HP 1670E logic analyzer QUESTION ??

2020-01-05 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk

This equipment is said to have an internal 2 Go HD.

Who knows what KIND of HD  ??  HP SCSI  ??


FS : IBM Magnetic cards for IBM selectric "compocarte" (?)

2020-01-03 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
A guy, in Europ, sells a box of IBM magnetic cards, used on IBM 
"Compcarte" ( sorry, french "name" )

They seems in medium state, at least,  but I think these are pretty 
rare. So, if somebody is interested .


FS : Diablo 630 Print Wheels ( x4 )

2019-12-23 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk

Any Diablo 630 printer owners around ?

You might be interested by : lot of 4 daisy wheels, one sligtly damaged 


Not affiliated    etc ...

Box of HP 1000 series MUX cards - 12040

2019-07-14 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk

The right question is : Does theses worth $ 600 as gold scrap ??

Certainly NOT, so . This is "If you want that scrap, you pay a 
premium ".

A premium for what   ( or for who ) ??

Daisywhell typewriter emulating a TTY

2019-04-10 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
I would like to emulate a TTY, using a daisywheel typewriter.
One immediately think : " Find an IBM Selectric, a Friden flexowriter or a like 
But NO, I want something less complex, mechanical wise. 
That's why I want to investigate on daisywheel typewriters.
I am aware of IBM Actionwriter and Triumph/Adler/Royal Gabriele 9009 that can 
be used
as a printer with a dedicated interface BUT that is one way only : Printer only 
>From my investigation,  so far ***, KEYBOARD does not send ( upload ? ) 
>any signals.
( or a special command code is required ?? )

Any suggestion for "others" daisywhell typewriters that could do
OR someone already went this way ?
OR any documentation ( even user's manual ) on the dedicated interface :
( IF 600 Computer Interface for Triumph/Adler/Royal Gabriele 9009 )
(  ???name???  for IBM Actionwriter )

HELP needed on a vocabulary problem ;-)

2019-03-18 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
The TECHNICAL problem : I am repairing a not so old electric typewriter.
I need to replace what I call : a flexible printed circuit ( strip / ribbon /  
what's the "correct" word ??? ) *** AND *** the associated connector
I searched Mouse, Digikey, Arrow, etc ... catalogues and find absolutly nothing 

I think I DO NOT use the correct WORD(s) for my search.

What are the "usual" words for the TWO items I describe ??
Many thanks for your help, Guys

Fw: BASIC for HP 1000, 21xx series

2019-02-24 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Thanks Guys,
You are amazing.  I got more informations than I can use over the next four 
weeks ! THANKS.

BASIC for HP 1000, 21xx series

2019-02-24 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Back in ''70, sometimes we were running "basic" BASIC ( NOT Time sharing ) on 
2116B, 2100A, just for FUN.

Is there some copy still around ??

I had a look in Google, Bitsavers, HPmuseum, with NO success.

Thank for help and/or advise.

HP1000 L series, FULL LIST ( UPDATED )

2019-02-11 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
All boards are corroded.
May be some can be saved ?

I am offering :

12002 B  XL Ctrl   512 Kb  51x0-013  x = ?Pictures available

12001 C CPU 12001-80001 Has the 1AB5-6001  "HP SoS processor"  with 
Two EPROM  ( 12001-80006 and 80007 )

Any interest in imaging these ? BUT, ** I ** cannot do it !

A ser   Qty TWO   12005-60010 Has the  1AF5-6001 "HP SoS processor" 

HP_IB  12009-6x00   x=?   with  1AA6-6004  and  1AC5-6001

12021A Cntrl R   12021-60001   has the 3 Eprom
 and Nec P16175-12  /   Intel  D8291A  / ?  FD1791A
 Eprom :  2116, white ceramic, labeled : 5180 -  0144,  0137,  0136 
   (  U43, U53, U63 )

Any interest in imaging these ? BUT, ** I ** cannot do it !

Backplane   2 column, 4 row   a slight scrubbing may be enough

Card Cage, if needed : Fine

Power supply   seems in great condition. Will check more closely, if needed.

Battery board   !Only the relays and buzzer can be saved  !

Case ?? Who would like a case  ??  ;-)


Remember : I live in France ( shipping . )

Small item ...  free
Medium items ( cards )  .  shipping  cost
Large items   shipping cost plus a fee for packing material and my time.

Will wait a full week, to see if BOARDS are asked for, before making PARTS 

HP 1000 M-series KEY PANEL BOARDS ( with Keys ;-) ) EBAY

2019-02-08 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
 Did you see it  ?? Someone interested  ??

LOT of 6 units Qty 6  !!!  Seller asking $200 or  OFFER


Not affiliated  etc  etc

WTB : Card extender for HP 21xx ( Fit from 2116 to 21MX )

2019-02-05 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Hi Al.

$ 60, plus shipping ?

I live close to Paris, France.  Zip Code : 77310 

( Payment through Paypal seems the only way ?? )

On an other subject, did you see my previous cctalk post on imaging HP 1000 L 
series Eprom ?  Any interest ? 

Best regards


WTB : Card extender for HP 21xx ( Fit from 2116 to 21MX )

2019-02-04 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
All is in the title.
An other very long shoot, isn't it ? ;-)

WTB : CTL, CTuL 9956 ??

2019-02-04 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
This is a (very ) long shoot  !
I am looking for ( Fairchild ? ) CTL / CTuL  9956 chips.
Anyone ? Thanks.

HP 1000 L series, parts available, anyone ??

2019-02-04 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
I own a HP 1000 L series 200
Cards are badly corroded at connectors level  BUT some other parts are in very 
good shape.

I can offer, 

HP "special SoS" processors:  1AA6-60004,  1AC5,   1AB5,  1AF5 ( - 60001 )

The set of (3) Eprom  
I cannot image them, but I am willing to send them to someone that will do it.
Al. may be ?

The power supply seems in pristine state. Just have to check more closely if 

Other parts ?  just ask.

"fee" :Eprom, free
 Processors : shipping cost
 Power supply : shipping cost + a little more for packing material 
and my time.

I am in France, close to Paris.

HP 9885M x 3 FS on Ebay

2018-09-27 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
lot of 3 x HP9885 M( 8 " drive, Master )

cosmetic so so, power on,   offer(s) accepted


Any interest ??

Not affiliated etc, etc 

Rayethon Computer AN/FYK9 CMI Store 33

2018-09-25 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
@ Chuck,

I know you know about the FST1 computer ( 24 bit ).
Do you know that there is ( now ?? ) a bit of documentation about it on 
Bytesavers ??

in  PDF/Fairchild/Sentry  

Troubleshooting HP 2116B

2018-07-28 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
I absolutly agree with David s post.
Back in the ' '70 when I was maintaining 3 x HP 2116 B running 24/24 7/7  FOR 
around 10 YEARS,
 the ONLY memory related problem that I got was traced to a faulty transistor !!

( But I do not recall exactly, may be it was on a Driver Inhbit Card )
Anyway, from this only one case , not statisticaly signifiant   ;-)the 
problem was a Tx, not a C.I.  
Wish you the same ...

RK05 spindle pulleys - trade 50Hz vs 60Hz?

2018-07-25 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Why don't you simply power it through an inverter that will output 60 Hz, 
eventually even "down to" 120 V , true sine wave, of course ??? They are not 
that expensive by now. 
And be carefull : motor designed for 60 Hz, running "under" 50 Hz, OR THE 
OPPOSITE, I do not recall  !!!, display a significant reduced life time.
I have to check which is which, but I know this is a question of saturated 
magnetic field. Better check first.

HP-2116 front panel lamps

2018-07-25 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
When I was "doing sort of " C.E. for 2116  ( 1971 _ 1981 ), we were using CM 
380  as replacement. Even longer life !!

Message Reply with quotation

2018-03-21 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Hello Guys,

It seems that YOU can reply to cctech message(s) with "quoting" the answered 

How do you do that ???

Thanks for your help.  Gerard

Quad density Pertec

2018-03-21 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Reply to :I note that the Kennedy incremental 7 inch reel drive in the NASA 
case hasn't attracted a lot of interest.

That sample tape that I got, however does verify that the parity track
on this telemetry stuff is unused.   So that explains the 8 data inputs
with no parity on the NASA model.

--ChuckWell, at least ONE person was interested ... Me  BUT the vendor does 
not offerinternational shipping ( to France ), and does not care answering mail 
 :-(Though tape transport is already "packed"  ;-)Gerard

HP 1000 system in Europe

2018-03-01 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
NICE system  !!

I would have love it but hadn't room for it  too sad  :-((

Where did in goes ??? ( Which country, in Europ, I think ?  )


Vintage HP 1000 Floating point processor ( EBAY )

2017-08-08 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Seems it found a new home  !!  ( One bid )

I am curious : From someone on this forum ???

PS : I was NOT interested by this processor  ;-)by now, I have my 1000 
Lseries to play with, that is enought for now.

Vintage HP 1000 Floating point processor ( EBAY )

2017-08-03 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
On sale in Ebay ( $ 99 )

Disclaimer : Not affiliated etc 


BTW, anyone "playing" with some HP 1000 L series ??

Cleaning a board slightly oxydized ??

2017-07-30 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
What is the best way to clean a ( populated ) board lightly oxydized  , that 
shows light green copper oxyde spots ( only on the components side ) ??

Toothbrush +  ??

Steve Garcia / Micromint SB180

2017-07-05 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Sorry for this late UPDATE !

Replies were numerous, S180 has been claimed. Thanks guys.

 Original Message - 
From: GerardCJAT 
To: cct...@classiccmp.org 
Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2017 6:33 PM
Subject: Steve Garcia / Micromint SB180

Remember it ? 

I have an almost brand new one, powered only half dozen times. ( was running 
CPM ...  Good old days   ;-)   )

It is free to a good home, but I expect you to pay packaging and shipping from 

I do not know if you can contact me off line.  :-(   Please, try and let me 
know  !!

Steve Garcia / Micromint SB180

2017-07-02 Thread GerardCJAT via cctalk
Remember it ? 

I have an almost brand new one, powered only half dozen times. ( was running 
CPM ...  Good old days   ;-)   )

It is free to a good home, but I expect you to pay packaging and shipping from 

I do not know if you can contact me off line.  :-(   Please, try and let me 
know  !!