.  The behavior here is a bit befuddling and I
can't quite figure out how it ends up happening, given the microcode.

I'll use ADD as a representative example.

An ADD #10, R0 instruction (followed by HALT) poked in at address 1000
executes properly -- R0 gets 10 -- but afterwards the PC is corrupted: it
contains 2, rather than 1004.  In the general case, "ADD #X, R0" ends with
PC containing 2 + .  (MOV shows the exact same
behavior, except that there's no addition, obviously.)

This value of PC is shown in the Address lights, as well as when examining
the register from the front panel (at 1707).

When single-instruction-stepping the processor this instruction executes
perfectly: R0 gets R0+10, PC is 1004 afterwards (both in the Address lights
and when examining from the front panel).  I have verified with my logic
analyzer that when running normally (i.e. not single-stepping) the
microcode executes the proper sequence of instructions -- which is the same
as executed when single-stepping except at the very end:  In FLOWS 4, after
the D00.90 instruction executes, a branch is taken to BRK.90, which exits
back to the console loop.

I don't believe there should be any other differences in execution between
the two paths -- other than the branch at the end there are no conditional
branches or conditional operations based on whether the CPU is
single-stepping or not.  There's a signal somewhere in there that has just
gone a little bit slow... the trick is finding it.

For reference, the microcode sequence (starting at FET.03, see pg. 5 of is:

334 (FET.03)
260 (FET.10)
343 (IRD.00)
022 (S13.01)
027 (S13.10)
205 (D00.90)
260 (FET.10)
343 (IRD.00)
010 (HLT.00)
316 (HLT.10)
164 (FET.04)
240 (BRK.90)
352 (BRK.00)
170 (CON.00)

You can see it fetching and executing the ADD instruction, then returning
back to FET.10 and executing the next instruction, which is a HALT
instruction (because all other memory contains 0 at this point).  I believe
this is what causes the "+2" portion of the final (incorrect) PC value.
(What's extra odd -- literally -- here is that if you start with a "1" in
R0, the final PC is 3... seemingly indicating a fetch/execution of an
instruction at an odd address, which you'd think would cause a trap

I've been staring at this awhile and I'm puzzled; everything seems to
execute properly, the instruction is fetched and decoded, and the immediate
value is fetched, the ALU does the right thing and the result is properly
stored in R0.  And then the PC gets screwed up, and I'm not quite sure how
that's possible from looking at the microcode, so I'm not quite sure where
to start looking.

I sort of suspect the PCB register again, as this is related to the
difference in behavior between single-stepping and normal execution:  the
branch back to the con

Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Lyle Bickley via cctalk
On Mon, 15 Feb 2021 12:03:47 -0500 (EST)
Noel Chiappa via cctalk  wrote:

> > From: Lars Brinkhoff  
> > Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?  
> Given the SF address, and Peter Samson's signature, this is the _the_ Systems
> Concepts. Never heard of the SC-4, though.
> One oddity: the cover letter is dated 1972, but it talks of "the main G.E.
> computer". GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell in 1970, though?

I contacted Peter Samson regarding a "SC-4" and this was his response:

"There was an SC-40 (made after my time there) which was a fast
PDP-10-compatible system. I don’t know of any SC-4 though."

73   NM6Y
Bickley Consulting West

"Black holes are where God is dividing by zero"

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Mattis Lind via cctalk
Den mån 15 feb. 2021 kl 20:51 skrev Fred Cisin via cctalk <>:

> On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:
> > My guess is that the data that follows the sector ID is some kind of
> > checksum.
> yes.  well, sorta. 16 bit CRC
> A typical IBM/WD style format has:
> a gap
> Index Address Mark
> a gap   (note that WD can use a shorter post index gap than NEC can)
> and then, repeated for each sector:
> {
> a gap
> ID Address Mark,
> C Cylinder number
> H Head number(0,1)
> R Sector number
> N Sector Length  (0:128, 1:256, 2:512, 3:1024)
> 16 bit CRC of the sector header
> a gap
> Data Address Mark
> Sector data  (128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes.  Larger is possible, but
> unlikely)
> 16 bit CRC of the data
> a gap
> }
Well. Now this is NOT a standard 179x that has written this. As I mentioned
early on in this thread it was not at all possible to read the disks with a
standard controller. The bit rate was off by quite a bit and the general
format is different. So this is not necessarily a CRC at all. The machine
that has written these is the Q1 Lite computer. A very odd mid-seventies

Here is an example header:

CNT: 021D5 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954 0001 01000101 01000110 0001
00V00      0V0100100 0V00

"V" is for MFM violation, most likely due to write splicing after the
header when enabling writing. This means that the header is at most 4
bytes. First bytes is track, second byte is sector. The third byte appears
to be the sum of the track and sector byte. The fourth byte is unknown. In
all the tracks it seems to have the same value.


> (This is from memory (error prone?).  The WD1791 datasheet should have
> more detail, including CRC algorithm?, the specific requirements for the
> address marks, and gap contents (write splice, synchronization, etc.))
> --
> Grumpy Ol' Fred

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Chuck Guzis via cctalk
On 2/15/21 11:51 AM, Fred Cisin via cctalk wrote:

> (This is from memory (error prone?).  The WD1791 datasheet should have
> more detail, including CRC algorithm?, the specific requirements for the
> address marks, and gap contents (write splice, synchronization, etc.))

The thing to note is that the mark (data or address) is almost always
included in the CRC calculation.

Also, some early representations could have non-powers of 2 sector
lengths.  (the WD1781 for example, encoded the length in multiples of 16
bytes; the Zilog MCZ used 132 byte sectors).  But they are the exceptions.


Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Fred Cisin via cctalk

On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, Mattis Lind via cctalk wrote:

My guess is that the data that follows the sector ID is some kind of

yes.  well, sorta. 16 bit CRC

A typical IBM/WD style format has:

a gap
Index Address Mark
a gap   (note that WD can use a shorter post index gap than NEC can)

and then, repeated for each sector:
a gap
ID Address Mark, 
C Cylinder number

H Head number(0,1)
R Sector number
N Sector Length  (0:128, 1:256, 2:512, 3:1024)
16 bit CRC of the sector header
a gap
Data Address Mark
Sector data  (128, 256, 512, or 1024 bytes.  Larger is possible, but unlikely)
16 bit CRC of the data
a gap

(This is from memory (error prone?).  The WD1791 datasheet should have 
more detail, including CRC algorithm?, the specific requirements for the 
address marks, and gap contents (write splice, synchronization, etc.))

Grumpy Ol' Fred

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread David Barto via cctalk
Yes, that looks very much like PL/1.


> On Feb 15, 2021, at 11:33 AM, Mattis Lind via cctalk  
> wrote:
> Spent some time. Adjusted the MARK sequences to use 55424954 for address
> mark and 55424945 for data mark.
> That along with a stupid error in the decoder-code that I fixed now result
> in some kind of output:
> CNT: 003BF ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 0040F DATAMARK: 55424945 OKEY   CHAR (1),
>  V
> CNT: 006B5 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 00705 DATAMARK: 55424945 P  POINTER,
>VV   V
> CNT: 009B7 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 00A07 DATAMARK: 55424945 D  CHAR(6) BASED(P),
>p V  V O
> CNT: 00CA1 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 00CF2 DATAMARK: 55424945 DATUM  CHAR(6),
>  'V  V
> CNT: 00F87 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
>  (   V
> CNT: 01277 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 012C8 DATAMARK: 55424945 1 STR  BASED(PP),
>  a  V  V
> CNT: 01569 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 015BC DATAMARK: 55424945   2 X  CHAR(2),
> CNT: 01868 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 018BA DATAMARK: 55424945   2 Y  CHAR(2),  /* 6
> = UKTO,  7 = IKSLAG*/   VV  V
> CNT: 01B46 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 01B99 DATAMARK: 55424945   2 FIRMA  CHAR (1),
>  (   V
> CNT: 01E34 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 01E86 DATAMARK: 55424945   2   OP_KOD   BINARY,
>  V  V
> CNT: 02120 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 02172 DATAMARK: 55424945   2   RADANT   BINARY,
> CNT: 02415 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 02466 DATAMARK: 55424945 T4 CHAR(4),
>V   VH
> CNT: 02713 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
>  ,  V   VH
> CNT: 029FD ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 02CD1 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954
> CNT: 02D23 DATAMARK: 55424945 VERSION CHAR(47) INIT('
> TR10KOLJA  Version
> 1.1  830603');@ V
> What is the programming language? Is it  PL/1?
> It seems like a record on the disk is a line!
> Den mån 15 feb. 2021 kl 18:08 skrev Mattis Lind :
>> I did some more research into this and found that a pattern 0x55509255 for
>> Address mark and 0x55509251 for Data mark could be used to match against
>> the incoming synchronized data stream (pre MFM decoding). These patterns
>> contain the longer flux.
>> I decoded the MFM data after the address mark and both track and sector is
>> visible as what it seems to be valid bit patterns. What is interesting
>> though is that the number of sectors appear to vary among tracks. Track 0
>> had 128 address marks, while quite many had 81 sectors. Still others had 66
>> and a few had 121. I studied track 18 more in detail and there were no gaps
>> in the sector count so I guess nothing is missing. Address marks are spaced
>> over the full number of samples (around 65k per revolution).
>> My guess is that the data that follows the sector ID is some kind of
>> checksum.
>> I tried to understand the data field but wasn't very successful. Tried
>> backwards and forwards and with varying bit offsets for both ASCII and
>> EBCDIC. But not a single valid string. Perhaps my decoder had some fault.
>> Will do a deeper study on the data field.
>> I have put some files here if anyone has some insights:
>> Looking a bit further on the *.addressAndData files I see that it seems
>> that the marks should probably contain the first bit of the decoded data
>> that follows, since when MFM decoded data fields always starts with a 1 and
>> address fields always starts with a 0. Including these also makes sense
>> because then the Track and sector will end up on proper 8 bit boundaries.
>> /Mattis
>> Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:51 skrev Mattis Lind :
>>> Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:06 skrev Chuck Guzis :
 On 2/13/21 11:15 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>As to

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Mattis Lind via cctalk
Spent some time. Adjusted the MARK sequences to use 55424954 for address
mark and 55424945 for data mark.

That along with a stupid error in the decoder-code that I fixed now result
in some kind of output:

CNT: 003BF ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 0040F DATAMARK: 55424945 OKEY   CHAR (1),

CNT: 006B5 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 00705 DATAMARK: 55424945 P  POINTER,
VV   V

CNT: 009B7 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 00A07 DATAMARK: 55424945 D  CHAR(6) BASED(P),
p V  V O

CNT: 00CA1 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 00CF2 DATAMARK: 55424945 DATUM  CHAR(6),
  'V  V

CNT: 00F87 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

  (   V

CNT: 01277 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 012C8 DATAMARK: 55424945 1 STR  BASED(PP),
  a  V  V

CNT: 01569 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 015BC DATAMARK: 55424945   2 X  CHAR(2),

CNT: 01868 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 018BA DATAMARK: 55424945   2 Y  CHAR(2),  /* 6
= UKTO,  7 = IKSLAG*/   VV  V

CNT: 01B46 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 01B99 DATAMARK: 55424945   2 FIRMA  CHAR (1),
  (   V

CNT: 01E34 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 01E86 DATAMARK: 55424945   2   OP_KOD   BINARY,
  V  V

CNT: 02120 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 02172 DATAMARK: 55424945   2   RADANT   BINARY,

CNT: 02415 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

CNT: 02466 DATAMARK: 55424945 T4 CHAR(4),
V   VH

CNT: 02713 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

  ,  V   VH

CNT: 029FD ADDRESS MARK: 55424954


CNT: 02CD1 ADDRESS MARK: 55424954

TR10KOLJA  Version
1.1  830603');@ V

What is the programming language? Is it  PL/1?
It seems like a record on the disk is a line!

Den mån 15 feb. 2021 kl 18:08 skrev Mattis Lind :

> I did some more research into this and found that a pattern 0x55509255 for
> Address mark and 0x55509251 for Data mark could be used to match against
> the incoming synchronized data stream (pre MFM decoding). These patterns
> contain the longer flux.
> I decoded the MFM data after the address mark and both track and sector is
> visible as what it seems to be valid bit patterns. What is interesting
> though is that the number of sectors appear to vary among tracks. Track 0
> had 128 address marks, while quite many had 81 sectors. Still others had 66
> and a few had 121. I studied track 18 more in detail and there were no gaps
> in the sector count so I guess nothing is missing. Address marks are spaced
> over the full number of samples (around 65k per revolution).
> My guess is that the data that follows the sector ID is some kind of
> checksum.
> I tried to understand the data field but wasn't very successful. Tried
> backwards and forwards and with varying bit offsets for both ASCII and
> EBCDIC. But not a single valid string. Perhaps my decoder had some fault.
> Will do a deeper study on the data field.
> I have put some files here if anyone has some insights:
> Looking a bit further on the *.addressAndData files I see that it seems
> that the marks should probably contain the first bit of the decoded data
> that follows, since when MFM decoded data fields always starts with a 1 and
> address fields always starts with a 0. Including these also makes sense
> because then the Track and sector will end up on proper 8 bit boundaries.
> /Mattis
> Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:51 skrev Mattis Lind :
>> Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:06 skrev Chuck Guzis :
>>> On 2/13/21 11:15 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>>> > As to the 8x/5xH intervals, they appear to be part of the
>>> > preamble to address marks.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> > Can you please elaborate!  What do you mean by 8x/5xH intervals?
>>> >
>>> > You think that these fluxes are part of some address mark or data mark,
>>> > right?
>>> By 8x/5xh I mean the intervals that you noted were 84 clocks. 

Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Chuck Guzis via cctalk
On 2/15/21 9:03 AM, Noel Chiappa via cctalk wrote:
> > From: Lars Brinkhoff
> > Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?
> Given the SF address, and Peter Samson's signature, this is the _the_ Systems
> Concepts. Never heard of the SC-4, though.
> One oddity: the cover letter is dated 1972, but it talks of "the main G.E.
> computer". GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell in 1970, though?

Honeywell was still servicing old GE mainframes well into the 1970s.
When a friend who worked at the plant in Phoenix invited me for a tour
ca. 1974, there were still GE systems stashed here and there.


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Lars Brinkhoff

> I suppose that main computer could be the GE-645 on which Multics was
> developed?  And they would still refer to it as G.E.

Oh, it was clearly referring to the Multics machine. I assumed that with the
GE sale being 1970, by '72 it was not a GE machine anymore. But the MIT
Multics site page:

says the H-6180 was installed in November, 1972; shortly after the letter.


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Bill Degnan via cctalk
On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 12:11 PM Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk <> wrote:

> Noel Chiappa wrote:
> > One oddity: the cover letter is dated 1972, but it talks of "the main
> > G.E.  computer". GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell in 1970,
> > though?
> The letter was directed to Project MAC.  I suppose that main computer
> could be the GE-645 on which Multics was developed?  And they would
> still refer to it as G.E.

That's what I was thinking.

Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk
Noel Chiappa wrote:
> One oddity: the cover letter is dated 1972, but it talks of "the main
> G.E.  computer". GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell in 1970,
> though?

The letter was directed to Project MAC.  I suppose that main computer
could be the GE-645 on which Multics was developed?  And they would
still refer to it as G.E.

Re: Deciphering an odd floppy disk format.

2021-02-15 Thread Mattis Lind via cctalk
I did some more research into this and found that a pattern 0x55509255 for
Address mark and 0x55509251 for Data mark could be used to match against
the incoming synchronized data stream (pre MFM decoding). These patterns
contain the longer flux.

I decoded the MFM data after the address mark and both track and sector is
visible as what it seems to be valid bit patterns. What is interesting
though is that the number of sectors appear to vary among tracks. Track 0
had 128 address marks, while quite many had 81 sectors. Still others had 66
and a few had 121. I studied track 18 more in detail and there were no gaps
in the sector count so I guess nothing is missing. Address marks are spaced
over the full number of samples (around 65k per revolution).

My guess is that the data that follows the sector ID is some kind of

I tried to understand the data field but wasn't very successful. Tried
backwards and forwards and with varying bit offsets for both ASCII and
EBCDIC. But not a single valid string. Perhaps my decoder had some fault.
Will do a deeper study on the data field.

I have put some files here if anyone has some insights:

Looking a bit further on the *.addressAndData files I see that it seems
that the marks should probably contain the first bit of the decoded data
that follows, since when MFM decoded data fields always starts with a 1 and
address fields always starts with a 0. Including these also makes sense
because then the Track and sector will end up on proper 8 bit boundaries.


Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:51 skrev Mattis Lind :

> Den lör 13 feb. 2021 kl 21:06 skrev Chuck Guzis :
>> On 2/13/21 11:15 AM, Mattis Lind wrote:
>> > As to the 8x/5xH intervals, they appear to be part of the
>> > preamble to address marks.
>> >
>> >
>> > Can you please elaborate!  What do you mean by 8x/5xH intervals?
>> >
>> > You think that these fluxes are part of some address mark or data mark,
>> > right?
>> By 8x/5xh I mean the intervals that you noted were 84 clocks.  Consider
>> a part of your sample:
>> > 3f0  20 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e  1f 1e 20 1e 20 1d 20 1e  | .
>> . . .|
>> > 0400  20 1e 20 1e 1f 1d 20 1d  20 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e  | . ... .
>> ...|
>> > 0410  1f 1e 20 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e  1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e  |..
>> .|
>> > 0420  22 20 39 30 1f 2e 1f 1d  20 1e 20 1d 1f 1e 20 1d  |" 90 .
>> ... .|
>> > 0430  20 1e 20 1e 20 1d 1f 1e  1f 1e 1f 1e 20 1e 1f 1e  | . .
>> ... ...|
>> > 0440  1f 1e 1f 1e 20 1d 20 1e  1f 1e 1f 1d 20 1e 1f 1e  | .
>> . ...|
>> > 0450  20 1d 1f 1c 54 2d 30 2e  1f 1d 1f 2f 1f 1d 1f 1d  |
>> ...T-0/|
>> > 0460  30 40 2f 2e 1e 1c 43 1b  44 2d 1e 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e  |0@
>> /...C.D-..|
>> > 0470  1f 2f 31 1d 1f 1e 1f 1e  1f 1e 1f 1c 21 1e 1f 1f
>> |./1.!...|
>> > 0480  1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f  1e 1f 1e 1f 1f 1e 1f 1e
>> ||
>> > 0490  1f 1e 1f 1f 1e 1e 1f 1e  1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1e 1f
>> ||
>> > 04a0  1f 1e 1f 1f 1f 1d 1d 53  2d 2f 2d 1d 42 1d 2e 30
>> |...S-/-.B..0|
>> > 04b0  2f 1e 1e 1f 1e 1e 30 30  1e 1e 1e 1e 1e 30 2f 1e
>> |/.00.0/.|
>> Note that the 54 at 0454 appears to be the preamble to an address mark.
>>  Similarly, we can see the same here:
>> > 0740  20 1e 20 1d 20 1e 20 1e  20 1d 20 1e 20 1d 20 1d  | . . . . .
>> . . .|
>> > 0750  1f 1e 20 1e 1e 1c 54 2c  30 2e 1f 1d 20 2f 1e 1e  |..
>> ...T,0... /..|
>> > 0760  1f 1d 30 40 2f 2e 1f 1d  1f 30 1e 2f 30 1d 1f 1d  |..0@
>> /0./0...|
>> > 0770  31 2e 1e 2f 30 1d 1f 1e  20 1e 1f 1e 1f 1f 27 1e  |1../0...
>> .'.|
>> > 0780  30 2f 1d 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f  1e 1f 1e 1f 1f 1f 1e 1f
>> |0/..|
>> > 0790  1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f  1e 1f 1f 1f 1e 1f 1e 1f
>> ||
>> > 07a0  1e 1f 1e 1f 1f 1e 1d 53  2d 2f 2e 1d 42 1c 40 42
>> |...S-/..B.@B|
>> > 07b0  2e 2e 1c 43 2c 2e 41 1c  40 42 2c 2f 2f 1e 30 1e  |...C,.A.@B
>> ,//.0.|
>> > 07c0  30 1d 30 30 2e 1d 31 1e  1e 1f 1e 31 1d 1d 43 2e
>> |0.00..11..C.|
>> > 07d0  1d 30 30 1e 1e 1f 1e 1e  30 30 1d 1f 1f 1e 1e 31
>> |.00.00.1|
>> Note the 54 at 0756 at the start of what appears to be an ID address
>> mark and the 53 at 07a7 at the start of what appears to be a data
>> address mark.
> That makes sense. I tried to hand decode the section directly after 0756
> and it decoded fine as mfm. No violations. And I could see something that
> could possibly be the value 5 which would then correspond to track 5. Now I
> can try to write a piece of software that handles it and see if this gives
> something useful. I have a directory listing so somewhere I think I could
> match up what I get with that printout.
> /Mattis
>> --Chuck

Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Noel Chiappa via cctalk
> From: Lars Brinkhoff

> Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?

Given the SF address, and Peter Samson's signature, this is the _the_ Systems
Concepts. Never heard of the SC-4, though.

One oddity: the cover letter is dated 1972, but it talks of "the main G.E.
computer". GE's computer business was sold to Honeywell in 1970, though?


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk
Lars Brinkhoff wrote:
> Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?
> "This is an two's-complement 18-bit machine, with 16 general registers
> and a 16 level priority interrupt system.  Its programming ascpects
> are explained in great detail in the SC-4 Reference Manual, of which a
> draft is enclosed."
> From page 6 here:

Eric Moore wrote:
> You can see some info on the systems (gould SEL) concept line here, but
> looking at that PDF, systems concepts was something different.

Yes, something different.  Systems Concepts was formed by Stewart Nelson
and Mike Levitt, made some early equipment for the MIT AI lab PDP-10
computer, and later the successful SA-10 disk controller compatible with
IBM disks.  In the 80s they went on to make the SC-30M and SC-40
computers which where compatible with DEC's KL10.  But this SC-4
computer was apparently something else.

RE: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday

2021-02-15 Thread Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk

> -Original Message-
> From: cctalk  On Behalf Of Paul Koning via
> cctalk
> Sent: 15 February 2021 15:17
> To: Paul Koning ;
> Subject: Re: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday
> > On Feb 15, 2021, at 10:13 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk
>  wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >> On Feb 15, 2021, at 7:23 AM, osi.superboard via cctalk
>  wrote:
> >>
> >> 75 years ago, February 15, 1946
> >> The ENIAC, presented to the public in 1946, is - depending on the
> definition - the first programmable digital computer in the world. Its
> programmers were primarily women: so-called refrigerator ladies (seen
> here: Gloria Ruth Gordon and Ester Gerston) spent hours flipping switches
> and swapping cable connections - the first computer input devices -
> >
> > Not so much input devices as rather program storage devices.  ENIAC
> wasn't a stored-program machine.
> That was confusing.  I meant that ENIAC wasn't a Von Neumann machine --
> the program isn't stored in its data read/write memory.

I think it corresponds more to the "Havard" architecture, but for a machine
with "unlimited" memory the two architectures can be shown to be equivalent,
in terms of computing capability.

>   paul


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Eric Moore via cctalk
Yes, SEL was referred to as systems, but like I said that PDF does not seem
to be referring to an SEL product. Probably just a coincidence, but maybe


On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 9:16 AM Bill Degnan  wrote:

> A clue from Dan Roganti's web page or did "they" used to refer to SEL as
> "Systems" back then and are you saying that the SC=4 is an SEL product?
> (Systems [engineering labs] - Concept [4] ?
> Bill
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 10:08 AM Eric Moore via cctalk <
>> wrote:
>> You can see some info on the systems (gould SEL) concept line here, but
>> looking at that PDF, systems concepts was something different.
>> -Eric
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 4:47 AM Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk <
>>> wrote:
>> > Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?
>> >
>> >  "This is an two's-complement 18-bit machine, with 16 general registers
>> >   and a 16 level priority interrupt system.  Its programming ascpects
>> >   are explained in great detail in the SC-4 Reference Manual, of which a
>> >   draft is enclosed.  Below are times for some typical instructions.
>> >
>> >   Add word on stack (not top word) to general register  1.5 us
>> >   Multiply general register by memory word  6.2 us
>> >   Jump  750 ns
>> >   Push and Jump 1.5 us
>> >   Compare Immediate 750 ns"
>> >
>> > From page 6 here:
>> >
>> >
>> >

Re: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday

2021-02-15 Thread Paul Koning via cctalk

> On Feb 15, 2021, at 10:13 AM, Paul Koning via cctalk  
> wrote:
>> On Feb 15, 2021, at 7:23 AM, osi.superboard via cctalk 
>>  wrote:
>> 75 years ago, February 15, 1946
>> The ENIAC, presented to the public in 1946, is - depending on the definition 
>> - the first programmable digital computer in the world. Its first 
>> programmers were primarily women: so-called refrigerator ladies (seen here: 
>> Gloria Ruth Gordon and Ester Gerston) spent hours flipping switches and 
>> swapping cable connections - the first computer input devices -
> Not so much input devices as rather program storage devices.  ENIAC wasn't a 
> stored-program machine. 

That was confusing.  I meant that ENIAC wasn't a Von Neumann machine -- the 
program isn't stored in its data read/write memory.


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Bill Degnan via cctalk
A clue from Dan Roganti's web page or did "they" used to refer to SEL as
"Systems" back then and are you saying that the SC=4 is an SEL product?
(Systems [engineering labs] - Concept [4] ?


On Mon, Feb 15, 2021 at 10:08 AM Eric Moore via cctalk <> wrote:

> You can see some info on the systems (gould SEL) concept line here, but
> looking at that PDF, systems concepts was something different.
> -Eric
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 4:47 AM Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk <
>> wrote:
> > Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?
> >
> >  "This is an two's-complement 18-bit machine, with 16 general registers
> >   and a 16 level priority interrupt system.  Its programming ascpects
> >   are explained in great detail in the SC-4 Reference Manual, of which a
> >   draft is enclosed.  Below are times for some typical instructions.
> >
> >   Add word on stack (not top word) to general register  1.5 us
> >   Multiply general register by memory word  6.2 us
> >   Jump  750 ns
> >   Push and Jump 1.5 us
> >   Compare Immediate 750 ns"
> >
> > From page 6 here:
> >
> >
> >

Re: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday

2021-02-15 Thread Paul Koning via cctalk

> On Feb 15, 2021, at 7:23 AM, osi.superboard via cctalk 
>  wrote:
> 75 years ago, February 15, 1946
> The ENIAC, presented to the public in 1946, is - depending on the definition 
> - the first programmable digital computer in the world. Its first programmers 
> were primarily women: so-called refrigerator ladies (seen here: Gloria Ruth 
> Gordon and Ester Gerston) spent hours flipping switches and swapping cable 
> connections - the first computer input devices -

Not so much input devices as rather program storage devices.  ENIAC wasn't a 
stored-program machine.  And of course read-only program memories have a long 
history, going back to the Atanasoff-Berry digital computer years earlier, 
through the ROM of the Electrologica X1 and the Apollo Guidance Computer, to 
the deadstart panel toggle switch boot ROM of the CDC mainframes.


Re: Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Eric Moore via cctalk

You can see some info on the systems (gould SEL) concept line here, but
looking at that PDF, systems concepts was something different.


On Mon, Feb 15, 2021, 4:47 AM Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk <> wrote:

> Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?
>  "This is an two's-complement 18-bit machine, with 16 general registers
>   and a 16 level priority interrupt system.  Its programming ascpects
>   are explained in great detail in the SC-4 Reference Manual, of which a
>   draft is enclosed.  Below are times for some typical instructions.
>   Add word on stack (not top word) to general register  1.5 us
>   Multiply general register by memory word  6.2 us
>   Jump  750 ns
>   Push and Jump 1.5 us
>   Compare Immediate 750 ns"
> From page 6 here:

RE: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday

2021-02-15 Thread Dave Wade G4UGM via cctalk
> -Original Message-
> From: cctalk  On Behalf Of osi.superboard
> via cctalk
> Sent: 15 February 2021 12:23
> To:
> Subject: Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday
> 75 years ago, February 15, 1946
> The ENIAC, presented to the public in 1946, is - depending on the definition -
> the first programmable digital computer in the world. Its first programmers
> were primarily women: so-called refrigerator ladies (seen here: Gloria Ruth
> Gordon and Ester Gerston) spent hours flipping switches and swapping cable
> connections - the first computer input devices - to tell the programmable
> digital computer what it has to do next.

If believe that Tom Haigh, Mark Priestley, and Crispin Rope showed that in 
June? 1948 ENIAC ran the first "Modern" electronic computer program
They used the banks of switches originally intended to store variable 
parameters to store the instructions so in effect the program was stored in a 
"prom" or "rom"..
.. I would say the first "electronic programme". About a month later the "Baby" 
in Manchester ran a program from RAM...

Once the machine was, I suppose "micro-coded" they seldom re-plugged it, but 
simply put the program into the switches.

> in/1000x0/


Programming in 1946 - ENIAC's Birthday

2021-02-15 Thread osi.superboard via cctalk

75 years ago, February 15, 1946
The ENIAC, presented to the public in 1946, is - depending on the 
definition - the first programmable digital computer in the world. Its 
first programmers were primarily women: so-called refrigerator ladies 
(seen here: Gloria Ruth Gordon and Ester Gerston) spent hours flipping 
switches and swapping cable connections - the first computer input 
devices - to tell the programmable digital computer what it has to do next.

Systems Concepts SC-4 computer

2021-02-15 Thread Lars Brinkhoff via cctalk
Anyone ever heard of the Systems Concepts SC-4 computer?

 "This is an two's-complement 18-bit machine, with 16 general registers
  and a 16 level priority interrupt system.  Its programming ascpects
  are explained in great detail in the SC-4 Reference Manual, of which a
  draft is enclosed.  Below are times for some typical instructions.

  Add word on stack (not top word) to general register  1.5 us
  Multiply general register by memory word  6.2 us
  Jump  750 ns
  Push and Jump 1.5 us
  Compare Immediate 750 ns"

>From page 6 here: