Re: FW: More 8085a oddities

2017-03-10 Thread steven canning via cctalk
Sorry Adrian I feel like I'm coming in at the end of the movie here . My
code pig ( software guy ) learned the hard way that you ALWAYS need to
start 8085 code with an " F3 "  (HEX ) DI disable interrupts command so
that you can have all your ducks lined up before you get an Interrupt (
whether real or imagined ) otherwise you can jump to some weird a$$ address
that will do something unwanted . Just a thought .

Best regards , Steven

On Sun, Mar 5, 2017 at 10:25 AM, Adrian Graham via cctalk <> wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I didn't see the message at the bottom of this one arrive since I think I
> sent it JUST as the list software was being changed over.
> Gah, having just looked again I realise I've sent it from not the address
> I've subbed with. PEBCAK there :)
> Since then I discovered the -5V rail for the 4116s had dropped to -4.2V
> which was out of spec for both types of RAM on this box so on Chuck's
> suggestion I swapped the 560ohm resistor/zener combo that was powering this
> rail for a 79L05 regulator and the DRAMs now have all 3 voltages steady.
> No change in behaviour though. I'm baffled as to why the upper address bus
> doesn't blip once RESET goes high. HOLD is permanently pulled low so it's
> not that.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers!
> --
> Adrian/Witchy
> Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
> - the UK's biggest private home computer
> collection?
> -- Forwarded Message
> From: Adrian Graham 
> Date: Sun, 26 Feb 2017 23:34:50 +
> To: "Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts" 
> Conversation: More  8085a oddities
> Subject: More  8085a oddities
> Hi folks,
> After a few days break I came back to my 8085a-powered phone system this
> weekend and it's decided to go on strike. By that I mean the processor
> locks
> up after only a few cycles so doesn't get as far as attempting to read
> anything, when it freezes the S0/S1/WR status lines are all high which
> shouldn't be possible since S0/S1 high should be 'Fetch' according to the
> manual, not WRITE.
> Vcc, RESET and clock are good and I can't see any other external signal
> which might hold the CPU. The PSU is good and putting out +5/+12/-12 as it
> should. CPU checks out in another 8085 system I forgot I had.
> Interestingly my analyser shows the upper half of the address bus doesn't
> change while the lower half manages a single transition, as does the ALE
> signal. From the CPU both halves of the address bus go directly to a
> 74LS373
> each which both check out OK on a breadboard circuit I made up earlier.
> ROMs are all OK and the lines themselves back to the LS373 and CPU check
> out
> with little resistance.
> I'm stumped and can't help but think this is something stupid which I'm
> overlooking. Maybe more sleep will help.
> Cheers!
> --
> Adrian/Witchy
> Binary Dinosaurs creator/curator
> - the UK's biggest private home computer
> collection?
> -- End of Forwarded Message

IMSAI keyboard kit ?

2017-06-29 Thread steven canning via cctalk
If memory serves me ( it usually doesn't ) there was a guy named Dave ( ? )
that was selling IMSAI keyboard kits ? Is Dave or ?? still with us and are
kits still available ?

Please advise and thanks , Steven KJ6STF